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The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a complex and vital role throughout the process of cartilage formation. Fibronectin is a large ECM glycoprotein with an important role in various developmental processes, including skeletogenesis. Taking advantage of the known sequence of cartilage development in zebrafish and using an immunohistochemical stain for collagen type II to identify differentiation phase cartilage, we evaluate the distribution of fibronectin in various cartilaginous elements of the zebrafish (elements of the splanchnocranium, and of the dorsal, caudal, pelvic and pectoral fins). Contrary to what is observed in tetrapods, our data on zebrafish indicate the apparent lack of fibronectin during the condensation phase of cartilage development. This lack is possibly linked to the high developmental rate of the zebrafish and the small size of the condensations, which brings different needs for the extracellular environment to ensure cell survival. Furthermore, the fin disk cartilage of the pectoral fin develops an ECM with a strong fibronectin signal, whereas other cartilage elements show only a weak fibronectin signal in early differentiation, which gradually disappears. Thus, the pectoral fin disk cartilage is unique not only because of its specific way of development (subdivision of a continuous plate into four elements, the proximal radials), but also because of its strong fibronectin‐positive ECM.  相似文献   

During posthatching development the fins of fishes undergo striking changes in both structure and function. In this article we examine the development of the pectoral fins from larval through adult life history stages in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), describing in detail their pectoral muscle morphology. We explore the development of muscle structure as a way to interpret the fins' role in locomotion. Genetic approaches in the zebrafish model are providing new tools for examining fin development and we take advantage of transgenic lines in which fluorescent protein is expressed in specific tissues to perform detailed three-dimensional, in vivo fin imaging. The fin musculature of larval zebrafish is organized into two thin sheets of fibers, an abductor and adductor, one on each side of an endoskeletal disk. Through the juvenile stage the number of muscle fibers increases and muscle sheets cleave into distinct muscle subdivisions as fibers orient to the developing fin skeleton. By the end of the juvenile period the pectoral girdle and fin muscles have reoriented to take on the adult organization. We find that this change in morphology is associated with a switch of fin function from activity during axial locomotion in larvae to use in swim initiation and maneuvering in adults. The examination of pectoral fins of the zebrafish highlights the yet to be explored diversity of fin structure and function in subadult developmental stages. J. Morphol. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in the posterior vertebrate limb bud mesenchyme and directs anteroposterior patterning and growth during limb development. Here we report an analysis of the pectoral fin phenotype of zebrafish sonic you mutants, which disrupt the shh gene. We show that Shh is required for the establishment of some aspects of anteroposterior polarity, while other aspects of anteroposterior polarity are established independently of Shh, and only later come to depend on Shh for their maintenance. We also demonstrate that Shh is required for the activation of posterior HoxD genes by retinoic acid. Finally, we show that Shh is required for normal development of the apical ectodermal fold, for growth of the fin bud, and for formation of the fin endoskeleton.  相似文献   

The pectoral fins of Acipenseriformes possess endoskeletons with elements homologous to both the fin radials of teleosts and the limb bones of tetrapods. Here we present a study of pectoral fin development in the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, and the white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, which reveals that aspects of both teleost and tetrapod endoskeletal patterning mechanisms are present in Acipenseriformes. Those elements considered homologous to teleost radials, the propterygium and the mesopterygial radials, form via subdivision of an initially chondrogenic plate of mesenchymal cells called the endoskeletal disc. In Acipenseriformes, elements homologous to the sarcopterygian metapterygium develop separately from the endoskeletal disc as an outgrowth of the endoskeletal shoulder girdle that extends into the posterior margin of the finbud. As in tetrapods, the elongating metapterygium and the metapterygial radials form in a proximal to distal order as discrete condensations from initially nonchondrogenic mesenchyme. Patterns of variation seen in the Acipenseriform fin also correlate with putative homology: all variants from the "normal" fin bauplan involved the metapterygium and the metapterygial radials alone. The primary factor distinguishing Polyodon and Acipenser fin development from each other is the composition of the endoskeletal extracellular matrix. Proteoglycans (visualized with Alcian Blue) and Type II collagen (visualized by immunohistochemistry) are secreted in different places within the mesenchymal anlage of the fin elements and girdle and at different developmental times. Acipenseriform pectoral fins differ from the fins of teleosts in the relative contribution of the endoskeleton and dermal rays. The fins of Polyodon and Acipenser possess elaborate endoskeletons overlapped along their distal margins by dermal lepidotrichia. In contrast, teleost fins generally possess relatively small endoskeletal radials that articulate with the dermal fin skeleton terminally, with little or no proximodistal overlap.  相似文献   

In Polyodon spathula, the pectoral fin radials, with the exception of the metapterygium, are derived from the decomposition of a single continuous cartilage fin plate that is continuous with the scapulocoracoid. This cartilage sheet develops two interior splits to form three precursor pieces, and these decompose in a predictable way to generate the propterygium and radials. The metapterygium is an extension of the scapulocoracoid that segments off of it during early development. To our knowledge, this has not been reported for acipenserids or other basal actinopterygians. In teleosts, the proximal radials also develop from the "break up" of an initially continuous paddle-like sheet of cartilage along the posterior edge of the scapulocoracoid, and in Polypterus and sharks a similar pattern holds. Thus, the pattern observed in Polyodon may represent the basal developmental condition for the gnathostome pectoral fin. The process underlying development of the superficially similar cartilages of the pelvic and pectoral fins is different. In the pectoral fin, the metapterygium is segmented off of the scapulocoracoid and other radials form from the decomposition of the cartilage plate. In contrast, individual rod-like basipterygial elements form in a close one-to-one correspondence with the middle radials of the pelvic fin, but later fuse to form an anterior element that is branched in appearance. To evaluate further claims of similarity among the pectoral and pelvic fin elements of various fishes, the course of the development of these structures must be observed. The pectoral fin and girdle in Polyodon ossifies in a different sequence than that proposed as ancestral (and highly conserved) for actinopterygians: the supracleithrum ossifies significantly before the cleithrum. The later ossification of the cleithrum in Polyodon may be related to the primary use of the caudal fin vs. the pectoral fins in their locomotion.  相似文献   

The Rhizodontida are an extinct order of large, predatory, lobe-finned fishes, found world-wide in Devonian and Carboniferous freshwater deposits. They are thought to be basal members of the tetrapod lineage. In this paper the pectoral fin skeleton of Rhizodus hibberti , a derived member of the group, is described in detail for the first time. It shows that muscular processes of the humerus (the deltoid and supinator processes) may have appeared later in tetrapod evolution than previously thought. The rhizodontids share an unusual fin-ray morphology, with highly elongated basal hemisegments, overlapping extensively with the endoskeleton. This morphology raises the possibility that segmentation and endoskeletal overlap share some common upstream genetic control during lepidotrichial development. The relative size of the lepidotrichia and the complexity of the endoskeleton does not fit with a 'clockface' model of limb developmental evolution.  相似文献   

Mineralized cartilage in the skeleton of chondrichthyan fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cartilaginous endoskeleton of chondrichthyan fishes (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) exhibits complex arrangements and morphologies of calcified tissues that vary with age, species, feeding behavior, and location in the body. Understanding of the development, evolutionary history and function of these tissue types has been hampered by the lack of a unifying terminology. In order to facilitate reciprocal illumination between disparate fields with convergent interests, we present levels of organization in which crystal orientation/size delimits three calcification types (areolar, globular, and prismatic) that interact in two distinct skeletal types, vertebral and tessellated cartilage. The tessellated skeleton is composed of small blocks (tesserae) of calcified cartilage (both prismatic and globular) overlying a core of unmineralized cartilage, while vertebral cartilage usually contains all three types of calcification.  相似文献   

BackgroundLiving gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) comprise two divisions, Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes, including euchondrichthyans with prismatic calcified cartilage, and extinct stem chondrichthyans) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes including tetrapods). Most of the early chondrichthyan (‘shark’) record is based upon isolated teeth, spines, and scales, with the oldest articulated sharks that exhibit major diagnostic characters of the group—prismatic calcified cartilage and pelvic claspers in males—being from the latest Devonian, c. 360 Mya. This paucity of information about early chondrichthyan anatomy is mainly due to their lack of endoskeletal bone and consequent low preservation potential.Conclusions/SignificanceThe Meckel’s cartilages show a jaw articulation surface dominated by an expansive cotylus, and a small mandibular knob, an unusual condition for chondrichthyans. The scapulocoracoid of the new specimen shows evidence of two pectoral fin basal articulation facets, differing from the standard condition for early gnathostomes which have either one or three articulations. The tooth structure is intermediate between the ‘primitive’ ctenacanthiform and symmoriiform condition, and more derived forms with a euselachian-type base. Of special interest is the highly distinctive type of calcified cartilage forming the endoskeleton, comprising multiple layers of nonprismatic subpolygonal tesserae separated by a cellular matrix, interpreted as a transitional step toward the tessellated prismatic calcified cartilage that is recognized as the main diagnostic character of the chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

The inability of articular cartilage to heal satisfactorily is becoming, with ageing populations, an important medical problem. One question that has not been raised is whether a mechanism for the repair of cartilage evolved in animals with cartilaginous skeletons. Fin rays of dogfish were cut and the fish maintained for up to 6 months. The initial inflammatory reaction around the cut rays lasts for 2 weeks. By 4 weeks the cut ends are covered by fibrous tissue. At 12 weeks some areas of cartilage-like tissue are developing. Development of these areas continues and at 26 weeks large chondrocyte-like cells are surrounded by matrix. This tissue is in regions of poor vascularity. It does not have the typical appearance of hyaline cartilage, nor is it integrated with the cartilage of the fin rays. No changes in the cut surfaces of the fin rays are observed at any time. It is concluded that no mechanism has evolved in the elasmobranch fishes for the repair of their cartilaginous skeleton. This is discussed in relation to previous investigations of the reactions of cartilage to injury in embryonic, neonatal and adult tissues of higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Aquatic propulsion generated by the pectoral fins occurs in many groups of perciform fishes, including numerous coral reef families. This study presents a detailed survey of pectoral fin musculoskeletal structure in fishes that use labriform propulsion as the primary mode of swimming over a wide range of speeds. Pectoral fin morphological diversity was surveyed in 12 species that are primarily pectoral swimmers, including members of all labroid families (Labridae, Scaridae, Cichlidae, Pomacentridae, and Embiotocidae) and five additional coral reef fish families. The anatomy of the pectoral fin musculature is described, including muscle origins, insertions, tendons, and muscle masses. Skeletal structures are also described, including fin shape, fin ray morphology, and the structure of the radials and pectoral girdle. Three novel muscle subdivisions, including subdivisions of the abductor superficialis, abductor profundus, and adductor medialis were discovered and are described here. Specific functional roles in fin control are proposed for each of the novel muscle subdivisions. Pectoral muscle masses show broad variation among species, particularly in the adductor profundus, abductor profundus, arrector dorsalis, and abductor superficialis. A previously undescribed system of intraradial ligaments was also discovered in all taxa studied. The morphology of these ligaments and functional ramifications of variation in this connective tissue system are described. Musculoskeletal patterns are interpreted in light of recent analyses of fin behavior and motor control during labriform swimming. Labriform propulsion has apparently evolved independently multiple times in coral reef fishes, providing an excellent system in which to study the evolution of pectoral fin propulsion.  相似文献   

Batoids are a diverse clade of flat cartilaginous fishes that occur primarily in benthic marine habitats. The skates and rays typically use their flexible pectoral fins for feeding and propulsion via undulatory swimming. However, two groups of rays have adopted a pelagic or bentho‐pelagic lifestyle and utilize oscillatory swimming—the Myliobatidae and Gymnuridae. The myliobatids have evolved cephalic lobes, anteriorly extended appendages that are optimized for feeding, while their pectoral fins exhibit several modifications that likely arose in association with functional optimization of pelagic cruising via oscillatory flight. Here, we examine variation in fin ray distribution and ontogenetic timing of fin ray development in batoid pectoral fins in an evolutionary context using the following methods: radiography, computed tomography, dissections, and cleared and stained specimens. We propose an index for characterizing variation in the distribution of pectoral fin rays. While undulatory swimmers exhibit symmetry or slight anterior bias, we found a posterior shift in the distribution of fin rays that arose in two distinct lineages in association with oscillatory swimming. Undulatory and oscillatory swimmers occupy nonoverlapping morphospace with respect to fin ray distribution illustrating significant remodeling of pectoral fins in oscillatory swimmers. Further, we describe a derived skeletal feature in anterior pectoral fins of the Myliobatidae that is likely associated with optimization of oscillatory swimming. By examining the distribution of fin rays with clearly defined articulation points, we were able to infer evolutionary trends and body plan remodeling associated with invasion of the pelagic environment. Finally, we found that the number and distribution of fin rays is set early in development in the little skate, round stingray, and cownose ray, suggesting that fin ray counts from specimens after birth or hatching are representative of adults and therefore comparable among species.  相似文献   

The fossil record provides unique clues about the primitive pattern of lobed fins, the precursors of digit-bearing limbs. Such information is vital for understanding the evolutionary transition from fish fins to tetrapod limbs, and it guides the choice of model systems for investigating the developmental changes underpinning this event. However, the evolutionary preconditions for tetrapod limbs remain unclear. This uncertainty arises from an outstanding gap in our knowledge of early lobed fins: there are no fossil data that record primitive pectoral fin conditions in coelacanths, one of the three major groups of sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fishes. A new fossil from the Middle-Late Devonian of Wyoming preserves the first and only example of a primitive coelacanth pectoral fin endoskeleton. The strongly asymmetrical skeleton of this fin corroborates the hypothesis that this is the primitive sarcopterygian pattern, and that this pattern persisted in the closest fish-like relatives of land vertebrates. The new material reveals the specializations of paired fins in the modern coelacanth, as well as in living lungfishes. Consequently, the context in which these might be used to investigate evolutionary and developmental relationships between vertebrate fins and limbs is changed. Our data suggest that primitive actinopterygians, rather than living sarcopterygian fishes and their derived appendages, are the most informative comparators for developmental studies seeking to understand the origin of tetrapod limbs.  相似文献   



Accurate regulation of Notch signalling is central for developmental processes in a variety of tissues, but its function in pectoral fin development in zebrafish is still unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we show that core elements necessary for a functional Notch pathway are expressed in developing pectoral fins in or near prospective muscle territories. Blocking Notch signalling at different levels of the pathway consistently leads to the formation of thin, wavy, fragmented and mechanically weak muscles fibres and loss of stress fibres in endoskeletal disc cells in pectoral fins. Although the structural muscle genes encoding Desmin and Vinculin are normally transcribed in Notch-disrupted pectoral fins, their proteins levels are severely reduced, suggesting that weak mechanical forces produced by the muscle fibres are unable to stabilize/localize these proteins. Moreover, in Notch signalling disrupted pectoral fins there is a decrease in the number of Pax7-positive cells indicative of a defect in myogenesis.


We propose that by controlling the differentiation of myogenic progenitor cells, Notch signalling might secure the formation of structurally stable muscle fibres in the zebrafish pectoral fin.  相似文献   

Acipenseriformes hold an important place in the evolutionary history of bony fishes. Given their phylogenetic position as extant basal Actinopterygii, it is generally held that a thorough understanding of their morphology will greatly contribute to the knowledge of the evolutionary history and the origin of diversity for the major osteichthyan clades. To this end, we examined comparative developmental series from the pectoral girdle in Acipenser fulvescens, A. medirostris, A. transmontanus, and Scaphirhynchus albus to document, describe, and compare ontogenetic and allometric differences in the pectoral girdle. We find, not surprisingly, broad congruence between taxa in the basic pattern of development of the dermal and chondral elements of the pectoral girdle. However, we also find clear differences in the details of structure and development among the species examined in the dermal elements, including the clavicle, cleithrum, supracleithrum, posttemporal, and pectoral‐fin spine. We also find differences in the internal fin elements such as the distal radials as well as in the number of fin rays and their association with the propterygium. Further, there are clear ontogenetic differences during development of the dermal and chondral elements in these species and allometric variation in the pectoral‐fin spine. The characters highlighted provide a suite of elements for further examination in studies of the phylogeny of sturgeons. Determining the distribution of these characters in other sturgeons may aid in further resolution of phylogenetic relationships, and these data highlight the role that ontogenetic and comparative developmental studies provide in systematics. J. Morphol. 276:241–260, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The dorsal fin engine of the seahorse (Hippocampus sp.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The muscles, fin ray joints, and supporting structures underlying the dorsal fin are described for two seahorse species: Hippocampus zosterae and Hippocampus erectus. A fan-shaped array of cartilaginous bones, the pterigiophores, form the internal supporting structure of the dorsal fin. Each pterigiophore is composed of a proximal radial that extends from a vertebra to the dorsal side of the animal, where it fuses to a middle radial. The middle radials fuse with each other to form a dorsal ridge upon which sit the spheroidal distal radials. Each distal radial articulates with a fin ray on its dorsal side and is attached to the dorsal ridge on its ventral side by a material that has been histologically identified as elastic cartilage. Together these connections form a two-axis joint that permits elevation, depression, and inclination of the ray. Each fin ray is actuated by two bilateral pairs of muscles, an anterior pair of inclinators, and a posterior pair of depressors. The anteriormost fin ray is actuated by three bilateral pair of muscles, the inclinators, the depressors, and a pair of elevator muscles that are positioned anterior to the inclinators. Preliminary examinations of the ray joints of the pectoral and anal fins of adult H. zostera and the pectoral fins of newborn H. erectus revealed structures similar to that seen in the dorsal fins. To further explore the structure and function of the dorsal fin gross dissections and simple functional tests were performed on H. erectus and H. barbouri and behavioral observations were made of all three species plus Hippocampus kuda.  相似文献   

The vertebral column results from a controlled segmentation process associated with two main structures, the notochord and the somites. Pathological fusion of vertebral bodies can result from impaired segmentation during embryonic development or occur postnatally. Here, we explore the process of formation and subsequent fusion of the caudalmost vertebral bodies in zebrafish, where fusion is a normal process, mechanically required to support the caudal fin. To reveal whether the product of fusion is on an evolutionary or a developmental scale, we analyze the mode of formation of vertebral bodies, identify transitory rudiments, and characterize vestiges that indicate previous fusion events. Based on a series of closely spaced ontogenetic stages of cleared and stained zebrafish, parasagittal sections, and detection methods for elastin and mineral, we conclude that the formation of the urostyle involves four fusion events. Although fusion of preural 1 (PU1+) with ural 1 (U1) and fusion within ural 2 (U2+) are no longer traceable during centrum formation (phylogenetic fusion), fusion between the compound centrum [PU1++U1] and U2+ (ontogenetic fusion) occurs after individualization of the centra. This slow process is the last fusion and perhaps the latest fusion during the evolution of the zebrafish caudal fin endoskeleton. Newly described characters, such as a mineralized subdivision within U2+, together with the reinterpretation of known features in an evolutionary–developmental context, strongly suggest that the zebrafish caudal fin endoskeleton is made from more fused vertebral bodies than previously assumed. In addition, these fusion events occur at different developmental levels depending on their evolutionary status, allowing the dissection of fusion processes that have taken place over different evolutionary times.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of Tbx5 in zebrafish embryogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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