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En route to maturing as T cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta-expressing cells, the development of thymocytes is contingent on expression of a pre-TCR complex comprising a TCRbeta chain paired with a surrogate TCRalpha chain, pre-Talpha (pTalpha). The pre-TCR has been proposed to promote cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, and lineage commitment. However, the precise molecular mechanisms governing this variety of effects remain elusive. Here, we present a cellular system designed to biochemically dissect signals elicited upon pre-TCR expression. Using the T cell line 4G4 stably transfected with one of the two known pTalpha isoforms or selective pTalpha deletion mutants and TCRbeta, we were able to observe that expression of a functional pre-TCR complex is sufficient to control the levels of surface Fas protein, the stimulation of mitogen-activated and stress-regulated kinases, and the activation status of the p53 antioncogene. We demonstrate that this regulation has a major impact on the expression of important regulators of apoptosis, such as Bcl-2 family members, and the cell cycle, such as p21(WAF). Furthermore, we show here that cells expressing a functional pre-TCR are more resistant to different types of DNA damage-induced apoptosis and that these effects are contingent on an intact cytoplasmic tail of pTalpha. We finally propose that the presence of a functional pre-TCR complex triggers many intracellular pathways capable of driving and ensuring thymocyte survival in the presence of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Geranylgeranyl diphosphate is a 20-carbon isoprenoid phospholipid whose lipid moiety can be post-translationally incorporated into proteins to promote membrane association. The process of geranylgeranylation has been implicated in anti-proliferative effects of clinical agents that inhibit enzymes of the mevalonate pathway (i.e. statins and nitrogenous bisphosphonates) as well as experimental agents that deplete geranylgeranyl diphosphate. Inhibitors of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase are an attractive way to block geranylgeranylation because they possess a calcium-chelating substructure to allow localization to bone and take advantage of a unique position of the enzyme within the biosynthetic pathway. Here, we describe recent advances in geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase expression and inhibitor development with a particular focus on the molecular mechanisms that link geranylgeranyl diphosphate to cell proliferation via geranylgeranylated small GTPases.  相似文献   

To investigate whether human intestinal epithelial cell survival involves distinct control mechanisms depending on the state of differentiation, we analyzed the in vitro effects of insulin, pharmacological inhibitors of Fak, MEK/Erk, and PI3-K/Akt, and integrin (beta1, beta4)-blocking antibodies on the survival of the well-established human Caco-2 enterocyte-like and HIEC-6 cryptlike cell models. In addition, relative expression levels of six Bcl-2 homologs (Bcl-2, Bcl-X(L), Mcl-1, Bax, Bak, and Bad) and activation levels of Fak, Erk-2, and Akt were analyzed. Herein, we report that 1) the enterocytic differentiation process results in the establishment of distinct profiles of Bcl-2 homolog expression levels, as well as p125(Fak), p42(Erk-2), and p57(Akt) activated levels; 2) the inhibition of Fak, of the MEK/Erk pathway, or of PI3-K, have distinct impacts on enterocytic cell survival in undifferentiated (subconfluent Caco-2, confluent HIEC-6) and differentiated (30 days postconfluent Caco-2) cells; 3) exposure to insulin and the inhibition of Fak, MEK, and PI3-K resulted in differentiation state-distinct modulations in the expression of each Bcl-2 homolog analyzed; and 4) Fak, beta1 and beta4 integrins, as well as the MEK/Erk and PI3-K/Akt pathways, are distinctively involved in cell survival depending on the state of cell differentiation. Taken together, these data indicate that human intestinal epithelial cell survival is regulated according to differentiation state-specific control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Fetal development depends upon a coordinated series of events in both the embryo and in the supporting placenta. The initial event in placentation is appropriate lineage allocation of stem cells followed by the formation of a spheroidal trophoblastic shell surrounding the embryo, facilitating implantation into the uterine stroma and exclusion of oxygenated maternal blood. In mammals, cellular proliferation, differentiation, and death accompany early placental development. Programmed cell death is a critical driving force behind organ sculpturing and eliminating abnormal, misplaced, nonfunctional, or harmful cells in the embryo proper, although very little is known about its physiological function during placental development. This review summarizes current knowledge of the cell death patterns and molecular pathways governing the survival of cells within the blastocyst, with a focus on the trophoblast lineage prior to and after implantation. Particular emphasis is given to human placental development in the context of normal and pathological conditions. As molecular pathways in humans are poorly elucidated, we have also included an overview of pertinent genetic animal models displaying defects in trophoblast survival.  相似文献   

细胞重编程,尤其是诱导多能性干细胞的出现,给再生医学带来极大的希望。近年来,这方面的研究吸引了众多科学家的参与,也取得了非常丰富的成果。本文主要从转录因子、表观遗传和信号转导等角度,介绍了细胞重编程分子机制研究方面的进展和未来的方向。  相似文献   

A mammalian fetus expresses a variety of antigens potentially unknown to the immunologically competent mother. Presented here are the results of investigations of maternal immune reactivity to paternally derived antigens of fetoplacental unit, detected at various levels: 1) spleen and distant lymphatic organs, 2) regional lymph nodes draining uterus, and 3) materno-fetal interface. The results suggest that the mother's immune system reacts differently in semiallogeneic pregnancies than in syngeneic ones. The type of the systemic immune response depends on the stage of pregnancy. Increased percentage of CD8+ cells and decreased CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio was found in distant and regional lymphatic organs during pregnancy. The paternal class I MHC antigens expressed on the trophoblast cells are nonpolymorphic molecules which can have a role in immunotrophism of the placenta and in fetal allograft protection.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms contributing to increased interleukin-1 secretion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a monocyte-derived polypeptide that mediates many host defense adaptations to environmental and infectious stresses. This investigation was intended to characterize further IL-1 activity found in human plasma following exercise (3) and to identify physiological initiators of IL-1 secretion. IL-1 activity was measured by the ability of plasma fractions to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation. This activity appeared in plasma several hours after exercise on a cycle ergometer (1 h at 60% of aerobic capacity, n = 8 subjects) and was neutralized with a specific antiserum to human IL-1. The hypothesis that IL-1 release from monocytes was initiated by phagocytosis of material from cells damaged by exercise was tested. The increase in IL-1 activity did not correlate significantly (r = 0.55) with creatine kinase activity, a marker for release of intracellular proteins into the circulation, and IL-1 secretion by monocytes was not stimulated by incubation with red blood cell lysates in vitro. Thus the stimulus for IL-1 secretion did not appear to be related to a scavenging function of monocytes. The possibility that IL-1 secretion may be mediated by stress hormones associated with exercise was examined. IL-1 secretion by monocytes was increased up to 48 +/- 18% (P less than 0.01) by addition of physiological concentrations of epinephrine in vitro. Low concentrations of hydrocortisone (1 ng/ml) also augmented IL-1 secretion by 58 +/- 20%. Higher concentrations in the physiological range had no effect, and combinations of epinephrine and hydrocortisone suppressed IL-1 secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1.) Cellular processes that contribute to the acquisition and expression of long-term sensitization have been examined in Aplysia. The tail-siphon withdrawal reflex was studied because the neural circuit for this reflex has been well characterized. Furthermore, the sensory neurons of this neural circuit exhibit cellular changes that accompany short-term sensitization. 2.) Repeated application of noxious stimuli to the animal produces a long-lasting enhancement of reflex withdrawal of the siphon when the animal is tested with a weak stimulus to the tail. These findings confirm the existence of long-term sensitization in Aplysia, first described by Pinkser et al. (1973). 3.) Biophysical correlates of long-term sensitization were examined in the first central relay of the tail-siphon reflex circuit, the sensory neurons that innervate the animal's tail. The net outward membrane currents of these cells reduced after 24 hours as a consequence of long-term sensitization training. 4.) The intracellular signal for the induction of these changes in membrane currents was examined by intracellular injection of cAMP into individual sensory neurons. This procedure mimics at least some of the effects of sensitization training at the single-cell level. cAMP induced a long-term reduction of membrane K+ currents 24 hours after the cells were injected with cAMP. The membrane currents reduced by cAMP were similar to those reduced by long-term sensitization training. 5.) Preliminary experiments indicate that neurotransmitters and agents that induce an evaluation of cAMP in the sensory neurons also alter the incorporation of labeled amino acids into specific proteins in the sensory neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

益生菌与肠黏膜互作的分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
益生菌是一类定植于动物肠道,可辅助动物消化功能,维护肠道菌群平衡并可影响肠道免疫系统,有益于动物健康的重要调节性菌群。该类菌群与动物肠上皮细胞间互作的分子机制包括菌体表面分子如磷脂壁酸(phosphatidicacid,LTA)、表面层蛋白(Slayerprotein)等与宿主的粘附相关蛋白分子结合,通过占位效应抑制有害菌群在肠道内的定植;益生菌还可刺激肠道细胞分泌B防御素2、细菌素和有机酸等可抑制甚至杀灭有害菌群;在益生菌作用下,肠道上皮细胞可增强粘液糖蛋白、紧密连接蛋白occludin和ZO-1等分子的表达,加厚并加固肠道黏膜屏障;益生菌相关抗原可通过与抗原递呈细胞表面模式识别受体(TLRs等)分子结合,激活递呈细胞,启动各免疫细胞的交互作用,调节肠道免疫状态。  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is currently under active investigation. A recent meeting focused on the molecular machinery of programmed cell death and on its role in the pathogenesis of human diseases.  相似文献   

潘光锦  裴端卿 《生命科学》2007,19(4):372-377
胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)来源于早期发育的胚胎,具有分化为任何细胞类型的多能性,因此具有巨大的基础研究及潜在的应用前景.目前认为ES细胞主要通过一些外源性信号分子的作用及某些重要的内源性转录因子的表达共同起作用来达到其维持多能性的目的.外源性信号分子LIF、BMP4以及Wnt等介导的信号传导通路与内源性转录因子Oct4、Nanog、Sox2、FoxD3等共同起作用来抑制那些促进ES细胞分化的基因表达和激活那些有助于维持ES细胞多能性维持的基因表达,进而形成一个相互调控和依存的基因调控网络共同维持ES细胞的多能性.  相似文献   

Intracellular mechanisms regulating cell survival in ovarian follicles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The vertebrate ovary represents a uniquely dynamic organ system charged with the responsibility to initially provide, and subsequently foster, optimal numbers of maturing, viable gametes that will insure the propagation of the species. Seemingly in spite of this charge, >99% of germ cells within the ovaries of mammalian and avian species present at the time of birth or hatch are lost via atresia at some point during the lifespan of the female. The consequence of this ongoing germ cell and ovarian follicle attrition in some species eventually leads to the natural termination of reproductive function (e.g. menopause in humans), while in all species an excessive loss of germ cells frequently results in diminished reproductive potential due to subclinical or clinical infertility. Apoptosis represents the primary pathway by which defective or excessive numbers of follicles are rapidly and effectively eliminated, and this process is actively opposed or entirely suppressed by a variety of cell survival signaling pathways and cellular anti-apoptotic proteins expressed within follicles destined for ovulation. Significantly, such survival mechanisms are regulated by many of the same endocrine-paracrine-autocrine factors that control follicle differentiation. This review will begin by briefly discussing the process of apoptosis, then focus on the varied and often redundant mechanisms that prevent apoptotic cell death in granulosa cells specifically during the late preantral (comparable to the prehierarchal stage of follicle development in avian species) and preovulatory stages of follicle development.  相似文献   

Protection against cellular stress from various sources, such as nutritional, physical, pathogenic, or oncogenic, results in the induction of both intrinsic and extrinsic cellular protection mechanisms that collectively limit the damage these insults inflict on the host. The major extrinsic protection mechanism against cellular stress is the immune system. Indeed, it has been well described that cells that are stressed due to association with viral infection or early malignant transformation can be directly sensed by the immune system, particularly natural killer (NK) cells. Although the ability of NK cells to directly recognize and respond to stressed cells is well appreciated, the mechanisms and the breadth of cell-intrinsic responses that are intimately linked with their activation are only beginning to be uncovered. This review will provide a brief introduction to NK cells and the relevant receptors and ligands involved in direct responses to cellular stress. This will be followed by an in-depth discussion surrounding the various intrinsic responses to stress that can naturally engage NK cells, and how therapeutic agents may induce specific activation of NK cells and other innate immune cells by activating cellular responses to stress.  相似文献   

Studies on chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) have served as a paradigm for cancer research and therapy. These studies involve the identifi cation of the fi rst cancer-associated chromosomal abnormality and the subsequent development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) that inhibit BCR-ABL kinase activity in CML. It becomes clear that leukemia stem cells (LSCs) in CML which are resistant to TKIs, and eradication of LSCs appears to be extremely diffi cult. Therefore, one of the major issues in current CML biology is to understand the biology of LSCs and to investigate why LSCs are insensitive to TKI monotherapy for developing curative therapeutic strategies. Studies from our group and others have revealed that CML LSCs form a hierarchy similar to that seen in normal hematopoiesis, in which a rare stem cell population with limitless selfrenewal potential gives rise to progenies that lack such potential. LSCs also possess biological features that are different from those of normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and are critical for their malignant characteristics. In this review, we summarize the latest progress in CML field, and attempt to understand the molecular mechanisms of survival regulation of LSCs.  相似文献   

Neurons have a multiplicity of ionic conductance mechanisms, the interactions of which determine in part the response of a neuron to chemical and electrical synaptic interactions, firing patterns, excitability, membrane potential and action-potential waveform. Several papers published in the past year have provided important new information on the role that ionic conductance mechanisms play in determining the electrophysiological properties of neurons, and how subtle differences can contribute to considerable variability of response.  相似文献   

Stojilkovic SS 《Cell calcium》2012,51(3-4):212-221
Endocrine pituitary cells express numerous voltage-gated Na(+), Ca(2+), K(+), and Cl(-) channels and several ligand-gated channels, and they fire action potentials spontaneously. Depending on the cell type, this electrical activity can generate localized or global Ca(2+) signals, the latter reaching the threshold for stimulus-secretion coupling. These cells also express numerous G-protein-coupled receptors, which can stimulate or silence electrical activity and Ca(2+) influx through voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels and hormone release. Receptors positively coupled to the adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway stimulate electrical activity with cAMP, which activates hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-regulated channels directly, or by cAMP-dependent kinase-mediated phosphorylation of K(+), Na(+), Ca(2+), and/or non-selective cation-conducting channels. Receptors that are negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase signaling pathways inhibit spontaneous electrical activity and accompanied Ca(2+) transients predominantly through the activation of inwardly rectifying K(+) channels and the inhibition of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. The Ca(2+)-mobilizing receptors activate inositol trisphosphate-gated Ca(2+) channels in the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to Ca(2+) release in an oscillatory or non-oscillatory manner, depending on the cell type. This Ca(2+) release causes a cell type-specific modulation of electrical activity and intracellular Ca(2+) handling.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology of necrotic cell death   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Necrotic cell death has long been considered an accidental and uncontrolled mode of cell death. But recently it has become clear that necrosis is a molecularly regulated event that is associated with pathologies such as ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, neurodegeneration and pathogen infection. The serine/threonine kinase receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP1) plays a crucial role during the initiation of necrosis induced by ligand-receptor interactions. On the other hand, ATP depletion is an initiating factor in ischemia-induced necrotic cell death. Common players in necrotic cell death irrespective of the stimulus are calcium and reactive oxygen species (ROS). During necrosis, elevated cytosolic calcium levels typically lead to mitochondrial calcium overload, bioenergetics effects, and activation of proteases and phospholipases. ROS initiates damage to lipids, proteins and DNA and consequently results in mitochondrial dysfunction, ion balance deregulation and loss of membrane integrity. Membrane destabilization during necrosis is also mediated by other factors, such as acid-sphingomyelinase (ASM), phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) and calpains. Furthermore, necrotic cells release immunomodulatory factors that lead to recognition and engulfment by phagocytes and the subsequent immunological response. The knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in necrosis has contributed to our under-standing of necrosis-associated pathologies. In this review we will focus on the intracellular and intercellular signaling events in necrosis induced by different stimuli, such as oxidative stress, cytokines and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which can be linked to several pathologies such as stroke, cardiac failure, neurodegenerative diseases, and infections.  相似文献   

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