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The function of ion-transporting Na+,K+-ATPases depends on the surrounding lipid environment in biological membranes. Two established lipid-interaction sites A and B within the transmembrane domain have been observed to induce protein activation and stabilization, respectively. In addition, lipid-mediated inhibition has been assigned to a site C, but with the exact location not experimentally confirmed. Also, possible effects on lipid interactions by disease mutants dwelling in the membrane-protein interface remain relatively uncharacterized. We simulated human Na+,K+-ATPase α1β1FXYD homology models in E1 and E2 states in an asymmetric, multicomponent plasma membrane to determine both wild-type and disease mutant lipid-protein interactions. The simulated wild-type lipid interactions at the established sites A and B were in agreement with experimental results thereby confirming the membrane-protein model system. The less well-characterized, proposed inhibitory site C was dominated by lipids lacking inhibitory properties. Instead, two sites hosting inhibitory lipids were identified at the extracellular side and also a cytoplasmic CHL-binding site that provide putative alternative locations of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition. Three disease mutations, Leu302Arg, Glu840Arg and Met859Arg resided in the lipid-protein interface and caused drastic changes in the lipid interactions. The simulation results show that lipid interactions to the human Na+,K+-ATPase α1β1FXYD protein in the plasma membrane are highly state-dependent and can be disturbed by disease mutations located in the lipid interface, which can open up for new venues to understand genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Alkali cations can affect the catalytic efficiency of enzymes. This is particularly true when dealing with enzymes whose substrate bears a formal positive charge. Computational and biochemical approaches have been combined to shed light on the atomic aspects of the role of Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) on human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE) ligand binding. In this respect, molecular dynamics simulations and our recently developed metadynamics method were applied to study the entrance of the three cations in the gorge of hAChE, and their effect on the dynamical motion of a ligand (tetramethylammonium) from the bulk of the solvent into the deep narrow enzyme gorge. Furthermore, in order to support the theoretical results, K(M) and k(cat) for the acetylcholine hydrolysis in the presence of the three cations were evaluated by using an approach based on the Ellman's method. The combination of computational and biochemical experiments clearly showed that Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) may influence the ligand binding at the hAChE gorge.  相似文献   

The position and orientation of water molecules hydrating fragments of DNA in the B and Z conformations are analyzed with the help of computer simulations. Monte Carlo studies are carried out at room temperature, high relative humidity (500 water molecules per pitch) and in the presence of counterions such as Li+, Na+, and K+. Differences in hydration patterns and in the counterionic structures were found by compairing B-DNA with Z-DNA double helices and B-DNA helices with different base-pair distributions. The present extension of our similations to Z-DNA and to Li+ and K+ counterions permits some general conclusions concerning nucleic acids in solution.  相似文献   

Summary In an artificial system, the ionophore A23187, which transports Ca2+ but not Na+, is able to mediate the uphill translocation of Ca2+ from one aqueous medium to another across an organic immiscible phase, provided that a Na+, Li+ or H+ gradient is imposed on the system. Therefore, in the process known as Na-Ca countertransport, the downhill influx of Na+ may not be necessary for causing Ca2+ extrusion against its electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   

Adenovirus-dependent release of choline phosphate from KB cells at pH 6.0 was partially blocked by ouabain. In K+-containing medium, maximum inhibition of release was obtained by 10(-5) M ouabain and half-maximal inhibition was achieved by about 0.5 X 10(-6)M ouabain. Ouabain did not block either the binding or the uptake of adenovirus by KB cells. Without K+, about 25% of cell-associated choline phosphate was released by adenovirus, whereas with 1 mM K+ about 50% was released. This activation by K+ was blocked by 0.1 mM ouabain. HeLa cells behaved like KB cells, but a mutant of HeLa cells resistant to ouabain (D98-OR) released much lower amounts of choline phosphate in response to human adenovirus type 2 (Ad2). Wild-type D98-OR cells bound nearly the same amount of adenovirus as did normal HeLa cells. Ad2 also increased the activity of Na+,K+-ATPase in KB cells, with maximum activation at 50 micrograms of Ad2 per ml. In D98-OR cells, Ad2 failed to activate Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Ad2-dependent lysis of endocytic vesicles (receptosomes) was assayed by measuring Ad2-dependent enhancement of epidermal growth factor-Pseudomonas exotoxin toxicity. This action of adenovirus was increased when K+ was present in the medium. Under the conditions used, K+ had no effect on the amount of Ad2 or epidermal growth factor taken up by the cells. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that Ad2-dependent cellular efflux of choline phosphate and adenovirus-dependent lysis of receptosomes may require Na+,K+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

F Noel  R S Pardon 《Life sciences》1989,44(22):1677-1683
Vanadate inhibitory effects on Na+, K+-ATPases from carcass of Schistosoma mansoni and from lamb kidney outer medulla were compared in the presence of various concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+. Depending on the ionic conditions, the schistosomal Na+, K+-ATPase was 2.4- to 175-fold less sensitive to vanadate than the lamb kidney enzyme. In 100 mM Na+, 3 mM K+ and 3 mM Mg2+, schistosomal Na+, K+-ATPase was surprisingly resistant to vanadate (I50 = 944 microM). The difference in vanadate sensitivity between schistosomal and lamb Na+, K+-ATPases may be due to a species difference in the efficacy of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in promoting conformational changes between E1 and E2 forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the desensibilization of the enzymic preparations of Na+, K+-ATPase by urea, DS-Na, digitonin and CHAPS reduces differently the amount of alpha beta-protomer in the enzymic preparations and the Hill coefficients of Na+ and K+. The factors (urea, DS-Na) which cause a more pronounced decrease in the amount of beta-protomer reduce the nH of Na+ for Na+, K+-ATPase and nH of K+ for Na+, K+-ATPase and K+-pNPPase to unit. The analysis of the effects of ATP and pNPP indicates that ATP has a protective effect only in the case of urea and DS-Na, but this effect is not exerted by pNPP (nonallosteric substrate). A conclusion is drawn that cooperative interactions of Na+, K+-ATPase from the brain with Na+ require more higher level of the oligomeric structure of enzyme than cooperative interactions with K+. At the same time these cooperative interactions in the both cases need subunits interactions in the protomer and interactions between cation sites with relatively high affinity.  相似文献   

The present work investigates the usefulness of noise in the activity of the Na+,K+ pump. Random gating activity of the neighboring ion channels causes local fluctuations of the electric potential. They are modeled by a Markovian symmetric dichotomic noise, added to the membrane potential. The noise-averaged pump current is calculated for a general rectangular voltage signal and the model parameters of the effective two-state enzyme cycle are tuned to fit experimental results. Then, using these parameters, the amount of transported charge is calculated, and studied as a function of noise intensity. Signal and noise characteristics are identified at which fluctuations enhance pump activity. The biological impact of this phenomenon seems to be absent in physiological conditions for it occurs at noise amplitudes over 50 mV, which are unlikely to appear due to ion channels. However, under some conditions, externally applied dichotomic noise of intensity about 150 mV may sensibly increase the quantity of transported charge.  相似文献   

Summary A theory for Na+, K+ and Ca2+ competitive adsorption to a charged membrane is used to explain a number of experimental observations in smooth muscle. Adsorption is described by Langmuir isotherms for mono- and divalent cations which in turn are coupled in a self-consistent way to the bulk solution through the diffuse double layer theory and the Boltzman equations. We found that the dissociation constants for binding of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ in guinea pig taenia coli areca. 0.009, 1.0, and 4×10–8 m, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of a Ca2+ pump that maintains free surface Ca2+ concentration constant is investigated. A decrease in intracellular Na+ content results in an increased Ca2+ uptake; part of this uptake is due to an increase in surface-bound Ca2+ in an intracellular compartment which is in contact with the myofilaments. Variations in the amount of charge available to bind Ca2+ and the surface charge density are studied and their effect interpreted in terms of different pharmacological agents.  相似文献   

In previous papers, the isolation of brain soluble fractions able to modify neuronal Na+, K+-ATPase activity has been described. One of those fractions-peak I-stimulates membrane Na+, K+-ATPase while another-peak II-inhibits this enzyme activity, and has other ouabain-like properties. In the present study, synaptosomal membrane Na+, K+-ATPase was analyzed under several experimental conditions, using ATP orp-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) as substrate, in the absence and presence of cerebral cortex peak II. Peak II inhibited K+-p-NPPase activity in a concentration dependent manner. Double reciprocal plots indicated that peak II uncompetitively inhibits K+-p-NPPase activity regarding substrate, Mg2+ and K+ concentration. Peak II failed to block the known K+-p-NPPase stimulation caused by ATP plus Na+. At various K+ concentrations, percentage K+-p-NPPase inhibition by peak II was similar regardless of the ATP plus Na+ presence, indicating lack of correlation with enzyme phosphorylation. Na+, K+-ATPase activity was decreased by peak II depending on K+ concentration. It is postulated that the inhibitory factor(s) present in peak II interfere(s) with enzyme activation by K+.  相似文献   

Na+,K+-ATPase (porcine alpha/his10-beta) has been expressed in Pichia Pastoris, solubilized in n-dodecyl-beta-maltoside and purified to 70-80% purity by nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid chromatography combined with size exclusion chromatography. The recombinant protein is inactive if the purification is done without added phospholipids. The neutral phospholipid, dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, preserves Na+,K+-ATPase activity of protein prepared in a Na+-containing medium, but activity is lost in a K+-containing medium. By contrast, the acid phospholipid, dioleoylphosphatidylserine, preserves activity in either Na+- or K+-containing media. In optimal conditions activity is preserved for about 2 weeks at 0 degrees C. Both recombinant Na+,K+-ATPase and native pig kidney Na+,K+-ATPase, dissolved in n-dodecyl-beta-maltoside, appear to be mainly stable monomers (alpha/beta) as judged by size exclusion chromatography and sedimentation velocity. Na+,K+-ATPase activities at 37 degrees C of the size exclusion chromatography-purified recombinant and renal Na+,K+-ATPase are comparable but are lower than that of membrane-bound renal Na+,K+-ATPase. The beta subunit is expressed in Pichia Pastoris as two lightly glycosylated polypeptides and is quantitatively deglycosylated by endoglycosidase-H at 0 degrees C, to a single polypeptide. Deglycosylation inactivates Na+,K+-ATPase prepared with dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, whereas dioleoylphosphatidylserine protects after deglycosylation, and Na+,K+-ATPase activity is preserved. This work demonstrates an essential role of phospholipid interactions with Na+,K+-ATPase, including a direct interaction of dioleoylphosphatidylserine, and possibly another interaction of either the neutral or acid phospholipid. Additional lipid effects are likely. A role for the beta subunit in stabilizing conformations of Na+,K+-ATPase (or H+,K+-ATPase) with occluded K+ ions can also be inferred. Purified recombinant Na+,K+-ATPase could become an important experimental tool for various purposes, including, hopefully, structural work.  相似文献   

Theoretical expression for the rate of decay of delta pH across vesicular membrane due to carrier-mediated ion transports, 1/tau, has been modified taking note of carrier states (such as mon- and mon-H-M+) for which the translocation rate constants in the membrane are small. The rates of delta pH decay due to monensin-mediated H+ and M+ transports (M+ = Na+, K+, Li+) observed in our experiments in the pH range 6-8, and [M+] range 50-250 mM at 25 degrees C have been analysed with the help of this expression. delta pH across soybean phospholipid vesicular membranes were created by temperature jump in our experiments. The following could be inferred from our studies. (a) At low pH (approximately 6) 1/tau in a medium of Na+ is greater than that in a medium of K+. In contrast with this, at higher pH (approximately 7.5) 1/tau is greater in a medium of K+. Such contradictory observations could be understood with the help of our equation and the parameters determined in this work. The relative concentrations of the rate-limiting species (mon-H, mon-K, and mon-Li at Ph approximately 7 in vesicle solutions having Na+, K+ and Li+, respectively) can explain such behaviours. (b) The proton dissociation constant KH for mon-H in the lipid medium (pKH approximately 6.55) is larger than the reported KH in methanol. (c) The concentrations of mon- and mon-H-Na+ are not negligible under the conditions of our experiments. The latter species cause a [Na+]-dependent inhibition of ion transports. (d) The relative magnitudes of metal ion dissociation constants KHM (approximately 0.05 M) for mon-H-Na+ and KM (approximately 0.03 M) for mon-Na suggest that the carboxyl group involved in the protonation may not be dominantly involved in the metal ion complexation. (e) The estimates of KM (approximately 0.03 M for Na+, 0.5 M for K+ and 2.2 M for Li+) follow the ionophore selectivity order. (f) The rate constants k1 and k2 for the translocations of mon-H and mon-M (M+ = Na+, K+ and Li+) are similar in magnitude (approximately 9 x 10(3) s-1) and are higher than that for nig-H and nig-M (approximately 6 x 10(3) s-1) which can be expected from the relative molecular sizes of the ion carriers.  相似文献   

The relationship between the resting membrane potential and the intracellular ionic concentrations in human monocytes was investigated. Cell volume, cell water content, and amount of intracellular K+, Na+, and Cl- were measured to determine the intracellular concentrations of K+ (Ki), Na+ (Nai) and Cl- (Cli) of monocytes, and of lymphocytes and neutrophils. Values found for monocytes were similar to those for neutrophils, i.e., cell volumes were 346 and 345 micron3, respectively, cell water content 78%, and Ki, 128 and 125, Nai, 24 and 26, and Cli, 102 and 103 mmol/l cell water, respectively. Lymphocytes, however, had different values: 181 micron3 cell volume, 77% cell water content, and for Ki, Nai, and Cli, 165, 37, and 91 mmol/l cell water, respectively. The resting membrane potential of cultured human monocytes (range -30 to -40 mV), determined by measurement of the peak potential occurring within the first milliseconds after microelectrode entry, was most dependent on extracellular K+, followed by Cl-, and Na+. The membrane permeability ratio of Cl- to K+ was estimated by use of the constant field equation to be 0.23 (range 0.22 to 0.30).  相似文献   

Recently we introduced a fluorescent probe technique that makes possible to convert changes of equilibrium fluorescence spectra of 3,3’-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine, diS-C3(3), measured in yeast cell suspensions under defined conditions into underlying membrane potential differences, scaled in millivolts (Plasek et al. in J Bioenerg Biomembr 44: 559–569, 2012). The results presented in this paper disclose measurements of real early changes of plasma membrane potential induced by the increase of extracellular K+, Na+ and H+ concentration in S. cerevisiae with and without added glucose as energy source. Whereas the wild type and the ?tok1 mutant cells exhibited similar depolarization curves, mutant cells lacking the two Trk1,2 potassium transporters revealed a significantly decreased membrane depolarization by K+, particularly at lower extracellular potassium concentration [K+]out. In the absence of external energy source plasma membrane depolarization by K+ was almost linear. In the presence of glucose the depolarization curves exhibited an exponential character with increasing [K+]out. The plasma membrane depolarization by Na+ was independent from the presence of Trk1,2 transporters. Contrary to K+, Na+ depolarized the plasma membrane stronger in the presence of glucose than in its absence. The pH induced depolarization exhibited a fairly linear relationship between the membrane potential and the pHo of cell suspensions, both in the wild type and the Δtrk1,2 mutant strains, when cells were energized by glucose. In the absence of glucose the depolarization curves showed a biphasic character with enhanced depolarization at lower pHo values.  相似文献   

Effects of long-term, subtotal inhibition of Na+-K+ transport, either by growth of cells in sublethal concentrations of ouabain or in low-K+ medium, are described for HeLa cells. After prolonged growth in 2 × 10?8 M ouabain, the total number of ouabain molecules bound per cell increases by as much as a factor of three, mostly due to internalization of the drug. There is only about a 20% increase in ouabain-binding sites on the plasma membrane, representing amodest induction of Na+, K+-ATPase. In contrast, after long-term growth in low K+ there can be a twofold or greater increase in ouabain binding per cell, and in this case the additional sites are located in the plasma membrane. The increase is reversible. To assess the corresponding transport changes, we have separately estimated the contributions of increased intracellular [Na+] and of transport capacity (number of transport sites) to transport regulation. During both induction and reversal, short-term regulation is achieved primarily by changes in [Na+]i. More slowly, long-term regulation is achieved by changes in the number of functional transporters in the plasma membrane as assessed by ouabain binding, Vmax for transport, and specific phosphorylation. Parallel exposure of cryptic Na+, K+-ATPase activity with sodium dodecyl sulfate in the plasma membranes of both induced and control cells showed that the induction cannot be accounted for by an exposure of preexisting Na+, K+-ATPase in the plasma membrane. Analysis of the kinetics of reversal indicates that it may be due to a post-translational event.  相似文献   

Effects of Na+, K+, and nucleotides on Mg2+-dependent phosphorylation of (Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase by Pi were studied under equilibrium conditions. Na+ was a linear competitive inhibitor with respect to Mg2+ and a mixed inhibitor with respect to Pi. K+ was a partial inhibitor; it interacted with positive cooperativity and induced negative cooperativities in the interactions of Mg2+ and Pi with the enzyme. Adenyl-5'-yl (beta, gamma-methylene)diphosphonate, a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, interacted with negative cooperativity to inhibit phosphorylation in competition with Pi. ATP was also a competitive inhibitor. Na+ and K+ acted antagonistically, Na+ and nucleotides inhibited synergistically, and K+ and nucleotides were mutually exclusive. In the presence of ouabain, when nucleotides were excluded from the site inhibiting phosphorylation, a low affinity regulatory site for nucleotides became apparent, the occupation of which reduced the rate of dephosphorylation and the initial rate of phosphorylation of the enzyme without affecting the equilibrium constant of the reaction of Pi with the ouabain-complexed enzyme. The regulatory site was also detected in the absence of ouabain. The data suggest that catalytic and transport functions of the oligomeric enzyme may be regulated by homotropic and heterotropic site-site interactions, ligand-induced slow isomerizations, and distinct catalytic and regulatory sites for ATP.  相似文献   

Stems of young actively growing Salicornia bigelovii were dissectedinto the three major tissue layers: vascular, spongy mesophylland palisade. Each layer was analysed for chlorophyll, ash (salt),protein and glycinebetaine content. When glycinebetaine contentwas based on protein content, the vascular and spongy mesophylllayers had nearly identical values. Correction for probableRuBP carboxylase content in the palisade layer gave a glycinebetaine/proteinratio similar to that of the other tissues. All three tissuelayers were found to contain significant amounts of salt. Key words: Salicornia bigelovii, Salt distribution  相似文献   

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