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Tenascin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein with an unusually restricted tissue distribution in the developing embryo. The protein was independently discovered by several investigators, and has been given many different names. Synonyms of tenascin include cytotactin, J1, hexabrachion and glioma-mesenchymal extracellular matrix antigen. Whereas fibronectin is expressed rather uniformly in matrices of embryonic mesenchyme, tenascin is found in the mesenchyme at sites of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Tenascin is thus found close to epithelial basement membranes but it is probably not an integral basement membrane component. The distribution suggests that developing epithelial cells may produce locally active factors that stimulate tenascin synthesis in the nearby mesenchyme. Tenascin is composed of disulfide-bonded subunits of approximate Mr between 200-280 kD. Using monoclonal antibodies to mouse tenascin, we find two major subunits of Mr 260 and 200 kD from mouse fibroblasts. Work from many laboratories suggests that the different subunits arise by differential splicing of one mRNA. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy of the intact molecule suggests a six-armed structure connected by a central region. However, the different subunits are not co-ordinately expressed during embryogenesis, suggesting that tenascin can exist as different isoforms. The different isoforms may serve distinct functions. The function of tenascin is not well known, but it has been suggested that it alters the adhesive properties of cells and causes cell rounding.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of embryonic organs is regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions associating with changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM). The response of the cells to the changes in the ECM must involve integral cell surface molecules that recognize their matrix ligand and initiate transmission of signal intracellularly. We have studied the expression of the cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan, which is a matrix receptor for epithelial cells (Saunders, S., M. Jalkanen, S. O'Farrell, and M. Bernfield. J. Cell Biol. In press.), and the matrix glycoprotein, tenascin, which has been proposed to be involved in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions (Chiquet-Ehrismann, R., E. J. Mackie, C. A. Pearson, and T. Sakakura. 1986. Cell. 47:131-139) in experimental tissue recombinations of dental epithelium and mesenchyme. Our earlier studies have shown that in mouse embryos both syndecan and tenascin are intensely expressed in the condensing dental mesenchyme surrounding the epithelial bud (Thesleff, I., M. Jalkanen, S. Vainio, and M. Bernfield. 1988. Dev. Biol. 129:565-572; Thesleff, I., E. Mackie, S. Vainio, and R. Chiquet-Ehrismann. 1987. Development. 101:289-296). Analysis of rat-mouse tissue recombinants by a monoclonal antibody against the murine syndecan showed that the presumptive dental epithelium induces the expression of syndecan in the underlying mesenchyme. The expression of tenascin was induced in the dental mesenchyme in the same area as syndecan. The syndecan and tenascin positive areas increased with time of epithelial-mesenchymal contact. Other ECM molecules, laminin, type III collagen, and fibronectin, did not show a staining pattern similar to that of syndecan and tenascin. Oral epithelium from older embryos had lost its ability to induce syndecan expression but the presumptive dental epithelium induced syndecan expression even in oral mesenchyme of older embryos. Our results indicate that the expression of syndecan and tenascin in the tooth mesenchyme is regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Because of their early appearance, syndecan and tenascin may be used to study the molecular regulation of this interaction. The similar distribution patterns of syndecan and tenascin in vivo and in vitro and their early appearance as a result of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction suggest that these molecules may be involved in the condensation and differentiation of dental mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the kidney is regulated by reciprocal tissue interactions between the epithelial ureter bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. The differentiation of the kidney involves profound changes in the extracellular matrix, and therefore matrix receptors may have an important role in this process. We studied the expression of syndecan, a cell surface proteoglycan acting as a receptor for interstitial matrix materials, by using a monoclonal antibody against the core protein of the molecule. Syndecan was not detected in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme. During the formation of the ureter bud from the Wolffian duct, syndecan appeared in the mesenchymal cells around the invaginating bud. Simultaneously with the first branching of the ureter bud, the whole nephric mesenchyme became syndecan positive, but a 3- to 10-cell-thick layer around the branching ureter bud, representing the presumptive tubular cells, was most intensely stained. During the assembly of the mesenchyme cells into pretubular aggregates, syndecan was detected in these aggregates and, to a lesser degree, in the morphologically undifferentiated mesenchyme. Thereafter syndecan was found only in the differentiating epithelium, from which it was gradually lost during maturation of the nephron. It was last detected in the periphery of the kidney, where tubulogenesis still continued. In transfilter cultures we showed that syndecan appeared in the nephric mesenchyme during the period when the mesenchyme becomes programmed to transform into epithelial structures. By using interspecies recombinations and a species-specific antibody we excluded the possibility that syndecan in the mesenchyme would originate from the inductor. We conclude that syndecan expression is regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. The findings that syndecan appeared as an early response to induction and that its distribution showed both spatial and temporal correlation with kidney morphogenesis suggest an important role for this molecule in development.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of proteoglycans was studied in organ cultures of differentiating metanephric mesenchymes. When triggered by a contact-mediated inductive interaction, this tissue undergoes transition from a mesenchyme to an epithelium. In the present study, proteoglycans were extracted by guanidinium hydrochloride in the presence of protease inhibitors. We found that, as a response to induction, the differentiating mesenchyme begins to synthesize large size proteoglycans with an apparent molecular weight (MW) of 1 X 10(6) D. The major glycosaminoglycans detected were chondroitin sulfates. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans were also detected, constituting 20% of the proteoglycans. An inhibitor of glucosamine synthesis, 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine (DON) was found to inhibit glycosaminoglycan synthesis by approx. 60%, and the size of the proteoglycans was also diminished. Our studies suggest that the transition of the mesenchyme to epithelium is associated with initiation of synthesis of large size proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have revealed a role for the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) superfamily growth factors in development of the mouse kidney. In this study, we have characterized developmental expression of Smad proteins, the downstream effectors of TGFbeta superfamily ligands. Immunohistochemistry detecting Smads 1-5 and 8 was performed on 11.25-15.5 dpc kidney sections. We find that Smad proteins are readily detected in metanephric mesenchyme but are coordinately down-regulated in condensing mesenchyme and derivative structures such as renal vesicles. In order to define the stage at which down-regulation occurs, we used the heterologous inducer lithium chloride to promote condensation in isolated cultured mesenchymal explants and subsequently assayed expression of Smad 4. Down-regulation is complete in lithium chloride induced mesenchymal condensates, indicating that Smad regulation takes place at an early stage, prior to mesenchyme to epithelium transition.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix protein, tenascin, appears in a restricted pattern during organ morphogenesis. Tenascin accumulates along developing peripheral nerves as they leave the spinal cord and enter the limb mesenchyme (Wehrle and Chiquet, Development 110, 401-415, 1990). Here we found that most but not all tenascin deposited along growing nerves is of glial origin. By in situ hybridization with a tenascin cDNA probe, we determined the site of tenascin mRNA accumulation both in normal and nerve-free limbs. In normal wing buds, tenascin mRNA was first detected within the developing limb nerves. Vinculin-positive glial precursor cells, which comigrate with the axons, are the likely source of this tenascin message. In nerveless wing grafts, tenascin was first expressed in tendon primordia in the absence, and thus independently, from innervation. In contrast to normal limbs, grafted wing buds neither contained vinculin-positive glial precursor cells, nor expressed tenascin in regions proximal to tendon primordia. In normal wing buds, tenascin deposited by tendon primordia transiently parallels and surrounds certain developing nerves. After the major nerve pattern is established, tenascin mRNA disappears from nerves in the upper limb, but is expressed in perichondrium and tendons. We propose that glial tenascin facilitates the penetration of axons into the limb bud and is important for nerve fasciculation. In some places, early tendon primordia might help to guide the migration of axons and glial precursor cells towards their target.  相似文献   

The cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan, exhibits molecular and histological dimorphism in the mouse uterus and vagina. In the mature vagina, syndecan is localized at the surfaces of the basal and intermediate cells of the stratified epithelium and has a modal molecular mass of ca. 92 kDa. The uterus expresses a larger form of syndecan (ca. 110 kDa) which is detected at the basolateral surfaces of the simple columnar epithelial cells. We have investigated whether epithelial-mesenchymal interactions influence the expression of syndecan in these organs by analyzing tissue recombinants composed of mouse epithelium and rat mesenchyme or vice versa with monoclonal antibody 281-2, which recognizes mouse syndecan. In tissue recombinants composed of newborn mouse uterine epithelium and rat vaginal stroma, the uterine epithelium was induced to form a stratified vaginal epithelium which expressed syndecan in same the pattern and mass typical of vaginal epithelium. Likewise, rat uterine stroma induced newborn mouse vaginal epithelium to undergo uterine development, and this epithelium exhibited a uterine pattern of syndecan expression. Although stromal cells normally express little syndecan in most adult organs, analysis of recombinants composed of mouse stroma and rat epithelium revealed that both uterine and vaginal mouse stromata synthesized syndecan that was larger (ca. 170-190 kDa) than the epithelial syndecans. A quantitative increase in the amount of stromal syndecan was evident when stroma was grown in association with epithelium in comparison to stroma grown by itself. These data suggest that epithelial-mesenchymal interactions influence the amount, localization, and mass of both epithelial and stromal syndecan.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,96(6):1671-1676
Adult bladder epithelium (BLE) is induced to differentiate into glandular epithelium after association with urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM) and subsequent in vivo growth in syngeneic male hosts. Alteration of epithelial cytodifferentiation is associated with the expression of prostate-specific antigens, histochemical and steroid metabolic activities. These observations suggest that the inductive influence of the UGM has reprogrammed both the morphological and functional characteristics of the urothelium. In this report, differences regarding the mechanisms and effects of androgenic stimulation of prostate and bladder are exploited to determine the extent to which UGM plus BLE recombinants express a prostatelike, androgen-dependent phenotype. Results from cytosolic and autoradiographic binding studies suggest that androgen binding is induced in UGM plus BLE recombinants and that this activity is accounted for by the induced urothelial cells. In UGM plus BLE recombinants, androgen-induced [3H]thymidine or [35S]-methionine uptake analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that of prostate as opposed to bladder. These studies indicate that expression within BLE of prostatic phenotype is associated with a loss of urothelial characteristics and that androgen sensitivity is presumably a function of the inductive activities of the stroma.  相似文献   

Tissue recombinants of embryonic urogenital sinus mesenchyme (UGM) and epithelium of the urinary bladder (urothelium, BLE) of adult rats and mice were grown for 3-30 d in male syngeneic hosts. Short-term in vivo growth indicated that prostatic morphogenesis is initiated as focal outgrowths from the basal aspect of the adult urothelium. The solid epithelial buds elongate, branch, and subsequently canalize, forming prostatic acini. After 30 d of growth in the male hosts, prostatic acini exhibit secretory activity. The marked changes in urothelial morphology induced by the UGM are accompanied by the expression of fine- structural features indicative of secretory function (rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules). During this process, urothelial cells express prostatic histochemical markers (alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase, glycosaminoglycans) and prostate-specific antigens. The expression within BLE of prostatic characteristics is associated with the loss of urothelial characteristics. These data indicate that adult urothelial cells retain a responsiveness to embryonic mesenchymal inductors. Furthermore, mesenchyme-induced changes in urothelial cytodifferentiation appear to be coupled to changes in functional activity.  相似文献   

Tenascins regulate cell interaction with the surrounding pericellular matrix. Within bone, tenascins C and W influence osteoblast adhesion and differentiation, although little is known about the regulation of tenascin expression. In this study we examined the effect of osteogenic differentiation, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt growth factors, and mechanical loading on tenascin expression in osteogenic cells. Osteogenic differentiation increased tenascin C (TnC), and decreased tenascin W (TnW), expression. Both growth factors and mechanical loading increased both TnC and TnW expression, albeit via distinct signaling mechanisms. Both BMP-2 and Wnt5a induction of tenascin expression were mediated by MAP kinases. These data establish a role for BMP, Wnts, and mechanical loading in the regulation of tenascin expression in osteoblasts.  相似文献   

In the present study we report experiments which indicate that the adamantal epithelium (inner dental epithelium) plays a specific role in the initiation of differentiation and in the initial maintenance of odontoblasts. The preodontoblasts do not differentiate in the pulps cultures alone or in association of pulps with no specific epithelium. The early stages in the process of odontoblasts differentiation are labile and dependent upon their environment. The odontoblasts and the ameloblasts cannot differentiate in advance in the isochronic and heterochronic associations. A previous maturation of these cells or of their environment is indispensable.  相似文献   

The production and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins and the cellular origin of type-IV collagen have been analysed immunocytochemically in cocultured or transplanted intestinal epithelial-mesenchymal cell associations. In the first experimental model, rat intestinal endodermal cells were cultured on top of confluent mono-layers of rat intestinal or skin fibroblastic cells. Under these conditions, interstitial matrix and basement membrane proteins were deposited within the fibroblastic layer over the whole culture period; interactions between the epithelial cells and the fibroblastic cell population, whatever their organ of origin, were required for the production of the basement membrane. In addition, its formation was progressive as assessed by the shift of a spot-like labelling to a continuous linear pattern at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface, and paralleled epithelial cell differentiation. In the second experimental model, chick-rat epithelial-mesenchymal recombinants developed as intracoelomic grafts were used, and the immunocytochemical detection of a basement membrane protein, type-IV collagen, was performed with species-specific antibodies. The major role of the mesenchyme in the deposition of type-IV collagen is supported by the fact that anti-chick but not anti-mammalian antibodies stained this antigen in chick mesenchyme-rat endoderm recombinants. These observations emphasize the role of tissue interactions in the formation of a basement membrane and show that the mesenchymal compartment is the principal endogenous source of type-IV collagen.  相似文献   

The effects of excess retinol (vitamin A alcohol) on facial process formation were examined in cultured rat embryos. The embryos were explanted at day 11 of gestation (plug day = 0) and cultured for 72 hr in rat serum containing an additional 1 or 10 micrograms/ml retinol. The reduction of outgrowth in the facial processes was observed in 1 microgram/ml retinol-treated embryos, and this type of malformation was found to be more severe in 10 micrograms/ml retinol-treated embryos. Histological findings of 10 micrograms/ml retinol-treated embryos at the 50-somite stage showed that the nasal epithelium was developed but folded. In the mesenchyme, there were necrotic cells. Thymidine incorporation by mesenchymal cells in the facial processes was also determined. At the 50-somite stage, the uptake was decreased to 66.4% of control value at 1 microgram/ml retinol, whereas the addition of the same dose of retinol did not cause the inhibition at the 36-, 40-, and 42-somite stages. The uptake at the 50-somite stage was decreased to 23.0% as a result of the 10 micrograms/ml retinol treatment. These results show that the response of the facial mesenchyme to excess retinol is dependent on the development stage and the critical stage of the facial mesenchyme for excess retinol in cultured rat embryos is the 42-somite stage.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control proliferation and differentiation of embryonic lung mesenchyme are largely unknown. We describe an explant system in which exogenous recombinant N-Sonic Hedgehog (N-Shh) protein sustains the survival and proliferation of lung mesenchyme in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, Shh upregulates several mesenchymal cell markers, including its target gene Patched (Ptc), intercellular signaling genes Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 (Bmp4) and Noggin (Nog), and smooth muscle actin and myosin. In explants exposed to N-Shh in the medium, these products are upregulated throughout the mesenchyme, but not in the periphery. This exclusion zone correlates with the presence of an overlying mesothelial layer, which, as in vivo, expresses Fibroblast Growth Factor 9 (Fgf9). Recombinant Fgf9 protein inhibits the differentiation response of the mesenchyme to N-Shh, but does not affect proliferation. We propose a model for how factors made by two epithelial cell populations, the inner endoderm and the outer jacket of mesothelium, coordinately regulate the proliferation and differentiation of the lung mesoderm.  相似文献   

The metanephros is formed from the reciprocal inductive interaction of two precursor tissues, the metanephric mesenchyme (MM) and the ureteric bud (UB). The UB induces MM to condense and differentiate forming the glomerulus and renal tubules, whilst the MM induces the UB to differentiate into the collecting tubules of the mature nephron. Uninduced MM is considered the progenitor cell population of the developing metanephros because of its potential to differentiate into more renal cell types than the UB. Previous studies have identified the phenotype of renal precursor cells; however, expression of candidate marker genes have not been analysed in other tissues of the murine embryo. We have assayed up to 19 candidate genes in eight embryonic tissues at five gestation stages of the mouse embryo to identify markers definitively expressed by renal cells during metanephric induction and markers developmentally regulated during kidney maturation. We then analysed their expression in other developing tissues. Results show Dcn, Hoxc9, Mest, Wt1 and Ywhaq were expressed at moderate to high levels during the window of metanephric specification and early differentiation (E10.5-E12.5 dpc), and Hoxc9, Ren1 and Wt1 expression was characteristic of mature renal cells. We demonstrated Cd24a, Cdh11, Mest, Scd2 and Sim2 were regulated during brain development, and Scd2, Cd24a and Sip1 expression was enriched in developing liver. These markers may be useful negative markers of kidney development. Use of a combination of highly expressed and negative markers may aid in the identification and removal of non-renal cells from heterogeneous populations of differentiating stem cells.  相似文献   

Nestin expression in adult and developing human kidney.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nestin is considered a marker of neurogenic and myogenic precursor cells. Its arrangement is regulated by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), which is expressed in murine podocytes. We investigated nestin expression in human adult and fetal kidney as well as CDK5 presence in adult human podocytes. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that adult glomeruli display nestin immunoreactivity in vimentin-expressing cells with the podocyte morphology and not in cells bearing the endothelial marker CD31. Glomerular nestin-positive cells were CDK5 immunoreactive as well. Western blotting of the intermediate filament-enriched cytoskeletal fraction and coimmunoprecipitation of nestin with anti-CDK5 antibodies confirmed these results. Nestin was also detected in developing glomeruli within immature podocytes and a few other cells. Confocal microscopy of experiments conducted with antibodies against nestin and endothelial markers demonstrated that endothelial cells belonging to capillaries invading the lower cleft of S-shaped bodies and the immature glomeruli were nestin immunoreactive. Similar experiments carried out with antibodies raised against nestin and alpha-smooth muscle actin showed that the first mesangial cells that populate the developing glomeruli expressed nestin. In conclusion, nestin is expressed in the human kidney from the first steps of glomerulogenesis within podocytes, mesangial, and endothelial cells. This expression, restricted to podocytes in mature glomeruli, appears associated with CDK5.  相似文献   

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