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Large-conductance voltage- and calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels contain four pore-forming α subunits and four modulatory β subunits. From the extents of disulfide cross-linking in channels on the cell surface between cysteine (Cys) substituted for residues in the first turns in the membrane of the S0 transmembrane (TM) helix, unique to BK α, and of the voltage-sensing domain TM helices S1–S4, we infer that S0 is next to S3 and S4, but not to S1 and S2. Furthermore, of the two β1 TM helices, TM2 is next to S0, and TM1 is next to TM2. Coexpression of α with two substituted Cys’s, one in S0 and one in S2, and β1 also with two substituted Cys’s, one in TM1 and one in TM2, resulted in two αs cross-linked by one β. Thus, each β lies between and can interact with the voltage-sensing domains of two adjacent α subunits.  相似文献   

Summary Squid giant axon could be excited in concentrated glycerol solutions containing normal concentrations of electrolytes, when osmolalities of solutions inside and outside the axon were matched. These glycerol solutions did not freeze at the temperature as low as –19°C. The nerve excitation in these solutions were observed at this low temperature. The excitation process at this low temperature was slowed down and time constants of the excitation kinetics were several hundredfold larger than those in normal seawater at 10°C, under which temperature the squid habituated. The temperature coefficients for the electrophysiological membrane parameters under this condition were larger than those in normal seawater above 0°C. The Q10 value for the conduction velocity was 2.0 and that of the duration of the action potential was around 8.5. The time course of the membrane currents was also slowed with the Q10 value of around 5 and the magnitude decreased with the Q10 value of around 2 as the temperature was lowered. The Q10 values for the kinetics of the on process of the Na-channel were around 4.5 and were almost the same as those of the off process of the Na-channel in the wide range of the temperature below 0°C. The Q10 value of the on process of K-channel was around 6.5 and was larger than those for Na-channel. The Q10 values increased gradually as the temperature was lowered.  相似文献   

The inside-out mode of the patch-clamp technique was used to study adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ channels in mammalian skeletal muscle. Vanadate, applied to the cytoplasmic face of excised patches, was a potent activator of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+) were a prerequisite for the activating process. The maximal effect was achieved using 1 mM vanadate dissolved in Ringer, increasing the open-state probability about ninefold. The active 5 + redox form of vanadate which stimulates ATP-sensitive K+ channels is likely to be decavanadate V10O inf28 sup6– . ATP concentration-response curves have Hill coefficients near three in internal Na+-rich Ringer and between one and two in internal KCl solutions. Half maximal channel blockage was observed at ATP concentrations of 4 and 8 M in Ringer and KCl solutions, respectively. Internal vanadate shifted the curves towards higher ATP concentrations without affecting their slopes. Thus 50% channel blockage occurred at 65 M ATP in internal Ringer containing 0.5 mM vanadate. The results indicate that the affinity and stoichiometry of ATP binding to ATP-sensitive K+ channels are strongly modulated by internal cations and that the ATP sensitivity is weakened by vanadate. Offprint requests to: B. Neumcke  相似文献   

The involvement of potassium (K+)-selective, Shaker-type channels, particularly AKT1, in primary K+ acquisition in roots of higher plants has long been of interest, particularly in the context of low-affinity K+ uptake, at high K+ concentrations, as well as uptake from low-K+ media under ammonium (NH4+) stress. We recently demonstrated that K+ channels cannot mediate K+ acquisition in roots of intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings at low (22.5 µM) external K+ concentrations ([K+]ext) and in the presence of high (10 mM) external NH4+, while the model species Arabidopsis thaliana L. utilizes channels under comparable conditions. However, when external NH4+ was suddenly withdrawn, a thermodynamic shift to passive (channel-mediated) K+ influx was observed in barley and both species demonstrated immediate and dramatic stimulations in K+ influx, illustrating a hitherto unexplored magnitude and rapidity of K+-uptake capacity and plasticity. Here, we expand on our previous work by offering further characterization of channel-mediated K+ fluxes in intact barley, with particular focus on anion effects, root respiration and pharmacological sensitivity and highlight key additions to the current model of K+ acquisition.  相似文献   

The β-subunit of the voltage-sensitive K+ channels shares 15–30% amino acid identity with the sequences of aldo–keto reductases (AKR) genes. However, the AKR properties of the protein remain unknown. To begin to understand its oxidoreductase properties, we examine the pyridine coenzyme binding activity of the protein in vitro. The cDNA of Kvβ2.1 from rat brain was subcloned into a prokaryotic expression vector and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified protein was tetrameric in solution as determined by size exclusion chromatography. The protein displayed high affinity binding to NADPH as determined by fluorometric titration. The KD values for NADPH of the full-length wild-type protein and the N-terminus deleted protein were 0.1±0.007 and 0.05±0.006 M, respectively — indicating that the cofactor binding domain is restricted to the C-terminus, and is not drastically affected by the absence of the N-terminus amino acids, which form the ball and chain regulating voltage-dependent inactivation of the α-subunit. The protein displayed poor affinity for other coenzymes and the corresponding values of the KD for NADH and NAD were between 1–3 μM whereas the KD for FAD was >10 μM. However, relatively high affinity binding was observed with 3-acetyl pyridine NADP, indicating selective recognition of the 2′ phosphate at the binding site. The selectivity of Kvβ2.1 for NADPH over NADP may be significant in regulating the K+ channels as a function of the cellular redox state.  相似文献   

Summary ATP-inhibited potassium channels (K(ATP)) were studied in excised, inside-out patches from cultured adult mouse pancreatic -cells and HIT cells. In the absence of ATP, ADP opened K(ATP) channels at concentrations as low as 10 m and as high as 500 m, with maximal activation between 10 and 100 m ADP in mouse -cell membrane patches. At concentrations greater than 500 m, ADP inhibited K(ATP) channels while 10 mm virtually abolished channel activity. HIT cell channels had a similar biphasic response to ADP except that more than 1 mm ADP was required for inhibition. The channel opening effect of ADP required magnesium while channel inhibition did not. Using creatine/creatine phosphate solutions with creatine phosphokinase to fix ATP and ADP concentrations, we found substantially different K(ATP)-channel activity with solutions having the same ATP/ADP ratio but different absolute total nucleotide levels. To account for ATP-ADP competition, we propose a new model of channel-nucleotide interactions with two kinds of ADP binding sites regulating the channel. One site specifically binds MgADP and increases channel opening. The other, the previously described ATP site, binds either ATP or ADP and decreases channel opening. This model very closely fits the ADP concentration-response curve and, when incorporated into a model of -cell membrane potential, increasing ADP in the 10 and 100 m range is predicted to compete very effectively with millimolar levels of ATP to hyperpolarize -cells.The results suggest that (i) K(ATP)-channel activity is not well predicted by the ATP/ADP ratio, and (ii) ADP is a plausible regulator of K(ATP) channels even if its free cytoplasmic concentration is in the 10–100 m range as suggested by biochemical studies.We would like to thank Mr. Louis Stamps for expert technical assistance and Dr. Wil Fujimoto and Ms. Jeanette Teague for generously providing HIT cells obtained from Dr. Robert Santerre at Eli Lilly. We would also like to thank Dr. Michel Vivaudou for providing the program ALEX. Support was provided by the NIH and the Department of Veterans Affairs.  相似文献   

Potassium channels in the apical and basolateral membranes of tubule cells serve several important functions. They contribute to the generation of the cell-negative potential, mediate volume reductions following cell swelling and play a key role in secretion of potassium in both the thick ascending limb of Henle''s loop and principal tubule cells of the initial and cortical collecting tubules. Secretion of potassium occurs via a well-defined class of potassium channels distinguished by their low single channel conductance, mild inward rectification, high sensitivity to inhibition by low pH, millimolar concentrations of ATP, arachidonic acid and PKC, and stimulation by vasopressin and pretreatment with a high potassium diet. Genes encoding several isoforms of this channel have been cloned and the proteins located to the apical membranes of cells lining the thick ascending limb of Henle''s loop and the collecting tubules, and progress made concerning their structure-function relationship.  相似文献   

Fleximers, a novel type of flexible nucleoside that have garnered attention due to their unprecedented activity against human coronaviruses, have now exhibited highly promising levels of activity against filoviruses. The Flex-nucleoside was the most potent against recombinant Ebola virus in Huh7 cells with an EC50 = 2 μM, while the McGuigan prodrug was most active against Sudan virus-infected HeLa cells with an EC50 of 7 μM.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM) is a macrocyclic lactone that exerts antifilarial, antiparasitic, and insecticidal effects on nematodes and insects by acting on l-glutamic acid-gated chloride channels (GluCls). IVM also acts as an allosteric modulator of various other ion channels. Although the IVM binding site in the Caenorhabditis elegans GluCl was identified by X-ray crystallographic analysis, the mechanism of action of IVM in insects is not well defined. We therefore examined the action of IVM on the housefly (Musca domestica) GluCl and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated ion channel (GABACl). For both channels, IVM induced currents by itself, potentiated currents induced by low concentrations of agonists, and inhibited currents induced by high concentrations of agonists. Despite exerting common actions on both types of channels, GluCls were more susceptible to IVM actions than GABACls, indicating that GluCls are the primary target of IVM. Substitution of an amino acid residue in the third transmembrane segment (G312M in GluCls, and G333A and G333M in GABACls) resulted in significantly reduced levels or loss of activation, potentiation, and antagonism of the channels, indicating that these three actions result from the interaction of IVM with amino acid residues in the transmembrane intersubunit crevice.  相似文献   

Takuma Tanada 《Planta》1978,143(1):109-111
Hypocotyl sections from dark-grown mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) seedlings grown without boron exhibit little or no increase in the translocation of fluorescein in phloem cells following gravitational stimulation or red irradiation. In contrast, pretreatment of the hypocotyl sections with low concentrations of boric acid before red irradiation or gravitational stimulation results in a rapid increase in fluorescein movement. Mung bean root tips without boron fail to remain attached to a negativelycharged glass surface after several minutes of red irradiation. A low boron concentration in the solution induces tip attachment. The suggestion is made that boron is required to stabilize a positive electrostatic charge in the plasma membrane that is generated by the actions of phytochrome and gravity.  相似文献   

Possible heteromultimer formation between Kv- and Kir-type K+ channels was investigated, in connection with the known functional diversity of K+ channels in vivo. Voltage-clamp experiments were performed on Xenopus oocytes, either injected with concatenated Kir2.1-Kv1.1 mRNA, or co-injected with Kv1.1 and Kir2.1 mRNA. K+ currents could be approximated by the algebraic sum of the 2 K+ current types alone. The tandem construct did not show functional expression, although it could be detected by Western blotting. We conclude that Kv1.1 and Kir2.1 α-subunit proteins fail to assemble and do not contribute functional diversity to K+ channels.  相似文献   

Indirect evidence suggests that the Müller/glial cell water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP4) modulates K(+) channel function of the closely associated Kir4.1 protein. We used patch clamp to compare Kir4.1 K(+) channel function in freshly isolated Müller cells from retinas of wild-type (+/+) and AQP4 knock-out (-/-) mice. Immunocytochemistry showed a comparable Kir4.1 protein expression pattern in Müller cells from +/+ and -/- retinas, with greatest expression at their end feet. Osmotic water permeability was >4-fold reduced in -/- than in +/+ Müller cells. Resting membrane potential did not differ significantly in +/+ versus -/- Müller cells (-64 +/- 1 versus -64 +/- 1 mV, S.E., n = 24). Whole-cell K(+) currents recorded with a micropipette inserted into the cell soma were Ba(2+)-sensitive and showed no significant differences in magnitude in +/+ versus -/- Müller cells (1.3 +/- 0.1 versus 1.2 +/- 0.1 nA at -160 mV) or in inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationships. Spatially resolved K(+) currents generated by pulsed K(+) injections along Müller cell bodies were also comparable in +/+ versus -/- Müller cells. Single-channel cell-attached patch clamp showed comparable unitary conductance, current-voltage data, and open probability in +/+ versus -/- Müller cells. Thus, contrary to the generally accepted view, our results provide direct evidence against functionally significant AQP4 modulation of Müller cell Kir4.1 K(+) channel function.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been recognized as a contributing factor in ageing and various diseases including cancer and neuropathological disorders. Indole derivatives such as the neurohormone melatonin (MLT) constitute an important class of therapeutic agent in medicinal chemistry. MLT can scavenge different reactive oxygen species and can also stimulate the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes. As a part of our ongoing studies, a series of new indole-based hydrazide/hydrazone derivatives were synthesized as MLT analogues. Their antioxidant activity was investigated in human erythrocytes by evaluating their reducing effect against oxidation of a redox-sensitive fluorescent probe. Possible inherent cytotoxicity of the compounds was investigated in CHO-K1 cells by lactate dehydrogenase leakage test. Protection of neuronal PC12 cells against amyloid β-induced damage was examined by MTT assay and their ability in reduction of ROS generation induced by amyloid β was tested. MLT analogues having an o-halogenated aromatic moiety exhibited effective antioxidant properties without having any membrane-damaging effect. Moreover, derivatives having o-halogenated and dihalogenated aromatic side chain significantly protected neuronal cells at concentrations of 10 and 100 μM. In conclusion, MLT derivatives represent promising scaffolds for discovery of effective antioxidant and neuroprotective agents.  相似文献   

We have characterized the effects of prepulse hyperpolarization and extracellular Mg(2+) on the ionic and gating currents of the Drosophila ether-à-go-go K(+) channel (eag). Hyperpolarizing prepulses significantly slowed channel opening elicited by a subsequent depolarization, revealing rate-limiting transitions for activation of the ionic currents. Extracellular Mg(2+) dramatically slowed activation of eag ionic currents evoked with or without prepulse hyperpolarization and regulated the kinetics of channel opening from a nearby closed state(s). These results suggest that Mg(2+) modulates voltage-dependent gating and pore opening in eag channels. To investigate the mechanism of this modulation, eag gating currents were recorded using the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp. Prepulse hyperpolarization and extracellular Mg(2+) slowed the time course of ON gating currents. These kinetic changes resembled the results at the ionic current level, but were much smaller in magnitude, suggesting that prepulse hyperpolarization and Mg(2+) modulate gating transitions that occur slowly and/or move relatively little gating charge. To determine whether quantitatively different effects on ionic and gating currents could be obtained from a sequential activation pathway, computer simulations were performed. Simulations using a sequential model for activation reproduced the key features of eag ionic and gating currents and their modulation by prepulse hyperpolarization and extracellular Mg(2+). We have also identified mutations in the S3-S4 loop that modify or eliminate the regulation of eag gating by prepulse hyperpolarization and Mg(2+), indicating an important role for this region in the voltage-dependent activation of eag.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca(2+) inhibits voltage-gated potassium channels of the ether à go-go (EAG) family. To identify the underlying molecular mechanism, we expressed the human version hEAG1 in XENOPUS: oocytes. The channels lost Ca(2+) sensitivity when measured in cell-free membrane patches. However, Ca(2+) sensitivity could be restored by application of recombinant calmodulin (CaM). In the presence of CaM, half inhibition of hEAG1 channels was obtained in 100 nM Ca(2+). Overlay assays using labelled CaM and glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion fragments of hEAG1 demonstrated direct binding of CaM to a C-terminal domain (hEAG1 amino acids 673-770). Point mutations within this section revealed a novel CaM-binding domain putatively forming an amphipathic helix with both sides being important for binding. The binding of CaM to hEAG1 is, in contrast to Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels, Ca(2+) dependent, with an apparent K(D) of 480 nM. Co-expression experiments of wild-type and mutant channels revealed that the binding of one CaM molecule per channel complex is sufficient for channel inhibition.  相似文献   

Peptaibols are considered as models of those ion channels which consist of a bundle of transbilayer helices surrounding a central pore. X-Ray diffraction and NMR studies have yielded high resolution structures for several peptaibols. In conjunction with other spectroscopic investigations and molecular dynamics simulations, these studies suggest that peptaibols form proline-kinked -helices, and that there may be hinge-bending movement of the helix in the region of the central proline residue. The amphipathicity of peptaibol helices is analyzed in relation to their channel-forming properties. Studies of the interactions of peptaibols with lipid bilayers suggest that they are helical when in a membrane-like environment, and that the helix orientation relative to the bilayer is sensitive to the peptaibol: lipid ratio, and to the degree of hydration of the bilayer. Electrical studies reveal that many peptaibols form multiple-conductance level channels in a voltage-dependent fashion. Analysis of conductance levels provides support for the barrel stave model of channel formation, whereby different conductance levels correspond to different numbers of monomers in a helix bundle. Alternative models for voltage-activation are discussed, and the roles of molecular dipoles and of hinge-bending in this process are considered. Two molecular models for an N = 6 bundle of alamethicin helices are presented and their electrostatic properties analyzed. The relevance of studies of peptaibols to channel and transport proteins in general is considered.Abbreviations Aib -amino-isobutyric acid - Alm alamethicin - ATR-FTIR attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared - CD circular dichroism - CFP channel-forming peptide - Chol cholesterol - diPhyPC diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine - DMPC dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine - DOPC dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine - DOPE dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine - DPPS dipahnitoyl phosphatidylserine - DTPC ditetradecyl phosphatidylcholine - HSM hydrophilic surface map - I-V current-voltage - MLV multilamellar vesicle - nAChR nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - P:L protein-to-lipid ratio - POPC palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine - SUV small unilamellar vesicle - Zrv zervamicin  相似文献   

Zhang DY  Wang Y  Lau CP  Tse HF  Li GR 《Cellular signalling》2008,20(10):1815-1821
Human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG or Kv11.1) encodes the rapidly activated delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(Kr)) in the human heart. Potential regulation of hERG channel by protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) is not understood. The present study was designed to investigate whether this channel is modulated by PTKs using whole-cell patch clamp technique, and immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis in HEK 293 cells stably expressing hERG gene. We found that the broad-spectrum PTK inhibitor genistein (30 muM), the selective EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) kinase inhibitor AG556 (10 muM) and the Src-family kinase inhibitor PP2 (10 muM) remarkably inhibited hERG channel current (I(hERG)), and the effects were significantly countered by the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitor orthovanadate (1 mM). Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis demonstrated that membrane protein tyrosine phosphorylation of hERG channels was reduced by genistein, AG556, and PP2. The reduction of hERG channel phosphorylation level by genistein, AG556 or PP2 was antagonized by orthovanadate. Single point mutation(s) of Y475A and/or Y611A dramatically attenuated the inhibitory effect of I(hERG) by PP2 and/or AG556. Our results demonstrate the novel information that I(hERG) is modulated not only by Src-family kinases, but also by EGFR kinases. Y475 and/or Y611 are likely the preferred phosphorylation sites. Regulation of hERG channels by PTKs modifies the channel activity and thus likely alters electrophysiological properties including action potential duration and cell excitability in human heart and neurons.  相似文献   

Human ether à go-go potassium channels (hEAG1) open in response to membrane depolarization and they are inhibited by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM), presumably binding to the C-terminal domain of the channel subunits. Deletion of the cytosolic N-terminal domain resulted in complete abolition of Ca2+/CaM sensitivity suggesting the existence of further CaM binding sites. A peptide array-based screen of the entire cytosolic protein of hEAG1 identified three putative CaM-binding domains, two in the C-terminus (BD-C1: 674-683, BD-C2: 711-721) and one in the N-terminus (BD-N: 151-165). Binding of GST-fusion proteins to Ca2+/CaM was assayed with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and precipitation assays. In the presence of Ca2+, BD-N and BD-C2 provided dissociation constants in the nanomolar range, BD-C1 bound with lower affinity. Mutations in the binding domains reduced inhibition of the functional channels by Ca2+/CaM. Employment of CaM-EF-hand mutants showed that CaM binding to the N- and C-terminus are primarily dependent on EF-hand motifs 3 and 4. Hence, closure of EAG channels presumably requires the binding of multiple CaM molecules in a manner more complex than previously assumed.  相似文献   

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