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四种蜜源植物花蜜腺的比较解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
草莓、漆树、芥菜和薄荷四种植物花蜜腺形态结构各异。草莓花蜜腺着生在花管内壁上属花被蜜腺。芥菜花蜜腺4枚,包括一对侧蜜腺和一对中蜜腺。漆树和薄荷的花蜜腺为花盘蜜腺,位于子房基部。四种花蜜腺都属结构蜜腺,其中仅芥菜的侧蜜腺组织中具维管束。它们在发育早期均无特殊的原始细胞,都由花器官表层细胞反分化形成原基,再发育成蜜腺。四种花蜜腺发育过程中细胞原生质体的液泡都表现出了规律性的消长变化。漆树和薄荷的花蜜腺具典型的淀粉动态变化,草莓的花蜜腺则属非淀粉型蜜腺;芥菜花蜜腺介于这两种类型之间。草莓和薄荷的花蜜由表皮细胞直接渗出。芥菜则气孔和表皮泌出兼备而漆树通过气孔泌蜜。  相似文献   

丝瓜、葫芦、据楼三种植物的雌、雄花蜜腺在形态、位置、结构和泌密方式上有很大的区别。其雄花蜜腺都位于花托上,由花托表面的细胞发育而来。雌花蜜腺位于子房与花冠之间,由两者间的细胞发育而来。雌、雄花蜜腺均为淀粉型蜜腺,其中三种植物的雄花蜜腺分泌表皮上气孔器丰富、淀粉粒多,蜜汁主要以渗透方式泌至分泌表应经变态气孔泌出而三种植物的雌花蜜腺缺乏气孔器,淀粉粒相对少,其原变汁主要以渗透和胞吐相结合的方式泌至分泌表皮,经薄的角质层处泌出。  相似文献   

兰花蕉花的形态解剖学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
兰花蕉(Orchidantha chinensis)的子房室顶部闭合后向上延长成延长部,实心,但有花柱沟和隔膜蜜腺管通过,隔膜蜜腺管,可分为中央蜜腺管和三条侧蜜腺管;中央蜜腺管位于三个心皮连接处,自子房室区下部产生,向上于延长部的部顶端终止;三条侧管分别位于两个心皮连接处,于子房室区近中部产生,开口于花柱基部。兰花蕉子房室区与延长部均具6枚雄蕊的维管束系统,即3枚心皮背束的伴束与3枚隔膜束,近轴面1枚事膜向上进入唇瓣的维管束系统,位于唇瓣的中央,致使兰花蕉仅具5枚功能雄蕊,唇瓣具双重结构,本文还讨论了兰花蕉科的系统发育位置。  相似文献   

The gametophyte, old embryo, and sporophyte of Schizaea pseudodichotoma sp. nov., sporophyte and female parental gametophyte of S. diversispora hybr. nov. (S. pseudodicholoma X probably S. dichotoma), sporophyte of S. rhacoindusiata sp. nov., and gametophyte, old embryo, and sporophyte of Actinostachys macrofunda sp. nov. are described. The taxonomy of Schizaea is discussed and the system of Diels is strongly supported. The two sectional names used by Diels, Euschizaea Hook, and Lophidium Rich, are replaced by Pectinatae Prantl and Schizaea respectively. The prime morphological significance of Schizaea pseudodicholoma lies in its leafless embryo and its simple leaf differing from other species in its section, and that of Actinostachys macrofunda lies in its reduction to nearly complete heterotrophic existence and its frequent multiple annulus. Fungal hyphae have been traced from Schizaea and Actinostachys through the substratum and into root nodules of Casuarina and into roots of two other angiosperms.  相似文献   

Marrow-stem kale plants grown on plots receiving frequent additions of sulphate of ammonia showed a 40% increase in length of internode and a 25% increase in number of nodes per plant, and the leaf size was increased by between 50 and 70% over plants in plots receiving no N fertilizer. Leaves of kale continue to increase in area until they turn yellow, and the high N leaves showed a greater rate of increase in area at every stage in the life of the leaf.
Various features of leaf structure, such as stomatal index, and thickness of palisade and mesophyll, were unaffected by N treatment. The size of the epidermal cells of the leaves was very variable, and although the high N leaves showed a 12% increase in area per epidermal cell over the low N leaves, this difference is not statistically significant. The increased area of the high N leaves can therefore be attributed mainly to increased cell division during the life of the leaf. Only a very slight increase in rate of cell division is necessary to produce the observed effect.
The greater leaf area of the high N plants can be attributed mainly to increased size of individual leaves, but there was also a significantly greater number of living functional leaves per plant on the high N plants; at 23 weeks from sowing the high N plants had an average of 13.4 living leaves, while the low N plants had only 11.7 living leaves per plant.
There was an appreciable degree of N succulence in the high N kale leaves, which showed a 2% greater moisture content than the low N leaves.
A seasonal drift in epidermal cell size, palisade thickness, and total leaf thickness, is shown to be fully significant, statistically. Marked variations in stomatal frequency are barely significant at the 5% level.  相似文献   

The genus Campsis (Bignoniaceae), with one New World and one Old World species, is unusual among temperate plants in having five distinct nectary sites. Multiple nectaries occur at all four of the extrafloral sites (petiole, calyx, corolla, fruit), representing an advanced strategy for ant attraction. The morphology and anatomy of the extrafloral nectaries in both species are uniform for the petioles, calyces, and young fruits; those on the outer corolla lobes are of slightly different forms. The generalized structure consists of one layer of basal cells, and a one- to two-layered secretory cup. Because of their small size, there is no vascular tissue in them. The large, vascularized (phloem only) floral nectary is an annular structure subtending the ovary.  相似文献   

Hall , Benedict A. (State U. of New York, Cortland.) The floral anatcmy of Dipteronia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 918–924. Illus. 1961.—The floral morphology of Dipteronia sinensis closely resembles that of such species of Acer as A. pseudosieboldianum. Both these species share the following characters: (1) complete flowers; (2) functional unisexuality of staminate flowers, resulting from abortion of the pistil; (3) andromonoecious condition, the same tree bearing both perfect and functionally staminate flowers; (4) nectariferous disc, extrastaminal in position. The vascular anatomy of the 2 species, described in detail in this paper, differs only in minor ways, having similar traces supplying, respectively, perianth, androecium and gynoecium. The greatest difference between the 2 genera lies in the form of the mature fruit, which in Dipteronia has the wings of the samaras completely surrounding the seeds; yet in both genera the vascular skeleton of the fruit is essentially the same. There is a similar cohesion of the vascular traces of sepals and petals in both these species. Differences between these and certain other species of Acer such as A. negundo and A. carpinifolium, herein described, greatly exceed those between A. pseudosieboldianum and Dipteronia. The flowers of A. negundo, for example, have undergone extreme reduction from the presumed ancestral type, having no petals or disc and lacking either stamens or carpels. These facts support the inclusion of Dipteronia in the Aceraceae, but make questionable its status as a genus separate from Acer.  相似文献   

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