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Millington , W. F. (Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wis.) Shoot tip abortion in Ulmus americana. Amor. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 371–378. Illus. 1963.—Phenological observations of American elm have shown that the phenomenon of shoot tip abortion in which the distal several plastochrons of each shoot turn yellow and abort, inducing sympodial growth, occurs over a period of several weeks starting at the time fruits are shed from older trees. Time of abortion varies among plants of different age, among individuals of the same age, and among shoots on the same individual. In the latter case, time of abortion is inversely correlated with the vigor of the shoot, the most vigorous shoots on a branch being the last to abort. Abortion is first evident in the yellowing of the entire shoot tip. Cytohistological studies show that necrosis commences at the sixth to eighth node back of the apex, where it is apparent in autolysis of internal cells of the stipules. Necrosis progresses acropetally in the stipules and young leaves and ultimately involves the leaf primordia at the shoot apex. Mitosis ceases in the shoot apex and its meristematic appearance is lost. These changes follow in basipetal sequence in the axillary buds down to the bud below the abscission site. This bud remains active and will resume growth the following season. The abscission site is evident externally as a green-yellow boundary in the basal part of the internode. No protective layer is present at the time of abscission, but it develops after the shoot tip abscises. There is no indication of blocking of vascular tissues before shoot tip abortion and limitation of water supply probably is not a causal factor. Photoperiod studies show that shoot tip abortion is accelerated in short days and delayed but not prevented in long days. Greenhouse experiments show that abortion is delayed also in seedlings, in plants supplied with organic fertilizer, or grown with the roots unconfined. Plants grown in a nutrient solution deficient in nitrogen aborted ahead of controls and plants deficient in calcium. Although shoot tip abortion occurs coincident with fruit drop, there is no indication of a causal relationship. The literature relating to shoot tip abortion is discussed in relation to the above observations.  相似文献   

Summer and winter (July and January) samples of secondary phloem of Tilia americana were studied with the electron microscope. Parenchyma cells contain: nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, plastids, mitochondria and occasional dictyosomes. Well-defined tonoplasts separate vacuoles from cytoplasmic ground substance. Vacuoles often contain tannins. Lipid droplets are common in cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum–connected plasmodesmata are aggregated in primary pit fields. Companion cells differ from parenchyma cells in having numerous sieve-element connections, possibly slime, and in lacking plastids. Mature, enucleate sieve elements possess 1–4 extruded nucleoli. Numerous vesicles occupy a mostly parietal position in association with plasmalemma. The mature sieve element lacks endoplasmic reticulum, organelles (except for few mitochondria) and tonoplast. In OsO4– and glutaraldehyde-fixed elements, slime has a fine, fibrillar appearance. Normally, these fine fibrils are organized into coarser ones which form strands that traverse the cell and the plasmalemma-lined pores of sieve plates and lateral sieve areas.  相似文献   

The fine structure of ash cambium was studied after glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation. The fusiform and ray initials are essentially alike, and both have the basic complement of organelles and membranes typical of parenchyma cells. The varied behavior of the two types of initials and the role of cambium in oriented production of the xylem and phloem are still unexplained phenomena. Actively growing cambial cells are highly vacuolate. They are rich in endoplasmic reticulum of the rough cisternal form, ribosomes, dictyosomes, and coated vesicles. Microtubules are present in the peripheral cytoplasm. The plasmalemma appears to be continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and produces coated vesicles as well as micropinocytotic vesicles with smooth surfaces. The plastids have varying amounts of an intralamellar inclusion which may be a lipoprotein. The quiescent cambium is deficient in rough ER and coated vesicles and has certain structures which may be condensed proteins.  相似文献   

The shoot apex of Bougainvillea spectabilis consists of five zones: A two- or occasionally three-layered tunica, a central mother cell zone, a cambium-like zone, a rib meristem (central meristem), and a peripheral meristem. The presence of a cambium-like zone is somewhat unusual in the apex of vascular plants, having only been reported for a few taxa. In B. spectabilis the cambium-like zone is consistently present throughout the plastochron and all yearly seasonal periods.  相似文献   

本实验研究蜚蠊后胸足胫节棘-钾形感器冲动发放的适应特性,用探针向棘窝方向推棘以兴奋感觉神经元,用胞外电极记录神经冲动的发放,显示明显的适应现象.用计算机对冲动信号进行分析作图可得时间-瞬时频率曲线,该曲线呈负幂函数分布并可用y=B(?)公式描述,其中k为回归系数,表示该感器的适应速率,棘移动距离可影响k值,棘移动距离越长,k值越大,表示适应速率减慢.高频率移动棘可使反应发生动态和稳态两方面的变化;前者显示后续反应的脉冲个数的减少,后者则显示k值的降低,意味着适应的加快.  相似文献   

THE NATURE OF THE NEGRI BODY   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Shoot organization is examined in 87 species from 29 genera representing all six subfamilies of the Araceae and of Acorus, which has been placed in a separate family. Within each taxonomic group examined, the details of shoot organization are presented, including the types of segments and articles which make up the shoot, the degree of expansion of leaf blades, and the placement of buds along the shoots. Literature on shoot organization of the 29 genera is reviewed. The degree of correlation between shoot organization characteristics and systematic groupings is examined, and the utility of these characteristics for systematics is evaluated. It is found that within the taxa observed, the pattern of shoot organization provides a distinctive “fingerprint” at the generic or sectional level, sufficient for determination of the group. Some patterns which appear are pointed out: taxa with bisexual flowers usually produce a single inflorescence at the terminus of a vegetative article. A few taxa with bisexual flowers produce pairs of inflorescences at the ends of articles. Multiple inflorescences (more than two) at an article terminus occur only among taxa with unisexual flowers. Multiple inflorescences are associated with anisophyllous or homeophyllous sympodial growth, while single or paired inflorescences are associated with homeophyllous or intermittent homeophyllous sympodial growth. These patterns might be understood as the result of selection for flexibility of reproductive effort and of seasonal reproduction.  相似文献   

I review methodological problems that can lead to false evidence for selection on secondary sexual characters and present a study of selection in rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina americana) that avoids these pitfalls. Male rubyspots have a large red spot on each wing that grows to a terminal size after sexual maturity. Selection gradient analyses revealed evidence for positive sexual and survival selection on both terminal wing spot size and body size. Phenotype manipulations confirmed that wing spot size was subject to direct sexual selection, but showed that the positive slope of survival on wing spot size was an indirect effect of selection on unmeasured traits. This study provides the strongest evidence yet for sexual selection on coloration in Odonata, but also provides clear examples of why phenotypic selection statistics must be calculated and interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

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