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四倍体中华猕猴桃减数分裂及花粉发育的细胞学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
熊治廷  黄仁煌  袁萍  武显维   《广西植物》1993,13(2):139-143+197
观察了四倍体中华猕猴桃(2n=4x=116)雄株花粉母细胞减数分裂和花粉发育过程。在减数分裂终变期和中期Ⅰ,绝大部分染色体呈二价体构型,出现少最环状和链状多价体。胞质发育为同时型。成熟花粉粒为两细胞型。  相似文献   

复合四倍体异育银鲫两种不同生殖方式的细胞学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在复合四倍体异育银鲫()×银鲫()的受精过程中,精子入卵后经过解凝、核化,最终形成雄性原核,并可与卵子的雌性原核融合,证明了复合四倍体异育银鲫卵子具有与两性融合生殖极为相似的拟两性融合生殖的能力;而在复合四倍体异育银鲫()×兴国红鲤()的组合中,精子入卵后以固缩状态存在,又表现出典型的雌核发育型生殖行为。因此我们认为复合四倍体异育银鲫具有两种不同的生殖发育机制。此外,我们还观察到在第一次有丝分裂中期有核物质被排斥到纺锤体之外的现象。本文就复合四倍体异育银鲫生殖发育的机制进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

雄性不育系在作物的杂种优势利用中具有重要的价值。研究其花粉败育过程有利于了解败育机理,并为化学杀雄和化学保雄提供理论  相似文献   

A. D. Forbes-Watson   《Ibis》1967,109(3):425-430
A nest-cavity with two nestlings of Leptosomus discolor, found in the Comoro Islands in October 1965, are described. This is apparently the first time that nesting has been observed. The nest was in a natural cavity in a tree growing in light secondary forest. Both nestlings still had traces of their original white down, even though they were nearly fully-feathered. Apart from two thick tufts of white down on the hind-crown, the plumage appeared very like that of the adult male. Fragments of egg-shell were found in the nest. They suggest that the original eggs were rather rounded, of a pale unmarked creamy-buff, slightly glossed, measuring about 46 ± 5 ± 37 ± 5 mm. During six hours observation at the nest the birds made five visits and brought six chameleons (no other food was seen). The female fed the young, but the male accompanied her. She did not enter the nest, except on one occasion. Details of this visit are given in full, being particularly remarkable for the tameness of the female. The threat-display of the young is described and possible predators mentioned. Several calls are described, some apparently for the first time. It seems likely that most prey is caught above ground-level. The evidence suggests that the birds are monogamous, not polyandrous as has been suggested.  相似文献   

沙冬青属的细胞学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
沙冬青属(Ammopiptanthus)植物仅两个种,即蒙古沙冬青(A.mongolicus)和新疆沙冬青(A.nanus),为第三纪残遗种,是中亚荒漠唯一的常绿阔叶植物,因珍稀,临危而被列为国家重点保护植物”。国内外对该属两个种的染色体数目的记载存在着差异。本文对沙冬青属两种植物的染色体数目和核型进行了分析研究,旨在为探讨该属植物的发生和系统发育,以及开展植物多样性保护和合理开发利用积累资料。  相似文献   

The mean chiasma number per cell was 11.44 ± 0.04 in 489 cells. Due to chiasma failures, the ring-of-twelve chromosomes may be broken into two or three chains. Cells with four or more chains were not observed. All six possible two-chain situations and eight different threechain situations were found. All possible lengths of chains from one to all twelve chromosomes were found, with “chain”-of-one inordinately frequent. The overall mean number of chromosomes in 273 chains in 188 cells is 8.26 ± 0.31 and 5.38 ± 0.31 among 154 chains in the 69 cells that had two or more chains. The mean number of chains per cell among these 188 was 1.45 ± 0.13. In 73 cells, 113 chiasma failures were found to be distributed at random among the twelve chromosome arm positions. The absence of association either between length of arm or between presence-absence of secondary constriction and frequency of chiasma failure support the generally accepted theory that, in Rhoeo, synapsis and crossing over are restricted to small terminal segments on all chromosomes.  相似文献   

Streetman , L. J., and Neal Wright . (U.S.D.A., U. Arizona, Tucson.) A cytological study of black gramagrass, Bouteloua eriopoda. Amer, Jour. Bot. 47 (9) : 786–793. Illus. 1960. The chromosome number, microsporogenesis, embryo-sac development and embryogeny of Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. were investigated. Thirty-four of the 35 accessions had a diploid chromosome complement of 2n=20. One accession had a chromosome number of 2n=28. Meiotic behavior of the 20-chromosome plants was normal, and pollen quality approached 100%. However, metaphase-I and anaphase-I cells of the 28-chromosome plants had up to 8 lagging chromosomes. Pollen quality was approximately 67%; however, the plants were highly sterile. These results furnished evidence of a basic number of x = 10 for the genus Bouteloua. Megagametophyte development was normal, which resulted in an 8-nucleate embryo sac of the “Polygonum” type. Abnormal development of nucellar tissue was not detected, and embryo development did not begin until 12–18 hr. after anthesis. The development of the female gametophyte indicated sexual reproduction. A high degree of morphological variability among and within accessions afforded further evidence for sexual reproduction and suggested that the species was largely cross-fertilized. The proembryo, which began development 12–18 hr. after pollination, lacked a discernible arrangement of cells and sequence of division. The endosperm was free nuclear until 4 days after pollination, when it changed to a cellular form. Differentiation of the proembryo into various embryo structures began 4–5 days after pollination. The embryo matured anatomically 12 days after pollination. Black gramagrass, a perennial range grass native to the desert grasslands of the southwestern United States, is a major species in Arizona, New Mexico, and adjacent parts of Mexico. In many areas of low rainfall this species is the only desirable grass.  相似文献   


被子植物质体遗传的细胞学研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
植物细胞质遗传涉及细胞质中含DNA的两种细胞器——质体和线粒体从亲代至子代的传递。相对来说线粒体遗传的研究远不及质体的多,这可能是线粒体这种细胞器缺乏合适的表型突变体之故。高等植物质体遗传的研究历史可追溯到本世纪初在杂交试验中对叶色遗传的非孟德尔定律的发现,Baur在马蹄纹天竺葵(Pelargonium zonale)中从叶色突变体(白化体)的杂交遗传分析,发现了双亲质体遗传;而Correns在紫茉莉(Mirabilis jalapa)中则发现了单亲母本质体遗传(见Kuroiwa)。此后,对质体基因组突变性状遗传分析的研究,大量的资料说明了在被子植物中存在双亲质体遗传和单亲母系质体遗传两种类型,而后一种占大多数,仅少数是比较有规律的为双亲质体遗传或偶尔是双亲质体遗传。几十年来应用遗传分析的方法对被子植物质体遗传的研究,着重于揭示不同植物种质体的遗传是单亲母系或是双亲质体传递,以及探索杂种核基因对质体传递方式的影响。  相似文献   

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