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食用天然色素的提取及其稳定性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
研究了食用天然色素的一般提取工艺及其理化性质,并实验分析了光、热、酸碱、防腐剂、氧化还原剂对萝卜红色素、郁金香红色素、郁金香黄色素的稳定性影响。  相似文献   

海洋天然产物的研究与开发   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
人们已从海藻、腔肠动物、海绵、海鞘、苔藓虫、软体动物、鱼类等海洋生物中分离到大量化学结构独特、生理活性强烈的物质。这些物质的化学结构可分为:聚醚类、大环内酯、萜类、生物碱、环肽、甾醇、多糖和不饱和脂肪酸等。其中,许多具有抗菌、抗真菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒和心脑血管活性等作用,有的已进入临床试验阶段,可望发展成新药。  相似文献   

中药材贮藏期昆虫群落结构的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
根据对湖北省17个市县中药材仓库的调查,共发现湖北省中药材贮藏期昆虫(含蜱螨)123种,隶属于2纲10目49科。通过对各地昆虫群落结构的分析,明确了构成中药材贮藏期昆虫群落的主要类群为鞘翅目昆虫,占昆虫群落全部物种数的72.86±7.63%,全省中药材贮藏期鞘翅目昆虫共85种,占全部昆虫种类的69.11%。本文对各地昆虫群落的优势种群进行了分析,结果表明构成中药材贮藏期昆虫群落的优势种为烟草甲Lasiodermaserricurne(Fabricius),药材甲stegobiumpaniceum(L.),赤拟谷盗TriboliumferrugineumFabricius,咖啡豆象Araecerusfasciculatus(DeGeer)和印度谷螟Plodiainterpunctella(Hubner)等,但各地昆虫群落的优势种各有不同。  相似文献   

六种多食性昆虫食性的比较观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据苏联的先进科学理论,每种动物有机体都有其一定的食物种类,但是生存条件可以影响到它的习惯,如食物不丰裕时,可以迫使植物食性的昆虫缩减或改变食料植物的范围。在后—种情况下,并可以大多数个体死亡的代价来换取了以其不常利用的植物为其营养,于是新的食物专门化便产生了。为了将这个先进理论应用到我国实际的  相似文献   

天然产物抗氧化构效关系及作用机理的研究概况   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文简介了近十年来天然抗氧化剂的研究概况,讨论了天然产物抗争氧化活性的构效关系及作用机理。  相似文献   

米穀表面撤蓋草木灰,石灰,穀壳或其他粉末,以避免或减轻虫害,是仓库害虫防治土法之一。这种方法应用的历史很早,有些地区还在採用。作者等为了明确其实际效果,曾於1943年以米象(Sitophilus oryza(Linn.))为试验材料,加以研究,  相似文献   

In contrast with studies which have based essential element requirements of algae on nutrient solution concentrations, in this investigation the requirements of each of 6 species of green and blue-green algae for calcium, magnesium, and potossium were quantitatively evaluated in terms of critical cell concentrations of the 3 cations. A critical cell concentration was considered the minimum cell content of an element which permitted maximum or near maximum total growth of an organism. In comparison with the needs of angiosperm crop plants, the requirements of all 6 species for calcium were extremely low (critical cell contents of 0.06% or less, oven-dry basis); requirements for magnesium were equal to or only slightly less than in higher plants (0.15–0.30%) with the exception of Scenedesmus quadricauda (0.05%); and the requirements for potassium varied greatly, from critical levels less than the average values established for higher plants (0.25–0.50%) to values equal to or in excess of higher plant averages (0.80–2.40%). The nutrition of S. quadricauda was of particular interest because of extremely low requirements for all 3 cations. The results provide a more precise and meaningful expression of the essential cation requirements of algae than have previous data. The results also suggest differences in the physiology and functions of cations in the algae studied and in angiosperms which seem worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

All the described species and varieties of the genus Haematococcus were available. After isolation in pure culture they were used studying their nutritional requirements. H. buetschlii and H. droebakensis had already been shown by Droop to need vitamin B12. H. capensis typ., H. capensis var. borealis, and H. zimbabwiensis were found to do so also. The 7 strains of H. pluvialis from various localities investigated showed slight physiological deviations, although morphologically they were so similar that they should not be described as varieties. A dilute inorganic nutrient solution with trace elements and iron kept in solution by EDTA was suitable cither as such or supplemented with growth-promoting compounds. The growth was speeded by low concentrations of acetate and by enhancing photosynthesis. No strain of H. pluvialis absolutely required cobalamin, although it stimulated. Thiamine had a much more pronounced effect; for some strains it was indispensable. Although the response varies slightly from strain to strain, a luxuriant growth for all was obtained only with acetate and B1, and usually enhanced by B12. A peculiar feature of H. pluvialis is the catching up of cultures initially retarded by thiamine deficiency (probably due to slow B1 synthesis). When H. pluvialis multiplied fast its appearance differed from that considered typical: no red pigment and the cell wall not inflated. In nature it evidently lives under conditions unfavorable for good growth although suitable for survival in competition with other organisms.  相似文献   

水体中铝(Ⅲ)的化学形态及其生态效应的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文着重论述了水体中各种铝络合物的形成结构、分布特征和转化规律,分析了当前广泛使用的几类定量鉴别方法,阐明某些形态的铝对生物体及人类的毒性作用和生理功能性障碍等生态效应方面的研究进展。同时提出未来研究的重点领域和方法。  相似文献   

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