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Multiple staining protocols have been developed for the classification of subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Of the non-T (E?) cells, roughly half (10–20% PBL) have receptors for complement components as detected with complement-coated zymosan particles, but do not show Fc receptors as detected with Ripley IgG-coated human RBC. The other half are C?, Fc+, with a small percentage possessing both receptors. The C+, Fc? cells can be subdivided into cells which are IgM+ (75%) or IgM?. Cells with Fc receptors detected with aggregated IgG were IgM+.  相似文献   

Combined radioautography and immunofluorescence were employed to discern the proportions of rapidly renewed (RR) and slowly renewed (SR) T, B, and null cells in mouse lymph nodes (LN), spleen (Spl), thymus (Thy), and the lymphocyte-rich fraction of bone marrow (BML). Thy and BML were found to consist predominantly of cells with a rapid turnover rate (95.4 and 76.9%, respectively) in accord with their roles as primary lymphoid organs. In contrast, the secondary lymphoid organs were primarily composed of SR cells (LN, 73.4%; Spl, 67.8%) and contained a more even admixture of the six lymphocyte subsets. Most cells in Thy were RR T cells (93.3%), whereas the predominant lymphocyte subpopulation in both LN and Spl consisted of SR T cells (56 and 50%, respectively), with RR T cells being much less frequent (14.6% LN; 6.8% Spl). BML contained both RR and SR cells which stained with the T-cell reagent (7.8 and 7.1%). These percentages are probably overestimates, however, since this reagent stained some nonlymphoid cells in BML. RR B cells were most plentiful in BML (31.4%) and Spl (23.3%), less common in LN (11.2%), and rare in Thy (0.4%). SR B cells were equally numerous in Spl (16%), LN (15.4%), and BML (15.3%). RR null cells were the most prevalent cell type in BML (37.7%), but were infrequent in other tissues (1.6% Thy, 2.1% LN, 2.1% Spl). SR null cells were rare in all tissues (0% Thy, 2% LN, 2.1% Spl, 0.7% BML). These experiments represent the first comprehensive investigation of the composition of the lymphomyeloid organs in terms of RR and SR T, B, and null cells. They conclusively demonstrate RR and SR lymphocytes in all three functional categories (T, B, and null) and show characteristic tissue distributions of the six lymphocyte subsets.  相似文献   

Y Cille  P Deviller  H Betuel 《Enzyme》1983,29(2):86-92
The subcellular repartition and the distinctive properties of guanylate cyclase (EC vary according to the lymphocyte population studied and according to the presence of detergent. Guanylate cyclase of non-adherent peripheral lymphocytes and of thymus lymphocytes is recovered by more than 90% in the soluble fraction of the homogenate. Kinetics according to the substrate (5'-GTP-Mn2+) is Michaelian, the Ca2+ ion acts as an activator, especially in the case of blood lymphocytes, and the detergent has no effect on the enzyme activity. On the other hand, the guanylate cyclase of tonsil lymphocytes reside in the particulate fraction. It has non-Michaelian kinetics for the substrate, a strong stimulating effect of detergent, and an inhibitory effect of Ca2+. A comparison of the enzymatic activities of unseparated and of non-adherent tonsil lymphocytes obtained from the same donor points to a correlation between their T and B properties: predominant soluble activity in the T population and particulate guanyl cyclase activity in the B subset.  相似文献   

The occurrence of cytotoxic lymphocyte subpopulations (i.e., CD 16+, CD 57+ and cytotoxic CD 8+) wa studied in the peripheral blood of 18 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) patients. The absolute numbers of CD 57+, CD 16+ and cytotoxic CD 8+ lymphocytes were increased in the peripheral blood of untreated patients as compared with healthy donors, suggesting a causal relation with the accumulation of malignant B-cells. For 5 B-CLL patients and 5 hematological normal donors, the lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood, lymph nodes and bone marrow were determined. A significant immune response was observed in the lymph nodes of the patients, as reflected by the CD 3+ lymphocytes, which were 1.7-27 times larger in the patients lymph nodes than in their peripheral blood and bone marrow. In contrast, with peripheral blood this was mainly caused by an increase in CD 4+ lymphocytes. The CD 57 lymphocytes in the lymph nodes of the patients had abnormal orthogonal light-scattering signals and an abnormal density of CD 57+ receptors in comparison with their peripheral blood CD 57+ lymphocytes or the CD 57+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, bone marrow and tonsils of the hematological normal donors. This study shows that although a significant increase of cytotoxic lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of B-CLL patients is observed, the actual distributions of the non-malignant lymphocytes can be quite different at the actual tumor sites, i.e., bone marrow and lymph nodes.  相似文献   

The mononuclear cells and T-lymphocytes of the blood, spleen and lymph nodes from 83 patients with Hodgkin's disease and 50 healthy donors were tested in assays for lectin-dependent (LD) and natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity (CTA). On an average, peripheral blood T cell LD-CTA of patients did not differ from that of the donors. However, the CTA appeared to be dependent on the stage of the disease; in the IVth stage LD-CTA was decreased 2-fold. The LD-CTA was also dependent on the histological type of disease and the lowest level of LD-CTA (50% of the control level) was associated with the "lymphocyte depletion" type. The CTA of T-lymphocytes from the affected areas of the patients' spleen was more marked than that of the unaffected areas. Spleen cell CTA showed no other correlations. The CTA of lymphocytes from the affected lymph nodes was drastically lower than CTA of blood and spleen lymphocytes. The NK activity of the patients' blood and spleen lymphocytes was twice as less as the control level (healthy donors) and did not correlate with a stage and/or a histological type of the disease. It was assumed that in Hodgkin's disease the specific antitumor immunity remains mostly within normal and is decreased only in the last, terminal stage of the disease.  相似文献   

Hemopoietic colonies were counted macroscopically and microscopically in spleens of hybrid mice seven or eight days after they had been irradiated and given parental bone marrow in donor-host combinations exhibiting poor growth. Colonies counted microscopically were classified as to differentiation pathway. Lymphocytes from the thymus or lymph nodes were injected into some recipients at several different dosages and lymphocyte: bone marrow (L:B) ratios. In confirmation of earlier work it was found that thymocytes increased the number and size of colonies in recipients of marrow. A shift of differentiation toward granulopoiesis was also seen when thymocytes were given, although erythropoietic colonies were still the most frequently seen type except at very high L:B ratios. Lymph node lymphocytes shifted the pattern more markedly toward granulopoiesis, even at low L:B ratios. When lymphocytes from either source were given without marrow, only a few colonies could be found in recipients, and if differentiated they were almost exclusively granulopoietic. Irradiation (900 R) of lymphocyte donors reversed the shift so that a normal pattern of differentiation, like that resulting from marrow alone, was seen; irradiated lymphocytes were nonetheless capable of augmenting the size and total number of hemopoietic colonies.  相似文献   

Kinetics of leukocyte subsets were followed for several weeks in rats suffering from polyarthritis induced by experimental infection with erysipelas bacteria (Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, serovar 2, strain T28). A marked leukocytosis was found in peripheral blood, and, with some delay, in the synovia and draining lymph nodes of affected joints. In the lymphoid organs tested considerable blast formation of lymphoid cells with a paucity of polymorphonuclear granulocytes was found, while the latter represented the majority of leukocytes in acutely inflamed joints. Cells isolated from spleen showed only moderate and transient alterations in proportions of subpopulations during the first week after inoculation of erysipelas bacteria. In contrast, cells isolated from synovia of inflamed joints and draining lymph nodes displayed more intense and longer lasting alterations: In arthritic animals, the proportion of MHC class II-positive lymphocytes generally increased and remained elevated at least during the first three weeks of the disease. Spontaneous release of IL-2 from cells isolated up to 20 days post induction of the arthritis indicated a considerable activation of lymphocytes in vivo. Interestingly, with exception of synovia, the relative amount of T-lymphocytes including their major CD4+ and minor CD8+ subsets showed little alteration during the course of the disease. Much more pronounced were the rapidly and the extent the membrane Ig-positive B-lymphocytes increased in the synovia as well as in the lymph nodes. Thus, B-lymphocytes may be of particular relevance for elucidating pathomechanisms of erysipelas polyarthritis.  相似文献   

用彗星实验技术分析MTX对小鼠细胞DNA的损伤作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MTX是一种抗叶酸药物 ,作用于增殖细胞 ,为了解其作用机制和探测其遗传毒性靶器官 ,以小鼠为研究对象 ,用彗星实验技术检测了MTX腹腔注射染毒后对脾、骨髓、胸腺、和外周血淋巴细胞的DNA损伤作用及其与MTX剂量间的相关。 1.2 5~ 5mg/kgMTX可诱发小鼠体内 4种细胞的DNA单链断裂 ,核DNA损伤程度与用药剂量呈正相关。不同种类细胞对MTX的易感性不同 ,脾、骨髓、胸腺、外周血淋巴细胞可能是MTX的遗传毒性靶细胞。外周血淋巴细胞在SCGE分析中的拖尾现象可作为用药后组织器官对药物敏感性反映的生物标志  相似文献   

Shared idiotypes of human peripheral blood B and T lymphocytes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a patient with an IgG lambda monoclonal serum component possessing anti-streptolysin O activity, we have demonstrated peripheral blood B and T lymphocytes with shared or similar idiotypes. The idiotypic T lymphocyte membrane structure was capable of binding the specific antigen (SLO). After radioiodination and subsequent detergent solubilization of the same T cell population, immunoprecipitation of the lysate by employing anti-idiotypic antibodies, resulted in the isolation of a polypeptide chain with a m.w. of 70,000 on SDS polyacrylamide gels under reducing conditions. The polypeptide expressed no isotypic immunoglobulin markers. Internal labeling experiments indicated that this membrane structure was actively synthesized by the T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from the bone marrow and peripheral blood of the same normal individuals were assayed simultaneously for blast transformation as well as polyclonal activation with differentiation to antibody-forming cells after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen. Blastogenic responses were measured by tritiated thymidine incorporation and antibody-forming cell assay. There was no significant difference between the blastogenic responses of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood compared to the bone marrow of the same individuals. However, differentiation to antibody-forming cells measured by the plaque-forming cell response was significantly greater in lymphocytes in the bone marrow as compared to peripheral blood of the same individuals. These studies demonstrate that the lymphocytes in human bone marrow are at a stage of differentiation whereby they can be readily induced to differentiation toward antibody production by polyclonal activation, even more so than peripheral blood lymphocytes. This supports the concept that the bone marrow is a major source of immunoglobulin production in man.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph node B cells were stimulated with Cowan I Staphylococcus aureus (SA) or F(ab')2 fragments of anti-mu antibody (anti-mu) and various lymphokines and were analyzed for proliferation and generation of Ig-secreting cells (ISC). SA alone but not anti-mu stimulated minimal proliferation of each population. Recombinant IL 2 (r-IL 2) effectively promoted proliferation of SA-stimulated blood and spleen B cells, but supported less vigorous responses of lymph node B cells. By contrast, r-IL 2 enhanced DNA synthesis of all anti-mu-stimulated B cells early in culture, but did not promote sustained proliferation of anti-mu-stimulated lymph node B cells and only promoted ongoing DNA synthesis of some anti-mu-activated blood (eight out of 17) and spleen (five out of 14) B cell preparations. Recombinant interferon-gamma (r-IFN-gamma) and a commercial preparation of B cell growth factor (BCGF) also augmented DNA synthesis of all three B cell populations stimulated with SA or anti-mu early in culture, but neither alone was able to sustain maximal proliferation. Markedly enhanced sustained proliferation of all three anti-mu- and SA-stimulated B cell populations was noted when cultures were supported by the combination of r-IL 2 and BCGF, or to a lesser extent by r-IL 2 and r-IFN-gamma. The generation of ISC from SA-stimulated blood or spleen but not lymph node B cells was effectively supported by r-IL 2 alone. Differentiation of lymph node B cells required the combination of r-IL 2 and BCGF. These studies emphasize the importance of both the activation stimulus and the origin of the B cells in determining the lymphokine requirements of human B cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

Kim J  Shin JM  Jeon YJ  Chung HM  Chae JI 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e32350
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the most attractive therapeutic resources in clinical application owing to their multipotent capability, which means that cells can differentiate into various mesenchymal tissues such as bone, cartilage, fat, tendon, muscle and marrow stroma. Depending on the cellular source, MSCs exhibit different application potentials according to their different in vivo functions, despite similar phenotypic and cytological characteristics. To understand the different molecular conditions that govern the different application or differentiation potential of each MSC according to cellular source, we generated a proteome reference map of MSCs obtained from bone marrow (BM), umbilical cord blood (CB) and peripheral blood (PB). We identified approximately 30 differentially regulated (or expressed) proteins. Most up-regulated proteins show a cytoskeletal and antioxidant or detoxification role according to their functional involvement. Additionally, these proteins are involved in the increase of cell viability, engraftment and migration in pathological conditions in vivo. In summary, we examined differentially expressed key regulatory factors of MSCs obtained from several cellular sources, demonstrated their differentially expressed proteome profiles and discussed their functional role in specific pathological conditions. With respect to the field of cell therapy, it may be particularly crucial to determine the most suitable cell sources according to target disease.  相似文献   

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