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Osteopontin (OPN) is a secreted protein that has been implicated in diverse physiological and pathological processes. OPN can bind to integrins, via GRGDS or SVVYGLR amino acid sequences, and to other cell surface receptors, and many of OPN's functions are likely mediated via cell adhesion and subsequent signaling. Here we developed and characterized a series of five monoclonal antibodies, raised to distinct internal peptide sequences of human OPN, and have used these sequence-specific reagents, along with the previously described anti-OPN monoclonal antibody mAb53, to map functional epitopes of OPN that are important to cell adhesion and migration. All antibodies were reactive with native as well as recombinant human OPN. One antibody (2K1) raised against the peptide VDTYDGRGDSVVYGLRS could inhibit RGD-dependent cell binding to OPN, with an efficacy comparable to that of mAb53. Furthermore, 2K1 could inhibit alpha9 integrin-dependent cell binding to OPN. The epitope recognized by 2K1 was not destroyed by thrombin digestion, whereas mAb53 has been shown to be unable to react with OPN following thrombin cleavage. The two distinct epitopes defined by 2K1 and mAb53 antibodies are closely related to the SVVYGLR cell-binding domain and the GLRSKS containing thrombin cleavage site, respectively, and are involved in cell binding and cell migration.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy has the power to visualise lipid membranes at the closest to in vivo conditions. The structure of the lipid bilayer can be well resolved and the interactions between lipid-protein and protein-protein molecules followed at the molecular level. We undertook an extended Cryo-electron microscopy study to follow the factor VIII binding to phosphatidylserine containing lipid nanotubes at different lipid composition. Obtaining well ordered tubes is required to define the factor VIII membrane-bound structure. The observed alterations in the arrangement of the protein molecules are indicative for the flexibility of the membrane-bound factor VIII. Understanding the significance of these conformational changes is essential to comprehend the function of factor VIII in coagulation and as a drug for Hemophilia A.  相似文献   

Recombinant human transcobalamin (TC) was probed with 17 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), using surface plasmon resonance measurements. These experiments identified five distinct epitope clusters on the surface of holo-TC. Western blot analysis of the CNBr cleavage fragments of TC allowed us to distribute the epitopes between two regions, which spanned either the second quarter of the TC sequence GQLA...TAAM(103-198) or the C-terminal peptide LEPA...LVSW(316-427). Proteolytic fragments of TC and the synthetic peptides were used to further specify the epitope map and define the functional domains of TC. Only one antibody showed some interference with cobalamin (Cbl) binding to TC, and the corresponding epitope was situated at the C-terminal stretch TQAS...QLLR(372-399). We explored the receptor-blocking effect of several mAbs and heparin to identify TC domains essential for the interaction between holo-TC and the receptor. The receptor-related epitopes were located within the TC sequence GQLA...HHSV(103-159). The putative heparin-binding site corresponded to a positively charged segment KRSN...RTVR(207-227), which also seemed to be necessary for receptor binding. We conclude that conformational changes in TC upon Cbl binding are accompanied by the convergence of multiple domains, and only the assembled conformation of the protein (i.e. holo-TC) has high affinity for the receptor.  相似文献   

The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor measures the real-time kinetics of noncovalent interaction between a receptor and its ligand. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) were screened from 127 mAb candidates using the SPR biosensor for the purpose of affinity purification of rFVIII. Each mAb showed a different association and dissociation capacity for rFVIII at each buffer condition. One mAb, F8-38, was selected for immunopurification of rFVIII. To characterize the selected mAb F8-38, the immunopurification results on the anti-FVIII mAb F8-38 affinity gel and the anti-von Willebrand factor (vWF) mAb affinity gel were studied. Immunopurification by the anti-vWF affinity gel showed a lower binding capacity of rFVIII and resulted in low purification efficiency. On the other hand, immunopurification by the anti-FVIII affinity gel exhibited a 3.5-fold binding capacity and a 2-fold purification efficiency compared to those of the anti-vWF affinity gel. The amounts of proteins and DNAs derived from host cells and mouse IgGs derived from the affinity matrix in the affinity eluate were similar to those of the anti-vWF affinity gel. In conclusion, the SPR method of immunopurification is a useful technology in the screening of mAbs aimed at the development of an affinity purification procedure, and the mAb F8-38 was selected using this technology on the basis of the purification procedure of rFVIII.  相似文献   

Epitope mapping with mono- or polyclonal antibodies has so far been done either by dissecting the antigens into overlapping polypeptides in the form of recombinantly expressed fusion proteins, or by synthesizing overlapping short peptides, or by a combination of both methods. Here, we report an alternative method which involves the generation of random gene fragments of approximately 50–200 by in length and cloning these into the 5 terminus of the protein III gene of fd phages. Selection for phages that bind a given monoclonal antibody and sequencing the DNA inserts of immunopositive phages yields derived amino acid sequences containing the desired epitope. A monoclonal antibody (mAb 215) directed against the largest subunit of Drosophila RNA polymerase II (RPB215) was used to map the corresponding epitope in a fUSE5 phage display library made of random DNA fragments from plasmid DNA containing the entire gene. After a single round of panning with this phage library, bacterial colonies were obtained which produced fd phages displaying the mAb 215 epitope. Sequencing of single-stranded phage DNA from a number of positive colonies (recognized by the antibody on colony immunoblots) resulted in overlapping sequences all containing the 15mer epitope determined by mapping with synthetic peptides. Similarly, we have localized the epitopes recognized by a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against the human p53 protein, and by a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against the human cytokeratin 19 protein. Identification of positive colonies after the panning procedure depends on the detection system used (colony immunoblot or ELISA) and there appear to be some restrictions to the use of linker-encoded amino acids for optimal presentation of epitopes. A comparison with epitope mapping by synthetic peptides shows that the phage display method allows one to map linear epitopes down to a size only slightly larger than the true epitope. In general, our phage display method is faster, easier, and cheaper than the construction of overlapping fusion proteins or the use of synthetic peptides, especially in cases where the antigen is a large polypeptide such as the 215 kDa subunit of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II.  相似文献   

Seven hybridomas (BG 1-7) which secreted monoclonal antibodies against recombinant interferon-gamma were produced. The ascites fluids containing four of the seven monoclonal antibodies (BG 1-4) neutralized the antiviral activity of both natural and recombinant interferon-gamma. Competition between labeled and unlabeled monoclonal antibodies for interferon-gamma in a solid phase immunoassay showed that BG 1 was competed by both BG 3 and BG 4 but not by BG 2; BG 2 was competed by BG 3 but not by BG 1 nor by BG 4. These results suggest that human interferon-gamma has at least two antigenic epitopes; one of the epitopes reacted with BG 1 & BG 4 while the other reacted with BG 2; BG 3 either binds to a region overlapping with the other two epitopes or reacts with both epitopes. The antigenic epitopes recognized by these four neutralizing monoclonal antibodies are likely at or closely related to the active sites of interferon-gamma.  相似文献   

Previous molecular and immunological studies have mapped four neutralization sites on human rhinovirus type 14 (B. Sherry, A. G. Mosser, R. J. Colonno, and R. R. Rueckert, J. Virol. 57:246-257, 1986). Eight monoclonal antibodies, one pair for each of the four target sites and all belonging to a single isotype, immunoglobulin G2a, were studied under conditions which resulted in 95% neutralization of infectious viral particles. All eight antibodies shifted the isoelectric point of virions from 6.7 to much more acidic forms, ranging from pI 1.8 to 3.2. In addition, antibodies targeted against three of the four neutralization sites caused significant aggregation of virions under the neutralization conditions employed. Aggregation could be reversed by digesting virus-antibody complexes with papain. Following papain digestion, the acidic pIs of three of the neutralized virus preparations returned to neutral and infectivity was restored. Membrane-binding assays with virus neutralized with a nonaggregating antibody showed a dose-related inhibition of virus attachment to cellular receptors. Purified Fab fragments at a 13- to 61-fold-higher concentration than intact antibodies caused a comparable isoelectric shift, neutralized virions in the absence of aggregation, and interfered with attachment of virions to host cell receptors in a membrane-binding assay. These findings suggest that neutralizing antibodies interfere with the attachment of rhinoviruses to cellular receptors and that bivalent attachment of antibody is not a prerequisite for neutralization.  相似文献   

Characterization of recombinant human factor VIII   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recently, complete human factor VIII DNA clones have been obtained and subsequently expressed in baby hamster kidney cells (Wood, W. I., Capon, D. J., Simonsen, C. C., Eaton, D. L., Gitschier, J., Keyt, B., Seeburg, P. H., Smith, D. H., Hollingshead, P., Wion, K. L., Delwart, E., Tuddenham, E. G. D., Vehar, G. A., and Lawn, R. M. (1984) Nature 312, 330-337). The recombinant factor VIII (rVIII) protein secreted from these cells has now been purified allowing its structural analysis and comparison to plasma-derived factor VIII (pdVIII). Analysis of purified rVIII by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that it consists of multiple polypeptides with relative mobilities (Mr) ranging from 80,000-210,000. The same pattern of polypeptides is also observed for pdVIII resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The proteins associated with rVIII are recognized by pdVIII antibodies in a Western blot. When rVIII and pdVIII are subjected to isoelectric focusing they are resolved into a similar pattern of protein bands. Thrombin, factor Xa, and activated protein C, which modulate factor VIII activity by proteolysis, process rVIII in the same manner they do pdVIII. As is the case for pdVIII, thrombin activation of rVIII coagulant activity correlates with the generation of subunits with Mr of 73,000, 50,000 and 43,000. These subunits appear to form a metal-(perhaps Ca2+) linked complex. EDTA inactivates thrombin-activated rVIII and pdVIII, with the activity being regenerated after the addition of a molar excess of MnCl2. The results suggest that rVIII is structurally and functionally very similar to pdVIII.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies against human liver ferritin were selected to study antigenic determinants (epitopes) of human isoferritins. These monoclonal antibodies were found to form immunoprecipitin lines with ferritin in double diffusion tests (Ouchterlony), indicating multiple epitopes on a single ferritin molecule. The antibodies revealed high species specificity as well. Monoclonal antibodies MA301 and MA311 appeared to recognize different epitopes, since they did not inhibit each other in competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). However, MA309 recognized both epitopes for MA301 and MA311 with similar competitive inhibition. These epitopes were not detectable when ferritin was treated with 8M urea (pH 2.5) and were detectable upon reconstruction by dialysis against 2 M urea (pH 7.2), suggesting that these monoclonals recognize epitopes in the tertiary structure of the ferritin molecule. As a matter of fact, these monoclonals react preferentially with intact ferritin molecule and only negligibly with subunits. Isoelectric focusing patterns of human ferritins demonstrated that liver, spleen, placenta, and hepatoma cells (Li-7) transplanted in nude mice contained basic isoferritins, whereas HeLa cells (carcinoma), Wa cells (EB virus-transformed B cells), and Raji cells (Burkitt's lymphoma) contained acidic isoferritins. Human heart ferritin displayed a somewhat intermediate pattern between liver and HeLa ferritins. In spite of the heterogeneous population of human isoferritins, the dissociation constants (Kd) of the three monoclonal antibodies to liver, HeLa, and heart isoferritins were quite similar.  相似文献   

Recombinant coagulation factor VIII (r-VIII SQ) was chemically modified with monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG). Three mPEG derivatives were used for coupling to the r-VIII SQ lysines, a mixed anhydride of monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) succinic acid (mPEG-SAH), monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) succinimidyl succinate (mPEG-SS), and monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) tresylate (mPEG-TRES). A consequence of the modification with all derivatives was a substantial reduction in coagulant activity, even at very low degrees of modification. A method was developed with the purpose of avoiding conjugation at certain important biological sites on the factor VIII and thereby producing conjugates with better retained activity. This was achieved by immobilizing the protein onto a solid matrix during the modification reaction. Characterization of conjugates by SDS-PAGE, western blots, interaction with von Willebrand factor (vWf), and thrombin activation/inactivation analyses was undertaken. The SDS-PAGE and western blots revealed coupling heterogeneity regarding degree of modification. The amount of factor VIII able to bind to vWf decreased with the conjugation. Thrombin activated the modified factor VIII to essentially the same extent as the reference preparation of r-VIII SQ. Inactivation of the modified factor VIII was, however, slower than inactivation of the unmodified protein. Finally, an in vitro study was performed to evaluate the influence of the mPEG modification on the protein stability in extract of porcine tissue. Despite that conjugates with low degrees of modification were included in the study, the coagulant activity was preserved to a significantly higher extent in all incubation mixtures containing conjugates compared to that with unmodified protein.  相似文献   

The epitopes of neutralizing mAb were mapped in order to identify a receptor binding site on human IL-3 (huIL-3). To initiate this structure and activity analysis, four neutralizing mAb were selected on the basis of preventing rhuIL-3 stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood cells from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). In order to identify continuous epitopes, the neutralizing mAb were assayed in a solid-phase ELISA for their reactivity with either denatured rhuIL-3 or with the peptides generated by digestion of rhuIL-3 by using two different proteinases. Two of the neutralizing mAb recognized single fragments from both digestions. Amino acid (aa) sequence determination showed that these peptides overlap, defining a region of 22 aa (aa 29 to 50 of the mature rhuIL-3 protein). In a competition ELISA, the two continuous epitopes were shown to be linked to one another and to the two discontinuous epitopes, suggesting that all four neutralizing mAb bind to a discrete region of the IL-3 molecule, which might be involved in binding to the IL-3R.  相似文献   

Identification of protective determinants from microbial proteins is a necessary step in the rational design of subunit vaccines. We have previously used a synthetic peptide scan (Pepscan) assay to map a panel of eight neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAb; designated as C1.1 to C1.8) to a common motif sequence from Chlamydia trachomatis. In the present study, five of the eight mAbs were used to screen phage random peptide libraries. mAbs C1.1 and C1.3 selected a motif sequence of G-L-X-N-D from a pIII-based phage random peptide library and a motif sequence of G-X-X-N-D from a pVIII-based random peptide library while mAbs C1.6 to C1.8 failed to select recognizable motifs from either of the phage libraries. However, C1.6 to C1.8 bound to the same motif sequence displayed on phage when the appropriate conformational constraints were imposed onto the motif sequence. Thus the specificity of the mAbs identified on Pepscan assays correlates with the mAbs’ dependence on local epitope constraints displayed on the phage surface. Received 12 August 1996/ Accepted in revised form 03 November 1996  相似文献   

The functional domains of coagulation factor VIII:C   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A lack of factor VIII:C, manifested as a bleeding disorder due to the absence of clot formation, is known as hemophilia A, an X chromosome-linked inherited disease afflicting 1-2 males/10,000. To determine the minimum functional domain(s) essential for factor VIII:C activity, we have expressed the amino-terminal (92-kDa) and carboxyl-terminal (80-kDa) proteolytic cleavage products as individual, secreted polypeptides in monkey cells without the 909-residue central region. We have found that neither terminal domain alone is able to promote coagulation in factor VIII:C-deficient plasma. However, when the 92- and 80-kDa peptides are co-expressed, clotting activity is readily detected. Thus, these two chains alone constitute an active or activatable complex. The central domain is required neither for activity nor for the assembly of an active complex from two chains expressed in trans. These results suggest that a truncated derivative of factor VIII:C may be useful in coagulation therapy.  相似文献   

Human factor VIII:C has been purified over 300 000-fold from cryoprecipitate by polyelectrolyte purification followed by affinity chromatography on Sepharose linked to antibody to factor VIIIR:Ag (monoclonal or polyclonal) and Sepharose linked to monoclonal antibody to factor VIII:C. The purified material has been analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blotting using monoclonal antibodies. PAGE shows predominant bands at 360K (unreduced), 210K, and 90K and an 80K/79K doublet; Western blotting showed all the monoclonal antibodies used bound the 360K form. In a small-scale purification, plasma from blood taken directly into thrombin inhibitor Kabi S-2581 was applied directly to the monoclonal anti-factor VIII:C column. Western blot analysis of this material showed the 360K band on reduction. The purified factor VIII:C could be activated 13-fold by human thrombin. Gel analysis of the activated material showed intensification followed by fading of the band at 90K and generation of bands at 70K/69K, 55K, and 40K. Western blotting shows that the 70K/69K doublet derives from the 80K/79K moiety and the 40K peptide derives from the 90K and is presumed to contain the active site. From these studies an epitope map of the factor VIII:C molecule has been constructed.  相似文献   

Recombinant coagulation factor VII (FVII) is used as a potential therapeutic intervention in hemophilia patients who produce antibodies against the coagulation factors. Mammalian cell lines provide low levels of expression, however, the Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cell line and baculovirus expression system are powerful systems for high-level expression of recombinant proteins, but due to the lack of endogenous vitamin K-dependent carboxylase, expression of functional FVII using this system is impossible. In the present study, we report a simple but versatile method to overcome the defect for high-level expression of the functional recombinant coagulation FVII in Sf9 cells. This method involves simultaneous expression of both human γ-carboxylase (hGC) and human FVII genes in the host. It may be possible to express other vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors using this method in the future.  相似文献   

The two forms of clathrin light chains (LCA and LCB) or clathrin-associated proteins (CAP1 and CAP2) have presented an immunochemical paradox. Biochemically similar, both possess two known functional parameters: binding the clathrin heavy chain and mediating the action of an uncoating ATPase. All previously reported anti-CAP mAbs, however, react specifically with only CAP1 (Brodsky, F. M., 1985, J. Cell Biol., 101:2047-2054; Kirchhausen, T., S. C. Harrison, P. Parham, and F. M. Brodsky, 1983, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80:2481-2485). Four new anti-CAP mAbs are reported here: two, C-7H12 and C-6C1, react with both forms; two others, C-10B2 and C-4E5, react only with the lower form. Sandwich ELISAs indicated that C-10B2, C-4E5, C-6C1, and C-7H12 react with distinct epitopes. Monoclonal antibodies C-10B2 and C-4E5 immunoprecipitate clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and react with CAP2 epitopes accessible to chymotrypsin on the vesicle. These mAbs inhibit phosphorylation of CAP2 by endogenous CCV casein kinase II. In contrast, C-6C1 and C-7H12 react with epitopes that are relatively insensitive to chymotrypsin. CAP peptide fragments containing these epitopes remain bound to reassembled cages or CCVs after digestion. Immunoprecipitation and ELISAs demonstrate that C-7H12 and C-6C1 react with unbound CAPs but not with CAPs bound to triskelions or CCVs. The data indicate that the CAPs consist of at least two discernible structural domains: a nonconserved, accessible domain that is relevant to the phosphorylation of CAP2 and a conserved, inaccessible domain that mediates the binding of CAPs to CCVs.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies produced against native interferon-gamma receptor (IFN gamma-R) have been characterized for their capacity to react with purified receptor and receptor-positive cells, to inhibit the binding of IFN gamma to cellular receptor, to precipitate the receptor protein when cross-linked to IFN-gamma, and to recognize the recombinant interferon-gamma receptor and 19 overlapping fragments of this protein expressed in Escherichia coli. The results of this analysis showed that: (i) the extracellular portion of human IFN gamma-R is located between the N terminus and the transmembrane region (amino acids 18-246). (ii) The intracellular domain is between the transmembrane region and the C terminus (amino acids 269-489). (iii) The monoclonal antibodies that react with the IFN gamma-R intracellular domain recognize small linear epitopes. (iv) The human IFN gamma-R binding site is located between the N terminus and the transmembrane region. (v) The monoclonal antibodies that react with IFN gamma-R extracellular domain and inhibit the binding of IFN gamma recognize two different epitopes. One of these epitopes (included between amino acids 26 and 133) is very close to the binding site for IFN gamma. The second (included between amino acids 70 and 210) is related to the binding site for IFN gamma without including it. (vi) These two functional epitopes are conformational and need S-S bridges to maintain their architecture. (vii) These conformational epitopes are formed in receptor fragments expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

The different fragments of the third complement component, C3, generated upon complement activation/inactivation have the ability to bind to several other complement components and receptors as well as to proteins of foreign origin. These multiple reactivities of C3 fragments are associated with a series of conformational changes occurring in the C3 molecule during its degradation. The conformations acquired by the different C3 fragments are also associated with the exposure of neoantigenic epitopes that are specific for (a) particular fragment(s). In order to study these epitopes and thus the conformational changes occurring in C3, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing such epitopes were produced in Balb/c mice after immunization with denatured human C3. Two of the three antibodies (7D84.1 and 7D264.6) presented in this study recognized predominantly surface-bound iC3b, and one mAb (7D323.1) recognized both surface-bound and fluid-phase iC3b. Although none of the mAbs recognized any other fluid-phase C3 fragment, all three antibodies detected micro-titre-plate-fixed C3b and iC3b, but not C3c or C3d. In addition to the reaction with human C3, mAb 7D323.1 also bound to micro-titre-plate-fixed rabbit C3. The epitopes recognized by the three mAbs were further localized by using synthetic peptides that were designed on the basis of the differential binding of the mAbs to the C3 fragments. All three antibodies reacted with C3-(924-965)-peptide, which represents the region of C3 between the kallikrein-cleavage site (923-924) and the elastase-cleavage site (965-966). On the basis of the binding of the mAbs to five different overlapping peptides spanning the region between residues 924 and 965 of the human C3 sequence, and the sequence similarity between human C3 and rabbit C3 within this area, the epitopes recognized by these antibodies are mapped. The contribution of the individual amino acid residues in the formation of the epitopes is discussed.  相似文献   

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