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Successful in vitro and in vivo maintenance of Sparganum proliferum is described for the first time. Various experimental animals including hamsters, mice and a monkey were evaluated. Albino mice inoculated either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally allowed the survival and multiplication of larvae for as long as 72 weeks. Intensity of infection was proportional to the length of exposure; however, the number of larvae collected from inoculated animals varied widely when infection lasted for 6 or more months. Inoculation of single larval segments appears as effective as that of complete larvae. Although Minimal Essential Medium allowed the survival of S. proliferum for as long as 14 weeks, growth was observed only during the first 4 weeks of culturing. Despite initial in vitro growth of larvae, neither differentiation into a more developed stage nor multiplication was obtained.  相似文献   

Sparganum proliferum is a larval cestode for which the adult stage is unknown. It is characterized by the continuous branching and budding when parasitized to humans, and causes fatal human sparganosis. However, the biological features of S. proliferum, including its taxonomic status, still remain obscure. Our previous investigation suggested that S. proliferum might be phylogenetically distinct from Spirometra erinaceieuropaei, by the analysis on mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 (ND3) gene. However, mitochondrial DNA sequence in Platyhelminth is known to have heteroplasmy within a species. Therefore, in the present study, we have investigated the complete nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the partial nucleotide sequences of nuclear coded succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur protein subunit gene (sdhB). The results clearly demonstrated that S. proliferum is a distinct species from S. erinaceieuropaei, and that S. proliferum belongs to the order Pseudophyllidea.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages and its applications: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteriophages (or phages), the most abundant viral entity of the planet, are omni-present in all the ecosystems. On the basis of their unique characteristics and anti-bacterial property, phages are being freshly evaluated taxonomically. Phages replicate inside the host either by lytic or lysogenic mode after infecting and using the cellular machinery of a bacterium. Since their discovery by Twort and d’Herelle in the early 1900s, phage became an important agent for combating pathogenic bacteria in clinical treatments and its related research gained momentum. However, due to recent emergence of bacterial resistance on antibiotics, applications of phage (phage therapy) become an inevitable option of research. Phage particles become popular as a biotechnological tool and treatment of pathogenic bacteria in a range of applied areas. However, there are few concerns over the application of phage-based solutions. This review deals with the updated phage taxonomy (ICTV 2015 Release and subsequent revision) and phage biology and the recent development of its application in the areas of biotechnology, biosensor, therapeutic medicine, food preservation, aquaculture diseases, pollution remediation, and wastewater treatment and issues related with limitations of phage-based remedy.  相似文献   

生物体的许多特征(如代谢速率等)随着个体大小的变化而变化,经常用幂函数形式的异速生长方程来表达,其中影响最为深远的就是新陈代谢速率和个体大小成3/4幂的关系,在简要回顾研究历史的基础上,重点介绍20世纪以来,由West等提出的、目前最为公认的代谢理论模型(分型分配网络模型、生态代谢模型),包括模型假设条件、数学推导过程、模型在生物学中的应用及关于模型的一些争议。  相似文献   

Population growth rate and its determinants: an overview   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We argue that population growth rate is the key unifying variable linking the various facets of population ecology. The importance of population growth rate lies partly in its central role in forecasting future population trends; indeed if the form of density dependence were constant and known, then the future population dynamics could to some degree be predicted. We argue that population growth rate is also central to our understanding of environmental stress: environmental stressors should be defined as factors which when first applied to a population reduce population growth rate. The joint action of such stressors determines an organism's ecological niche, which should be defined as the set of environmental conditions where population growth rate is greater than zero (where population growth rate = r = log(e)(N(t+1)/N(t))). While environmental stressors have negative effects on population growth rate, the same is true of population density, the case of negative linear effects corresponding to the well-known logistic equation. Following Sinclair, we recognize population regulation as occurring when population growth rate is negatively density dependent. Surprisingly, given its fundamental importance in population ecology, only 25 studies were discovered in the literature in which population growth rate has been plotted against population density. In 12 of these the effects of density were linear; in all but two of the remainder the relationship was concave viewed from above. Alternative approaches to establishing the determinants of population growth rate are reviewed, paying special attention to the demographic and mechanistic approaches. The effects of population density on population growth rate may act through their effects on food availability and associated effects on somatic growth, fecundity and survival, according to a 'numerical response', the evidence for which is briefly reviewed. Alternatively, there may be effects on population growth rate of population density in addition to those that arise through the partitioning of food between competitors; this is 'interference competition'. The distinction is illustrated using a replicated laboratory experiment on a marine copepod, Tisbe battagliae. Application of these approaches in conservation biology, ecotoxicology and human demography is briefly considered. We conclude that population regulation, density dependence, resource and interference competition, the effects of environmental stress and the form of the ecological niche, are all best defined and analysed in terms of population growth rate.  相似文献   

First-trimester screening: an overview.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An improvement in prenatal screening for chromosomal defects has been achieved by combining sonography and biochemical markers. Analyzing markers taken from maternal blood such as pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin in combination with the ultrasound marker nuchal translucency provides detection rates of 90% for the most important chromosomal anomalies. In addition, nuchal translucency is a marker for severe heart defects. This report discusses the potential of new markers such as the nasal bone.  相似文献   

The gastrodermis of the black coral Antipathes aperta is associated with eight distinct types of cells, including two types of microbasic b-mastigophores (nematocysts), spumous and vesicular mucus cells, and ganglion cells that are essentially the same as in the epidermis. Three additional types of cells are unique to the gastrodermis, and are readily distinguished from those of the epidermis by their electron-opaque inclusions. These include lipoidal cells, zymogen digestive cells, and an unusual type of epitheliomuscular collar cell. The pharyngeal region is characterized by the presence of electron-opaque nematocysts, a scattering of zymogen cells, and a large number of collar cells. The latter are distinguished in part by the presence of dense microfibrillar processes that surround the microvilli and extend into adjacent collars. This interconnection results in the formation of an extensive pharyngeal meshwork. These collar cells are additionally distinguished by the placement of the collar and flagellum adjacent to a flared cup of cytoplasm. This portion of the cell is capable of endocytosis of relatively large unicellular prey, and apparently is capable of forming digestive vesicles as well. The pharyngeal gastrodermis grades into simple lobate septal filaments toward the base of the coelenteron, where large, granular nematocysts all but replace the smaller electron-opaque types Collar cells are found here as well, but in fewer numbers compared to the zymogen cells. Ultrastructural results are compared with those of other coelenterates and discussed in terms of food and modes of nutrition.  相似文献   

The Tec family is a recently emerging subfamily of non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) represented by its first member, Tec. This family is composed of five members, namely Tec, Btk, Itk/Emt/Tsk, Bmx and Txk/Rlk. The most characteristic feature of this family is the presence of a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain in their protein structure. The PH domain is known to bind phosphoinositides; on this basis, Tec family PTKs may act as merge points of phosphotyrosine-mediated and phospholipid-mediated signaling systems. Many Tec family proteins are abundantly expressed in hematopoietic tissues, and are presumed to play important roles in the growth and differentiation processes of blood cells. Supporting this, mutations in the Btk gene cause X chromosome-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans and X chromosome-linked immunodeficiency (Xid) in mice, indicating that Btk activity is indispensable for B-cell ontogeny. In addition, Tec family kinases have been shown to be involved in the intracellular signaling mechanisms of cytokine receptors, lymphocyte surface antigens, heterotrimeric G-protein-coupled receptors and integrin molecules. Efforts are being made to identify molecules which interact with Tec kinases to transfer Tec-mediated signals in vivo. Candidates for such second messengers include PLC-γ2, guanine nucleotide exchange factors for RhoA and TFII-I/BAP-135. This review summarizes current knowledge concerning the input and output factors affecting the Tec kinases.  相似文献   

植物蜡质及其与环境的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陆生植物的地上部分如叶、茎、花、果实等的表面覆盖着一层蜡质,它是由一系列复杂化合物组成的具有三维微结构的疏水层,在植物生长和发育过程中起着不可或缺的作用,具有很好的生物学功能。作为植物与环境的第一接触面,蜡质对外界环境因子的响应较敏感,当植物受到外界不利环境因子胁迫时,蜡质会改变自身晶体结构形态或化学组分构建防御机制以减少胁迫因子的作用,有效地协调植物与环境的关系。综述了近年来国内外关于植物蜡质的研究进展,在阐述蜡质层结构及其化学组分的基础上,着重介绍植物与环境因子的作用,包括非生物环境因子如水分、温度、光照、环境污染等以及植食性昆虫和病原菌等生物环境因子的作用。研究显示,胁迫环境下植物蜡质化学组分的变化,是由于不利环境因子的作用足以改变蜡质各产物的合成途径,从而影响蜡质产物。植物蜡质利用各种生理、化学机制对胁迫环境因子的适应以及响应,是植物适应各种生境的基础,因此通过对植物蜡质与环境关系的研究为进一步解析植物与环境关系提供证据。  相似文献   

A genetic map with one molecularly marked locus per cM will be available for the mouse in the near future. A map of this density should provide molecular reference points that connect genetic and physical maps, identify sites to initiate positional cloning studies for the molecular characterization of mutant loci, and define homologous regions of mouse and human genomes.  相似文献   

Gonadotropins in insects: an overview.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Control of gonad development in insects requires juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids, and a peptidic brain gonadotropin(s). Compared to vertebrates, the situation in insects with respect to the molecular structure of gonadotropins is far less uniform. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) of vertebrates are glycoproteins that are synthezised in the hypothalamus and released from the anterior pituitary. They stimulate gonad development, the production of progesterone or of sex steroids (estrogens, androgens). None of the known insect gonadotropins is a glycoprotein, neither can they be grouped into a single peptide family. In Drosophila, two G-protein coupled receptors, structurally related to the mammalian glycoprotein hormone receptors, have been identified. Nothing is known about their natural ligands. The sex-steroids of insects are likely to be ecdysteroids (20E in females, E in males of some species). Some of the identified gonadotropins speed up vitellogenesis (locust OMP and some -PF/-RFamide peptides) or stimulate ecdysteroid production by the ovaries (locust-OMP and Aedes- OEH) or testis (testis ecdysiotropin of Lymantria). In flies, the only as yet identified gonadotropin is the cAMP-generating peptide of Neobellieria. The seeming absence of uniformity in gonadotropins in insects might be due to a multitude of factors that can stimulate ecdysteroid production and/or to the use of different bioassays. Arch.  相似文献   

无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白(MTs)多样性及其生态服务功能   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
金属硫蛋白(MTs)是一类低分子量、半胱氨酸含量异常丰富的金属结合多肽,自从20世纪70年代中期发现海洋无脊椎动物MTs以来,MTs已被证明广泛存在于无脊椎动物的各个类群之中。无脊椎动物物种间的金属硫蛋白存在着显著差异,研究无脊椎动物MTs多样性并揭示其生态服务功能,在理论与实践上都至关重要。本文分析了无脊椎动物MTs的多样性:结合金属元素多样性、同形体及其变体的蛋白质遗传多样性和生态服务功能多样性,并讨论了 MTs的三个生态服务功能:MTs对重金属解毒和调节作用、MTs作为环境监测的生物标志物、MTs的环境重金属污染净化功能及其在环境污染治理中的作用。  相似文献   

Methods to assess tropical rain forest canopy structure: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bongers  Frans 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):263-277

Lactoferrin is a member of the transferrin family of iron-binding glycoproteins that is abundantly expressed and secreted from glandular epithelial cells. In secretions, such as milk and fluids of the intestinal tract, lactoferrin is an important component of the first line of host defence. During the inflammatory process, lactoferrin, a prominent component of the secondary granules of neutrophils (PMNs), is released in infected tissues and in blood and then it is rapidly cleared by the liver. In addition to the antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin, a set of studies has focused on its ability to modulate the inflammatory process and the overall immune response. Though many in vitro and in vivo studies report clear regulation of the immune response and protective effect against infection and septic shock by lactoferrin, elucidation of all the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action is far from being achieved. At the cellular level, lactoferrin modulates the migration, maturation and function of immune cells. At the molecular level and in addition to iron binding, interactions of lactoferrin with a plethora of compounds, either soluble or membrane molecules, account for its modulatory properties. This paper reviews our current understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that explain the regulatory properties of lactoferrin in host defence.  相似文献   

Amphibian embryos are standard research objects to study pattern formation and morphogenesis. Due to their external development and robust nature, experimental manipulations such as microinjections or transplantations can be easily performed. However, most immunocytochemical approaches addressing the specific localization of proteins are hampered by the fragility of the large and yolky embryonic cells which render high resolution staining difficult. Immunocytochemical data are therefore often restricted to either overall patterns in whole embryo preparations or to immunofluorescent localization with limited resolution on sections. High resolution or ultrastructural protein localization data are rare and can be achieved only with time consuming procedures. Here, a comparative study of immunocytochemical methods suitable for light and electron microscopy using different kinds of plastic resins is presented. Three main approaches are described: preembedding staining of whole embryos, postembedding staining of ultrathin sections and preembedding staining of vibratome sections. All the procedures are designed to study protein expression in early amphibian embryos en gros as well as en detail and the described techniques are suitable to combine two or three levels of resolution on the very same biological specimen. Examples are presented and advantages and disadvantages of the different protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

Cancer of the uterine cervix is one of the more common female cancers and a major source of premature female mortality. UK deaths in 1987 exceeded 2000. To reduce these rates, national screening programmes have been introduced using the Papanicolaou method. In screening for cancer, the examination of specimens is an intensive and expensive task. Its high cost has led to a number of attempts to automate the process, either fully or partially. Over the last 30 years, various experimental prescreening systems have been developed for the diagnosis of cytological samples including the use of image processing techniques. This paper presents a historical overview of automation in cervical cytology and the status of current developments for automated cytological diagnosis.  相似文献   

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