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Summary The cell types in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures can be identified by using the DNA-specific fluorochrome Hoechst 33342 staining. This simple, rapid and reproducible procedure can be used with fixed and living cells. The peritubular myoid cells can be distinguished from the Sertoli cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures by the characteristic staining pattern obtained using Hoechst 33342 dye. Those cells identified as peritubular myoid cells by the characteristic DNA staining also interacted with the anti-fibronectin antibody determined by an immunocytochemical method while the Sertoli cells did not. The described staining method is valuable in assessing the presence of peritubular myoid cells in Sertoli cell-enriched cultures.  相似文献   

When unfertilized sea urchin eggs are pretreated with the bisbenzimide DNA-specific fluorochrome Hoechst 33342, then washed and fertilized, a single sperm bound to the egg surface becomes intensely fluorescent. The location of the fluorescent sperm on the egg surface coincides exactly with the epicenter of the cortical reaction and the site at which the insemination cone subsequently appears. These observations, coupled with studies of eggs treated with quercetin to prevent fusion, as well as eggs made polyspermic by halothane exposure, indicate that the sperm acquires fluorescence as a consequence of fusion with the fluorochrome preloaded egg. Using a modification of this technique, we have found that cytoplasmic continuity between the sperm and egg is established at 4-8 sec after the onset of the sperm-induced conductance increase in the egg.  相似文献   

Mouse oocytes exposed to 1 microgram Hoechst 33342 (H-33342)/ml and then fertilized in vitro developed normally into blastocysts and blastocyst outgrowths. After penetration of the zona, the fertilizing spermatozoon showed intense fluorescence upon fusion with the vitelline membrane. Due to fluorochrome leakage from the perivitelline space a faint fluorescence was detected in zona-bound spermatozoa. This fluorescence of zona-bound spermatozoa intensified with increased fluorochrome concentration (10 micrograms/ml), obscuring the fluorescence of the fertilizing spermatozoa. Spermatozoa added to zona-free mouse oocytes (pre-loaded with 1 or 10 micrograms H-33342/ml) fluoresced within 10 min of insemination, provided the zonae were removed mechanically. Removal by protease digestion induced leakage of fluorochrome, so that all spermatozoa in the vicinity of an oocyte pre-loaded with 10 micrograms H-33342/ml became labelled. This leakage was not visibly apparent when protease-treated oocytes were exposed to only 1 microgram H-33342/ml. The technique could not be applied to zona-free hamster oocytes under our conditions, since the fluorochrome leaked freely from the oocytes whether the zona was removed mechanically or enzymically.  相似文献   

A high-sensitive, easy and rapid proximate method has been developed to reveal mycoplasmas in the monolayer cell cultures using home fluorescent antibiotic olivomycin. This method has been used to screen many cell lines with its high effectiveness being shown. As based on this method the following control methods are worked out: indication of mycoplasmas in animal blood sera, used for the cultivation of cell lines detection of contaminant microorganisms of the cell cultures (fungi and bacteria) and human ureaplasmas.  相似文献   

With indirect immunofluorescent microscopic techniques, we have shown that fibronectin is distributed primarily in or along the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule boundary tissue in sections of testes from 20-day-old rats. Purified rat Sertoli cell-enriched aggregates, maintained in culture in the presence or absence of serum, exhibit no detectable immunofluorescence with fibronectin antibody, whereas purified peritubular cells in culture do have a positive reaction to fibronectin antibody. Peritubular cells in culture incorporate [35S] methionine into fibronectin which can be immunoprecipitated with a fibronectin antiserum, but Sertoli cells do not. We have used various criteria to estimate the degree of purity of Sertoli cell-enriched preparations. The presence of peritubular myoid cells in conventional Sertoli cell-enriched aggregates, cultured in the presence or absence of serum, can be detected with transmission electron microscopic examination, by the Feulgen staining procedure, and by the immunocytochemical identification of fibronectin. We describe a technique to purify Sertoli cells in conventional Sertoli cell-enriched preparations by treatment with hyaluronidase, resulting in a lesser number of peritubular cells by the above criteria, even in preparations cultured in the presence of serum. Data presented suggest that some of the products previously attributed exclusively to Sertoli cells in Sertoli cell-enriched preparations, particularly those cultured in the presence of serum, may have been contributed by peritubular cells.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell-enriched cultures isolated from immature rat testes by enzymic treatments were investigated by intracellular microelectrode recordings. The hyperpolarization of cells induced by FSH was independent of the age of the rats (7-37 days) and was unchanged by exposure to a hormone-free medium or to a glycine buffer of pH 3. It was reduced by treatments which decreased the electrical coupling between cells either by an increase of intracellular calcium [i.e. calcium ionophore (A 23187, 5 x 10(-6) M), general anaesthetic (heptanol, 3.5 mM) and uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylations (carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone-CCmP, 10(-6) M)] or by a decrease of extracellular calcium [i.e. 0Ca + EGTA (1 mM) medium]. These effects were partly or totally reversed by a recovery period in a drug-free medium. Similar results were obtained by an exposure to trypsin (0.05%) followed by a second mechanical dispersion, but new cell hyperpolarization was induced by a new exposure to FSH. This electrophysiological study suggests an initial effect of FSH on the junctional complex between Sertoli cells, then the control by calcium of this complex.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33342 staining of multicell spheroids, three-dimensional cell clusters grown in vitro, results in a marked gradient of cellular fluorescent intensities inward from the spheroid periphery. The penetration of the dye is concentration and time dependent, so staining can be coupled with fluorescence activated cell sorting techniques to allow disaggregated single cells to be sorted or selected according to their degree of staining and therefore their depth within the spheroid. We have found the staining procedure to be highly reproducible, and to result in minimal toxicity even to the more brightly staining external cells. Comparison of this technique with others for cell selection suggests that increased resolution is available with the Hoechst technique.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell-enriched preparations from testes of 20-day-old rats were cultured in a defined medium in the presence and absence of FSH or dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dcAMP). Androgen-binding activity was assayed in the culture medium, and related to testicular androgen-binding protein (ABP). The production and secretion of ABP by the Sertoli cell-enriched preparation was increased after FSH or dcAMP treatment of the primary culture. It is concluded that ABP is produced by Sertoli cells. The possibility of involvement of other cell types in the testis in ABP production is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the biophysical characteristics of the interaction of Hoechst 33258 and 33342 dyes with normal rat colorectal cells as functions of fixation and solution composition. Classical dye-binding techniques were used to investigate the stoichiometry and binding constants with whole cells, and quantitative fluorescence image analysis was used to specifically study nuclear dye binding in intact cells. In aqueous solution, H-33258 dye bound cooperatively with intact cells, with a binding constant of between 3-4 x 10(5). In ethanolic solution, binding appeared less cooperative, although Scatchard analysis could not be used. The binding constant was slightly lower (2 x 10(5)), but the total number of cell binding sites was decreased by a factor of 5, reflecting a great decrease in cytoplasmic sites. QFIA studies identified conditions optimal for DNA quantitation under which the fluorescence signal was independent of dye or cell concentration. The proportionality between absolute nuclear fluorescence intensity and DNA content was established, and the upper limit of DNA content of normal colorectal cells was also determined.  相似文献   

An ab initio quantum mechanical study of the bis-benzimidazole derivative Hoechst 33342 is presented. Specifically, we report on the molecular geometry, proton affinity, gas-phase basicity, hydration, pKa, and molecular interaction potential map of Hoechst 33342 and the forms obtained by its protonation and deprotonation. Results have been compared with those obtained for Hoechst 33258 to analyze the influence of the chemical structure on the properties of this bis-benzimidazole derivative. Finally, the connection of some theoretical predictions with experimental evidences has been examined.  相似文献   

The fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 is able to differentiate F9 EC cells at low concentrations. This differentiation is accompanied by synthesis of large amounts of laminin, production of a well-developed cytoskeleton, disappearance of the SSEA-1 antigen, and synthesis of large amounts of fibronectin, all characteristics of the primitive endoderm. The dye immediately blocks the cells at the S/G2 phase of the cell cycle and produces a complete arrest in proliferation. This effect is not specific for the nullipotent F9 cell line, as multipotent EC cell lines like PCC3, P19, and PCC4 can also be easily differentiated into the same pathway by treatment with the Hoechst dye. In contrast, the dye has no remarkable effects on terminal differentiated, immortalized cells like NIH 3T3 or the parietal endoderm-like cell PYS-2.  相似文献   

Adamski D  Mayol JF  Platet N  Berger F  Hérodin F  Wion D 《FEBS letters》2007,581(16):3076-3080
Accumulative evidence demonstrates that normal as well as cancer stem cells can be identified as a side population following Hoechst 33342 staining and flow cytometric analysis. This popular method is based on the ability of stem cells to efflux this fluorescent vital dye. We demonstrate that Hoechst 33342 can affect cell differentiation, suggesting potential complications in the interpretation of data.  相似文献   

We developed a rapid technique for preservation of Hoechst 33342/propidium iodide-stained cells, using ethanol as a fixative. Combined staining with these dyes makes possible analysis of cell-cycle phase-specific cell death. The technique relies on exclusion of propidium iodide from the viable cells, whereas Hoechst stains all of the cells. The bivariate histograms resulting from the flow cytometric analysis contain the equivalent of two single-parameter DNA histograms, one of the living and the other of the dead cell population. Preservation of staining involved addition of 25% ethanol in PBS after propidium iodide staining and before Hoechst staining. The separation between the living and the dead cell populations was maintained for over 3 days at 4 degrees C. This technique will be valuable for quantitative evaluation of the cell-cycle phase-specific effects of cytostatic or cytotoxic agents, particularly in situations where a lag period between staining and analysis is unavoidable.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell-enriched cultures derived from 19-day old rats were exposed to FSH, L-isoproterenol, glucagon and dbcAMP for 24 up to 96 h. The influence of primary stimulation with these agonists on the response of the cells to subsequent stimulation with the homologous or heterologous agonists was investigated. Particular attention was paid to the response of the aromatase system defined as the ability of the cells to convert testosterone into 17 beta-estradiol. The responsiveness of this system was compared with the responsiveness of two other systems: adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase. It could be demonstrated that preincubation with the mentioned agonists results in a decreased responsiveness (maximal response) and a decreased sensitivity (ED50) upon re-stimulation with the homologous agonists. Preincubation with FSH also provokes partial desensitization for glucagon and L-isoproterenol. This heterologous desensitization can be mimicked by dbcAMP. The mentioned desensitization reactions are accompanied by a marked decrease in the accumulation of cAMP in the medium. Whereas desensitization of the adenylate cyclase occurs rapidly, desensitization of the aromatase response requires protracted stimulation for 3-4 days. In contrast with the adenylate cyclase and the aromatase system, the responsiveness of phosphodiesterase to FSH, L-isoproterenol, glucagon and dbcAMP is not affected by repeated stimulation for 96 h. It is concluded that hormonal desensitization affects both early (cAMP) and late (aromatase) responses of the Sertoli cell. However, some responses, such as phosphodiesterase activity seem to escape the desensitization process.  相似文献   

Chromatin distribution was visualized in living cells with the selective DNA fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. This dye was shown to be non-toxic on the rat kangaroo PTO cell line by measuring the labelled cell growth rate. The aim of this work was firstly to visualize chromatin distribution without fixation or dehydration and secondly to demonstrate that quantitative determination of DNA content was possible under these non-toxic labelling conditions. During interphase, condensed, decondensed and thin network chromatin configurations were visualized. In nucleolar regions the fluorochrome revealed well-defined chromocentres. During mitosis, fluorescent chromosome banding was observed in vital conditions and chromocentres on fixed chromosomes. Chromatin segregation was visualized after micronucleation, which induced chromosomal set distribution in individual micronuclei. By this means, we demonstrated that the chromocentres observed in interphase nuclei were part of nuclear organizer region (NOR)-bearing chromosomes. This vital staining of chromatin was shown to be compatible with the quantitative determination of DNA content, both in living PTO cells and in isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Simultaneous use of cell-permeant and impermeant fluorescent nuclear dyes is a common method to study cell viability and cell death progression. Although these assays are usually conducted as end-point studies, time-lapse imaging offers a powerful technique to distinguish temporal changes in cell viability at single-cell resolution. SYTO 13 and Hoechst 33342 are two commonly used cell-permeant nuclear dyes; however their suitability for live imaging has not been well characterized. We compare end-point assays with time-lapse imaging studies over a 6 h period to evaluate the compatibility of these two dyes with longitudinal imaging, using both control neurons and an apoptotic neuron model. FINDINGS: In longitudinal assays of untreated neurons, SYTO 13 addition caused acute necrosis within 3 h, whereas neurons imaged with Hoechst remained viable for at least 6 h. In an staurosporine-induced apoptotic model of neurotoxicity, determinations of the mode of cell death and measurements of nuclear size were identical between longitudinal studies using Hoechst and end-point assays. Alternatively, longitudinal studies using 500 nM or 5 nM SYTO 13 were not consistent with end-point assays. CONCLUSIONS: SYTO 13 is acutely neurotoxic and when used in longitudinal studies, masked end-stage morphologic evidence of apoptotic cell death. In contrast, a single application of Hoechst evoked no evidence of toxicity over a 6 h period, and was consistent with end-point characterizations of cell viability and nuclear morphology. For longitudinal characterization of acute cell death, Hoechst is a superior option.  相似文献   

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