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We conducted bioremediation experiments on the organically enriched sediment on the sea floor just below a fish farm, introducing artificially mass-cultured colonies of deposit-feeding polychaete, Capitella sp. I. To clarify the association between the Capitella and bacteria on the efficient decomposition of the organic matter in the sediment in the experiments, we tried to identify the bacteria that increased in the microbial community in the sediment with dense patches of the Capitella. The relationship between TOC and quinone content of the sediment as an indicator of the bacterial abundance was not clear, while a significant positive correlation was found between Capitella biomass and quinone content of the sediment. In particular, ubiquinone-10, which is present in members of the class Alphaproteobacteria, increased in the sediment with dense patches of the Capitella. We performed denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses to identify the alphaproteobacterial species in the sediment with dense patches of the worm, using two DGGE fragments obtained from the sediment samples and one fragment from the worm body. The sequences of these DGGE fragments were closely related to the specific members of the Roseobacter clade. In the associated system with the Capitella and the bacteria in the organically enriched sediment, the decomposition of the organic matter may proceed rapidly. It is very likely that the Capitella works as a promoter of bacteria in the organically enriched sediment, and feeds the increased bacteria as one of the main foods, while the bacteria decompose the organic matter in the sediment with the assistance of the Capitella.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic metal pollutants bioaccumulated in benthic animals by means of feeding and osmotic diffusion. These metals may affect the physiology of the benthos. In this study, we exposed Capitella sp. I to three metals (Cd, Pb, and Ni), each in eight different concentrations, to determine the effects of metals on the animals. Growth rate, ingestion rate, and percent survival were estimated in three separated experiments. The growth and feeding of the worms were sensitive to even the lowest concentrations of each metal added to the sediments. The lowest observable adverse effect levels for Cd, Ni, and Pb were 0.03, 1.59, and 0.41 μmol g 1 sediment, respectively. Growth rates in the elevated metal contaminant treatments decreased drastically at slightly contaminated levels, lessened detrimental effects at moderately contaminated levels, and showed incompensable intoxication at heavily contaminated levels. The trends in ingestion rates were similar to those of growth rates. No significant difference in survivorship was found among the different contaminant levels for any of the three heavy metals. Capitella sp. I was most sensitive to Cd, followed by Ni and Pb, which had similar effects. The rapid physiological responses of Capitella sp. I allowed the animals to survive metal exposure. Sediment productivity remained unchanged at different contamination levels of Ni and Pb, but was drastically reduced at 4.75 μmol g 1 Cd in the sediment. This further demonstrated Capitella sp. I can adjust their ingestion rates to maintain constant sediment productivities in moderate pollution conditions; however, when threshold concentration was exceeded, homeostasis collapsed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that bacteria associated with soft-bodied organisms are suggested to produce bioactive compounds against the attachment of invertebrate larvae and bacteria onto the surface of these organisms. Our recent study has demonstrated that epibiotic bacteria from the surface of the soft coral Dendronephthya sp. (Coelenterata: Octocoralia, Alcyonacea) inhibit the growth of bacteria commonly found in marine natural biofilms. In the present study, the effect of 11 epibiotic bacteria isolated from the surface of Dendronephthya sp. on larval settlement of the tubeworms Hydroides elegans was examined using laboratory bioassay. Among 11 bacterial isolates, 2 strains (18%) inhibited the larval settlement of H. elegans (Haswell), 4 strains (36%) were “inductive” to larvae and the remaining 5 strains (46%) were “non-inductive”. There was no correlation between the antifouling activities of bacterial isolates and their phylogenetic origin, i.e. closely related bacterial strains showed different effects on larval settlement of H. elegans. When all “inductive”, “non-inductive” and “inhibitive” bacterial isolates were mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio, the effect of the resultant multispecies film on larval settlement became “inhibitive”. Waterborne compounds of Vibrio sp. and an unidentified α-Proteobacterium, which suppressed the settlement of H. elegans and Bugula neritina (L.) larvae, were further investigated using size fractionation and bioassay-guided enzymatic analysis. It was found that antilarval settlement compounds from these bacteria were heat-stable polysaccharides with a molecular weight >100 kDa. The results indicate that the bacteria associated with the soft coral Dendronephthya sp. may contribute to the antifouling mechanisms of the soft-bodied organisms by producing compounds that are against bacterial growth and settlement of macrofoulers on the surface of their host.  相似文献   

Polychaete annelids and arthropods are both segmented protostome invertebrates. To investigate whether the segmented body plan of these two phyla share a common molecular ground pattern, we report the developmental expression of orthologues of the arthropod segment polarity genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), and wingless (wg/Wnt1) in larval and juvenile stages of the polychaete annelid Capitella sp. I and en in a second polychaete, Hydroides elegans. Temporally, neither Wnt1 nor hh are detected in the segmented region of the larval body until after morphological segmentation is apparent. Expression of CapI-Wnt1 is limited to a ring of ectoderm marking the future anus during larval segmentation. CapI-hh is expressed in a ring of the hindgut internal to that of CapI-Wnt1, as well as in a subset of ventral nerve cord neurons, anterior gut tissue, and mesoderm. In both H. elegans and Capitella sp. I, en is expressed in a spatially and temporally dynamic manner in segmentally iterated structures as well as a population of cells that migrate internally from ectoderm to mesoderm, possibly representing a population of ecto-mesodermal precursors. Significantly, the expression patterns we report for wg, en, and hh orthologues in Capitella sp. I and for en in larval development of H. elegans are not comparable to the highly conserved ectodermal segment polarity pattern observed in arthropods at any life history stage, consistent with distinct origins of segmentation between annelids and arthropods.  相似文献   

Nodulation abilities of bacteria in the subclasses Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) were tested. Pseudomonas sp., Burkholderia sp., Klebsiella sp., and Paenibacillus sp. were isolated from surface-sterilized black locust nodules, but their nodulation ability is unknown. The aims of this study were to determine if these bacteria are symbiotic. The species and genera of the strains were determined by RFLP analysis and DNA sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. Inoculation tests and histological studies revealed that Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia sp. formed nodules on black locust and also developed differentiated nodule tissue. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of nodA and a BLASTN analysis of the nodC, nifH, and nifHD genes revealed that these symbiotic genes of Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia sp. have high similarities with those of rhizobial species, indicating that the strains acquired the symbiotic genes from rhizobial species in the soil. Therefore, in an actual rhizosphere, bacterial diversity of nodulating legumes may be broader than expected in the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria subclasses. The results indicate the importance of horizontal gene transfer for establishing symbiotic interactions in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

武正军  戴冬亮  宁加佳  黄乘明  于海 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4691-4699
2006年3-10月,在广东省罗坑鳄蜥自然保护区利用直接观察法对鳄蜥春、夏、秋3季的生境选择进行研究。春、夏、秋3季各测定了31、71、31个有鳄蜥样方以及50、90、51个对照样方的14种生态因子。利用生态因子对比分析和逐步判别分析确定各季节生境选择的主要影响因素。结果表明,春季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量和植被盖度,正确判别率为97.5%;夏季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量、植被盖度、溪流宽度和枯枝百分比,正确判别率为94.4%;秋季影响鳄蜥生境选择的主要影响因素是溪沟底质中沙的含量、植被盖度和可利用食物量,正确判别率为97.6%。在区分春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥生境选择方面有一系列生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为可利用食物量、干扰距离、枯枝百分比、溪水流速、溪沟坡度和溪宽等6个因子,由这6个变量构成的方程对春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥生境的正确区分率达到76.7%。判别函数的分析表明,春、夏、秋3季鳄蜥的生境选择具有较高的差异性,以判别函数建立的判别分类图表明,春、夏季以及夏、秋季鳄蜥的生境选择重叠较多,而秋季与春季的重叠较少。  相似文献   

In a survey of rhizobia associated with the native legumes in Yunnan Province, China, seven and nine strains isolated from the root nodules of Psoralea corylifolia, Sesbania cannabina and Medicago lupulina were respectively classified into the novel genomic species groups I and II in the genus Ensifer (former Sinorhizobium) based on the sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. Analyses of concatenated housekeeping genes (atpD, recA and glnII) further revealed that they were distinct lineages in the genus, and group I was most similar to Ensifer terangae and Ensifer garamanticus (both with 94.2% similarity), while group II was most similar to Ensifer adhaerens (94.0%). These groups could be distinguished from closely related species by DNA–DNA relatedness, MALID-TOF MS, cellular fatty acid profiles and a series of phenotypic characters. Therefore, two novel species were proposed: Ensifer psoraleae sp. nov. (seven strains, type strain CCBAU 65732T = LMG 26835T = HAMBI 3286T) and Ensifer sesbaniae sp. nov. (nine strains, type strain CCBAU 65729T = LMG 26833T = HAMBI 3287T). They had a DNA G + C mol% (Tm) of 58.9 and 60.4, respectively. Both of the type strains formed effective nodules on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and their hosts of origin. In addition, the previously described species Sinorhizobium morelense and Sinorhizobium americanum were renamed as Ensifer morelense comb. nov. and Ensifer americanum comb. nov. according to the accumulated data from different studies.  相似文献   

Five Mycoplasma strains from wild Caprinae were analyzed: four from Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) which died at the Berlin Zoo between 1993 and 1994, one from a Rocky Mountain goat collected in the USA prior to 1987. These five strains represented a population different from the populations belonging to the ‘Mycoplasma mycoides cluster’ as tested using multi locus sequence typing, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs), genomic sequence based in silico as well as laboratory DNA–DNA hybridization, and the analysis of phenotypic traits in particular their exceptionally rapid growth all confirmed that they do not belong to any Mycoplasma species described to date. We therefore suggest these strains represent a novel species, for which we propose the name Mycoplasma feriruminatoris sp. nov. The type strain is G5847T (= DSM 26019T = NCTC 1362T).  相似文献   

The ultrafast (< 100 fs) conversion of delocalized exciton into charge-separated state between the primary donor P700 (bleaching at 705 nm) and the primary acceptor A0 (bleaching at 690 nm) in photosystem I (PS I) complexes from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was observed. The data were obtained by application of pump-probe technique with 20-fs low-energy pump pulses centered at 720 nm. The earliest absorbance changes (close to zero delay) with a bleaching at 690 nm are similar to the product of the absorption spectrum of PS I complex and the laser pulse spectrum, which represents the efficiency spectrum of the light absorption by PS I upon femtosecond excitation centered at 720 nm. During the first ∼ 60 fs the energy transfer from the chlorophyll (Chl) species bleaching at 690 nm to the Chl bleaching at 705 nm occurs, resulting in almost equal bleaching of the two forms with the formation of delocalized exciton between 690-nm and 705-nm Chls. Within the next ∼ 40 fs the formation of a new broad band centered at ∼ 660 nm (attributed to the appearance of Chl anion radical) is observed. This band decays with time constant simultaneously with an electron transfer to A1 (phylloquinone). The subtraction of kinetic difference absorption spectra of the closed (state P700+A0A1) PS I reaction center (RC) from that of the open (state P700A0A1) RC reveals the pure spectrum of the P700+A0 ion-radical pair. The experimental data were analyzed using a simple kinetic scheme: An* [(PA0)*A1 P+A0A1] P+A0A1, and a global fitting procedure based on the singular value decomposition analysis. The calculated kinetics of transitions between intermediate states and their spectra were similar to the kinetics recorded at 694 and 705 nm and the experimental spectra obtained by subtraction of the spectra of closed RCs from the spectra of open RCs. As a result, we found that the main events in RCs of PS I under our experimental conditions include very fast (< 100 fs) charge separation with the formation of the P700+A0A1 state in approximately one half of the RCs, the ∼ 5-ps energy transfer from antenna Chl* to P700A0A1 in the remaining RCs, and ∼ 25-ps formation of the secondary radical pair P700+A0A1.  相似文献   

The Aeromonas group 501, also named Aeromonas sp. HG13, is taxonomically close to A. schubertii. Results obtained in previous studies, including DNA–DNA hybridization and DNA fingerprinting, suggest that Aeromonas group 501 could constitute a different Aeromonas species. In this work we have performed a polyphasic study with the two strains comprising the Aeromonas sp. HG13 in order to propose a formal species name. They could be differentiated from A. schubertii by the indole and lysine decarboxylase tests and the utilization of l-lactate. Phenotypically, both strains were also easily separated from the other Aeromonas species. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed high sequence similarities (>97%) between Aeromonas group 501 and all Aeromonas species. Nevertheless, sequence divergences of cpn60, dnaJ, gyrB and rpoD genes were higher than the intraspecific threshold values established for each gene (3.5%, 3.3%, 2.3% and 2.6%, respectively), while sequence divergences between strains CDC 2478-85T and CDC 2555-87 were low (0.6–1.1%). The DNA G+C content of the type strain was 62.2 mol%. Phenotypic and genotypic evidence strongly suggests that the Aeromonas group 501 is a novel species of the genus Aeromonas, for which the name Aeromonas diversa sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CDC 2478-85T (=CECT 4254T=ATCC 43946T=LMG 17321T).  相似文献   

采用土壤培养方法,研究了不同含砷水平土壤中添加外源磷或有机质对砷在板蓝根地下部和地上部累积与分配的影响。结果表明,在外源添加磷或者有机质的情况下,与自然土相比含砷土对板蓝根的生长有一定的促进作用;在自然土(13.4 mg/kg)中,外源磷没有明显影响板蓝根地下部对砷的累积,却显著降低了砷由地下部向地上部的转运,并且添加200 mg P2 O5/kg显著降低了砷在地上部的累积。然而,在含砷土(33.4 mg/kg)中,100 mg P2O5/kg处理显著降低了砷在地下部的累积,但随磷用量的增加反而促进了地下部砷的累积;在添加有机质试验中,10 g/kg的有机质显著降低了自然土中板蓝根地下部和地上部对砷的累积,并且砷的吸收能力也明显下降。在含砷土(23.4 mg/kg)中,添加5 g/kg的有机质不仅降低了砷在板蓝根中的富集,而且降低了其对砷的吸收能力,提高了砷由地下部向地上部的转运,但是随着有机质施用量增至10 g/kg,地下部砷含量及其吸收砷的能力均有一定程度的增大。因此,在砷水平较低的自然土壤上种植板蓝根添加200 mg P2O5/kg和10 g/kg的有机质是控制砷在该草药体内积累的适宜用量,而在砷水平较高的土壤上100 mg P2O5/kg和5 g/kg的有机质是降低板蓝根体内砷累积的适宜用量。  相似文献   

Four red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures of approximately 55–60 °C and an optimum pH for growth between 7.5 and 8.5, were recovered from hot springs in Central France. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. The new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the glycolipid profile and fatty acid composition because these organisms lacked the hydroxy fatty acids and the glycolipid variant GL-1a found in all other isolates of the species of Meiothermus examined. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus rufus for the new species, which is represented by strains CAL-4T (=DSM 22234T=LMG 24878T) and CAL-12 (=DSM 22235=LMG 24879). We also propose emending the genus Meiothermus to include strains that have only one glycolipid instead of two glycolipid variants.  相似文献   

Triphenylmethane dyes are considered to be one of the most recalcitrant pollutants in the environment. Malachite Green (MG) was successfully removed from aqueous solution by Pseudomonas sp. DY1 immobilization with Aspergillus oryzae. Inhibition test in the presence of sodium azide and nystatin indicated that A. oryzae was a natural immobilization reagent, and removal of MG by the immobilized cell pellets was attributed to the biodegradation by Pseudomonas sp. DY1. Optimum conditions of immobilization for maximum biodegradation were obtained using Taguchi design at 37 °C, inoculation size of Pseudomonas sp. DY1 (dry cell mass) 0.01 g, of A. oryzae (spore number) 1.0 × 109, initial pH 6.5. Decolorization and biodegradation of MG by immobilized pellets under optimum conditions were 99.5% and 93.3%, respectively. Immobilized pellets exhibited more than 96% decolorization after 16 days in batch condition, indicating it had stable and high biodegradation capabilities when immobilized for long-term operation.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 ceased upon expression of Rhodobacter sphaeroides chlorophyllide a reductase (COR). However, an increase in cytosolic superoxide dismutase level in the recombinant Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 completely reversed the growth cessation. This demonstrates that COR generates superoxide in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Considering the dissolved oxygen (DO) level suitable for COR, the intracellular DO of this oxygenic photosynthetic cell appears to be low enough to support COR-mediated superoxide generation. The growth arrest of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 by COR may give an insight into the evolutionary path from bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthetic pathway to chlorophyll a, which bypasses COR reaction.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain Paracoccus sp. SKG capable of utilizing acetonitrile as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen was isolated from the chemical waste samples. The molecular phylogram generated using the complete sequence of 16S rDNA of the strain SKG showed close links to the bacteria grouped under Brucellaceae family, that belongs to the class alphaproteobacteria. Specifically, the 16S rDNA sequence of strain SKG has shown 99% similarity to Paracoccus sp. This bacterium has also shown impressive growth on aliphatic nitriles like acetonitrile, propionitrile, acrylonitrile, valeronitrile and their corresponding amides. The nitriles degradation has led to the accumulation of ammonia and respective carboxylic acids. The acetonitrile grown cells showed the release of ammonia that contributes to the increase in pH of the medium. However, glucose grown cells failed to produce ammonia, thus indicating the inducible nature of acetonitrile degrading enzymes in Paracoccus sp. SKG. Nitrile hydratase and amidase are the two key enzymes involved in the degradation of acetonitrile. Degradation of acetonitrile in Paracoccus sp. SKG follows the bi-enzymatic pathway. Further, this strain is capable of degrading acetonitrile in the presence of other organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol and dimethylformamide. Therefore, this strain is efficiently used for the treatment of HPLC waste stream containing acetonitrile in the presence of other organic solvents.  相似文献   

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