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Summary Schoener (1971) proposed that the reproductive demands of animals should be important in shaping their foraging behavior because fitness is affected. He defined two forager types: energy maximizers (reproductive success depends on energetic intake) and time minimizers (reproductive success depends on time spent in activities other than foraging), and suggested that females most often illustrate the former and males the latter. We tested whether mating activities influence the foraging behavior of Uca panacea, and the predictions that females would be energy maximizers because of their reproductive strategy and that males would also be energy maximizers because of their courtship activity. Time allocated to foraging by 800 male and female fiddler crabs (at two sites) was quantified; no significant difference in foraging time was found between the sexes. Both male and female crabs allotted a large portion of their time to foraging because both sexes depend on stored energy during their reproductive bouts. Our results show that the particular forager type can be predicted based on reproductive demands, but a forager type can not always be assigned to a particular sex without consideration of all important ecological and physiological factors determining reproductive success.  相似文献   

We dived at regular intervals (8-, 12- or 24-h) over periods up to 24 days to quantify the feeding activities of identified sea stars along permanent transects in the upper sediment bottom zone (8-11 m deep). In this habitat, large individuals of four sea stars predominated. The diet of Asterias vulgaris (molluscs and echinoderms) was intermediate between that of Leptasterias polaris (mainly molluscs) and that of Crossaster papposus (mainly echinoderms), whereas the diet of Solaster endeca strongly differed from the other sea stars, as it only fed on holothuroids. Calculation of the Ivlev electivity index indicated little or no selection for many abundant prey species, whereas some rare prey in this zone (e.g., Mytilus edulis) were strongly selected. We quantified prey size selection, and observed evidence of selection on smaller individuals when feeding on infaunal bivalves (possibly the deeper burying of larger individuals limited attacks) and selection of larger individuals when feeding on epifaunal prey (possibly to maximize energetic intake). We observed A. vulgaris feeding on Mya truncata, which had been captured by L. polaris (kleptoparasitism) and this bivalve disappeared from the diet of A. vulgaris in areas where we experimentally removed L. polaris. Estimations of foraging rates over 100 days relative to prey availability indicated strong interactions among the sea stars themselves. C. papposus likely have a strong impact on conspecifics, L. polaris and A. vulgaris, and A. vulgaris on L. polaris. In contrast, <1% of total biomass of the most abundant prey of L. polaris (M. truncata) and C. papposus (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) was consumed in 100 days.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging activity of the freshwater leeches Nephelopsis obscura and Erpobdella punctata during acclimation to active or sedentary prey, starvation and refeeding was examined by filming over a 24 h cycle. For both species, the time of activity of individual leeches and the total number of leeches active were significantly correlated. Activity in the dark was significantly higher than in the light with the activity of N. obscura in the dark 16.2 times higher in terms of time and 6.7 times higher in terms of numbers of individuals moving than E. punctata. Large N. obscura were significantly more active than medium or small individuals and encountered more sedentary prey. With lower levels of activity E. punctata encounters and feeds on more active prey, and in lotic ecosystems its lower exposure to fish predation and drift is, at least partially, responsible for its numerical abundance over N. obscura. There were no significant differences in the activity of N. obscura or E. punctata fed on active or sedentary prey during either subsequent starvation of 1 to 10 d, or after refeeding, suggesting that unchanged foraging activity provides the optimun net energy gain during periods of change in prey type and availability.  相似文献   

We studied the foraging behaviour of Rhinolophus hipposideros on the island “Herrenchiemsee” in Lake Chiemsee (Upper Bavaria) during summer 2001. The island offers extensively managed woodlands, highly structured open landscapes and a broad reed belt around the shore. On average the flight activity of the 6 radio tracked females outside the roost lasted 229 min per night. The home range size varied between 6.8 and 62.7 ha (mean 25.2 ha). The size of the activity centres varied between 2.8 and 8.2 ha (mean 5.3) and all except one were located almost exclusively in woodland. Within woodlands the bats did not select for specific spatial structures (different age classes of the stands or canopy densities). Only two bats regularly foraged in additional habitats outside woodlands. One of these bats used orchards and tree rows; the other foraged over artificial ponds and gardens adjoining to its woodland foraging area. We never found the bats foraging over the lake or the reed belt. Longer linear landscape elements as tree lines were used during commuting flights but there was no indication of a continuous foraging activity along these elements. Two females left the island to forage on the mainland in August after the fledging of juveniles. To reach the mainland shore, the bats had to fly at least 1.2 km across the lake.

Assuming that most foraging flights on the island occur in woodlands, a bat density in this habitat type of 0.7 bats/ha can be calculated.  相似文献   

<正>活动节律和活动时间分配是动物行为学研究的两个重要方面,它们直接与动物的代谢和能量收支相关,但它们又会随环境不同不断调整。通过比较不同生态条件下动物的活动节律和活动时间分配,  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of females of the leaf miner, Agromyza frontella (Rondani), (Diptera: Agromyzidae) when encountering unexploited or exploited alfalfa plants was studied in large field cages and in laboratory bioassays. Females did not recognize any exploited leaflets before contacting them and did not distinguish between leaflets with an egg or first instar larva and unexploited leaflets, even after contact. Only one fly oviposited in leaflets which contained 80–120 nutrition holes, one late second or third instar larva or which were marked with an epideictic pheromone in field cages. In laboratory bioassays females oviposited less in leaflets containing a second or third instar larva or an empty larval mine than in unexploited ones. Females foraging on unexploited leaflets engaged in area-restricted search and 10 of 11 females remained on the test plant for the full 60 min of observation. However, females foraging on exploited plants were much more active, spent a greater proportion of their time searching for suitable hosts, had the highest rates of visitation to all above ground plant parts and emigrated to the cage walls before 60 min had elapsed. These quantitative measures of foraging behavior indicated that females ranked plants after landing on them in the following order: unexploited plants >plants marked with pheromone or with many nutrition holes >plants with late instar larvae. The order of host ranking by foragers was in general agreement with the suitability of the host plants for larval survival, development and reproduction, as estimated from previous laboratory studies.Females of A. frontella foraging on unexploited alfalfa plants fed and oviposited significantly more often in the upper apical leaflets than in the lower, older leaflets. However, the choice of feeding site by flies on exploited plants did not vary with leaflet position (age), indicating that females fed in order to sample leaflet quality and that females investigated lower (older) leaves after they discovered that the preferred upper leaves were occupied. These data suggest that high quality oviposition sites may be limiting for A. frontella females, which could explain why superparasitism of leaflets sometimes occurs in nature, even when unexploited sites are available.  相似文献   

Individual follows and instantaneous sampling were used to examine the behavior of adult male sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in Simpson Bay, Prince William Sound, Alaska, during the summer (May to August) of 2005 and 2006. Six behaviors (foraging, grooming, interacting with other otters, patrolling, resting, and swimming at the surface) were observed during four time periods (dawn, day, dusk, and night) to create 24-h activity budgets. Adult male sea otters were observed during 190 focal follows, representing 98 h of observation. Male otters allocated 27% of their time (over a 24-h period) to resting, 26% to swimming, 19% to grooming, 14% foraging, 9% to patrolling and 5% to interacting with other otters. Field Metabolic Rate (FMR) was estimated by combining the energetic costs for foraging, grooming, resting, and swimming behavior of captive otters from Yeates et al. (2007) with our activity budgets. Our study considered ‘patrolling’ to be energetically similar to ‘swimming’ and therefore the two categories were combined. This combined category accounted for the greatest percentage (43%) of energy expended each day followed by grooming (23%), resting (15%), feeding (13%) and other (5%). The estimated weight specific FMR for all activities was 686.7 kJ day− 1 kg− 1 and the total FMR was 19.04 MJ day− 1. The FMR was 6.6 times the resting metabolic rate and 2.2 times greater than the allometric prediction for terrestrial mammals of similar size but similar to other marine mammals. With a peak summer sea otter density in 5.6 otters km− 2, the low percentage of time spent foraging (even after correction for possible sampling biases) indicates that Simpson Bay is still below equilibrium density.  相似文献   

西双版纳野生亚洲象的觅食行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以西双版纳勐养自然保护区的野象谷为基本监测点,通过定点摄像观察和跟踪观察,采用全事件取样、焦点动物取样和扫描取样相结合的方法,从2003 年8 月到2004 年7 月对三岔河地区野生亚洲象的觅食行为进行初步研究。发现野生亚洲象的雌性成体和未成年个体选择集群采食,而成年雄象一般单独采食,亚洲象在昼夜间的采食行为没有显著性差异,且有多种采食方式;采食农作物主要在夜间进行。亚洲象对主要采食地点采取循环利用的方式,这既提高了食物的数量和质量,又有利于热带雨林生态系统的更新与演化。  相似文献   

猕猴不同性别年龄组个体时间分配和姿态行为的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2005 年11 月至2006 年10 月,对生活在广西桂林七星公园内的一群半野生猕猴进行观察,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集不同性别-年龄组个体的活动时间分配、活动高度和姿态行为的数据。研究结果表明:七星公园猕猴属半地栖性灵长类动物,花费较多的时间休息(41.5% );坐是猕猴最主要的休息姿态
(85. 5% )和觅食姿态(85. 4% ),四足行走是最主要的移动模式(64.5% )。成年个体的活动时间分配表现出明显的性别差异,主要表现为成年雌猴花费更多的时间相互理毛。不同年龄组个体的活动时间分配也表现出显著差异。休息时间随年龄的增长而增加,而玩耍时间则表现出相反的趋势。猕猴的活动高度和移动模式也表现出明显的年龄差异。成年个体花费更多的时间在地面活动。在移动过程中,成年个体采用四足行走的频率明显高于其它年龄组个体;亚成年个体跳跃最多;少年个体采用攀爬和架桥的频率明显高于成年个体。这些差异可能与个体在不同发育阶段的体型和活动水平差异以及林冠的不连续性有关。本研究结果将有助于了解猕猴不同性别年龄组个体对其栖息的社会和自然环境的行为适应机制。  相似文献   

为了探究环境丰容和食物丰容对岩羊行为和活动节律的影响,于2017年3月—7月,以上海动物园的5只雌性岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)为研究对象,设计环境丰容和食物丰容试验,利用瞬时扫描法对岩羊进行行为学观察,分析岩羊丰容前后昼间行为的变化。结果表明:经过环境丰容,岩羊的运动行为和反刍行为显著增加,卧息行为和其他行为显著减少,取食行为无明显变化。在环境丰容基础上,开展食物丰容后,运动行为明显减少,取食行为明显增加。卧息行为有所减少、反刍行为和其他行为有所增加,但变化均不明显。丰容后岩羊的昼间活动节律也发生了变化。取食行为呈现2个高峰期(8:00—11:00和15:00—18:00),取食行为普遍提高;运动行为在13:30—17:30时段较丰容前提前一个小时左右发生;卧息行为有相似的波动规律,但丰容后其昼间发生频次在16:00之前均降低;反刍行为波动最大,呈现出明显的2个高峰期(6:00—9:00和10:00—15:00)。试验表明,在进行环境和食物丰容后,岩羊的活动增加,优化了时间分配,福利状况得到了有效改善。  相似文献   

We used the giving-up density (GUD) method and direct observation to study the combined effects of travel distance and microhabitat on foraging behavior of the midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus), which often acts as a central place forager. We provided animals with artificial seed trays in which dry and unhusked pumpkin seeds were mixed with fine sand. Gerbils practiced an eat-and-carry strategy in patches of bush microhabitat that were far from central places (BF patches), and tended to carry all seeds back in the other three treatments. Resource protection, predation risk avoidance and the balance between future and present value of food items may contribute to the eat-and-carry strategy. When distance was held constant, GUDs in open patches were higher than in bush patches, which was consistent with most studies. When microhabitat was held constant, GUDs in nearer patches were normally lower than in farther patches. In most cases, gerbils preferred to carry more seeds back rather than consume them immediately. We concluded that this tendency was due to the gerbils balancing the factors of future value and present value, and individual fitness and inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

We investigated the foraging area of three individuals (1 female and 2 males) of Rousettus leschenaulti (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) in suburban Haikou City, Hainan Province, South China from November 2005 to January 2006 using radio telemetry. These animals left the daytime roosting sites about 90 min after sunset with no significant difference in departure time between the male and female bats. The average active times were 391.8 min for males and 533.7 min for the female, respectively. By reconstructing 93...  相似文献   

栖息地质量对黑叶猴活动时间分配的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2005 年9 月至2006 年8 月,在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区和扶绥珍贵动物保护区各选择一群黑叶猴作为研究对象,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集相关的行为数据。通过比较两个地理种群活动时间分配的数据来探讨栖息地质量对黑叶猴活动时间分配的影响。结果表明:生活在低质量栖息生境的黑叶猴猴群较生活在高质量栖息生境的猴群花费更多的时间休息和觅食,而用于移动和社会活动的时间相应减少。分析表明,栖息地质量的差异所造成的食物可获得性以及食物组成的差异可能是影响黑叶猴群活动时间分配差异的重要因素。虽然不同活动的峰值在日活动节律中出现的时间存在差异,但总的日活动节律在不同地理种群中表现出相同的趋势,即早晨和下午出现两个明显的觅食高峰,而中午则是长时间的休息;移动的高峰通常发生在觅食高峰之前。  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two small gobies, Trimma caudomaculata and T. caesiura, were surveyed on coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan. Both species actively exhibited foraging attempts beneath overhanging reef structures during the daytime, and fed on small animals, mainly copepods. Trimma caudomaculata formed feeding schools in water columns to swallow mainly Calanoida and Harpacticoida. Trimma caesiura stayed by themselves on the reef substratum and captured mainly Harpacticoida by taking short jumps into the water column. Diet compositions of these congeneric gobies may reflect differences in their foraging behaviors and use of microhabitats.  相似文献   

2008 年3 ~7 月,在上海市浦东新区华夏公园进行獐重引入试点,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件记录法,对圈养条件下24 只獐(12 雌,12 雄)春夏季昼间行为时间分配及活动节律进行了观察。结果表明:休息是春夏季最主要的行为方式,其次是摄食和运动。獐的昼间行为具有明显的节律性,以晨昏活动为主,主要活动时间集中在06:00 ~08:00 和16:00 ~18:00。单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA analysis)和Mann-Whitney U 检验表明,在时间分配上,春、夏季休息、站立、排遗、梳理和运动行为差异极显著;雌雄间休息、站立、反刍、梳理和警戒行为差异极显著。雌性春、夏季站立、排遗、梳理、运动和社会行为差异极显著,摄食差异显著;雄性春、夏季休息、摄食、梳理、警戒和社会行为差异极显著,站立、反刍、排遗和运动行为差异显著。本研究结果表明重引入獐的行为时间分配和活动节律与野生种群相似,动物福利得到较好满足,对下一步在上海地区的种群复壮和迁地野放等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人为干扰对黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2003年11月至2004年3月,采用目标动物取样法和人为干扰实验法,于浙江省乐清湾滩涂进行人类活动对黑腹滨鹬(Calidrisalpina)觅食行为影响的研究。取样观察结果表明,在每天沿海堤可观察黑腹滨鹬持续觅食的1h里,96.6%的黑腹滨鹬在35m或更小的距离上通过奔跑或惊飞对人类的活动作出反应;黑腹滨鹬花费90%(人类较多的盐盆滩涂为85%,较少的乐成滩涂为94%)的时间觅食,10%的时间用于避免人类的干扰;人数、人类活动类型对觅食时间具有显著影响,人数、人离黑腹滨鹬的距离、人类活动类型对黑腹滨鹬移动的距离、移动的次数以及黑腹滨鹬对人类靠近的反应均具有显著效应。人为干扰最小接近距离实验结果表明,黑腹滨鹬对人类反应的距离在3~30m;干扰人数为1人时的最小接近距离显著大于2人;人类行走和奔跑的两种活动类型对黑腹滨鹬的最小接近距离没有显著影响。本研究验证了滨鸟觅食区内的人为活动严重影响黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的假设。  相似文献   

Evaluating changes in the collective behavior of a population can be an indirect method for inferring organismal responses to changing environmental conditions. Apex predators, such as the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), can provide valuable insights into the ecosystem processes of the deep sea, where little direct observation can be made. Sperm whales are often difficult to observe at sea, as they inhabit deep, offshore waters and spend most of their lives beneath the surface. However, sperm whales are extremely amenable to passive acoustic monitoring, as their vocalizations are well-studied, highly distinguishable, produced regularly, and can be detected at relatively long ranges (>10 km). Sperm whales produce distinct clicks in two behavioral contexts (social interaction or foraging/prey capture); thus, we can use acoustic detection of these vocalizations to infer patterns of large-scale, collective behavior, which is similar to studying calling frogs or insects indicating their reproductive phenology. We recorded behaviorally-specific sperm whale vocalizations at three sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in July 2010 and 2011. We used these recordings to construct population-level time budgets, an empirical collective metric of behavior, based on the ratio of hours in a day with social clicks to the hours in a day with foraging clicks, and represented this as an “acoustic activity index.” Our index showed significant differences in the proportions of social and foraging behavior across the range of sperm whales in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, and the proportion of social activity increased by more than a factor of two from 2010 to 2011. These differences support previous evidence of differential habitat use by sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico, and suggest possible changes in environmental conditions between years. Thus, the acoustic activity index may provide a powerful way to evaluate changes in behavior and link them to changing ecological conditions. This novel application of bioacoustics to constructing time budgets and creating a behaviorally-based index at the population scale can serve as an indicator of ecological change, and greatly enhance our ability to understand the behavior and ecology of many acoustically active species.  相似文献   

Oystercatcher foraging behavior has been described for diverse intertidal prey such as limpets, mussels, and oysters. This paper describes foraging behavior of the American oystercatcher, Haematopous palliatus pitanay, on attached and wave-dislodged ascidians, Pyura praeputialis (prey with a restricted geographic range of 70 km) in the Bay of Antofagasta, Chile. Stabbed holes on the top of the ascidian's tunic, probing excursions, handling time, and five prey-handling sequential stages (striking, hammering, prying, cavity food searching, and swallowing) are described and measured. The need to determine ascidian profit-ability for oystercatcher species in Australia and Chile is highlighted. Received: January 19, 2000 / Accepted: July 23, 2000  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴的昼间活动时间分配   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
1999年12月至2004年11月,通过野外直接跟踪观察,采用焦点取样和瞬时记录的方法,对秦岭川金丝猴西梁猴群的昼间活动时间分配进行了研究。将川金丝猴的昼间活动定义为摄食、休息、理毛、移动和其他行为5 种类型,结果发现:川金丝猴昼间活动中有两个摄食高峰,分别在每天的上午和下午,中午有一个较长时间的休息期。川金丝猴昼间的主要行为类型是摄食和休息(约占全部活动时间的62%),各种行为依所占时间比例依次为:摄食(34.64 ± 1.70%)、休息(26.83 ± 1.69%)、理毛(11.58 ± 0.96%)、移动(18.93 ±1.08%)和其他行为(8.02 ± 0.82%)。在不同季节各种行为类型所占时间比例有明显的变化,表现为摄食和休息行为占昼间活动时间比例在夏(75.00%)、秋季(74.15%) 大于春(52.74%)、冬季(56.64%);而移动、理毛和其他行为所占时间比例之和在夏(25.00%)、秋季( 25.85%) 则明显小于冬( 43.4%)、春季(47.3%)。不同季节间的活动时间分配经非参数检验( Kruskal Wallis H test,N = 199),理毛行为( x2 =11.438,df = 3,P < 0.05)有显著差异,摄食(x2 = 20.469,df = 3,P < 0.01)、休息(x2 = 27.235,df = 3,P < 0.01)、移动(x2 = 24.110,df = 3,P < 0.01) 和其他行为( x2 = 60.810,df = 3,P < 0.01) 季节间差异非常显著;除摄食行为外,其余各行为类型的时间分配在不同性别-年龄组间也存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   

Summary Responses of the predaceous mites Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhlodromus (=Metaseiulus) occidentalis, and Amblyseius andersoni to spatial variation in egg density of the phytophagous mite, Tetranychus urticae, were studied in the laboratory.The oligophagous predator P. persimilis showed initially a direct density dependent foraging time allocation and variation in foraging time increased with prey density. With changes in prey density due to predation, predator foraging rates (per hour) decreased with time and density dependent foraging gradually became density independence, because P. persimilis continued to respond to initial prey density, instead of the changing prey density and distribution. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by P. persimilis was density independent, although slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time.Compared with P. persimilis, the narrowly polyphagous predator T. occidentalis responded relatively slowly to the the presence or absence of prey eggs but not to prey density: the mean and variation of foraging time spent in patches with prey did not differ with prey density, but was significantly greater in patches with prey eggs than in patches without eggs. Prey density and distribution changed only slightly due to predation and overall foraging rates remained more or less constant. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by T. occidentalis was inversely density dependent. As with P. persimilis, slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time (i.e. the inverse density dependence in T. occidentalis became weaker through time).The broadly polyphagous predator A. andersoni showed density independent foraging time allocation with variation independent of prey density. With changes in prey density over time due to prey depletion, overall foraging rates decreased. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by A. andersoni also changed through time; it initially was inversely density dependent, but soon became density independent.Overall, P. persimilis and T. occidentalis spent more time in prey patches than A. andersoni, suggesting that A. andersoni tended to spend more time moving outside patches. The overall predation rates and searching efficiency were higher in P. persimilis than in A. andersoni and T. occidentalis. Predator reproduction was highest in P. persimilis, lower in T. occidentalis and the lowest A. andersoni.The differences in response to prey distribution among the three predaceous species probably reflect the evolution of these species in environments with different patterns of prey distribution. The degree of polyphagy is a major determinant of the aggregative response, but other attributes such as handling time are also important in other aspects of phytoseiid foraging behavior (e.g. searching efficiency or predation rate).  相似文献   

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