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We examined habitat use, movement, and growth of young-of-the-year (YOY) Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus luciae with a tag/recapture experiment in tide-dominated salt marshes to determine if movements from Spartina marsh surface can account for the occurrence of larger, older individuals in other habitats. Evaluation of the tagging techniques in laboratory experiments with YOY F. heteroclitus (15-35 mm TL) found that coded wire tags were retained at least up to 77 days. The high rates of recapture in the field also indicate that the tagging approach generally worked well. Of a total of 5748 YOY F. heteroclitus (14-40 mm TL) and 133 YOY F. luciae (17-40 mm TL) tagged, 56.0% and 74.4% were recaptured, respectively. Most (44%) YOY F. heteroclitus recaptured occurred at or near (0-5 m) the release site, but some were captured up to 299 m away up to 166 days after tagging. By comparison, movement of F. luciae was very limited, with 99% of recaptures occurring at the exact site of release after up to 66 days at liberty. These different movement patterns by YOY Fundulus indicate that species-specific behavior plays an important role in habitat selection. In addition, it appears that dispersal of YOY F. heteroclitus can help to explain the occurrence of larger individuals of this species in Phragmites-dominated marshes even though there is little evidence of use of this habitat by small YOY.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared fish may not be behaviorally competent in the wild, thus increasing mortality rates of fishes stocked into natural environments. The goal of this study was to determine whether in situ acclimation at release sites can increase survival of juvenile hatchery-reared common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), a catadromous fish, stocked into an estuary in Sarasota, Florida. Juvenile snook (76-251 mm fork length) were tagged with coded-wire tags and released in four locations distributed along a salinity gradient of North Creek estuary. Three replicate releases were performed at each location. Overall, 1935 snook were acclimated in enclosures for 3 d, then, released simultaneously with 1925 non-acclimated snook (non caged snook transported direct from the laboratory and stocked into the creek). For recaptures of snook at large for 3 d or more, mean recapture rates of experimental release groups were significantly different (multiway ANOVA testing recapture rates by acclimation treatment, release site, and interactions, P = 0.001). Specifically, mean recapture rates of acclimated groups were 1.92 higher than those for non-acclimated groups (P = 0.002); hatchery snook recaptured from two of the four release sites represented 70% of total recaptures (P = 0.001); interactions between acclimation treatment and release site were not significant (P = 0.71). Site fidelity was approximately 60% regardless of acclimation condition, and did not significantly influence recapture rates. Thus, in situ acclimation has potential to significantly improve both post-release survival and information gained in stocking programs.  相似文献   

Juvenile or adult Artemia sp. are often used as live prey for the rearing of early life stages of some crustacean, fish and cephalopod species. The improvements of both Artemia growth and its biochemical composition are key issues for the suitable use of Artemia biomass in these rearing processes. In this study we evaluated the growth and survival rates of Artemia fed with the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens in comparison with different microalgal species commonly used in aquaculture: the prasinophyte Tetraselmis suecica, the prymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana Parke, and the eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis gaditana. Microalgae were cultured semi-continuously in nutrient saturated conditions and with a daily renewal rate of 30% of the volume of cultures, to obtain biomass of controlled and optimized composition. Considerable differences in Artemia growth were observed, as well as in the survival rate. At day 8 of rearing, Artemia fed R. lens had the highest length (4.9 ±0.6 mm, P < 0.001), followed by individuals fed T. suecica (4.2 ± 0.7 mm), I. galbana (3.6 ± 0.7 mm) and finally those fed N. gaditana (1.5 ± 0.2 mm). The survival rate of Artemia fed N. gaditana (18 ± 3%) was much lower (P < 0.001) than values found for the remaining groups (69 to 88%). The growth rate of Artemia obtained with R. lens was in general much higher than with other microalgal diets previously reported in the literature. The higher protein content of R. lens could explain the higher growth obtained with this species, but differences of Artemia growth with the different diets could not be explained solely on the basis of the gross composition of microalgae. Factors such as cell size and digestibility all seem to contribute to the results observed. Another trial was carried out to investigate differences in Artemia growth and on its biochemical composition when fed the best two diets: R. lens or T. suecica. The fatty acid (FA) and total amino acid (AA) composition of both microalgal species and the composition of Artemia were assessed as well. As found in the first experiment individuals fed R. lens (group ARHO) grew faster than those fed T. suecica (group ATET), attaining 3.6 ± 0.3 mm and 3.2 ± 0.4 mm (P < 0.001), respectively, after 5 days of rearing. The much higher AA content obtained in R. lens may be on the basis of the higher growth obtained with this species. Protein and carbohydrate levels in Artemia juveniles were very similar in both groups (64-68% of dry weight, and 8-10%, respectively). Lipid was slightly lower in ARHO (12%) than in ATET (15%, P < 0.01). Regarding the FA composition, juveniles from group ARHO contained higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 6.2%) than juveniles from ATET (4.1%, P < 0.01), whereas docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was only found in juveniles from ARHO (1.1%). Taking into account that the daily productivity of R. lens culture was higher than, or at least equal, the remaining microalgal species this cryptophyte is confirmed as an excellent diet to optimize the growth of Artemia, as well as to improve its biochemical composition.  相似文献   

The residence time, movements, and growth of tagged young-of-the-year Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus L., were studied from July to October 1998 as measures of the success of a marsh restoration project adjacent to Delaware Bay. A total of 8173 croaker (41-121 mm SL) were tagged from each of two creeks in both marshes during July and August with internal sequential coded wire microtags. A prior tag-retention study in the laboratory found a 95% tag retention rate. Of those tagged, 3.6% were recaptured within and nearby the study creeks using seines, otter trawls, and weirs during a 105-day period. Recapture percentages ranged from 1.5% to 6.1% in individual creeks in the restored marsh. There was some movement of tagged fish between creeks in the restored marsh and out into the main creek, but 95% of the recaptures were made in the subtidal and intertidal portions of the same creek in which they were tagged. Fewer fish were recaptured at the reference marsh (1.6% recapture; n=1489 tagged) up to 50 days after tagging, with no evidence of movement between creeks. The average individual growth rates for recaptured croaker was the same in both restored (0.69 mm/day) and reference (0.63 mm/day) marshes before egress from the creeks in September and October. As a result, both created creeks in a restored marsh and natural creeks in a reference marsh appeared to be utilized as young-of-the-year habitat in a similar way during the summer and until egress out of the marshes during the fall, thus this restoration effort has been successful in creating suitable habitat for Atlantic croaker.  相似文献   

Tiger sharks (Galecerdo cuvier) are apex predators characterized by their broad diet, large size and rapid growth. Tiger shark maximum size is typically between 380 & 450 cm Total Length (TL), with a few individuals reaching 550 cm TL, but the maximum size of tiger sharks in Hawaii waters remains uncertain. A previous study suggested tiger sharks grow rather slowly in Hawaii compared to other regions, but this may have been an artifact of the method used to estimate growth (unvalidated vertebral ring counts) compounded by small sample size and narrow size range. Since 1993, the University of Hawaii has conducted a research program aimed at elucidating tiger shark biology, and to date 420 tiger sharks have been tagged and 50 recaptured. All recaptures were from Hawaii except a single shark recaptured off Isla Jacques Cousteau (24°13′17″N 109°52′14″W), in the southern Gulf of California (minimum distance between tag and recapture sites  =  approximately 5,000 km), after 366 days at liberty (DAL). We used these empirical mark-recapture data to estimate growth rates and maximum size for tiger sharks in Hawaii. We found that tiger sharks in Hawaii grow twice as fast as previously thought, on average reaching 340 cm TL by age 5, and attaining a maximum size of 403 cm TL. Our model indicates the fastest growing individuals attain 400 cm TL by age 5, and the largest reach a maximum size of 444 cm TL. The largest shark captured during our study was 464 cm TL but individuals >450 cm TL were extremely rare (0.005% of sharks captured). We conclude that tiger shark growth rates and maximum sizes in Hawaii are generally consistent with those in other regions, and hypothesize that a broad diet may help them to achieve this rapid growth by maximizing prey consumption rates.  相似文献   

Movement of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) and lake sturgeon (A. fulvescens) in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada) are not fully understood. To assess the movement extent of both species, a mark–recapture study was conducted in collaboration with commercial fishermen operating in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Between 1981 and 2015, 3,367 Atlantic sturgeon (fork length 21.8–199.5 cm) and 3,180 lake sturgeon (fork length 17.8–190.8 cm) were tagged and released. Of these, 673 Atlantic sturgeon and 42 lake sturgeon were recaptured. The maximum distances traveled between capture and recapture locations were 1,307 km for Atlantic sturgeon (8 years after initial capture) and 252 km for lake sturgeon (less than 1 year after initial capture). Statistical analyses identified differences in the dispersal distance of both species as revealed by a first component characterized by individuals with short dispersal distances (98% and <35 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 58% and <1 km for lake sturgeon) and a second component characterized by individuals with longer dispersal distances (2% and >600 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 42% and >190 km for lake sturgeon). We suggest that the short dispersal distances detected in the vast majority of Atlantic sturgeon recaptures likely reflect strong site fidelity, highlighting the importance of the St. Lawrence Estuary as a preferred habitat for juveniles and subadults. Although recaptures were low for lake sturgeon because this species is only marginally targeted by commercial fishermen in the St. Lawrence Estuary, our results also showed that this species uses estuarine habitats and that half of the population seems to exhibit strong site fidelity (67% of individuals were recaptured within 2 km).  相似文献   

Lemnaceae are currently the only freshwater plants required for regulatory toxicity testing of pesticides and other chemicals. Toxicological protocols allow for the use of different Lemnaceae species in tests. However, few studies have compared the relative sensitivity of individual duckweed species. Zinc is an essential plant nutrient but is also a common pollutant in aquatic environments and elevated levels are phytotoxic. This study shows that four species of Lemnaceae differ in their relative sensitivities to zinc sulphate, a commonly used reference chemical. Comparative zinc sensitivity, in order, from most tolerant to most sensitive was: Landoltia punctata > Lemna minor > Wolffia brasiliensis > Lemna gibba. Zinc sensitivity was also endpoint dependant. EC50 values typically increased in order of: specific biomass growth rate < specific frond number growth rate < chlorophyll absorbance. However, specific frond number growth rate was the most sensitive endpoint for L. punctata. Unlike the other species, L. punctata displayed no significant colony disintegration. Lemna species and L. punctata appear to be employing distinct response strategies when exposed to zinc. L. gibba and L. minor produce and release young, single fronds which are severely affected by zinc. In contrast, L. punctata produces fewer fronds, which are not released and form large colonies of high biomass that are relatively zinc tolerant.  相似文献   

A new species, Huernia humpatana Bruyns (Apocynaceae–Ceropegieae), closely related to H. similis N.E.Br., is described from the Chela Mountains of Huila Province in southern Angola. The two species are distinguished by the 5-angled and erect stems with more prominent tubercles up to 6 mm long joined into clear angles and separated by V-shaped grooves in H. humpatana as opposed to very obtusely 4-angled stems with tubercles only 2 mm long and only indistinct grooves between the angles in H. similis. Furthermore, in H. similis the nodding corolla is ± 9 mm in diameter with sepals ± 2 mm long, while in H. humpatana the horizontally facing corolla is 18–20 mm in diameter with sepals 4–6 mm long.  相似文献   

In shallow coastal habitats scavenging netted whelks Nassarius reticulatus attached egg capsules to the stipes of red algae Chondrus crispus and occasionally on Furcellaria lumbricalis and Plumaria plumose. In the laboratory egg capsules were laid on aquaria sides and lids by individuals ≥ 21 mm shell length. Larger size classes produced more egg capsules and spawned over a longer period and in doing so partitioned less energy into shell growth. Large netted whelks (25-28.9 mm) produced larger capsules which contained significantly more and larger eggs than those produced by smaller individuals (21-24.9 mm). Egg capsule production continued throughout the year by regularly fed N. reticulatus held at ambient seawater temperatures. Egg production increased in the spring and summer with peak production during June (15 °C), decreased between August and October and resumed again during the winter (November to February at ∼ 7 °C). During the summer (15-16 °C) egg capsules were smaller and contained smaller eggs than those deposited during the winter (7-10 °C), although the number of eggs · capsule1 was similar. Enforced food limitation reduced the number and size of the egg capsules, the number and size of eggs produced · female1 and the duration of the breeding period. Hatching success of N. reticulatus egg capsules was high (95%) even at winter seawater temperatures (11-8.5 °C) and the duration of embryonic development was fastest between 15 and 17.5 °C.  相似文献   

The new species Polhillia ignota Boatwr. is described. This species is known only from two collections, one between Vredenburg and Saldanha and the other close to Porterville. The new species is most similar to P. obsoleta, which is known only from a few localities around Worcester, in its narrow, sericeous leaflets and flowers of equal size, but differs in its flattened mature leaves with larger leaflets (up to ± 12 mm long), longer pseudo-peduncles (up to ± 15  mm long), denser inflorescences (with up to four flowers), shorter pedicels (1–2 mm long) and non-auriculate wing- and keel petals.  相似文献   

Wetlands have proven effective at improving water quality of treated wastewater effluent, which in turn promotes increased primary productivity and vertical accretion. Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) seedlings grown under different conditions (bare root and potted) were planted in four subunits of an effluent assimilation marsh and a control marsh in southeast Louisiana, USA, and basal diameter growth was monitored over one growing season. Mean basal diameter growth for seedlings in the assimilation subunits ranged from 16.1 (±1.4) mm to 9.5 (±0.9) mm, whereas growth for seedlings planted in the control marsh was 6.4 (±0.9) mm. Seedlings planted nearest the outfall experienced greater basal diameter growth (18.1 ± 2.6) compared to those planted 700 m away (8.0 ± 0.9), with growth generally decreasing with distance. Potted seedlings experienced greater growth (19.1 ± 1.0 and 20.6 ± 1.0 for five-month-olds and ten-month olds, respectively) than bare root seedlings (4.6 ± 0.6 and 4.0 ± 0.4 for one-year-olds and two-year olds, respectively). Planting assimilation marshes with baldcypress seedlings can be an effective restoration tool for coastal Louisiana, which will provide hurricane protection and improved surface water quality. Wastewater treatment wetlands may offer an effective tool for restoring coastal baldcypress (T. distichum)-water tupelo (Nyssa aquatic) swamps in Louisiana.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nosema ceranae is an emergent pathogen of European honeybees Apis mellifera. Using a PCR-RFLP diagnosis, 29 samples of infected honeybees obtained in 2007-2008 (N = 26), 2004 (N = 2) and before 1990 (N = 1) were analyzed for the presence of Nosema apis and N. ceranae. Only N. ceranae was found in all samples, indicating that this species dispersed to Uruguay (and likely the region) at some time before 1990. The presence of N. ceranae in Uruguay is not associated with an increase of Nosemosis, and its role in colony loss seems to be irrelevant.  相似文献   

The Socotra Giant Gecko, Haemodracon riebeckii, is the largest species of lizard on Socotra Island. The nocturnal, arboreal and rupiculous living geckos are omnivorous. Two pairs were kept in terrariums and were fed with various insects (crickets, locusts, cockroaches), sweet fruits and other feeding stuff (such as meat, fish). Temporarily H. riebeckii was kept together with other lizards (Eublepharis macularius, Trachylepis socotrana), without any signs of aggressive behaviour. Juveniles and adults of both sexes are able to produce a sound. These acoustic signals seem to be related to predators, because never any intraspecific function could be observed. Within seven years of captive breeding two females produced 253 eggs. Usually two white and sticky soft-shelled eggs were laid within one clutch, more rarely a single egg was laid. The two eggs of a clutch were always laid on the same day. H. riebeckii belongs to the geckos that bury their eggs and practice some brood care, but no special parental care. The female is able to proof with her hind legs the deep and shape of a hollow in the substrate to bury the eggs, which were buried in a sticky and soft-shelled condition. They are oval in shape (egg length 16.4-19.8 mm, egg width 12.4-17.8 mm, quotient EL:EW 1.22±0.05) and have in the beginning a weight ranging from 1.7100 to 2.5201 g. As typical for geckos with hard-shelled eggs the egg weight decreases during the incubation period. The loss can be between 5.59 to 30.29%. The development of eggs up to hatching of young depends upon temperature and the germinal stage in the laid egg. The time difference between the hatching of the young within one clutch of two eggs was usually 1 to 5 days. In some cases there were, however, longer differences (up to 61 days), which are probably caused by different developmental stages of the embryos during the time of egg laying. The shortest incubation period recorded during our investigations was 83 days for eggs incubated at constant temperature of 28 to 29.5 °C and the longest 359 days at 26 to 26.5 °C. Constant high incubation temperatures caused a premature hatching of young. In normal hatched young were the yolk sac retracted and the navel closed. In premature hatched young were the yolk not resorbed and the mortality within the first three month comparatively high. The snout-vent length (SVL) of newly hatched young is from 27 to 39 mm and the tail length (TL) from 25 to 38 mm (SVL:TL index 0.90-1.27), the weight is from 0.7688 to 1.5366 g. Young specimens are distinguished from adults by the brown/white striped lower jaw and the white-banded tail. Young which hatched in the terrarium were eaten by the adults. A loss of young can be avoided if they are raised individually.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the social structure of a population is important for a range of fundamental and applied purposes. Group characteristics and population structure of chital (Axis axis) and sambar (Rusa unicolor) were studied in a deciduous habitat of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Western Ghats, India, during 2008-2009. Vehicle transects were monitored monthly to gather information on group-size and age-sex composition of chital and sambar. The average mean group size and crowding for chital and sambar was 13.1 ± 0.5 (n = 1020), 3.6 ± 0.2 (n = 377) and 33.3, 11.0 respectively. The average adult male:adult female:fawn ratio was 63.4:100:22.3 (n = 9391) and 43.9:100:23.7 (n = 1023) in chital and sambar respectively. The mean group size of chital and sambar varied significantly between seasons (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = <0.001). Peak fawning season was observed from February to May for chital and May to August for sambar. Group's sex-age composition influenced group formation in both species between seasons at different level. Adult male and fawn were the important predicting variables of change in group size. Skewed female sex ratio was probably due to selective male predation by large predators. Although fawning occurred throughout the year, both species showed seasonality in fawning. The above mentioned patterns differed between species depending upon their ecological adaptation in foraging strategies and habitat preference.  相似文献   

Two house mouse subspecies occur in Europe, eastern and northern Mus musculus musculus (Mmm) and western and southern Mus musculus domesticus (Mmd). A secondary hybrid zone occurs where their ranges meet, running from Scandinavia to the Black Sea. In this paper, we tested a hypothesis that the apicomplexan protozoan species Cryptosporidium tyzzeri has coevolved with the house mouse. More specifically, we assessed to what extent the evolution of this parasite mirrors divergence of the two subspecies. In order to test this hypothesis, we analysed sequence variation at five genes (ssrRNA, Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP), thrombospondin-related adhesive protein of Cryptosporidium 1 (TRAP-C1), actin and gp60) in C. tyzzeri isolates from Mmd and Mmm sampled along a transect across the hybrid zone from the Czech Republic to Germany. Mmd samples were supplemented with mice from New Zealand. We found two distinct isolates of C. tyzzeri, each occurring exclusively in one of the mouse subspecies (C. tyzzeri-Mmm and C. tyzzeri-Mmd). In addition to genetic differentiation, oocysts of the C. tyzzeri-Mmd subtype (mean: 4.24 × 3.69 μm) were significantly smaller than oocysts of C. tyzzeri-Mmm (mean: 4.49 × 3.90 μm). Mmm and Mmd were susceptible to experimental infection with both C. tyzzeri subtypes; however, the subtypes were not infective for the rodent species Meriones unguiculatus, Mastomys coucha, Apodemus flavicollis or Cavia porcellus. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that C. tyzzeri is coevolving with Mmm and Mmd.  相似文献   

In [PtX(PPh3)3]+ complexes (X = F, Cl, Br, I, AcO, NO3, NO2, H, Me) the mutual cis and trans influences of the PPh3 groups can be considered constants in the first place, therefore the one bond Pt-P coupling constants of P(cis) and P(trans) reflect the cis and trans influences of X. The compounds [PtBr(PPh3)3](BF4) (2), [PtI(PPh3)3](BF4) (3), [Pt(AcO)(PPh3)3](BF4) (4), [Pt(NO3)(PPh3)3](BF4) (5), and the two isomers [Pt(NO2-O)(PPh3)3](BF4) (6a) and [Pt(NO2-N)(PPh3)3](BF4) (6b) have been newly synthesised and the crystal structures of 2 and 4·CH2Cl2·0.25C3H6O have been determined. From the 1JPtP values of all compounds we have deduced the series: I > Br > Cl > NO3 > ONO > F > AcO > NO2 > H > Me (cis influence) and Me > H > NO2 > AcO > I > ONO > Br > Cl > F > NO3 (trans influence). These sequences are like those obtained for the (neutral) cis- and trans-[PtClX(PPh3)2] derivatives, showing that there is no dependence on the charge of the complexes. On the contrary, the weights of both influences, relative to those of X = Cl, were found to depend on the charge and nature of the complex.  相似文献   

Gelidium elegans Kützing is commonly found in Korea, China, and Japan, and is the economically most important agarophyte in the northwest Pacific. To assess the genetic structure of the Korean species, we analyzed 1200 base pairs of the mitochondrial cox1 gene from 272 individuals collected from 36 locations. A total of 34 haplotypes were found, most of which were unique, including 27 (79%) ‘private’ haplotypes. The nucleotide and haplotype diversities of cox1 within G. elegans were 0.711 ± 0.028 (H) and 0.00736 ± 0.00038 (π), respectively. The distribution of cox1 haplotypes, pairwise FST values, results of neutrality tests, AMOVA, and mismatch distribution revealed the existence of a deep genetic break between central Pacific Japan and all the other locations, corresponding to the surface seawater current patterns as well as the genetic signature of potential demographic expansion.  相似文献   

This study presents an indirect method for estimating growth rates of young-of-the-year (YOY) tautog, Tautoga onitis, based on laboratory calibration experiments and nucleic acid-based indices. Field-collected tautog were held in the laboratory at 3 temperatures over a 17-day period. Four feeding levels were used to produce a range of growth rates. An ultraviolet absorption assay was used to measure nucleic acid concentrations in white muscle tissue. The strength of the relationship between growth rate and three nucleic acid-based parameters (RNA concentration, DNA concentration, RNA/DNA ratio (R/D)) was tested. Correlation results indicated a significant positive relationship between R/D and weight-based instantaneous growth rate (G) (r = 0.68; p < 0.001). Both R/D (r = − 0.55; p < 0.006) and RNA (r = − 0.56; p < 0.005) were highly negatively correlated with temperature (T). Multiple linear regression showed that R/D and temperature explained 61% of the variability in growth, resulting in the model G = 0.01285(R/D) + 0.00057(T) − 0.03205 (p < 0.0001). This R/D-temperature model can be used to evaluate recent growth rates in YOY tautog under field conditions and has applications for aquaculture when comparing growth rates of fish held under different culture conditions.  相似文献   

Predation on flatfish during the early juvenile stage is an important factor regulating year-class strength and recruitment. In this study, immunological dietary analysis was performed on green crabs (Carcinus maenas) collected from the Niantic River, Connecticut, in an effort to evaluate the predatory impact of this species on post-settlement winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Through the use of species-specific antiserum, winter flounder proteins were identified in 4.8% of the green crab stomachs analyzed (n = 313, size range = 14-74 mm carapace width, CW), revealing that crabs ≥ 29 mm CW are predators of post-settlement winter flounder in natural populations. The most significant factor underlying the predator-prey interaction was the relative size relationship between species, such that the incidence of winter flounder remains in the stomach contents of green crabs was positively correlated with predator-to-prey size ratio. Results from dietary analysis were incorporated into a deterministic model to estimate the average daily instantaneous mortality and cumulative mortality of winter flounder owing to green crab predation. Accordingly, green crabs may account for 0.4% to 7.7% (mean = 2.2%) of the daily mortality of winter flounder and consume 1.1% to 32.3% (mean = 10.2%) of the flounder year-class. Model simulations further indicate that variations in green crab abundance and size-structure account for the greatest variability in winter flounder mortality. Relative to other macro-crustacean predators, however, predation by green crabs has a minimal effect on winter flounder survival, due in large part to the low densities of these crabs in temperate estuaries.  相似文献   

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