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Vaccination through recombinant proteins against rumen methanogenesis provides a mitigation approach to reduce enteric methane (CH4) emissions in ruminants. The objective of present study was to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of a new vaccine candidate protein (EhaF) on methanogenesis and microbial population in the rumen of goats. We amplified the gene mru 1407 encoding protein EhaF using fresh rumen fluid samples of mature goats and successfully expressed recombinant protein (EhaF) in Escherichia coli Rosetta. This product was evaluated using 12 mature goats with half for control and other half injected with 400ug/goat the purified recombinant protein in day 1 and two subsequent booster immunizations in day 35 and 49. All measurements were undertaken from 63 to 68 days after the initial vaccination, with CH4 emissions determined using respiration calorimeter chambers. The results showed that the vaccination caused intensive immune responses in serum and saliva, although it had no significant effect on total enteric CH4 emissions and methanogen population in the rumen, when compared with the control goats. However, the vaccination altered the composition of rumen bacteria, especially the abundance of main phylum Firmicutes and genus Prevotella. The results indicate that protein EhaF might not be an effective vaccine to reduce enteric CH4 emissions but our vaccine have potential to influence the rumen ecosystem of goats.  相似文献   

A mixed methanogenic culture fed with glucose was perturbed with butyrate and formate to investigate the role of formate in the acetogenesis of butyrate. A free energy analysis suggests that formate rather than H2 was the interspecies electron carrier for butyrate conversion into acetate for the culture studied.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-oxidizing Methane Bacteria I. Cultivation and Methanogenesis   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
A method for the mass culture of hydrogen-oxidizing methane bacteria has been developed; yields of 50 to 60 g (wet weight) of cells per 12 to 14 liters of culture medium were obtained. The methanogenic organism from the culture of Methanobacillus omelianskii was grown in a complex medium which was aerated with a gas mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Extracts prepared from hydrogen-grown cells formed methane from methyl cobalamin, 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, serine, pyruvate, and carbon dioxide; these substrates have been shown to be precursors of methane in extracts of the ethyl alcohol-grown culture of M. omelianskii.  相似文献   

The effect of four saturated long-chain fatty acids (caprylic, capric, lauric, and myristic) and one unsaturated long-chain fatty acid (oleic) on the microbial formation of methane from acetate was investigated in batch anaerobic toxicity assays. The tests were carried out with granular sludge from an upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor. In this sludge, Methanothrix spp. are the predominant acetoclastic methanogens. Lauric acid appeared to be the most versatile inhibitor: inhibition started at 1.6 mM, and at 4.3 mM the maximum specific acetoclastic methanogenic activity had been reduced to 50%. Caprylic acid appeared to be only slightly inhibitory. Oleic acid was almost as inhibitory as lauric acid. Although adsorption of the inhibitor on the cell wall might play an important role in the mechanism of inhibition, the inhibition was found to be correlated with concentration rather than with the amount per unit of biomass. In practical situations, as in anaerobic waste treatment processes, synergism can be expected to enhance the inhibition of methanogenesis. In the present research a background concentration of lauric acid below its MIC strongly enhanced the toxicity of capric acid and (to an even greater extent) myristic acid.  相似文献   

Inhibition of soybean urease by polymeric substrate analogues, urea and thiourea polydisulfides (PDSU and PDSTU, respectively); or three thiophosphoric acid amides (TPAA), tri-(N-3-hydroxyphenyl)thiophosphamide (1), tri-(N-4,4"-aminodiphenyl)thiophosphamide, and di-oxy-(N--piridyl)thiophosphamide (3) was studied in aqueous solutions at various pH values. The inhibitory effects of all these substances were reversible and competitive with the lowest inhibition constant K i2.8 M for TPAA-1 at pH 3.85. Above and below this pH value, K iincreased, reaching 24 M at pH 7.2. All test substances inhibited urease comparably with known inhibitors such as thiols (cysteamine, etc.) and hydroxamic acid derivatives, but were less efficient than phosphorodiamidates. Structural features of possible urease inhibitors of higher efficiency were proposed.  相似文献   

瘤胃微生物甲烷生成的机理与调控   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
反刍动物瘤胃微生物产生的甲烷不但造成自身能量的大量损失,而且在地球温室效应中起着不可忽视的作用。在阐述了瘤胃中甲烷产生机理的基础上,详细论述了甲烷生成调控的各种途径、特点及其应用现状。  相似文献   

Inhibition of Stomatal Opening by Analogues of Abscisic Acid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty analogues of abscisic acid have been tested for theiractivity as inhibitors of stomatal opening in isolated epidermisof Commelina communis. A number of derivatives showed slightactivity but only two treatments resulted in significant stomatalclosure and this was accompanied by destruction of the guardcell membranes. Such damage is characteristic of the stomatalresponse to farnesol, another sesquiterpenoid also thought tobe involved in control of water loss. The implication of theseresults in the study of antitranspirants is considered.  相似文献   


β-Difluoromethyl-β-alanine (3-amino-4,4-difluorobutanoic acid) is a potent in vitro and in vivo inhibitor of GABA-T. The rate of inhibition of GABA-T is concentration- and time-dependent. The inactivation is active-site directed. No reactive species escapes from the active site before reacting with the enzyme. The inhibition is irreversible and stereospecific. The use of β-2H-β-difluoromethyl-β-alanine results in a marked primary isotope effect in vitro and in vivo. The use of differently substituted dihalogeno derivatives of β-alanine suggests that the rate of inhibition is dependent on the nature and position of the leaving group. The mechanism of inhibition is discussed on the basis of spectral changes.  相似文献   

Results from a series of studies of methanogenic processes in crude oil- and creosote-contaminated aquifers indicate that acetoclastic methanogenesis is inhibited near non-aqueous sources. At a crude oil-contaminated site, numbers of acetoclastic methanogens found close to crude oil were one hundred times fewer than those of hydrogen- and formate-utilizing methanogens. In laboratory toxicity assays, crude oil collected from the site inhibited methane production from acetate but not from formate or hydrogen. Toxicity assays with aqueous creosote extract completely inhibited acetate utilization over the range of tested dilutions but only mildly affected formate and hydrogen utilization. The combined results from the laboratory and field studies suggest that in methanogenic contaminated aquifers, inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis may lead to a buildup of acetate relative to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

Results from a series of studies of methanogenic processes in crude oil- and creosote-contaminated aquifers indicate that acetoclastic methanogenesis is inhibited near non-aqueous sources. At a crude oil-contaminated site, numbers of acetoclastic methanogens found close to crude oil were one hundred times fewer than those of hydrogen- and formate-utilizing methanogens. In laboratory toxicity assays, crude oil collected from the site inhibited methane production from acetate but not from formate or hydrogen. Toxicity assays with aqueous creosote extract completely inhibited acetate utilization over the range of tested dilutions but only mildly affected formate and hydrogen utilization. The combined results from the laboratory and field studies suggest that in methanogenic contaminated aquifers, inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis may lead to a buildup of acetate relative to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

The effects of 2-bromoethanesulfonate, an inhibitor of methanogenesis, on metabolism in sludge from a thermophilic (58°C) anaerobic digestor were studied. It was found from short-term experiments that 1 μmol of 2-bromoethanesulfonate per ml completely inhibited methanogenesis from 14CH3COO, whereas 50 μmol/ml was required for complete inhibition of 14CO2 reduction. When 1 μmol of 2-bromoethanesulfonate per ml was added to actively metabolizing sludge which was then incubated for 24 h. it caused a 60% reduction in methanogenesis and a corresponding increase in acetate accumulation; at 50 μmol/ml it caused complete inhibition of methanogenesis and accumulation of acetate. H2, and ethanol.  相似文献   

Results from a series of studies of methanogenic processes in crude oil- and creosote-contaminated aquifers indicate that acetoclastic methanogenesis is inhibited near non-aqueous sources. At a crude oil-contaminated site, numbers of acetoclastic methanogens found close to crude oil were one hundred times fewer than those of hydrogen- and formate-utilizing methanogens. In laboratory toxicity assays, crude oil collected from the site inhibited methane production from acetate but not from formate or hydrogen. Toxicity assays with aqueous creosote extract completely inhibited acetate utilization over the range of tested dilutions but only mildly affected formate and hydrogen utilization. The combined results from the laboratory and field studies suggest that in methanogenic contaminated aquifers, inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis may lead to a buildup of acetate relative to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

Results from a series of studies of methanogenic processes in crude oil- and creosote-contaminated aquifers indicate that acetoclastic methanogenesis is inhibited near non-aqueous sources. At a crude oil-contaminated site, numbers of acetoclastic methanogens found close to crude oil were one hundred times fewer than those of hydrogen- and formate-utilizing methanogens. In laboratory toxicity assays, crude oil collected from the site inhibited methane production from acetate but not from formate or hydrogen. Toxicity assays with aqueous creosote extract completely inhibited acetate utilization over the range of tested dilutions but only mildly affected formate and hydrogen utilization. The combined results from the laboratory and field studies suggest that in methanogenic contaminated aquifers, inhibition of acetoclastic methanogenesis may lead to a buildup of acetate relative to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   


Kinetic analysis of the transport protein (both influx and efflux), usually performed with radiolabelled nucleosides such as adenosine and uridine, has provided a wealth of information regarding the various kinetic and equilibrium parameters (1).  相似文献   


Three vitamin B6 analogues have been synthesized and tested as inhibitors of thymidylate synthase. The compounds are: 4′,5′-dichloro-, 4,5′-dibromo- and 4′, 5′-diiodo-pyridoxine. All three analogues inhibited the enzyme irreversibly. The kinetic data for the chloro- and bromo-analogues showed that a limiting rate of inhibition is approached as the inhibitor concentration is increased, which indicates that a reversible enzyme: inhibitor affinity complex is formed prior to the irreversible reaction. 4′,5′-Dibromo-pyridoxine exhibited a greater binding affinity (lower Ki) for thymidylate synthase than 4′,5′-dichloro-pyridoxine, and it also reacted faster to irreversibly inhibit the enzyme. The presence of the substrate dUMP (10μM) completely protected thymidylate synthase from inhibition. These data suggest that the halogenated vitamin B6 analogues are active site-directed inhitors of thymidylate synthase, which first bind reversibly to the catalytic site and then react irreversibly with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA) normally found in bovine rumen fluid inhibited growth of Escherichia coli in Antibiotic Medium 3. Acetic, propionic, and butyric acids each produced growth inhibition which was markedly pH-dependent. Little inhibition was observed at pH 7.0, and inhibition increased with decreasing pH. A combination of 60 mumoles of acetate, 20 mumoles of propionate, and 15 mumoles of butyrate per ml gave 96, 69, and 2% inhibition at pH 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0, respectively. Rumen fluid (50%) gave 89 and 48% inhibition at pH 6.0 and 6.5, respectively, and growth stimulation (22%) at pH 7.0. Rumen fluid inhibitory activity was heat-stable, was not precipitated by 63% ethyl alcohol, and was lost by dialysis and by treatment with anion-exchange resins but not with cation-exchange resins. These results are consistent with the idea that VFA are the inhibitory substances in rumen fluid. Previous results which indicated that rumen fluid VFA did not inhibit E. coli growth were due to lack of careful control of the final pH of the growth medium. The E. coli strain used does not grow in rumen fluid alone at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

Inhibition Experiments on Anaerobic Methane Oxidation   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Anaerobic methane oxidation is a general process important in controlling fluxes of methane from anoxic marine sediments. The responsible organism has not been isolated, and little is known about the electron acceptors and substrates involved in the process. Laboratory evidence indicates that sulfate reducers and methanogens are able to oxidize small quantities of methane. Field evidence suggests anaerobic methane oxidation may be linked to sulfate reduction. Experiments with specific inhibitors for sulfate reduction (molybdate), methanogenesis (2-bromoethanesulfonic acid), and acetate utilization (fluoroacetate) were performed on marine sediments from the zone of methane oxidation to determine whether sulfate-reducing bacteria or methanogenic bacteria are responsible for methane oxidation. The inhibition experiment results suggest that methane oxidation in anoxic marine sediments is not directly mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria or methanogenic bacteria. Our results are consistent with two possibilities: anaerobic methane oxidation may be mediated by an unknown organism or a consortium involving an unknown methane oxidizer and sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

The effect of several fatty acid derivatives on methane and propionate in the rumen is described. A possible explanation for the observed inverse relationship between methane and propionate is given.  相似文献   

Comparative metagenomics approach has been used in this study to discriminate colonization of methanogenic population in different breeds of cattle. We compared two Indian cattle breeds (Gir and Kankrej) and two exotic cattle (Holstein and Jersey) breeds. Using a defined dietary plan for selected Indian varieties, the diet dependent shifts in microbial community and abundance of the enzymes associated with methanogenesis were studied. This data has been compared with the available rumen metagenome data from Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle. The abundance of genes for methanogenesis in Holstein and Jersey cattle came from Methanobacteriales order whereas, majority of the enzymes for methanogenesis in Gir and Kankrej cattle came from Methanomicrobiales order. The study suggested that by using slow/less digestible feed, the propionate levels could be controlled in rumen; and in turn, this would also help in further reducing the hydrogenotrophic production of methane. The study proposes that with the designed diet plan the overall methanogenic microbial pool or the individual methanogens could be targeted for development of methane mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Methane production from pyruvate by mixed rumen bacteria in vitro was nearly totally inhibited by chloral hydrate (0.1 mumole/ml of incubation fluid). This effect was accompanied by an accumulation of gaseous hydrogen and an increase in propionic acid production. Infusion of chloral hydrate (4 g/day) into the rumen of a sheep produced the same effects. Evidence is presented for a direct toxic effect of chloral hydrate upon methane bacteria. Results are discussed in terms of fermentation balances.  相似文献   

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