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Algal biomass, in addition to cell numbers, is a measure of the successful conversion of inorganic to organic carbon. Consequently, carbon is the main currency used in aquatic models and in flux and budget studies. On the other hand, microscopic observation and counts remain the only means for determining species composition and biomass, which is relevant to many aspects of aquatic ecology. In this study, we focus on the way to convert biovolume to carbon biomass for algal assemblages of two rivers, using a computerized system that records dimensions of phytoplankton (Gosselain & Hamilton, 2000). We first compare different equations found in the literature for converting algal cell volume to cellular carbon content. We then evaluate the accuracy of a biomass estimate based on less time-consuming measurements, using pre-determined biovolume values instead of measuring cells in all samples. Biovolume/carbon equations are evaluated using total phytoplankton carbon biomass determined from measured chlorophyll a. Equations established for freshwater taxa seem to provide better estimates of algal biomass in the two case studies presented here, the Rideau and Meuse rivers (Canada and Belgium, respectively) than do more numerous equations defined for marine taxa. Furthermore, equations that make a distinction between diatoms and other algae appear more appropriate than those considering all algal groups as a whole. Finally, mean values of algal biovolumes, determined using sufficient measurements of cell dimensions from representative sampling series, may prove sufficient for carbon estimates of taxa in relatively homogenous size ranges. The careful choice of appropriate volumetric shapes and taxa categories remains of prime importance to get precise results.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton species composition, biomass, diversity, nutrients and chlorophyll a were studied at monthly intervals from December 1991 to December 1992 in a selected area of the river Strymon. SRP ranged from 53 to 182 μg−1 l−1 and DIN from 265 to 850 μg−1 I−1. Nutrient values do not indicate strong anthropogenic effects. Chlorophyll α ranged from 1.0 to 35.3 μg−1 I−1 and followed the temporal distribution of total phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton biomass exhibited maxima in winter – spring and summer (6.8 g m−3 in December 1991, 4.8 g m−3 in April 1992 and 9.3 g m−3 in August 1992) composed mainly of diatoms, chlorphytes, cyanophytes and dinophytes. Nanoplankton was the most important component of phytoplankton biomass (69.5%) revealing increased values in winter and early spring. Phytoplankton diversity ranged from 0.8 to 3.2. The hydrological conditions in the river Strymon seem to be appropriate for the algae to reproduce themselves in the running water and so, to develop as a true potamoplankton. However, significant populations of phytoplankton must have been carried out from the Kerkini reservoir, situated at the north of the sampling station. The phytoplankton species composition and their periodicity in the river resemble those of typical, large, lowland and nutrient – rich rivers of Europe.  相似文献   

大辽河水系夏季浮游植物群落结构特征及水质评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为建立中国水环境生态学基准的基础性工作,于2010年7月,按照相关规范的要求,对大辽河水系浮游植物群落结构和水质状况进行了调查.结果表明:调查期间大辽河水系共检出5门124种或变种,其中以绿藻和硅藻为主,分别占43.55%和31.45%;总细胞密度在2.05×105~1.46×107个·L-1,平均6.35×106个·L-1,绿藻和硅藻占优势;主要优势种是硅藻的颗粒直链藻极狭变种(Melosira granulata var.angustissima);共检出污染指示种44种,其中β-中污带指示种居多,有36种,占所有指示种的81.81%;Shannon多样性指数为1.43 ~2.68,Margalef指数为1.00~1.78,Pielou均匀度指数为0.52 ~0.83;综合水体中浮游植物的密度、优势种类、指示种、生物多样性指数评价表明,大辽河水系处于富营养化状态、中等程度污染水平.  相似文献   

Although benthic diatoms are used to assess river water quality, there are few data on the rate at which diatom assemblages react to changes in water quality. The aim of this study was to assess the reaction time of diatoms and to discuss the changes occurring during water quality improvement on the basis of their autecological characteristics. In order to simulate this improvement, diatom-dominated biofilms grown on artificial sandstone substrata were transferred from several polluted rivers to an unpolluted river. They were sampled three times: before transfer and 1 and 2 months after transfer. The ecology and growth-forms of the taxa explained most of the changes in species composition observed during the experiment. Adnate diatoms gradually replaced motile and stalked taxa. Gomphonema parvulum, a stalked diatom positioned vertically in the biofilm, is adapted for light and space competition in high-density algal biofilms. When transferred to an unpolluted site, this growth-form is less competitive and does not tolerate the high grazing pressure. Fistulifera saprophila is a single celled motile diatom, living in organic matrices. When the artificial substrata were transferred to the unpolluted site, this particular ecological niche disappeared quickly. On the other hand, Achnanthidium minutissimum, which is considered to be cosmopolitan and an early colonizer, increased during the first month of transfer and then decreased. It was gradually replaced by A. biasolettianum, which was the taxon best suited to this pristine stream. The changes observed differed between treatments depending on the species composition and architecture of the biofilms. In particular, biofilms dominated by stalked and motile diatoms were more quickly modified than those dominated by small motile diatoms. The diatom index reflects these changes, and its values showed that about 60 days following a water quality improvement were necessary for transferred diatom assemblages to reach diatom index values similar as those at the unpolluted river.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and structure of the phytoplankton were studied in the lowland rivers of the upper Ob basin: Barnaulka, Bol’shaya Losikha, and lower Inya. It has been shown that the phytoplankton of a large river system in Eurasia, exemplified by the Ob basin, is characterized by spatial heterogeneity in its taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Significant phenological shifts induced by climate change are projected within the phytoplankton community. However, projections from current Earth System Models (ESMs) understandably rely on simplified community responses that do not consider evolutionary strategies manifested as various phenotypes and trait groups. Here, we use a species-based modelling approach, combined with large-scale plankton observations, to investigate past, contemporary and future phenological shifts in diatoms (grouped by their morphological traits) and dinoflagellates in three key areas of the North Atlantic Ocean (North Sea, North-East Atlantic and Labrador Sea) from 1850 to 2100. Our study reveals that the three phytoplanktonic groups exhibit coherent and different shifts in phenology and abundance throughout the North Atlantic Ocean. The seasonal duration of large flattened (i.e. oblate) diatoms is predicted to shrink and their abundance to decline, whereas the phenology of slow-sinking elongated (i.e. prolate) diatoms and of dinoflagellates is expected to expand and their abundance to rise, which may alter carbon export in this important sink region. The increase in prolates and dinoflagellates, two groups currently not considered in ESMs, may alleviate the negative influence of global climate change on oblates, which are responsible of massive peaks of biomass and carbon export in spring. We suggest that including prolates and dinoflagellates in models may improve our understanding of the influence of global climate change on the biological carbon cycle in the oceans.  相似文献   

J. Prygiel  M. Leitao 《Hydrobiologia》1994,289(1-3):85-96
A study was carried out in 1992 on the Val Joly reservoir and the rivers situated downstream: the River Helpe Majeure and the canalized Sambre into which it flows 40 km below the reservoir. Each year, blooms of blue-green algae occur in the reservoir. They are dominated by species such as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs in 1991 or Pseudanabaena tenuis Koppe and Oscillatoria pseudogeminata G. Schmid in 1992. A typical fluvial composition of the phytoplankton was mostly restored above the confluence with the Sambre. Nevertheless, significant quantities of Oscillatoria and Pseudanabaena have been observed in the River Sambre, just below its confluence with the Helpe Majeure. The environmental conditions in the River Sambre do not allow Aphanizomenon to develop, but could favour Oscillatoria blooms.  相似文献   

Epilithon, epiphyton, epipelon, epipsammon and plocon diatom samples and water chemistry samples were collected bimonthly from 11 stations along the Mesta River, Bulgaria between December 1989 and April 1991. Principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and dominance analysis were employed for describing the seasonal dynamics of diatom assemblages and estimating the correlation between diatom distribution and the physico-chemical parameters. All periphytic communities were compared by PCA, MANOVA and Fisher's LSD multiple comparison test. Ionic strength and eutrophication were the major abiotic factors affecting diatom distribution in the epilithon, epiphyton, epipelon and epipsammon. Current velocity had an important influence on the diatom assemblages from the epilithon and epiphyton. Epilithon showed the lowest correlation with most of the environmental factors and had significantly lower species diversity than epiphyton, epipelon and epipsammon. Multivariate analysis of the diatom data suggested that in all benthic habitats of the Mesta River seasonal replacement of diatom assemblages was controlled by the water chemistry rather than substratum, current velocity or discharge. The oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic diatom communities in the Mesta River comprised early-, mid- and late-successional colonizers respectively. Multiple comparisons of all periphytic communities showed that habitat specificity was positively correlated with current velocity.  相似文献   

Several investigations exist which use planktonic communities as indicators of water quality in Jamaican and Caribbean Bays, however, few are conducted before there are obvious effects of eutrophication. Therefore, most of our ‘baseline’ data are for bays already severely affected by pollution. This study was conducted to assess water quality in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, before there were severe signs of eutrophication. The bay was monitored over a 12-month period (October 1995–September 1996) using 10 stations. Physicochemical data indicated a well mixed upper 5 m of water column, below which discontinuities in temperature/salinity profiles indicated the influence of colder, more saline waters associated with deep offshore currents. Physicochemical variables were within the range for oligotrophic systems with a tendency towards mesotrophic in localized areas close to the shoreline. Signs of anthropogenic stress were associated with the eastern, southwestern and western sections of the bay. Of the over 120 species of phytoplankton found in the waters of Discovery Bay, most were neritic/oceanic and diatoms dominated while 11 were found to be potentially harmful species. While these harmful species occurred at all stations they occurred most frequently at stations on the eastern side of the bay. About 107 zooplankton species were identified, 52 of which were copepods. The species also represented a mix of neritic and oceanic taxa and mean abundances for the area ranged from 1077 m−3 at the mouth of the bay to 3794 m−3 close to the south shore (station 6). Generally stations closest to shore had greater zooplankton abundances than centrally located bay stations and stations close to oceanic influence. Acartia tonsa and Lucifer faxoni showed greatest densities at shoreline areas of the bay while Oithona plumifera, Undinula vulgaris and Temora stylifera were important at stations closest to oceanic influences. These species were thus considered as indicators of these different areas within the bay. From physicochemical data and the planktonic assemblage, Discovery Bay cannot be considered polluted, it is still more accurately classified as generally pristine with mesotrophic zones in the eastern and southeastern sections of the bay. These data therefore provide a real baseline of conditions for similar tropical coastal embayments.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton structure was studied in Aliakmon river basin in April (highflow) and September (lowflow) 1995 in 29 sampling sites. Abundance and biomass were generally low and ranged considerably between sites. Benthic diatoms contributed greatly to the suspended algal assemblages whereas trends of potamoplankton development were observed downstream. Limnoplankton and especially chlorophytes developed in the areas where lentic conditions prevailed. The nature of changes in phytoplankton seemed to be both longitudinal and temporal. Multivariate techniques revealed that areas with distinctive morphology, hydrology and anthropogenic inputs tended to have similar phytoplankton composition although no simple relation with physico-chemical factors can be shown. Human impact was more obvious on phytoplankton at the lowflow period. Generally, discharge played a significant role to the structure of phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Small intermittent rivers play an important role in the limnology of African lakes. The Mwenda River occurs on the southern shore of Lake Kariba. Its flow is governed by the incidence of tropical thunderstorms. During the dry period the river is reduced to a series of turbid pools. Physicochemically the river behaves similarly to a sheltered region of the lake. One river station deviates from the normal pattern because of the insulating effect of a Salvinia mat, and because of its permanent connection with the lake. River flooding flushes both nutrients and major ions into the lake. River phytoplankton populations peak prior to the flushing out of the river. Diatom populations are composed of cosmopolitan tropical taxa.  相似文献   

The river Woluwe in Brussels and Flanders (Belgium) is a small tributary of 15 km length that drains an area of 9400 ha in the Schelde river basin. The headwaters of the Woluwe are highly fragmented by diverse pond systems and are vaulted in the Brussels agglomeration. Hyporheic zones locally influence the water quality. The downstream stretch of the river receives sewage waters from households and industry. As the river Woluwe within a short distance represents a typical gradient from groundwater-fed sources in the forest towards severely polluted water, a comparative monitoring using diatoms, macroinvertebrates and macrophytes was done. The saprobic index based on diatoms, the Belgian Biotic Index (BBI) for macroinvertebrates and a macrophyte index based on the N-values of Ellenberg were used in this comparison and for estimating the correlation with the bimonthly measured chemical variables in 16 sampling stations. The diatom saprobic index and the macrophyte index were strongly correlated. Both groups showed strong correlations with phosphate, ammonium and chemical oxygen demand. The Belgian Biotic Index showed lower correlations with the nutrient variables, but was slightly better correlated to chemical oxygen demand, chloride and dissolved oxygen. None of the indices showed a correlation with nitrate. Local substrate or light conditions could interfere with the indicator system, especially for the macrophytes and occasionally for the macroinvertebrates. It was concluded that at least in this particular river system, the indices based on the primary producers were more indicative for the trophic status, whereas the BBI showed a broader relationship to the general degree of pollution. Therefore, these three indices are considered as complementary for monitoring the biological quality and the ecological status of a river system.  相似文献   

乌伦古河流域克孜赛水库浮游植物群落组成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
克孜赛水库是乌伦古河源头的一个小型水库,2008年7月(夏季平水期)、2008年10月(秋季枯水期)和2009年5月(春季丰水期)对水库内浮游植物群落进行了调查分析,共鉴定出浮游植物102种(属),隶属于8个门,以硅藻门和绿藻门为主。3个时期浮游植物密度变化趋势为:枯水期(25.221±3.605×106ind/L)>平水期(12.539±1.064×106ind/L)>丰水期(1.052±0.077×106ind/L)。各季节优势种的组成因气候温度差异而变化,其中以夏季平水期最多,达9种。克孜赛水库温度和水量的变化共同导致了水库浮游植物种类组成、密度、优势种和生物多样性指数的季节变化。Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(H)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)变化趋势较一致:平水期>枯水期>丰水期,而Margalef丰富度指数(D)则于丰水期达最大值。  相似文献   

黟县宏村水系浮游植物调查与水质评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002年9月至2004年4月对黟县宏村水系进行四季调查,共采集到浮游植物122属种。依据调查结果选用“污染指示种”、“指示群落”两种方法对宏村水系水质污染状况进行了评价。研究表明,宏村水系属微污——甲型中污水体。  相似文献   

1. Coastal rivers can have long tidally influenced reaches that are affected by tides but do not contain saline water. These tidal freshwater reaches have steep geomorphic gradients where the river transitions from narrow, heavily shaded streams to wide, unshaded channels. The influence of these gradients on river ecosystem production is poorly understood. 2. We characterised gradients in irradiance, geomorphology, water clarity and chlorophyll a along 9‐ to 16‐km tidal freshwater reaches of the Newport and White Oak Rivers in North Carolina, USA, and examined the effect of nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton growth in the Newport River. Underwater irradiance was modelled at 2–4 week intervals along both rivers using measurements of the above‐canopy irradiance, canopy cover, water column light attenuation (Kd) and water depth. Suspended material (TSS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chlorophyll a were sampled at 2‐week interval at five sites on the Newport River and on four dates at four sites on the White Oak River over the course of one year. 3. Phytoplankton nutrient limitation was assessed at three locations along the tidal gradient. River water was collected during March, April, June and October, and incubated in 10‐L plastic outdoor containers under ambient water temperature and sunlight. Additions of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus served as treatments; growth rate during the 4 days of incubation was calculated from the change in chlorophyll a concentration over time. 4. Canopy cover decreased from more than 90% to <10% over the length of both tidal freshwater rivers. Water column irradiance and phytoplankton biomass increased as tree canopy cover decreased and channel width increased. Channel width exceeded predictions for non‐tidal rivers by threefold because of tidal influence. TSS and DOC decreased significantly along the length of the Newport River, but no significant gradients were observed in the White Oak River. Kd did not vary along the tidal gradient of either river. 5. Mesocosm experiments indicated that inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus enhanced the growth of phytoplankton advected from the non‐tidal river into the tidal freshwater river during spring and summer. Phytoplankton in the tidal freshwater reach were generally not nutrient limited. 6. Tidal hydrology (in the absence of saltwater) directly affected the morphology of the channel and indirectly affected biological growth and production. The significant increase in river width, irradiance and phytoplankton biomass distinguished these tidal freshwater ecosystems from their upstream (non‐tidal fluvial) counterparts, while the strong influence of riparian shading distinguished them from the saline estuaries downstream. Future development of ecosystem and biogeochemical models for tidal freshwater rivers will benefit from the linkages between geomorphology and biological processes identified here.  相似文献   

Data from simultaneous studies of three algal communities (phytoplankton, epipelon and epiphyton) in an edaphically eutrophic lake are compared. Comparisons include both physical and chemical parameters along with those involving the biota.  相似文献   

The Hawkesbury River at Sackville, New South Wales, Australia is fresh and vigorously mixed by tidal movement. The location has frequent blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa, which have been recorded occurring throughout the year, including winter temperatures as low as 13 °C. Nutrient enrichment tests were performed in‐situ on the natural phytoplankton population in 1997 and 1998 while Microcystis aeruginosa dominated (covering both summer and winter periods). These experiments compared population changes under the ambient nutrient regime with those after additions of ortho‐phosphate, nitrate, ammonia and various combinations of these nutrients. Under ambient conditions, the Microcystis population was able to grow significantly (P < 0.05) while most non‐cyanobacterial phytoplankton did not. Nutrient additions induced a variety of nutrient limitation responses that often varied between genera of major groups i.e. in the Chlorophyceae (Actinastrum sp. responded to phosphorus while Psephonema sp. responded to nitrogen). The possibility that shifts in population dominance from Chlorophyceae to the Cyanobacteria (M. aeruginosa) at Sackville are in response to competition for limiting nutrients is discussed.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton ecology of Loch Ard,Scotland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The results of the ecological investigation discussed in this paper represent the first seasonal study of the phytoplankton to be carried out in Loch Ard. This body of water is a typical warm monomictic lake, with water temperatures during the period of study ranging from 18.6 to 4.4 °C and oxygen saturation from 68 to 112%. Stratification lasted from May to November. Phosphate was generally very low, being almost undetectable for about six months and not exceeding 0.125 µg.at.P 1–1 even at the winter maximum. Dissolved silica showed a regular seasonal pattern ranging from 9 to 21 µg.at.Si 1–1. Nitrate, like silicate, never showed signs of complete exhaustion, with a minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 21.0 µg.at.N 1–1. The pH remained on the acid side of neutrality while the alkalinity never exceeded 7 mg CaCO3/1.From an examination of net phytoplankton Loch Ard could be described as diatom-desmid in nature. Quantitatively the population was dominated by diatoms(Cyclotella, Asterionella andMelosira) till May whence a mixed population of blue-green algae, desmids and dinoflagellates persisted till late September.  相似文献   

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