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Degradation of human Aurora-A protein kinase is mediated by hCdh1   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human Aurora-A is related to a protein kinase originally identified by its close homology to Ipl1p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and aurora from Drosophila melanogaster, which are key regulators of the structure and function of the mitotic spindle. We previously showed that human Aurora-A is turned over through the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)-ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. The association of two distinct WD40 repeat proteins known as Cdc20 and Cdh1, respectively, sequentially activates the APC/C. The present study shows that Aurora-A degradation is dependent on hCdh1 in vivo, not on hCdc20, and that Aurora-A is targeted for proteolysis through distinct structural features of the destruction box, the KEN box motifs and its kinase activity.  相似文献   

Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) play a key role in plant and animal innate immunity. PRR binding of their cognate ligand triggers a signaling network and activates an immune response. Activation of PRR signaling must be controlled prior to ligand binding to prevent spurious signaling and immune activation. Flagellin perception in Arabidopsis through FLAGELLIN‐SENSITIVE 2 (FLS2) induces the activation of mitogen‐activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and immunity. However, the precise molecular mechanism that connects activated FLS2 to downstream MAPK cascades remains unknown. Here, we report the identification of a differentially phosphorylated MAP kinase kinase kinase that also interacts with FLS2. Using targeted proteomics and functional analysis, we show that MKKK7 negatively regulates flagellin‐triggered signaling and basal immunity and this requires phosphorylation of MKKK7 on specific serine residues. MKKK7 attenuates MPK6 activity and defense gene expression. Moreover, MKKK7 suppresses the reactive oxygen species burst downstream of FLS2, suggesting that MKKK7‐mediated attenuation of FLS2 signaling occurs through direct modulation of the FLS2 complex.  相似文献   

The unfolded protein response (UPR) activates Ire1, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident transmembrane kinase and ribonuclease (RNase), in response to ER stress. We used an in vivo assay, in which disappearance of the UPR-induced spliced HAC1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) correlates with the recovery of the ER protein-folding capacity, to investigate the attenuation of the UPR in yeast. We find that, once activated, spliced HAC1 mRNA is sustained in cells expressing Ire1 carrying phosphomimetic mutations within the kinase activation loop, suggesting that dephosphorylation of Ire1 is an important step in RNase deactivation. Additionally, spliced HAC1 mRNA is also sustained after UPR induction in cells expressing Ire1 with mutations in the conserved DFG kinase motif (D828A) or a conserved residue (F842) within the activation loop. The importance of proper Ire1 RNase attenuation is demonstrated by the inability of cells expressing Ire1-D828A to grow under ER stress. We propose that the activity of the Ire1 kinase domain plays a role in attenuating its RNase activity when ER function is recovered.  相似文献   

Plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) share their evolutionary origin with animal interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK)/Pelle family of soluble kinases and are distinguished by having tyrosine as ‘gatekeeper’. This position is adjacent to the hinge region and is hidden in a hydrophobic pocket of the catalytic cleft of protein kinases and is therefore least probable to be a target for any modification. This communication illustrates the accessibility of the gatekeeper site (Y670) towards both autophosphorylation and dephosphorylation in the recombinant cytoplasmic domain of symbiosis receptor kinase from Arachis hypogaea (AhSYMRK). Autophosphorylation on gatekeeper tyrosine was detected prior to extraction but never under in vitro conditions. We hypothesize gatekeeper phosphorylation to be associated with synthesis/maturation of AhSYMRK and this phenomenon may be prevalent among RLKs.  相似文献   

The extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase [MAPK] family. Upon stimulation, these kinases translocate from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where they induce physiological processes such as proliferation and differentiation. The mechanism of translocation of this kinase involves phosphorylation of two Ser residues within a nuclear translocation signal (NTS), which allows binding to importin7 and a subsequent penetration via nuclear pores. Here we show that the phosphorylation of both Ser residues is mediated mainly by casein kinase 2 (CK2) and that active ERK may assist in the phosphorylation of the N-terminal Ser. We also demonstrate that the phosphorylation is dependent on the release of ERK from cytoplasmic anchoring proteins. Crystal structure of the phosphomimetic ERK revealed that the NTS phosphorylation creates an acidic patch in ERK. Our model is that in resting cells ERK is bound to cytoplasmic anchors, which prevent its NTS phosphorylation. Upon stimulation, phosphorylation of the ERK TEY domain releases ERK and allows phosphorylation of its NTS by CK2 and active ERK to generate a negatively charged patch in ERK, binding to importin 7 and nuclear translocation. These results provide an important role of CK2 in regulating nuclear ERK activities.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) 1 and 3 have distinct mitogenic activities in vitro. In several cultured cell lines, FGFR1 transmits a potent mitogenic signal, whereas FGFR3 has little or no mitogenic activity. However, in other in vitro assays the FGFR3 intracellular domain is comparable with that of FGFR1. In vivo, FGFR3 negatively regulates chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation, and activating mutations are the molecular etiology of achondroplasia. By contrast, FGFR1 transmits a proliferative signal in various cell types in vivo. These observations suggest that inhibition of the proliferating chondrocyte could be a unique property of FGFR3 or, alternatively, a unique property of the proliferating chondrocyte. To test this hypothesis, FGFR1 signaling was activated in the growth plate in cells that normally express FGFR3. Comparison of transgenic mice with an activated FGFR1 signaling pathway with an achondroplasia-like mouse that expresses a similarly activated FGFR3 signaling pathway demonstrated that both transgenes result in a similar achondroplasia-like dwarfism. These data demonstrate that suppression of mitogenic activity by FGFR signaling is a property that is unique to growth plate chondrocytes. Surprisingly, we observed that in transgenic mice expressing an activated FGFR, some synovial joints failed to develop and were replaced by cartilage. The defects in the digit joints phenocopied the symphalangism that occurs in Apert syndrome and the number of affected joints was dependent on transgene dose. In contrast to the phenotype in the growth plate, the joint phenotype was more severe in transgenic mice with an activated FGFR1 signaling pathway. The failure of joint development resulted from expanded chondrification in the presumptive joint space, suggesting a crucial role for FGF signaling in regulating the transition of condensed mesenchyme to cartilage and in defining the boundary of skeletal elements.  相似文献   

DRP-1 is a pro-apoptotic Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-regulated serine/threonine kinase, recently isolated as a novel member of the DAP-kinase family of proteins. It contains a short extra-catalytic tail required for homodimerization. Here we identify a novel regulatory mechanism that controls its pro-apoptotic functions. It comprises a single autophosphorylation event mapped to Ser308 within the CaM regulatory domain. A negative charge at this site reduces both the binding to CaM and the formation of DRP-1 homodimers. Conversely, the dephosphorylation of Ser308, which takes place in response to activated Fas or tumour necrosis factor-alpha death receptors, increases the formation of DRP-1 dimers, facilitates the binding to CaM and activates the pro-apoptotic effects of the protein. Thus, the process of enzyme activation is controlled by two unlocking steps that must work in concert, i.e. dephosphorylation, which probably weakens the electrostatic interactions between the CaM regulatory domain and the catalytic cleft, and homodimerization. This mechanism of negative autophosphorylation provides a safety barrier that restrains the killing effects of DRP-1, and a target for efficient activation of the kinase by various apoptotic stimuli.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) is a transmembrane protein capable of transducing stimulation by secreted FGFs. In addition, newly synthesized FGFR1 enters the nucleus in response to cellular stimulation and during development. Nuclear FGFR1 can transactivate CRE (cAMP responsive element), activate CRE-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CBP) and gene activities causing cellular growth and differentiation. Here, a yeast two-hybrid assay was performed to identify FGFR1-binding proteins and the mechanism of nuclear FGFR1 action. Ten FGFR1-binding proteins were identified. Among the proteins detected with the intracellular FGFR1 domain was a 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK1), a regulator of CREB, CBP, and histone phosphorylation. FGFR1 bound to the N-terminal region of RSK1. The FGFR1-RSK1 interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and colocalization in the nucleus and cytoplasm of mammalian cells. Predominantly nuclear FGFR1-RSK1 interaction was observed in the rat brain during neurogenesis and in cAMP-stimulated cultured neural cells. In TE671 cells, transfected FGFR1 colocalized and coimmunoprecipitated, almost exclusively, with nuclear RSK1. Nuclear RSK1 kinase activity and RSK1 activation of CREB were enhanced by transfected FGFR1. In contrast, kinase-deleted FGFR1 (TK-), which did not bind to RSK1 failed to stimulate nuclear RSK1 activity or RSK1 activation of CREB. Kinase inactive FGFR1 (K514A) bound effectively to nuclear RSK1, but it failed to stimulate RSK1. Thus, active FGFR1 kinase regulates the functions of nuclear RSK1. The interaction of nuclear FGFR1 with pluripotent RSK1 offers a new mechanism through which FGFR1 may control fundamental cellular processes.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) associates with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor-1 (FGFR1). However, the biological significance of this interaction remains largely elusive. In this study, we show that NCAM induces a specific, FGFR1-mediated cellular response that is remarkably different from that elicited by FGF-2. In contrast to FGF-induced degradation of endocytic FGFR1, NCAM promotes the stabilization of the receptor, which is recycled to the cell surface in a Rab11- and Src-dependent manner. In turn, FGFR1 recycling is required for NCAM-induced sustained activation of various effectors. Furthermore, NCAM, but not FGF-2, promotes cell migration, and this response depends on FGFR1 recycling and sustained Src activation. Our results implicate NCAM as a nonconventional ligand for FGFR1 that exerts a peculiar control on the intracellular trafficking of the receptor, resulting in a specific cellular response. Besides introducing a further level of complexity in the regulation of FGFR1 function, our findings highlight the link of FGFR recycling with sustained signaling and cell migration and the critical role of these events in dictating the cellular response evoked by receptor activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Urokinase (uPA) and the urokinase receptor (uPAR) form a multifunctional system capable of concurrently regulating pericellular proteolysis, cell-surface adhesion, and mitogenesis. The role of uPA and uPAR in directed proteolysis is well established and its function in cellular adhesiveness has recently been clarified by numerous studies. The molecular mechanisms underlying the mitogenic effects of uPA and uPAR are still unclear, however. RESULTS: We identified mechanisms that might participate in uPA-related mitogenesis in human vascular smooth muscle cells and demonstrated that uPA induces activation of a unique signaling complex. This complex contains uPAR and two additional proteins, nucleolin and casein kinase 2, which are implicated in cell proliferation. Both proteins were isolated by affinity chromatography on uPA-conjugated cyanogen-bromide-activated Sepharose 4B and were identified using nano-electrospray mass spectrometry and immunoblotting. We used laser scanning and immunoelectron microscopy studies to further demonstrate that nucleolin and casein kinase 2 are located on the cell surface where they colocalize with the uPAR. Moreover, the proteins were co-internalized into the cell as an entire complex. Immunoprecipitation experiments in combination with an in vitro kinase assay demonstrated a specific association of uPAR with nucleolin and casein kinase 2 and revealed a uPA-induced activation of casein kinase 2, which presumably led to phosphorylation of nucleolin. Blockade of nucleolin and casein kinase 2 with specific modulators led to the inhibition of uPA-induced cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in human vascular smooth muscle cells, uPA induces the formation and activation of a newly identified signaling complex comprising uPAR, nucleolin, and casein kinase 2, that is responsible for the uPA-related mitogenic response. The complex is not a unique feature of vascular smooth muscle cells, as it was also found in other uPAR-expressing cell types.  相似文献   

Large T antigen (large T) extracted from SV40-infected or transformed cells exhibits an in vitro protein kinase activity, whose origin and biological significance up to now had been obscure. We have addressed the questions of whether this activity is intrinsic to large T or arises by association with a cellular kinase, and, furthermore, whether this activity might play a biological role in vivo. Instead of analyzing large T from whole-cell lysates, where non-specific association of a cellular kinase(s) with large T might easily occur, we analyzed individual cellular subclasses of large T, isolated from their in vivo locations. In contrast to large T isolated from whole-cell lysates which was always kinase positive, none of the cellular subclasses of large T prepared by in situ fractionation of SV40-transformed mKSA cells exhibited detectable in vitro kinase activity. We could demonstrate that our fractionation conditions neither inactivated the large T-associated kinase activity nor dissociated it from large T when they were applied to kinase-positive large T isolated from whole-cell lysates. We conclude that large T does not contain an intrinsic kinase activity. This conclusion was further supported by our finding that it was possible to remove the large T-associated kinase activity from kinase-positive large T preparations and to reconstitute it by incubating the kinase-negative large T with cell lysates from various cell lines. Therefore, the simplest way of interpreting our results is that the in vitro kinase activity measured with large T preparations from whole-cell lysates is the result of an in vitro association of a cellular kinase(s) with large T during certain conditions of cell lysis.  相似文献   

The thymidine kinase (TK) encoded by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) differs not only from that of the alphaherpesviruses but also from that of the gamma-2 herpesvirus subfamily. Because cellular location is frequently a determinant of regulatory function, to gain insight into additional role(s) of EBV TK and to uncover how the lymphocryptovirus and rhadinovirus enzymes differ, the subcellular localizations of EBV TK and the related cercopithecine herpesvirus-15 TK were investigated. We show that in contrast to those of the other family members, the gamma-1 herpesvirus TKs localize to the centrosome and even more precisely to the periphery of the centriole, tightly encircling the tubulin-rich centrioles in a microtubule-independent fashion. Centrosomal localization is observed in diverse cell types and occurs whether the protein is expressed independently or in the context of lytic EBV infection. Surprisingly, analysis of mutants revealed that the unique N-terminal domain was not critical for targeting to the centrosome, but rather, peptide sequences located C terminal to this domain were key. This is the first herpesvirus protein documented to reside in the centrosome, or microtubule-organizing center, an amembranous organelle that regulates the structural biology of the cell cycle through control of chromosome separation and cytokinesis. More recently, proteasome-mediated degradation of cell cycle regulatory proteins, production and loading of antigenic peptides onto HLA molecules, and transient homing of diverse virion proteins required for entry and/or egress have been shown to be coordinated at the centrosome. Potential implications of centrosomal localization for EBV TK function are discussed.  相似文献   

Incubation of a highly purified bovine spleen protein tyrosine kinase with [gamma-32P]ATP and Mg2+ resulted in a gradual radioactive labeling of the protein kinase (50 kDa) with no change in the protein kinase activity toward angiotensin II. On the other hand, treatment of the protein tyrosine kinase with an immobilized alkaline phosphatase caused essentially complete loss in the kinase activity, which could be restored by incubation of the enzyme with ATP and Mg2+. By using the alkaline phosphatase-treated kinase, time courses of the protein phosphorylation and the enzyme activation were demonstrated to correlate closely. These results indicate that this protein tyrosine kinase relies on autophosphorylation for activity and that the purified enzyme usually exists in a fully phosphorylated state. The radioactive labeling of the purified kinase during incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP resulted from a phosphate exchange reaction: the exchange of [gamma-32P]phosphate of ATP with the protein bound phosphate as previously suggested (Kong, S.K., and Wang, J.H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 2597-2603). It could be shown that the autophosphorylation of phosphatase-treated tyrosine kinase was strongly inhibited by the substrate angiotensin II, whereas the exchange reaction carried out with untreated tyrosine kinase was not. Autophosphorylation is suggested to be an intermolecular reaction since its initial rate is proportional to the square of the protein concentration.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has shown that caveolin-1 is up-regulated in a number of metastatic cancers and can influence various aspects of cell migration. However, in general, the role of caveolin-1 in cancer progression is poorly understood. In the present study, we examined alterations in caveolin-1 expression during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the ability of caveolin-1 to alter cancer cell adhesion, an aspect of cell motility. We employed two EMT cell models, the human embryonic carcinoma cell line NT2/D1, and TGF-beta1-treated NMuMG cells, which are derived from normal mouse mammary epithelia. Caveolin-1 expression was substantially up-regulated in both cell lines following the induction of EMT and was preceded by increased activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and Src, two known tyrosine kinases involved in EMT. We hypothesized that caveolin-1 expression could be influenced by increased FAK phosphorylation, to which Src is a known contributor. Examination of FAK+/+ and FAK-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts revealed that in cells devoid of FAK, caveolin-1 expression is strikingly diminished. Using FAK and superFAK constructs and the novel FAK inhibitor PF-228, we were able to demonstrate that indeed, FAK can regulate caveolin-1 expression. We also found that Src can contribute to increases in caveolin-1 expression, however, only in the presence of FAK. From the culmination of this data and our functional analyses, we conclude that caveolin-1 expression can be up-regulated during EMT, and further, once expressed, caveolin-1 can greatly influence cancer cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) controls the actin cytoskeletal and ruffle formation through mechanisms that are independent of GTPase activity. Here we identify filamin FLNa as a Pak1-interacting protein through a yeast two-hybrid screen using the amino terminus of Pak1 as a bait. FLNa is stimulated by physiological signalling molecules to undergo phosphorylation by Pak1 and to interact and colocalize with endogenous Pak1 in membrane ruffles. The ruffle-forming activity of Pak1 is functional in FLNa-expressing cells but not in FLNa-deficient cells. In FLNa, the Pak1-binding site involves tandem repeat 23 in the carboxyl terminus and phosphorylation takes place on serine 2152. The FLNa-binding site in Pak1 is localized between amino acids 52 and 132 in the conserved Cdc42/Rac-interacting (CRIB) domain; accordingly, FLNa binding to the CRIB domain stimulates Pak1 kinase activity. Our results indicate that FLNa may be essential for Pak1-induced cytoskeletal reorganization and that the two-way regulatory interaction between Pak1 and FLNa may contribute to the local stimulation of Pak1 activity and its targets in cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   

The protein kinase Cds1 is an effector of the replication checkpoint in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cds1 is required to stabilize stalled replication forks, and it helps to prevent the onset of mitosis until the genome is fully replicated. Mrc1 (mediator of the replication checkpoint-1) and Rad3-Rad26 kinase are required for Cds1 activation, but exactly how Mrc1 mediates Cds1 activation is unknown. Here we show that Mrc1 is required for the initial threonine 11 phosphorylation of Cds1 by Rad3-Rad26. Mrc1 specifically interacts with the forkhead-associated (FHA) domain of Cds1 in yeast two-hybrid assays. Mutations in the FHA domain that abolish this interaction also eliminate Thr-11 phosphorylation of Cds1. Weak Thr-11 phosphorylation of a "kinase-dead" mutant of Cds1 is rescued by co-expression of wild type Cds1. The requirement for Mrc1 in the replication checkpoint can be partially eliminated by expression of a Rad26-Cds1 fusion protein. These findings suggest that recognition of Mrc1 by the FHA domain of Cds1 serves to recruit Cds1 to Rad3-Rad26. This interaction mediates the initial Thr-11 phosphorylation of Cds1 by Rad3-Rad26 with subsequent intermolecular phosphorylation events leading to full activation of Cds1.  相似文献   

In response to ionizing radiation, checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) is activated in an ataxia telangiectasia mutation-dependent manner and induces either cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Chk2 is also autophosphorylated following DNA damage. It is proposed that autophosphorylation of Chk2 may contribute to Chk2 activation. To fully understand the regulation of Chk2, we mapped an in vitro Chk2 autophosphorylation site at C-terminal serine 516 site (Ser-516). Ser-516 of Chk2 is phosphorylated following radiation in vivo, and this phosphorylation depends on the kinase activity of Chk2. Mutation of this autophosphorylation site (S516A) results in reduced Chk2 kinase activity, suggesting that Chk2 autophosphorylation is required for full kinase activation following DNA damage. Moreover, the S516A mutant of Chk2 is defective in ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis, suggesting that Chk2 autophosphorylation is critical for Chk2 function following DNA damage.  相似文献   

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