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Induction of mitotic gene conversion by mutagens   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The herbicide N-(2-benzothiazolyl)-N′-methylurea (Benzthiazuron, Gatnon®) the insecticides 2-isopropoxyphenyl-N-methylcarbamate (Propoxur, Unden®) and 1-naphthyl-N-methylcarbamate (Carbaryl, Sevin®), together with their N-nitroso derivatives, were examined for genetic activity. A diploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae heteroallelic at the gene loci ade2 and trp5, was used to test for the induction of mitotic gene conversion in these two unlinked gene loci. The non-nitrosated compounds had no influence on the frequency of mitotic gene conversions. The nitrosated substances, however, displayed marked convertogenic activities. N-nitrosopropoxur (N-nitrosopropoxur, N-nitrosocarbaryl) were much more active than the substituted N nitrosomethylurea (N-nitrosobenzthiazuron). N-Nitrosocarbaryl induced the greatest number of mitotic gene conversions.  相似文献   

Like bacterial lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins), synthetic muramyl peptides (MPs) are thought to exert many of their biological effects by inducing the production of various mediators from host cells. Both synthetic muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and naturally occurring sleep factor (SF), which contains an MP structure, stimulate human monocytes to produce interleukin 1 (IL 1). IL 1 is a family of unique polypeptides that mediate a variety of host defense functions and possess several biological properties, many of which are shared with MPs. Endotoxins are potent inducers of IL 1, but polymyxin B, which blocks endotoxin's biological activities, has no effect on MP-induced IL 1 production. SF purified from human urine and SF isolated from the peritoneal fluid of patients undergoing chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) induce IL 1 when incubated with human mononuclear cells in vitro. SF from urine or CAPD fluid induces IL 1 production in the picrogram per milliliter range whereas synthetic MDP requires microgram per milliliter concentrations. Thus, both synthetic and naturally occurring MPs exert their biological effects, in part, by inducing IL 1.  相似文献   

The enzymatic properties of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (EC were characterized using a 6,000-fold purified enzyme. This was obtained in 100 microg amounts from human serum with a recovery of 35%. Pure alkaline phosphatase containing one anchor moiety per molecule was used as substrate. The enzyme is stimulated by n-butanol, but in contrast to other phospholipases this activation is not produced by a transphosphatidylation reaction. The previously reported non-linearity of the specific activity with respect to phospholipase concentration in the test was no longer observed upon purification, indicating inhibitor removal. The serum inhibitor(s) co-chromatograph with serum proteins and lipoproteins. The main part of the inhibitory activity was found in the lipid fraction after protein denaturation and can be subfractionated into acid phospholipids, cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerides. Added phosphatidyl-serine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, gangliosides, cholesteryl esters, and sphingomyelins turned out to be strong inhibitors, as well as phosphatidic acid. Phosphatidylethanolamine and various monoacylglycerols were found to be activators. The low glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase activity found in native serum did not increase significantly upon 90% removal of phospholipids by n-butanol. High serum concentrations of strongly inhibiting compounds, complex kinetic interactions among aggregates of these substances, and compartmentalization effects are discussed as possible reasons for the observed inactivity.  相似文献   

Chemoprevention is regarded as one of the most promising and realistic approaches in the prevention of human cancer. Among naturally occurring products, sulfur-containing compounds (OSCs), especially garlic compounds (GCs) and isothiocyanates (ITCs), represent two important and promising chemopreventive families because of their potent chemopreventive effects in various in vivo and in vitro models. In recent years, numerous investigations have shown that sulfur-containing compounds induce apoptosis in multiple cell lines and experimental animals. In the course of apoptosis induction by GCs and ITCs, multiple signal-transduction pathways and apoptosis intermediates are modulated. In particular, modulation of MAPKs and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) seem to play pivotal roles in apoptosis induction by most GCs and ITCs. However, the role of P53 is still controversial. Based on present knowledge, GCs and ITCs may target not only the metabolism of carcinogens but also apoptosis signaling molecules. The effects of ITCs and GCs at multiple points of cancer development make these compounds highly promising candidates in cancer chemoprevention. However, the mechanisms of their anticancer effects are not fully understood, and further studies are required, especially to elucidate the role of cell-death receptors (the extrinsic pathway) and whether these agents induce apoptotic effects in non-tumor cells.  相似文献   

The quantitation of formaldehyde, a product of many drug oxidations, can be determined by a simple and sensitive assay which employs the Hantzsch reaction. The present study demonstrates that both oxaloacetate and acetoacetate in the presence of Mg2+ interfere with the Hantzsch reaction by interacting with formaldehyde, making the aldehyde unavailable for the condensation reaction with acetylacetone. This can lead to errors when trying to quantitate either the disappearance or the formation of formaldehyde in metabolic studies utilizing tissue slices, homogenates, or subcellular fractions containing mitochondria.  相似文献   

The cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) is a naturally occurring "A" + "B"----"A" bone marrow-chimeric species. These primates usually are born as dizygotic twins and, due to placental vascular anastomoses, develop sharing each others' bone marrow elements. Strikingly, almost 50% of the PBL of a member of a twin pair are derived from the hematopoietic stem cells of its cotwin. To clarify the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of tolerance in these stable chimeras, MHC gene products have been biochemically characterized in cloned, genetically distinct, male and female lymphocytes from two male/female cotton-top tamarin twin pairs. Extensive MHC class II sharing between the genetically distinct cell populations was not seen in the two twin pairs. This was consistent with the MHC class II polymorphism seen in the species. However, the MHC class I gene products expressed by one member of a twin pair were almost identical to those expressed by its cotwin. A human minisatellite probe demonstrated restriction fragment length polymorphism in DNA from these animals, indicating extensive polymorphism. Thus, MHC class I sharing did not occur due to inbreeding in these animals. Additionally, another bone marrow-chimeric primate species, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), expresses MHC class I molecules with low levels of variation. These studies suggest that the stable chimerism of bone marrow-chimeric primates may be facilitated by MHC class I similarity between the genetically distinct bone marrow derived-cell populations in their circulation.  相似文献   

Summary Hydroxylamine in 1 M concentration is capable of inducing mutations (Table 1) and recombination (Figs. 1–3) in yeast. It is postulated that HA-produced lesions in DNA are repaired and thus HA-induced mutations in yeast cannot be specific with respect to the type of base substitution; the recombinogenic ability of a mutagen can be considered as an indication that the lesions in DNA produced by this mutagen are repaired.  相似文献   

Eleven resveratrol oligomers and six acetylated derivatives were evaluated for in vitro cytotoxicity against a panel of human tumor cell lines. The acetate of (-)-ampelopsin A (12) showed potent and selective cytotoxic activity with ED50 values of 0.6, 0.7 and 2.0 microg/mL against KB, 1A9 and MCF-7 cells, respectively. Hopeaphenol (10) and pallidol hexaacetate (13) also showed significant cytotoxicity against KB cells with ED50 values of 1.2 and 1.6 microg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

Alteration in hepatitis B virus (HBV) secretion efficiency may have pathological consequences. Naturally occurring mutations that regulate virion secretion have not been defined. We recently identified HBV genomes displaying high (4B), substantially reduced (3.4), or negative (4C) virion secretion. In the present study, the underlying mutations were mapped. A T552C point mutation in the 4B genome was responsible for its enhanced virion secretion, whereas a G510A mutation in 3.4 and G660C in 4C impaired virus secretion. The three point mutations generate M133T, G119E, and R169P substitutions in the S domains of viral envelope proteins, respectively, without modifying the coding capacity of the overlapping polymerase gene. The mutated residues are predicted to lie in the luminal side of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or to be embedded in the ER membrane and thus are not involved in contact with core particles during envelopment. Of the two mutations inhibitory of virion secretion, G510A greatly reduced small envelope protein (hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg]) levels both inside cells and in culture medium, whereas G660C specifically abolished HBsAg secretion. Surprisingly, a T484G mutation in the 4B genome, generating an I110M substitution in the S domain, could also reduce HBsAg secretion and block virion secretion. However, its inhibitory effect was suppressed in the 4B genome by the T552C mutation, the enhancer of virion secretion. T552C can also override the inhibitory G510A mutation, but not the G660C mutation. These findings suggest a hierarchy in the regulation of virion secretion and a close link between defective virion secretion and impaired HBsAg formation or secretion.  相似文献   

Ten different amino acid-glucose Maillard browning products before and after reaction with nitrite were evaluated by the Ames mutagenicity assay. No mutagenic response was observed in the methylene chloride extracts of any browning products tested before nitrosation. However, mutagenicity was showed in most of the browning mixtures, e.g., glycine-glucose, lysine-glucose (I), arginine-glucose, phenylalanine-glucose (II), and methionine-glucose after nitrosation when examined by Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 either with or without S-9 metabolic activation. Among the browning mixtures, (I) and (II) showed the greatest mutagenic activity after reaction with nitrite. The mutagenicity of lysine-glucose with nitrite was dependent on browning intensity, nitrosation pH, nitrosation time, nitrite level and blocking agents.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP) gene are associated with phenotypic expression differences of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in animals and humans. In sheep, at least 10 different mutually exclusive polymorphisms are present in PrP. In this study, we determined the efficiency of the in vitro formation of protease-resistant PrP of nine sheep PrP allelic variants in order to gauge the relative susceptibility of sheep for scrapie. No detectable spontaneous protease-resistant PrP formation occurred under the cell-free conditions used. All nine host-encoded cellular PrP (PrP(C)) variants had distinct conversion efficiencies induced by PrP(Sc) isolated from sheep with three different homozygous PrP genotypes. In general, PrP allelic variants with polymorphisms at either codon 136 (Ala to Val) or codon 141 (Leu to Phe) and phylogenetic wild-type sheep PrP(C) converted with highest efficiency to protease-resistant forms, which indicates a linkage with a high susceptibility of sheep for scrapie. PrP(C) variants with polymorphisms at codons 171 (Gln to Arg), 154 (Arg to His), and to a minor extent 112 (Met to Thr) converted with low efficiency to protease-resistant isoforms. This finding indicates a linkage of these alleles with a reduced susceptibility or resistance for scrapie. In addition, PrP(Sc) with the codon 171 (Gln-to-His) polymorphism is the first variant reported to induce higher conversion efficiencies with heterologous rather than homologous PrP variants. The results of this study strengthen our views on polymorphism barriers and have further implications for scrapie control programs by breeding strategies.  相似文献   

The influence of the naturally occurring osmolytes xylitol, glycine and betaine on the thermal stability of human haemoglobin was investigated. Experiments were made in the temperature range of 55–70 °C, adding up to 30% w/w of osmolytes to the protein solution. All the additives stabilized haemoglobin, with xylitol and glycine appearing more effective. A kinetic analysis based on the Lumry–Eyring inactivation scheme showed that the denaturation process can be described by a second-order rate expression, with an apparent activation energy ranging from 45 to 82 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

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