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The treatment of human tonsillar T-lymphocytes with 4-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), resulted in about two fold increase in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) number, without any significant change in the receptor affinity. This increase disappeared in the presence of cycloheximide.Alone, PMA and calcium inophore A23187 did not affect, but together stimulated, like phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), leucine and, in particular, thymidine incorporation. PMA enhanced slightly the stimulatory effect of PHA. Alone, these agents failed to alter the suppressive effect of dexamethasone on thymidine and leucine incorporation; however, PMA-A23187 and PMA-PHA combinations appeared to antagonize the supression by dexamethasone.  相似文献   

SRIF has neuro-immunomodulatory actions on immune cells, including T-lymphocytes. Molecular mechanisms involved in these actions were studied by RT-PCR analysis of SRIF receptor expression in resting and initogen-activated human T-lymphocytes. Our results point to the mitogen-associated induction of sst5 receptor subtype. Conversely, sst3 receptor appears constitutively expressed in both activity states. Assessment of biologic actions of SRIF14 in activated T-lymphocytes indicates that, in nanomolar concentration range, this peptide moderately inhibits mitogen-induced IL-2 secretion. Nevertheless, T-lymphocyte proliferation is not inhibited in the presence of SRIF14 but is even slightly increased. Altogether these data suggest a complex mechanism of SRIF neuro-immunomodulatory actions.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi m) in intact lymphocytes was calculated by measuring the distribution of radiolabelled methyltriphenylphosphonium cation. The value obtained was 120 mV. The pH gradient across the mitochondrial membrane in situ (delta pH m) was estimated to be 73 mV (1.2 pH units). Thus the electrochemical gradient of protons was about 190 mV. Addition of the mitogen concanavalin A did not alter delta psi m, showing that, if movement of Ca2+ across the inner membrane of lymphocyte mitochondria occurs when concanavalin A is added, it is accompanied by charge-compensating ion movements.  相似文献   

Two lymphoblastoid tumor cell lines, the Burkitt lymphoma derived BJAB cell line which is free of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and B95-8 cells, which are marmoset lymphocytes transformed by EBV isolated from an infectious mononucleosis patient, were studied in regards to their effects on the blastogenic responsiveness of normal human peripheral blood leukocytes stimulated in vitro with mitogens. Mitomycin C treated tumor cell suspensions, when cocultured with normal human blood leukocytes, markedly depressed the expected blastogenic responses in vitro to concanavalin A, pokeweed mitogen, and phytohemagglutin. In addition, cell-free sonicates from the cell lines also depressed blastogenic responsiveness of the leukocytes in vitro. Heating the sonicates for 10 min at 100 degrees C markedly diminished the suppressive properties of the sonicates, as did ultraviolet light irradiation. The suppressive activity of the B95-8 sonicates was pelleted by high speed centrifugation as compared to the activity of sonicates derived from the BJAB cells. Further studies are warranted to determine the nature and mechanism of suppression of blastogenic responsiveness of normal human leukocytes by soluble components derived from such lymphoblastoid cell lines.  相似文献   

p56 lck is a well-characterized tyrosine protein kinase (TPK) which is thought to play a role in mitogenic signal transduction in T lymphocytes. Immunoblot analysis of human lymphocyte proteins using an antiserum cross-reactive with phosphotyrosine resulted in the detection of a 55-60 kDa protein band (presumably p56 lck) as well as several additional phosphotyrosyl proteins in lymphocyte extracts. All of these phosphotyrosyl proteins were down-regulated following mitotic stimulation. Autophosphorylation of lymphocyte microsomal fractions in the presence of [gamma-32P] ATP resulted in the labelling of p56 lck as well as other proteins of different molecular weights. Analysis of these labelled proteins by tryptic digestion resulted in strikingly similar peptide maps. The data suggest that lymphocytes may contain a family of TPKs structurally related to p56 lck. The down-regulation of the putative TPKs following mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin suggests that this family of TPKs may participate in mitotic signalling events, followed by their down-regulation.  相似文献   

Sera used in cell cultures contain significant amount of prostaglandins (PGs). In order to vaoid any effects of contaminating PGs, the present study employed a serum-free culture medium and confirmed the inhibitory effect of prostaglandin E (PGE) on the human lymphocyte activation which had been observed previously employing a serum-containing medium. PGE1 displayed a significantly stronger inhibitory effect on the cells than previously shown. Furthermore, reported enhancement of PGE synthesis by mitogen-activated lymphocytes could not be reproduced.  相似文献   

Mitogenic stimulation of human lymphocytes was induced by different means including non-lectin mitogens. Independent of the mean of stimulation the proliferation of lymphocytes was significantly inhibited by protease released lymphocyte surface glycopeptides (LySP). These surface peptides may have regulatory functions in cell proliferation and in the onset of the immune response in vivo. They offer a new tool for the elucidation of the triggering mechanism in mitogenic stimulation.  相似文献   

D‐type cyclins predominantly regulate progression through the cell cycle by their interactions with cyclin‐dependent kinases (cdks). Here, we show that stimulating mitogenesis of Swiss 3T3 cells with phorbol esters or forskolin can induce divergent responses in the expression levels, localization and activation state of cyclin D1 and cyclin D3. Phorbol ester‐mediated protein kinase C stimulation induces S phase entry which is dependent on MAPK activation and increases the levels and activation of cyclin D1, whereas forskolin‐mediated cAMP‐dependent protein kinase A stimulation induces mitogenesis that is independent of MAPK, but dependent upon mTor and specifically increases the level and activation of cyclin D3. These findings uncover additional levels of complexity in the regulation of the cell cycle at the level of the D‐type cyclins and thus may have important therapeutic implications in cancers where specific D‐cyclins are overexpressed. J. Cell. Physiol. 225: 638–645, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Stereological data of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-activated human T-lymphocytes were recorded at intervals (12 to 72 h) together with biochemical (isotope-uptake, lymphotoxin-release) and morphological measurements. About 98 % of the cells were activated 12 h after PHA-stimulation. The activation phase lasted less than 48 h, i.e., cells entering the activation phase within 12 h were at their activation maximum by 48 h. The activated cell increased in size. The nuclear/cytoplasmic-ratio decreased. Most of the cytoplasmic organelles developed in phase with the increase of cytoplasmic volume. After 48 h, mitotic figures were frequently seen. Due to the increasing number of secondary, activated daughter cells, parameters of most cytoplasmic components declined between 48 and 72 h. Structural changes in the nucleus preceded the 3H-leucine uptake, which had not reached its maximum after 72 h of incubation. The 3H-leucine uptake started as early as 12 h after culture initiation, and its increase was proportional to the increasing polyribosome density. No maximum uptake was reached up to 72 h, but the development of structural components related to this uptake was at its maximum at the end of the activation phase (48 h). The formation of bound ribosomes occurred subsequent to the enlargement of the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Initial polysome formation occurred at the expense of existing free ribosomes.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological studies were performed on in vitro slice preparations of sympathetic ganglia excised from peripherally perfused, brain-dead human donors. The intracellular recordings in 16 neurons showed resting potentials and input resistances mostly in the ranges reported for sympathetic neurons in other mammals. The high input resistances (approximately 29 M omega) can account for the long membrane time constants measured in three neurons (means = 13.9 ms). Spikes that were part of anodal break responses as well as those evoked by current pulse injections were tetrodotoxin sensitive and were more prolonged in duration by tetraethylammonium than by 4-aminopyridine applications. Administrations of isoflurane (0.5-2 minimum alveolar concentrations) by perfusion did not greatly affect the membrane properties, but produced a marked reduction in repetitive spike firing evoked by current pulse injections as well as in the postspike afterhyperpolarizations, suggesting that a sympathetic neurogenic mechanism may contribute to the hypotension observed clinically during isoflurane anaesthesia. These investigations demonstrate for the first time that human sympathetic ganglion neurons can be studied successfully in in vitro preparations, and hence are valuable for direct relevance to the human condition.  相似文献   

Changes in neutral amino acid transport activity caused by addition of phytohaemagglutinin-P to quiescent peripheral pig lymphocytes have been evaluated by measurements of 14C-labelled neutral and analogue amino acids under conditions approaching initial entry rates. Utilizing methylaminoisobutyric acid, the best model substrate of System A, we confirmed our previous report (Borghetti, A.F., Kay, J.E. and Wheeler, K.P. (1979) Biochem. J. 182, 27–32) on the absence of this transport system in quiescent cells and its emergence following stimulation. Furthermore, we demonstrated the presence in quiescent cells of an Na+-dependent transport system for neutral amino acids that has been characterized as System ASC by several criteria including intolerance to methylaminoisobutyric acid, strict Na+-dependence, the property of transtimulation and specificity for pertinent substrates such as alanine, serine, cysteine and threonine. Analysis of the relationship between influx and substrate concentration revealed that two independent saturable components contribute to entry of alanine in quiescent cells: a low affinity (Km = ≈4 mM) and a high affinity (Km = ≈0.2 mM) component. The high affinity component could be inhibited in a competitive way by serine, cysteine and threonine, but methylaminoisobutyric acid did not change appreciably its constants. The enhanced activity of alanine transport through the ASC system observed in activated cells resulted from a large increase in the capacity (V) of the high affinity component without any substantial change in the apparent affinity constant (Km).  相似文献   

Although recent studies indicated that IL-21 is an important regulator of human B cell activation, detailed comparison of the effects of IL-21 on distinct B cell subsets have not been performed. Our studies revealed that IL-21R is expressed by naive and germinal center B cells, but not memory or plasma cells. IL-21R was increased on naive and memory B cells following in vitro activation. Investigation into the kinetics and magnitude of responses of human B cells to IL-21 revealed that IL-21 potently augmented proliferation of CD40L-stimulated neonatal, splenic naive, and memory and tonsil germinal center B cells. This response exceeded that induced by IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13, cytokines that also induce B cell proliferation. Remarkably, CD40L/IL-21-stimulated naive B cells underwent the same number of divisions as memory cells and exhibited a greater enhancement in their response compared with CD40L alone than memory B cells. Therefore, IL-21 is a powerful growth factor for naive B cells. This may result from the higher expression of IL-21R on naive, compared with memory, B cells. Stimulation of human B cells with CD40L/IL-21 also induced IL-10 production and activation of STAT3. We propose that IL-21 may have therapeutic application in conditions of immunodeficiency where it could expand naive B cells, the predominant B cell subset in such patients. Conversely, because IL-21 is increased in murine models of lupus, dysregulated IL-21 production may contribute to perturbed B cell homeostasis observed in systemic lupus erythematosus. Thus, antagonizing IL-21 may be a novel strategy for treating Ab-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Effects of mitogenic stimulation on lymphocyte alpha-D-mannosidases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three types of alpha-D-mannosidase are present in human and murine lymphocytes. Their levels increased substantially when the cells were activated by T-cell mitogens, concanavalin A (Con A) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), and in the murine cells also by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a B-cell mitogen. The intracellular localization of the alpha-D-mannosidases in the non-stimulated and activated murine cells was investigated by fractionation of lymphocyte lysates on colloidal silica (Percoll) and discontinuous sucrose gradients. In both types of cell, an enzyme having optimal activity at neutral pH was obtained in the cytosolic fraction and another alpha-D-mannosidase most active at an intermediate pH was obtained partly in membrane-bound form. In contrast, an acidic alpha-D-mannosidase, which was particularly elevated in the activated murine spleen cells, had a distribution in these lymphoblasts which was markedly different from that in non-stimulated lymphocytes. In the latter, the major proportion of the activity was obtained in a cytosolic fraction and the remainder in a particulate fraction of light density, whereas the enzyme in activated lymphocytes was distributed between vesicles of light and heavy density comparable with lysosomal organelles. Moreover, the acidic alpha-D-mannosidase still remained membrane bound even when cell lysates were prepared under hypotonic conditions which disrupt lysosome integrity. These results suggest that lymphocyte activation involves either stabilization of fragile lysosomes present in resting cells or de novo synthesis of lysosome-like structures. The acidic alpha-D-mannosidase present within isolated, intact lysosomes was found to be in a form, A, whereas a different form, B, was most prominent in whole-cell extracts of both types of lymphocyte.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to understand the relationship between specific growth factors and matrix synthesis by periodontal cells, we have investigated the effects of platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1), and growth hormone on DNA and proteoglycan synthesis by cultured human gingival and periodontal ligament fibroblasts in vitro. PDGF-BB and IGF-1, but not growth hormone, were mitogenic for both periodontal ligament fibroblasts and gingival fibroblasts, although the periodontal ligament cells responded more strongly. The mitogenic response was accompanied by alterations in expression of matrix proteoglycan mRNA. For both the gingival and periodontal ligament cells, there was a decrease in mRNA for decorin and an increase in mRNA for versican following exposure to IGF-1 and PDGF-BB. Although no change was seen in response to PDGF, biglycan mRNA level was increased by IGF-1 in periodontal ligament fibroblasts. With the gingival fibroblats, biglycan mRNA levels were unaffected by IGF-1, PDGF-BB, or growth hormone. These findings suggest variable responses of fibroblasts to growth factors depending upon anatomical site within the periodontium. Moreover, there appears to be a correlation between cell proliferation and the types of proteoglycan synthesised with decorin expression being suppressed, and versican being increased during fibroblast proliferation. J. Cell. Physiol. 174:353–361, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of moderate (42 degrees C, 1 hour) and strong (44 degrees C, 1 hour) heat shocks on resting (TR) and phytohemagglutinin stimulated human T-cells (TP) were studied. Both treatments were shown to cause in the latter considerable fall of the level of protein synthesis, as compared to resting cells. Mitogen-stimulated cells stopped their proliferation irreversibly and part of them (approx: 40%) died after even mild shock (at 42 degrees C). Following heat treatment in both the cell types the synthesis of heat shock 70 and 90 kDa proteins was induced which was much more pronounced in TR. These and earlier results of the authors allow a conclusion that involvement of cells in active proliferation may decrease their resistance to stress, and that this phenomenon coincides with the diminishing in synthesis and accumulation of stress proteins.  相似文献   

Calcium ion influx during mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of free calcium ion (Ca2+) in PHA- or A23187-stimulated lymphocytes was measured using 45CaCl2 and 3H-water. Augmentation of Ca2+ uptake by both mitogens was observed, but the enhanced uptake occurred transiently, sometime within 30 min of the stimulation. The total amount of calcium in quiescent lymphocytes as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy was about 2.9 X 10(-15) g/cell. When stimulated with PHA, more calcium gradually accumulated in the cells. The maximum amount of accumulation occurred at around 40 h, and was about 2-fold higher than that of control cells. In A23187-stimulated cells, the calcium content increased within 1 h by about 4-fold, reached a maximum at about 6 h (6-fold) and thereafter, surplus calcium was pumped out. The cytosolic free calcium ion concentration (the [Ca2+]i) within single cells was measured using quin 2 or fura-2. The [Ca2+]i was about 1 X 10(-7) M, and a transient increase in the [Ca2+]i was observed in some cells within 1 min after Con A-stimulation. Another rise in the [Ca2+]i was observed around the 40th h, and the maximum expression of the IL-2 receptor was observed at about this time. Therefore the results may indicate that the IL-2-mediated lymphocyte transformation is dependent on the rise in the [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) inhibits the proliferation of T-lymphocytes in response to activation with mitogenic lectin. The influence of TGF-beta on elevation of cytosolic Ca2+, induction of proliferation-associated mRNA species, and total cellular RNA content has been studied. The cells seem to exit G0 when activated in the presence of TGF-beta, but they arrest in mid-G1 phase.  相似文献   

Stimulant action of the mitogenic polyanion, polyacrylic acid (PAA) was investigated in mouse lymphocyte culture in vitro. B cell division was induced by "impulsive" PAA treatment. Shortly after PAA treatment the activity of the membrane enzymes, adenylate and guanylate cyclases, was assayed according to the changes in the concentration of cAMP and cGMP. The effect of PAA on the time course of cAMP and cGMP in lymphocytes was compared to the effect of B cell mitogen of other chemical nature--bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). PAA was demonstrated to produce no effect on the activity of membrane cyclase enzymes. On the contrary, following LPS addition guanylate cyclase in the lymphocyte membrane was activated within the first 5-10 minutes. Later on (after 2h) the cells activated with LPS showed an increase in adenylate cyclase activity. By the 12th-24th hour the concentration of cAMP in the LPS-stimulated cells reached 250% of the control level. The differences are discussed between the mitogenic polyanion (PAA) and the lipid-modifying mitogen (LPS) in the molecular mechanisms by which the lymphocyte responses are activated.  相似文献   

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