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目前,我国西施舌群体分子遗传差异研究结果存在争议。分析我国南北沿海(9个群体)、与广西北海毗邻的越南(1个群体)西施舌核DNA的内转录间隔区2(ITS2)和线粒体DNA的16S rRNA基因(16S)片段核苷酸序列及其二级结构,为解决争议问题提供分子生物学资料。扩增获得西施舌ITS2片段和16S序列,其长度分别为389-402 bp和306 bp,加之下载序列共147条;序列分析显示,74个ITS2序列共有17种基因型,73个16S序列有15种单倍型,其中,长乐(CL)群体独享9种ITS2基因型和5种16S单倍型,非长乐群体(nCL)多数为群体间交叉共享1种或几种基因(单倍)型;基因(单倍)型核苷酸变异位点占5.7%(ITS2)和11.8%(16S);基于ITS2和16S的CL群体和nCL群体间的遗传距离与群体内遗传距离之比分别为2.42和11.08,nCL群体间的平均遗传距离均为0.007;二级结构显示CL群体ITS2的9种基因型和16S的5种单倍型均区别于nCL群体,nCL的ITS2和16S二级结构分别相似;ITS2和16S基因的系统发育分析显示,CL西施舌形成支持率很高(98,96)的单系支,而nCL群体则交叉聚为另一支(98,96)。研究结果揭示,福建西施舌是腔蛤蜊属(Coelomactra)的一个新种。  相似文献   

Non-concerted ITS evolution in Mammillaria (Cactaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Molecular studies of 21 species of the large Cactaceae genus Mammillaria representing a variety of intrageneric taxonomic levels revealed a high degree of intra-individual polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA, ITS2). Only a few of these ITS copies belong to apparently functional genes, whereas most are probably non-functional (pseudogenes). As a multiple gene family, the ITS region is subjected to concerted evolution. However, the high degree of intra-individual polymorphism of up to 36% in ITS1 and up to 35% in ITS2 suggests a non-concerted evolution of these loci in Mammillaria. Conserved angiosperm motifs of ITS1 and ITS2 were compared between genomic and cDNA ITS clones of Mammillaria. Some of these motifs (e.g., ITS1 motif 1, 'TGGT' within ITS2) in combination with the determination of GC-content, length comparisons of the spacers and ITS2 secondary structure (helices II and III) are helpful in the identification of pseudogene rDNA regions.  相似文献   

紫芝栽培品种‘紫芝S2’(武芝2号)的ITS序列与NCBI数据库中5个紫芝菌株/分离株相似度高达99.79%-100%,在系统进化树上相聚成一类。本研究预测‘紫芝S2’基因组与参考基因组中的rRNA基因簇,分析rDNA结构及各构件序列间的多态性。从高质量‘紫芝S2’基因组中挖掘得到完整rDNA,序列全长40.377 kb,由4组串联重复的(18S、5.8S、28S、5S) rRNA基因簇组成,并含有完整的基因内间隔区(ITS1、ITS2)和基因间间隔区(IGS1、IGS2)。在紫芝S2的rDNA中,高度保守的28S rRNA基因间出现3个SNP和2个插入(1 bp,10 bp)位点;虽然第4条ITS2中有1个SNP位点,但紫芝S2的4条ITS2在二级结构上的分子形态高度一致,与ITS2数据库中其他紫芝菌株仅存在螺旋区间夹角的微小差异。由‘紫芝S2’基因组rDNA的ITS2生成的DNA条形码与二维码,可以作为该栽培品种鉴定与同源物种其他菌株鉴别的分子标记。  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the eukaryotic rDNA operon are integral to the correct processing and maturation of rRNAs. To further understand the evolution of this region, we elucidated the secondary structure of ITS2 from representatives of the eight divergent clades of Symbiodinium Freud., a large genus of dinoflagellate endosymbionts occurring in association with zooxanthellate marine protists and invertebrates. Symbiodinium ITS2 molecules folded into one of two distinct conformations. One conformation, the “four‐fingered hand” model, has been described from a wide variety of eukaryotes, including free‐living dinoflagellates. A monophyletic assemblage comprising several Symbiodinium clades shared an unusual conformation, a five‐stem model previously known only from drosopholids, indicating that it arose in the common ancestor to this “superclade” of Symbiodinium. Several conserved features were identified in the ITS2 secondary structures, including a pyrimidine–pyrimidine bulge and a highly conserved 11 bp sequence motif, that correspond to known processing sites in other eukaryotes. Lastly, the ITS2 structural data are discussed in the context of Symbiodinium evolution, phylogenetics, and ecology.  相似文献   

The genus Coelastrella was established by Chodat (Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve, 13 [1922] 66), and was characterized as being unicellular or in few‐celled aggregations with many longitudinal ribs on the cell wall. Many species of this genus showed strong ability to accumulate carotenoids and oils, so they have recently attracted much attention from researchers due to its potential applicability in the energy and food industries. In this study, a total of 23 strains of Coelastrella were sampled from China, and three new species and two new varieties were described: C. thermophila sp. nov., C. yingshanensis sp. nov., C. tenuitheca sp. nov., C. thermophila var. globulina var. nov., C. rubescens var. oocystiformis var. nov. Besides 18S rDNA and ITS2 sequences, we have newly sequenced the tufA gene marker for this taxon. Phylogenetic analysis combined with morphological studies revealed four morphotypes within the Coelastrella sensu lato clade, which contained the morphotype of original Coelastrella, original Scotiellopsis, Asterarcys, and morphotype of C. vacuolata and C. tenuitheca sp. nov. The relationships between morphological differences and phylogenic diversity based on different markers were discussed. Our results support that 18S rDNA was too conserved to be used a species‐specific or even a genus‐specific marker in this clade. The topology of tufA gene‐based phylogenetic tree had a better match with the morphological findings.  相似文献   

 The internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were amplified and sequenced from 19 samples representing all species of the genus Mercurialis and two outgroup species, Ricinus communis and Acalypha hispida. The length of ITS1 in the ingroups ranged from 223 to 246 bp and ITS2 from 210 to 218 bp. Sequence divergence between pairs of species ranged from 1.15% to 25.88% among the ingroup species in the combined data of ITS1 and ITS2. Heuristic phylogenetic analyses using Fitch parsimony on the combined data of ITS1 and ITS2 with gaps treated as missing generated 45 equally parsimonious trees. The strict consensus tree was principally concordant with morphological classification. Within the genus, the ITS sequences recognised two main infrageneric clades: the M. perennis complex including three Eurasian stoloniferous species (M.␣leiocarpa, M. ovata and M. perennis) and the western Mediterranean group including eight both annual and perennial species. Of the western Mediterranean clade, the annual and perennial species grouped respectively into two different groups, and the annual life form is revealed as a synapomorphic character derived from perennial, whereas in the Eurasian clade ITS phylogeny suggested M. leiocarpa as basal clade sister to M.␣perennis and M. ovata. ITS phylogeny failed to resolve the relationships among the different cytotypes of M. ovata and M. perennis. ITS phylogeny also suggested rapid karyotypic evolution for the genus. The karyotypic divergence among the perennial species of western Mediterranean region did not corroborate the nucleotide sequence divergence among the species. Optimisation of chromosome numbers onto the ITS phylogeny suggested x=8 to be the ancestral basic chromosome number of the genus. ITS phylogeny confirmed that the androdioecy of M. ambigua is derived from dioecy. The nucleotide heterozygosity and additivity in ITS sequences clearly confirm the interspecific hybridisation in the genus Mercurialis. Received December 22, 2001; accepted May 21, 2002?Published online: November 14, 2002 Address of the authors: Martin Kr?henbühl, Yong-Ming Yuan (correspondence) and Philippe Küpfer, Institut de Botanique, Laboratoire de botanique évolutive, Université de Neuchatel, Emile-Argand 11, CH-2007 Neuchatel, Suisse. (e-mail: yong-ming.yuan@unine.ch)  相似文献   

李倩  闫淑珍  陈双林 《菌物学报》2015,34(2):235-245
为探讨核糖体DNA转录间隔区(r DNA ITS)的RNA二级结构在黏菌系统发育研究中的作用,以黏菌ITS通用引物PHYS4和PHYS5对绒泡菌目5属8种黏菌的r DNA ITS进行扩增和测序,利用RNA structure构建了ITS区的RNA二级结构模型。结果表明:ITS1在绒泡菌目黏菌中不能形成一个紧实的结构,但大部分物种都具有一段稳定的螺旋结构,可能对r RNA的成熟具有作用;5.8S r RNA的二级结构相似,由4个螺旋组成,主要为两种类型;基于5.8S r RNA和28S r RNA相互作用构建的ITS2的二级结构模型显示,它由一个封闭的多分支环和至少4个主要的螺旋组成,其中螺旋IV结构相对比较保守。由于ITS区的二级结构相比核苷酸序列更加保守,因此深入地分析其二级结构有助于认识其结构与进化的关系。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The green algal class Chlorophyceae comprises five orders (Chlamydomonadales, Sphaeropleales, Chaetophorales, Chaetopeltidales and Oedogoniales). Attempts to resolve the relationships among these groups have met with limited success. Studies of single genes (18S rRNA, 26S rRNA, rbcL or atpB) have largely failed to unambiguously resolve the relative positions of Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales and Chaetopeltidales (the OCC taxa). In contrast, recent genomics analyses of plastid data from OCC exemplars provided a robust phylogenetic analysis that supports a monophyletic OCC alliance.


An ITS2 data set was assembled to independently test the OCC hypothesis and to evaluate the performance of these data in assessing green algal phylogeny at the ordinal or class level. Sequence-structure analysis designed for use with ITS2 data was employed for phylogenetic reconstruction.

Key Results

Results of this study yielded trees that were, in general, topologically congruent with the results from the genomic analyses, including support for the monophyly of the OCC alliance.


Not all nodes from the ITS2 analyses exhibited robust support, but our investigation demonstrates that sequence-structure analyses of ITS2 provide a taxon-rich means of testing phylogenetic hypotheses at high taxonomic levels. Thus, the ITS2 data, in the context of sequence-structure analysis, provide an economical supplement or alternative to the single-marker approaches used in green algal phylogeny.  相似文献   

Genetic assessment was carried out on three Italian melon accessions by sequence and structural analysis of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) from three populations belonging to two Cucumis melo L. varieties (madras and tendral). Alignment of the 18S-5.8S-26S sequences from three melon accessions showed that there were three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one short insertion-deletion (indel) at the 5'end ITS1. An amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR-based analysis was successfully applied to the SNP markers of the ITS1 sequences for the fingerprinting analysis of three melon populations. Secondary structure models for each ITS1 were derived. The prediction of ITS1 RNA secondary structure from each accession was improved by detecting key functional elements shared by all sequences in the alignments. Our results demonstrated that the ITS1secondary structure models can be used to improve the preliminary genetic assessment of the three melon accessions, suggesting a new tool in plant fingerprinting analysis.  相似文献   

Gorgoniid octocorals taxonomy (Cnidaria; Octocorallia; Gorgoniidae) includes diagnostic characters not well defined at the generic level, and based on the family diagnosis some species could be classified in either Gorgoniidae or Plexauridae. In this study, we used sequences from the Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) and their predicted RNA secondary structure to both correct the alignment and reconstruct phylogenies using molecular morphometrics for 24 octocorals mostly from the Atlantic. ITS2 exhibited the six-helicoidal ring-model structure found in eukaryotes, and provided 38 parsimony-informative characters. The proposed phylogenies, though differing between sequence- and structure-base results, provided consistent support for several clades. Genera considered part of the polyphyletic genus Leptogorgia, such as Filigorgia, were distantly related to the former in all phylogenetic hypotheses. Main differences among the hypotheses consisted in the placement of Muriceopsis (previously considered from the Plexauridae family) and Filigorgia. Excluding Muriceopsis and an undescribed octocoral from Tobago, Plexaurella and Pterogorgia grouped together as a sister branch of Pinnigorgia spp. but long-branch attraction was evident for the grouping of Plexaurella nutans (another plexaurid) and Pterogorgia citrina. Unexpected results were the divergence between Caribbean genera, Gorgonia and Pseudopterogorgia, which were placed basal respect to Pacifigorgia and Leptogorgia (=Lophogorgia). ITS2 provided support to corroborate observations based on sclerite morphology: species with "capstan sclerites" (e.g., Pacifigorgia and Leptogorgia) were characterized by a long helix IV with one internal loop and a helix V with four internal loops; "scaphoid sclerites" had a predominantly long helix V if compared to helix IV; "asymmetric spiny sclerites" (Muriceopsis, Pinnigorgia and the undescribed octocoral) exhibited one or two lateral bulges in the V helix. Remarkably, Muriceopsis and Pinnigorgia were supported by a complete Compensatory Base Change (CBC) (A-U to G-C) in helix V. Filigorgia with simple "spindles" had a short helix IV and a large central ring. DNA sequences from the nuclear ITS2 region, including information from predicted RNA secondary structure, despite their reduced length, provided numerous characters and phylogenetic information among Gorgoniidae genera and species.  相似文献   

Among ciliates, Paramecium has become a privileged model for the study of “species problem” particularly in the case of the “Paramecium aurelia complex” that has been intensely investigated. Despite extensive studies, the taxonomy of Paramecium is still challenging. The major problem is an uneven sampling of Paramecium with relatively few representatives of each species. To investigate species from the less discovered region (Pakistan), 10 isolates of Paramecium species including a standing-alone FT8 strain previously isolated by some of us were subjected to molecular characterization. Fragments of 18S recombinant DNA (rDNA), ITS1-5.8S-ITS2-5′LSU rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, and hsp70 genes were used as molecular markers for phylogenetic analysis of particular isolates. The nucleotide sequences of polymerase chain reaction products of all markers were compared with the available sequences of relevant markers of other Paramecium species from GenBank. Phylogenetic trees based on all molecular markers showed that all the nine strains had a very close relationship with Paramecium primaurelia except for the FT8 strain. FT8 consistently showed its unique position in comparison to all other species in the phylogenetic trees. Available sequences of internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and ITS2 and some other ciliate sequences from GenBank were used for the construction of secondary models. Two highly conserved helices supported by compensatory base changes among all ciliates of ITS2 secondary structures were found similar to other eukaryotes. Therefore, the most conserved 120 to 180 base pairs regions were identified for their comparative studies. We found that out of the three helices in ITS1 structure, helix B was more conserved in Paramecium species. Despite various substitutions in the primary sequence, it was observed that secondary structures of ITS1 and ITS2 could be helpful in interpreting the phylogenetic relationships both at species as well as at generic level.  相似文献   


There is an increasing interest in the Eustigmatophyceae, a class of stramenopile microalgae, because they offer a variety of high-value health-beneficial compounds, e.g. polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), while concomitantly producing high biomass. Clarification of the taxonomy of these organisms at the species level is important in order to achieve reproducible results and constant yields of valuable compounds in their exploitation. Here the distinction of the, so far exclusively, morphologically defined species of the genera Eustigmatos and Vischeria was tested. Distinctions inferred from almost full 18S and ITS2 rRNA as well as plastid-encoded rbcL gene sequences were evaluated following a morphological investigation. The ITS2 secondary-structure-based phylogenies separated independent lineages (species) with long internal branches. This recommends ITS2 as a promising marker for a DNA metabarcoding approach (culture-independent biodiversity assessment). In contrast, the 18S V4 region which is commonly used in metabarcoding was almost invariant, whereas the almost full length sequences distinguished eight groups/types of strains. Monophyly of the species was supported by shared ITS2 secondary structure features, making them distinct from other eustigmatophyte lineages in concordance with phylogenetic analyses. No groups of strains were congruently supported by all three markers. Consequently, the previous distinction of two genera on the basis of morphology cannot be retained and the species should be accommodated in a single genus, Vischeria. Taxonomic changes among the species with the definition of epitypes, on the basis of cryopreserved strains, are recommended. Two findings point to a more complex evolutionary history of the species. The rbcL and nuclear markers resulted in disparate groupings of strains. In three species divergent intragenomic ITS2 paralogues were revealed. Therefore, a still broader taxon sampling, in conjunction with a deep sequencing approach, is needed for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex evolution of eustigmatophyte species.  相似文献   

Background: Second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) has proven to contain useful biological information at higher taxonomic levels. Objectives: This study was carried out to unravel the biological information in the ITS2 region of An. culicifacies and the internal relationships between the five species of Anopheles culicifacies. Methodology: In achieving these objectives, twenty two ITS2 sequences (~370bp) of An. culicifacies species were retrieved from GenBank and secondary structures were generated. For the refinement of the primary structures, i.e. nucleotide sequence of ITS2 sequences, generated secondary structures were used. The improved ITS2 primary structures sequences were then aligned and used for the construction of phylogenetic trees. Results and discussions: ITS2 secondary structures of culicifacies closely resembled near universal eukaryotes secondary structure and had three helices, and the structures of helix II and distal region of helix III of ITS2 of An. culicifacies were strikingly similar to those regions of other organisms strengthening possible involvement of these regions in rRNA biogenesis. Phylogenetic analysis of improved ITS2 sequences revealed two main clades one representing sibling B, C and E and A and D in the other. Conclusions: Near sequence identity of ITS2 regions of the members in a particular clade indicate that this region is undergoing parallel evolution to perform clade specific RNA biogenesis. The divergence of certain isolates of An. culicifacies from main clades in phylogenetic analyses suggests the possible existence of camouflaged sub-species within the complex of culicifacies. Using the fixed nucleotide differences, we estimate that these two clades have diverged nearly 3.3 million years ago, while the sibling species in clade 2 are under less evolutionary pressure, which may have evolved much later than the members in clade 1.  相似文献   

神经网络在蛋白质二级结构预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了蛋白质二级结构预测的研究意义,讨论了用在蛋白质二级结构预测方面的神经网络设计问题,并且较详尽地评述了近些年来用神经网络方法在蛋白质二级结构预测中的主要工作进展情况,展望了蛋白质结构预测的前景。  相似文献   

Euphorbia subsect. Pachycladae is a taxon of primarily Macaronesian distribution, defined by morphological and biogeographical criteria. On the basis of morphological data, it is a heterogeneous group within which at least three complexes of species can be distinguished. To ascertain whether it is a natural group and discover its phylogenetic relations, we performed a cladistic analysis of the sequences of ribosomal nuclear DNA and a karyological study. The results of the two studies are concordant and show that the sub-section is polyphyletic and includes three different groups. The first monophyletic group is made up of the Macaronesian endemics E. atropurpurea complex and E. lamarckii complex, which form a polytomy with E. dendroides as the basal species. The lauroid species E. longifolia and E. stygiana represent the second monophyletic group, which derive from Mediterranean forms of E. sect. Helioscopia Dumort. Both species are paleopolyploid (2n=44) with highly symmetrical karyotypes. Finally, E. balsamifera, with a Canarian, African and Arabian distribution, remains isolated in a basal position. Its karyotype, with 2n=20 chromosomes, differs from the Macaronesian model and displays analogies with African cactiform spurges. On the basis of the results, some hypotheses are formulated about speciation processes in the three groups. Received March 3, 2001 Accepted October 28, 2001  相似文献   

Thanwisai A  Kuvangkadilok C  Baimai V 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):177-204
The sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were determined for 40 black fly species from Thailand, belonging to 4 subgenera of the genus Simulium, namely Gomphostilbia (12 species), Nevermannia (5 species), Montisimulium (1 species), Simulium sensu stricto (21 species), and an unknown subgenus with one species (Simulium baimaii). The length of the ITS2 ranged from 247 to 308 bp. All black fly species had high AT content, ranging from 71 to 83.8%. Intraindividual variation (clonal variation) occurred in 13 species, ranging from 0.3 to 1.1%. Large intrapopulation and interpopulation heterogeneities exist in S. feuerboni from the same and different locations in Doi Inthanon National Park, northern Thailand. Phylogenetic relationships among 40 black fly species were examined using PAUP (version 4.0b10) and MrBAYS (version 3.0B4). The topology of the trees revealed two major monophyletic clades. The subgenus Simulium and Simulium baimaii were placed in the first monophyletic clade, whereas the subgenera Nevermannia + Montisimulium were placed as the sister group to the subgenus Gomphostilbia in the second monophyletic clade. Our results suggest that S. baimaii belongs to the malyschevi-group or variegatum-group in the subgenus Simulium. The molecular phylogeny generally agrees with existing morphology-based phylogenies.  相似文献   

Pseudo-nitzschia pungens is a planktonic marine diatom known to be widespread in tropical and temperate coastal waters. We examined the population genetic structure of tropical Southeast Asian populations of P. pungens and compared it with those of northern and southern temperate populations. The secondary structures of the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of 164 strains of P. pungens were modeled and analyzed. The tree revealed three ITS entities: clade I (comprised of P. pungens var. pungens) was distributed mainly in northern temperate waters; clade II (comprised of both P. pungens var. pungens and var. cingulata) was mainly from the NE Pacific; and clade III (comprised of both P. pungens var. pungens and var. aveirensis) was restricted to tropical and warm-temperate waters. Hybrids of both P. pungens var. pungens and var. cingulata co-occurred in clades I and II. Sixty haplotypes were revealed from the sequences of 164 strains. Haplotype diversity inferred from the median-joining network was in accordance with phylogenetic analysis, further supporting the grouping of the P. pungens haplogroups. Our results revealed limited gene flow between P. pungens from tropical and temperate waters, and significant population structure, as estimated by an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), with 75% of the total ITS variation found among populations (ФST = 0.75). This study suggests that distinct environmental clines, such as ocean thermohaline circulation, have a potential for fragmenting and dispersing global populations of P. pungens. Formation of the Isthmus of Panama, in particular, is speculated to play a role in this allopatric differentiation in P. pungens populations worldwide.  相似文献   

Within the Mediterranean complexCarduncellus-Carthamus, taxonomic classification has proven problematic. Numerous attempts to clarify the relative systematic boundaries have included splittingCarduncellus andCarthamus into several genera, but none of these proposed classifications have been generally accepted. For a comprehensive resolution of the relationships within this group, we used sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results indicate that the complex should be classified into four genera:Carduncellus, Carthamus, Femeniasia andPhonus. The relationship between the western group (Carduncellus, Femeniasia andPhonus) and the eastern genusCarthamus are not resolved by analysis of ITS sequences, but the two groups are probably not close relatives. The ITS classifications corresponded with biogeography and less with morphological characters, which have also been the main source of confusion in traditional classifications. Most of the unusual morphological features in theCarduncellus-Carthamus complex appear to be reversals to ancestral character states.  相似文献   

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