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The midbrain and anterior hindbrain offer an ideal system in which to study the coordination of tissue growth and patterning in three dimensions. Two organizers that control anteroposterior (AP) and dorsoventral (DV) development are known, and the regulation of AP patterning by Fgf8 has been studied in detail. Much less is known about the mechanisms that control mid/hindbrain development along the DV axis. Using a conditional mutagenesis approach, we have determined how the ventrally expressed morphogen sonic hedgehog (Shh) directs mid/hindbrain development over time and space through positive regulation of the Gli activators (GliA) and inhibition of the Gli3 repressor (Gli3R). We have discovered that Gli2A-mediated Shh signaling sequentially induces ventral neurons along the medial to lateral axis, and only before midgestation. Unlike in the spinal cord, Shh signaling plays a major role in patterning of dorsal structures (tectum and cerebellum). This function of Shh signaling involves inhibition of Gli3R and continues after midgestation. Gli3R levels also regulate overall growth of the mid/hindbrain region, and this largely involves the suppression of cell death. Furthermore, inhibition of Gli3R by Shh signaling is required to sustain expression of the AP organizer gene Fgf8. Thus, the precise spatial and temporal regulation of Gli2A and Gli3R by Shh is instrumental in coordinating mid/hindbrain development in three dimensions.  相似文献   

The inner ear, which contains sensory organs specialized for hearing and balance, develops from an ectodermal placode that invaginates lateral to hindbrain rhombomeres (r) 5-6 to form the otic vesicle. Under the influence of signals from intra- and extraotic sources, the vesicle is molecularly patterned and undergoes morphogenesis and cell-type differentiation to acquire its distinct functional compartments. We show in mouse that Fgf3, which is expressed in the hindbrain from otic induction through endolymphatic duct outgrowth, and in the prospective neurosensory domain of the otic epithelium as morphogenesis initiates, is required for both auditory and vestibular function. We provide new morphologic data on otic dysmorphogenesis in Fgf3 mutants, which show a range of malformations similar to those of Mafb (Kreisler), Hoxa1 and Gbx2 mutants, the most common phenotype being failure of endolymphatic duct and common crus formation, accompanied by epithelial dilatation and reduced cochlear coiling. The malformations have close parallels with those seen in hearing-impaired patients. The morphologic data, together with an analysis of changes in the molecular patterning of Fgf3 mutant otic vesicles, and comparisons with other mutations affecting otic morphogenesis, allow placement of Fgf3 between hindbrain-expressed Hoxa1 and Mafb, and otic vesicle-expressed Gbx2, in the genetic cascade initiated by WNT signaling that leads to dorsal otic patterning and endolymphatic duct formation. Finally, we show that Fgf3 prevents ventral expansion of r5-6 neurectodermal Wnt3a, serving to focus inductive WNT signals on the dorsal otic vesicle and highlighting a new example of cross-talk between the two signaling systems.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that kreisler mutants display early inner ear defects that are related to abnormal hindbrain development and signaling. These defects in kreisler mice have been linked to mutation of the kr/mafB gene. To investigate potential relevance of kr/mafB and abnormal hindbrain development in inner ear patterning, we analyzed the ear morphogenesis in kreisler mice using a paint-fill technique. We also examined the expression patterns of a battery of genes important for normal inner ear patterning and development. Our results indicate that the loss of dorsal otic structures such as the endolymphatic duct and sac is attributable to the downregulation of Gbx2, Dlx5 and Wnt2b in the dorsal region of the otocyst. In contrast, the expanded expression domain of Otx2 in the ventral otic region likely contributes to the cochlear phenotype seen in kreisler mutants. Sensory organ development is also markedly disrupted in kreisler mutants. This pattern of defects and gene expression changes is remarkably similar to that observed in Gbx2 mutants. Taken together, the data show an important role for hindbrain cues, and indirectly, kr/mafB, in guiding inner ear morphogenesis. The data also identify Gbx2, Dlx5, Wnt2b and Otx2 as key otic genes ultimately affected by perturbation of the kr/mafB-hindbrain pathway.  相似文献   

Considerable data suggest that sonic hedgehog (Shh) is both necessary and sufficient for the specification of ventral pattern throughout the nervous system, including the telencephalon. We show that the regional markers induced by Shh in the E9.0 telencephalon are dependent on the dorsoventral and anteroposterior position of ectopic Shh expression. This suggests that by this point in development regional character in the telencephalon is established. To determine whether this prepattern is dependent on earlier Shh signaling, we examined the telencephalon in mice carrying either Shh- or Gli3-null mutant alleles. This analysis revealed that the expression of a subset of ventral telencephalic markers, including Dlx2 and Gsh2, although greatly diminished, persist in Shh(-/-) mutants, and that these same markers were expanded in Gli3(-/-) mutants. To understand further the genetic interaction between Shh and Gli3, we examined Shh/Gli3 and Smoothened/Gli3 double homozygous mutants. Notably, in animals carrying either of these genetic backgrounds, genes such as Gsh2 and Dlx2, which are expressed pan-ventrally, as well as Nkx2.1, which demarcates the ventral most aspect of the telencephalon, appear to be largely restored to their wild-type patterns of expression. These results suggest that normal patterning in the telencephalon depends on the ventral repression of Gli3 function by Shh and, conversely, on the dorsal repression of Shh signaling by Gli3. In addition these results support the idea that, in addition to hedgehog signaling, a Shh-independent pathways must act during development to pattern the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a critical role during dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the developing neural tube by modulating the expression of neural patterning genes. Overlapping activator functions of Gli2 and Gli3 have been shown to be required for motoneuron development and correct neural patterning in the ventral spinal cord. However, the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral hindbrain development is unclear. In this paper, we have examined DV patterning of the hindbrain of Shh(-/-), Gli2(-/-) and Gli3(-/-) embryos, and found that the respective role of Gli2 and Gli3 is not only different between the hindbrain and spinal cord, but also at distinct rostrocaudal levels of the hindbrain. Remarkably, the anterior hindbrain of Gli2(-/-) embryos displays ventral patterning defects as severe as those observed in Shh(-/-) embryos suggesting that, unlike in the spinal cord and posterior hindbrain, Gli3 cannot compensate for the loss of Gli2 activator function in Shh-dependent ventral patterning of the anterior hindbrain. Loss of Gli3 also results in a distinct patterning defect in the anterior hindbrain, including dorsal expansion of Nkx6.1 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ventral patterning of rhombomere 4 is less affected by loss of Gli2 function revealing a different requirement for Gli proteins in this rhombomere. Taken together, these observations indicate that Gli2 and Gli3 perform rhombomere-specific function during DV patterning of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode adjacent to rhombomeres 4 to 6 of the segmented hindbrain. The placode then transforms into a vesicle and becomes regionalised along its anteroposterior, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. To investigate the role of hindbrain signals in instructing otic vesicle regionalisation, we analysed ear development in zebrafish mutants for vhnf1, a gene expressed in the caudal hindbrain during otic induction and regionalisation. We show that, in vhnf1 homozygous embryos, the patterning of the otic vesicle is affected along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. First, anterior gene expression domains are either expanded along the whole anteroposterior axis of the vesicle or duplicated in the posterior region. Second, the dorsal domain is severely reduced, and cell groups normally located ventrally are shifted dorsally, sometimes forming a single dorsal patch along the whole AP extent of the otic vesicle. Third, and probably as a consequence, the size and organization of the sensory and neurogenic epithelia are disturbed. These results demonstrate that, in zebrafish, signals from the hindbrain control the patterning of the otic vesicle, not only along the anteroposterior axis, but also, as in amniotes, along the dorsoventral axis. They suggest that, despite the evolution of inner ear structure and function, some of the mechanisms underlying the regionalisation of the otic vesicle in fish and amniotes have been conserved.  相似文献   

Components of the Wnt signaling pathway are expressed in the developing inner ear. To explore their role in ear patterning, we used retroviral gene transfer to force the expression of an activated form of beta-catenin that should constitutively activate targets of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. At embryonic day 9 (E9) and beyond, morphological defects were apparent in the otic capsule and the membranous labyrinth, including ectopic and fused sensory patches. Most notably, the basilar papilla, an auditory organ, contained infected sensory patches with a vestibular phenotype. Vestibular identity was based on: (1) stereociliary bundle morphology; (2) spacing of hair cells and supporting cells; (3) the presence of otoliths; (4) immunolabeling indicative of vestibular supporting cells; and (5) expression of Msx1, a marker of certain vestibular sensory organs. Retrovirus-mediated misexpression of Wnt3a also gave rise to ectopic vestibular patches in the cochlear duct. In situ hybridization revealed that genes for three Frizzled receptors, c-Fz1, c-Fz7, and c-Fz10, are expressed in and adjacent to sensory primordia, while Wnt4 is expressed in adjacent, nonsensory regions of the cochlear duct. We hypothesize that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling specifies otic epithelium as macular and helps to define and maintain sensory/nonsensory boundaries in the cochlear duct.  相似文献   

A mature inner ear is a complex structure consisting of vestibular and auditory components. Microsurgical ablations, rotations, and translocations were performed in ovo to identify the tissues that control inner ear morphogenesis. We show that mesenchyme/ectoderm adjacent to the developing ear specifically governs the shape of vestibular components - the semicircular canals and ampullae - by conferring anteroposterior axial information to these structures. In contrast, removal of individual hindbrain rhombomeres adjacent to the developing ear preferentially affects the growth and morphogenesis of the auditory subdivision, the cochlear duct, or basilar papilla. Removal of rhombomere 5 affects cochlear duct growth, while rhombomere 6 removal affects cochlear growth and morphogenesis. Rotating rhombomeres 5 and 6 along the anteroposterior axis also impacts cochlear duct morphogenesis but has little effect on the vestibular components. Our studies indicate that discrete tissues, acting at a distance, control the morphogenesis of distinct elements of the inner ear. These results provide a basis for identifying factors that are essential to vestibular and auditory development in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Development of the mammalian inner ear requires coordination of cell proliferation, cell fate determination and morphogenetic movements. While significant progress has been made in identifying developmental signals required for inner ear formation, less is known about how distinct signals are coordinated by their downstream mediators. Members of the Rac family of small GTPases are known regulators of cytoskeletal remodeling and numerous other cellular processes. However, the function of Rac GTPases in otic development is largely unexplored. Here, we show that Rac1 and Rac3 redundantly regulate many aspects of inner ear morphogenesis. While no morphological defects were observed in Rac3(-/-) mice, Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) double mutants displayed enhanced vestibular and cochlear malformations compared to Rac1(CKO) single mutants. Moreover, in Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutants, we observed compromised E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, reduced cell proliferation and increased cell death in the early developing otocyst, leading to a decreased size and malformation of the membranous labyrinth. Finally, cochlear extension was severely disrupted in Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutants, accompanied by a loss of epithelial cohesion and formation of ectopic sensory patches underneath the cochlear duct. The compartmentalized expression of otic patterning genes within the Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutant otocyst was largely normal, however, indicating that Rac proteins regulate inner ear morphogenesis without affecting cell fate specification. Taken together, our results reveal an essential role for Rac GTPases in coordinating cell adhesion, cell proliferation, cell death and cell movements during otic development.  相似文献   

Six1 controls patterning of the mouse otic vesicle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Six1 is a member of the Six family homeobox genes, which function as components of the Pax-Six-Eya-Dach gene network to control organ development. Six1 is expressed in otic vesicles, nasal epithelia, branchial arches/pouches, nephrogenic cords, somites and a limited set of ganglia. In this study, we established Six1-deficient mice and found that development of the inner ear, nose, thymus, kidney and skeletal muscle was severely affected. Six1-deficient embryos were devoid of inner ear structures, including cochlea and vestibule, while their endolymphatic sac was enlarged. The inner ear anomaly began at around E10.5 and Six1 was expressed in the ventral region of the otic vesicle in the wild-type embryos at this stage. In the otic vesicle of Six1-deficient embryos, expressions of Otx1, Otx2, Lfng and Fgf3, which were expressed ventrally in the wild-type otic vesicles, were abolished, while the expression domains of Dlx5, Hmx3, Dach1 and Dach2, which were expressed dorsally in the wild-type otic vesicles, expanded ventrally. Our results indicate that Six1 functions as a key regulator of otic vesicle patterning at early embryogenesis and controls the expression domains of downstream otic genes responsible for respective inner ear structures. In addition, cell proliferation was reduced and apoptotic cell death was enhanced in the ventral region of the otic vesicle, suggesting the involvement of Six1 in cell proliferation and survival. In spite of the similarity of otic phenotypes of Six1- and Shh-deficient mice, expressions of Six1 and Shh were mutually independent.  相似文献   

Signaling from rhombomeres 5 and 6 of the hindbrain is thought to be important for inner ear patterning. In Noggin −/− embryos, the gross anatomy of the inner ear is distorted and malformed, with cochlear duct outgrowth and coiling most affected. We attributed these defects to a caudal shift of the rhombomeres caused by the shortened body axis and the kink in the neural tube. To test the hypothesis that a caudal shift of the rhombomeres affects inner ear development, we surgically generated chicken embryos in which rhombomeres 5 and 6 were similarly shifted relative to the position of the inner ears, as in Noggin mutants. All chicken embryos with shifted rhombomeres showed defects in cochlear duct formation indicating that signaling from rhombomeres 5 and 6 is important for cochlear duct patterning in both chicken and mice. In addition, the size of the otic capsule is increased in Noggin −/− mutants, which most likely is due to unopposed BMP signaling for chondrogenesis in the peri-otic mesenchyme.  相似文献   

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