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Serum or heparinized plasma samples were obtained between 1994 and 1996 from 20 male and 20 female adult free-ranging Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) from St. Lawrence Island and Round Island, Alaska. Samples were screened for antibodies to some potentially pathogenic bacteria and viruses. No sample had detectable antibody to Brucella spp. Three of 40 (8%) had low antibody titers to Leptospira interrogans serovars. Phocine distemper virus antibodies were not detected. Serologic responses to one or more caliciviruses (San Miguel sea lion virus 12 or vesicular exanthema of swine serotypes E54, F55, G55, 1934B) were detected in 18% (seven of 40) walrus. Antibodies to one or more subtypes of influenza A virus (H10, N2, N3, N5, N6, N7) were detected in 21% (eight of 38). Periodic screening of free-ranging populations for exposure to infectious diseases has become an important component of bio-monitoring programs to facilitate understanding and detecting trends in marine mammal populations.  相似文献   

Arctic marine mammals live in a rapidly changing environment due to the amplified effects of global warming. Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) have responded to declines in Arctic sea-ice extent by increasingly hauling out on land farther from their benthic foraging habitat. Energy models can be useful for better understanding the potential implications of changes in behavior on body condition and reproduction but require behavior-specific metabolic rates. Here we measured the resting metabolic rates (RMR) of three captive, adult female Pacific walruses through breath-by-breath respirometry when fed and fasted resting out of water (sitting and lying down) and while fed resting in water. RMR in and out of water were positively related with pretrial energy intake when not fasted and 25% higher than RMR when walruses were fasted and out of water. Overall, RMR was higher than previously estimated for this species. Fasting RMR out of water was only 25% lower than subsurface swimming metabolic rates suggestive of relatively efficient swimming in adult females. Our results identify the importance of considering feeding status and species-specific differences in affecting metabolic costs. Further research is needed to better understand potential energetic costs of thermoregulation at temperatures experienced by wild walruses.  相似文献   

The influence of climatic conditions on the prevalence and transmission of helminth parasites in a terrestrial mollusc population was studied in a grassland site in southern England between 1974 and 1983. Molluscs were sampled in each September of 5 years over this period (1974, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1983). Climatic conditions had a variable effect on parasite prevalence. Trematode sporocyst infections increased after wet summer and warm winter conditions and declined in hot, dry periods. Cestode infections increased after combined wet spring and summer weather and low winter temperatures, although trematode metacercariae and nematode infections were less likely to be influenced by climate. The effects on parasite transmission were undertaken by comparing parasite prevalences in the principal definitive hosts, the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the same habitat over the period 1973-1983. Changes in parasite prevalences in the molluscan population were rarely replicated by changes in the small mammal population, except for trematode parasites in small mammals during a period of severe drought in 1976. These results suggest that only long-term persistent modifications in climate are likely to affect host-parasite dynamics.  相似文献   

In spring 2006, we conducted a collaborative U.S.–Russia survey to estimate abundance of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). The Bering Sea was partitioned into survey blocks, and a systematic random sample of transects within a subset of the blocks was surveyed with airborne thermal scanners using standard strip‐transect methodology. Counts of walruses in photographed groups were used to model the relation between thermal signatures and the number of walruses in groups, which was used to estimate the number of walruses in groups that were detected by the scanner but not photographed. We also modeled the probability of thermally detecting various‐sized walrus groups to estimate the number of walruses in groups undetected by the scanner. We used data from radio‐tagged walruses to adjust on‐ice estimates to account for walruses in the water during the survey. The estimated area of available habitat averaged 668,000 km2 and the area of surveyed blocks was 318,204 km2. The number of Pacific walruses within the surveyed area was estimated at 129,000 with 95% confidence limits of 55,000–507,000 individuals. Poor weather conditions precluded surveying in other areas; therefore, this value represents the number of Pacific walruses within about half of potential walrus habitat.  相似文献   

On the basis of the predictions of the global climatic warming induced by anthropogenic activities, as provided by climatologists, current state of knowledge regarding possible ecological consequences of the warming on the boreal biome was discussed. A 600 to 700 km northward advance of the biome along with the warming was predicted. Such a shift could take place for half a century or so, which would be an unprecedentedly fast rate of progression. This might cause a serious disorder in species composition of the biome, particularly in the boundary regions. As to the carbon sink or source issues, considerable uncertainties and knowledge gaps existed. Elevated temperature and CO2 levels would stimulate photosynthesis to result in an increase of CO2 uptake, while the temperature increase would promote decomposition of organic matter especially that stored in the soils to release CO2 to the atmosphere. Behaviors of northern peat bogs, whereca. 700 Gt of organic matter was thought to be accumulated, would seriously affect the balance. However, overall ecosystematic carbon balance was yet to be fully studied. It was realized that multifunctional approaches needed to be developed so as to integrate pieces of various information into a holistic picture. Need for international collaboration research efforts was also addressed.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of the barbary partridge (Alectoris barbara) in Tenerife Island (Canary Archipelago) was studied from 2001 to 2002, as there were no records of helminths from this host in the Canary Islands. Seven helminth species were identified: two cestodes Choanotaenia infundibulum and Lyruterina nigropunctata, and five nematodes Aonchotheca caudinflata, Baruscapillaria obsignata, Eucoleus annulatus, Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum. Lyruterina nigropunctata, A. galli and E. annulatus are recorded for first time in A. barbara. An analysis of available data on Alectoris spp. reveals the importance of intermediate hosts such as arthropods and earthworms in the diet of partridges. Terrestrial helminths are dominant species, with monoxenous and heteroxenous species being present in similar numbers in different Alectoris species along their geographical distribution. Helminth species found in Tenerife from A. barbara are poor indicators of the host colonization from North Africa because these helminths are species that are commonly found in fowl with a cosmopolitan distribution.  相似文献   

Meteorological stations located in the lower areas of southern Switzerland have recorded a period with distinct milder winter conditions since 1970 as compared with the first half of the 20th century. The twofold set of climatic parameters, the absolute values and frequency of minimum temperatures as well as the length of the growing season have shifted towards warmer conditions in the last thirty years. In this paper, consequences of the lengthened growing season to 11 months are discussed. The detected climatic change supposedly favours species with evergreen broad-leaved growth form. With the analysis of 170 resurveyed relevés the hypothesis of whether the group of evergreen broad-leaved species have succeeded in profiting from this weakening of climatic constraints was verified. Conspicuous changes have been observed not only in terms of the abundance and frequency of indigenous evergreen broad-leaved species, but also with a number of exotic species sharing equal characteristics and having succeeded in colonizing forest areas and establishing stands in the shrub layer. It is suggested that in areas with a minimum temperature above ?10 °C and sufficient water supply throughout the year, evergreen broad-leaved species become increasingly competitive as soon as the growing season (days without frost) lengthens to about 300–320 days.  相似文献   

Members of the freshwater stingray family Potamotrygonidae occur throughout the major river systems of eastern South America that empty into the Atlantic Ocean. Ichthyologists have tended to assume that the ancestor of the potamotrygonids was an Atlantic marine or euryhaline stingray that dispersed into freshwater, presumably during the last marine ingression 3-5 million years ago. The helminth parasites that inhabit potamotrygonids suggest an alternative perspective on their origin. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the helminths inhabiting potamotrygonids suggest that the hosts are derived from an ancestral Pacific urolophid stingray that was trapped in freshwater by the uplifting of the Andes beginning perhaps as early as the early Cretaceous period and ending by the mid-Miocene epoch, changing the course of the Amazon River, which previously had flowed into the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A high abundance of resting cysts of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense was recently reported in the vast continental shelf of the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean, suggesting that the species is widespread in the shelf. Nevertheless, little is known about the occurrence of A. tamarense vegetative cells in the water column of the arctic. Sea ice reduction and the inflow of Pacific summer water (PSW) through the Bering Strait have recently increased owing to warming in the shelf. To determine the spatial and temporal distributions of A. tamarense in the Chukchi Sea shelf and their relationship to the inflow of PSW, field samplings were conducted in the Chukchi Sea and north Bering Sea shelves three times during the summer of 2013 from July to October. Vegetative cells of A. tamarense was detected in both shelves at all sampling periods with a maximum density of 3.55 × 103 cells L−1. This species was also observed at the station at 73°N, indicating the northernmost record of this species to date. The center of the A. tamarense distribution was between the north Bering and south Chukchi Sea shelf during the first collection period, and spread to the north Chukchi Sea shelf during the second and third collection periods. The species occurrences were mainly observed at stations affected by the PSW, especially Bering shelf water. Water structure of PSW was characterized by warmer surface and bottom water temperatures, and increased temperatures may have promoted the cell growth and cyst germination of A. tamarense. Therefore, it is suggested that an increase in the PSW inflow owing to warming promotes toxic A. tamarense occurrences on the Chukchi Sea shelf.  相似文献   

The oral cavity and teeth were examined in Pacific walrus calves of the year that died or were harvested on Cape Vancarem and Koluchin Island, the Chukchi Sea, in September to October 2010. The order of gingival eruption of teeth, the resultant dental formula in calves of the year and 1.5-year-old animals, and the dental formula after alveolar eruption of teeth were determined. The number of teeth after gingival eruption in calves of the year did not depend on their body length and sex. The loss of some teeth, mainly incisors, was recorded in individuals aged 5?C6 months. Already at early developmental stages, functional teeth were found to differ significantly from other (rudimentary) teeth in their weight, total size, and the size of apical foramen. Some individuals had milk teeth, which were either gingivally erupted or partly remained within soft tissues. Cases of aberration in dentition that require additional studies were recorded.  相似文献   

The climatic impact on tree radial growth resulting from an atmospheric CO2 doubling was studied for 24 populations of five tree species in the French Alps and the French Mediterranean area. The Arpege AGCM, which predicts a 3 degrees C increase in mean temperature and a light increase of precipitation, is used to estimate the climatic perturbation. The method is based on the integration of estimated climate in an empirical tree-ring to climate model, involving artificial neural networks. Only a few populations are sensitive to the climatic change; all are located on the boundaries of their ecological area and can be divided in two groups. The first one is composed of high altitude populations which show a growth increase induced by the warmer climate during the growing season. The second one, composed of a single Mediterranean Scots pine population, reacts with a severe growth reduction induced by the stronger water stress in summer.  相似文献   

Host specificity plays an essential role in shaping the evolutionary history of host-parasite associations. In this study, an index of host specificity recently proposed was used to test, quantitatively, the hypothesis that some groups of parasites are characteristics of some host fish families along their distribution range. A database with all published records on the helminth parasites of freshwater siluriforms of Mexico was used. The host specificity index was used considering its advantage to measure the taxonomic heterogeneity of the host assemblages and its appropriateness for unequal sampling data. The helminth parasite fauna of freshwater siluriforms in Mexico seems to be specific for different host taxonomic categories. However, a relatively high number of species (47% of the total helminth fauna) is specific to their respective host family. This result provides further corroboration for the biogeographic hypothesis of the core helminth fauna proposed previously. The statistical values for host specificity obtained herein seem to be independent of host range. However, the accurate taxonomic identification of the parasites is fundamental for the evaluation of host specificity and the accurate evolutionary interpretation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The potential of reef‐building corals to adapt to increasing sea‐surface temperatures is often debated but has rarely been comprehensively modeled on a region‐wide scale. We used individual‐based simulations to model adaptation to warming in a coral metapopulation comprising 680 reefs and representing the whole of the Central Indo‐West Pacific. Encouragingly, some reefs—most notably Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, New Caledonia and the southern half of the Great Barrier Reef—exhibited high capacity for adaptation and, in our model, maintained coral cover even under a rapid “business‐as‐usual” warming scenario throughout the modeled period (200 years). Higher resilience of these reefs was observed under all tested parameter settings except the models prohibiting selection and/or migration during warming. At the same time, the majority of reefs in the region tended to collapse within the first 100 years of warming. The adaptive potential (odds of maintaining high coral cover) of a given reef could be predicted based on two metrics: the reef's present‐day temperature, and the proportion of recruits immigrating from warmer locations. The latter metric explains the most variation in adaptive potential, and significantly correlates with actual coral cover changes observed throughout the region between the 1970s and the early 2000s. These findings will help prioritize coral conservation efforts and plan assisted gene flow interventions to boost the adaptive potential of specific coral populations.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸组分对气候变暖的响应研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马志良  赵文强  刘美  朱攀  刘庆 《应用生态学报》2018,29(10):3477-3486
气候变暖正在深刻地改变全球碳循环过程.土壤呼吸作为全球碳循环的重要环节,连接着植物-土壤-微生物之间的碳转移过程.土壤呼吸可分为异养呼吸和根源呼吸(根系呼吸和根际微生物呼吸)等组分.土壤呼吸各组分的发生部位与利用的有机碳源不同,其对气候变暖的响应可能存在显著差异.然而,目前的研究还不能完全实现土壤呼吸各组分的精确区分和量化,气候变暖对土壤呼吸各组分的影响及其具体机制仍存在很多悬而未决的问题,这极大地限制了人们对土壤碳循环评估的精确性以及对气候变暖背景下陆地生态系统碳收支格局变化的认识.本文系统综述了目前国内外土壤呼吸组分区分技术,分析了土壤呼吸组分区分的研究结果,并论述了土壤呼吸各组分对气候变暖的响应研究进展.提出仍需发展新的土壤呼吸组分区分技术或者改进和创新现有技术,未来的研究重点应放在精确区分野外条件下根源呼吸组分,同时开展土壤呼吸组分对多种环境因子变化的响应研究,以期更全面地认识土壤碳循环过程以及全球变化背景下陆地生态系统碳收支的变化趋势.  相似文献   

Extensive and rapid losses of sea ice in the Arctic have raised conservation concerns for the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens), a large pinniped inhabiting arctic and subarctic continental shelf waters of the Chukchi and Bering seas. We developed a Bayesian network model to integrate potential effects of changing environmental conditions and anthropogenic stressors on the future status of the Pacific walrus population at four periods through the twenty-first century. The model framework allowed for inclusion of various sources and levels of knowledge, and representation of structural and parameter uncertainties. Walrus outcome probabilities through the century reflected a clear trend of worsening conditions for the subspecies. From the current observation period to the end of century, the greatest change in walrus outcome probabilities was a progressive decrease in the outcome state of robust and a concomitant increase in the outcome state of vulnerable. The probabilities of rare and extirpated states each progressively increased but remained <10% through the end of the century. The summed probabilities of vulnerable, rare, and extirpated (P(v,r,e)) increased from a current level of 10% in 2004 to 22% by 2050 and 40% by 2095. The degree of uncertainty in walrus outcomes increased monotonically over future periods. In the model, sea ice habitat (particularly for summer/fall) and harvest levels had the greatest influence on future population outcomes. Other potential stressors had much smaller influences on walrus outcomes, mostly because of uncertainty in their future states and our current poor understanding of their mechanistic influence on walrus abundance.  相似文献   

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