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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) form a large superfamily of membrane proteins that play an essential role in modulating many vital physiological events, such as cell communication, neurotransmission, sensory perception, and chemotaxis. Understanding of the 3D (dimensional) structures of these receptors and their binding interactions with G proteins will help in the design of drugs for the treatment of GPCR-related diseases. By means of the approach of structural bioinformatics, the 3D structures of human alpha-13 subunit of guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G alpha 13) and human thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor were developed. The former plays an important role in the control of cell growth that may serve as a prototypical G protein; the latter is a target for nitric oxide-mediated desensitization that may serve as a prototypical GPCR. On the basis of the 3D models, their coupling interactions were investigated via docking studies. It has been found that the two proteins are coupled with each other mainly through the interaction between the minigene of G alpha 13 and the 3rd intracellular loop of the TXA2 receptor, consistent with the existing deduction in the literatures. However, it has also been observed via a close view that some residues of the TXA2 receptor that are sequentially far away but spatially quite close to the loop region are also involved in forming hydrogen bonds with the minigene of G alpha 13. These findings may provide useful information for conducting mutagenesis and reveal the molecular mechanism how the human TXA2 receptor interact with G alpha 13 to activate intracellular signaling. The findings may also provide useful insights for stimulating new therapeutic approaches by manipulating the interaction of the receptor with the relevant G proteins.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that ligand or immunoaffinity chromatography can be used to purify the human platelet thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor-Galphaq complex. The same principle of co-elution was used to identify another G-protein associated with platelet TXA2 receptors. It was found that in addition to Galphaq, purification of TXA2 receptors by ligand (SQ31,491)-affinity chromatography resulted in the co-purification of a member of the G12 family. Using an antipeptide antibody specific for the human G13 alpha-subunit, this G-protein was identified as Galpha13. In separate experiments, it was found that the TXA2 receptor agonist U46619 stimulated [35S]guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) incorporation into G13 alpha-subunit. Further evidence for functional coupling of G13 to TXA2 receptors was provided in studies where solubilized platelet membranes were subjected to immunoaffinity chromatography using an antibody raised against native TXA2 receptor protein. It was found that U46619 induced a significant decrease in Galphaq and Galpha13 association with the receptor protein. These results indicate that both Galphaq and Galpha13 are functionally coupled to TXA2 receptors and dissociate upon agonist activation. Furthermore, this agonist effect was specifically blocked by pretreatment with the TXA2 receptor antagonist, BM13.505. Taken collectively, these data provide direct evidence that endogenous Galpha13 is a TXA2 receptor-coupled G-protein, as: 1) its alpha-subunit can be co-purified with the receptor protein using both ligand and immunoaffinity chromatography, 2) TXA2 receptor activation stimulates GTPgammaS binding to Galpha13, and 3) Galpha13 affinity for the TXA2 receptor can be modulated by agonist-receptor activation.  相似文献   

A2ARs (adenosine A2A receptors) are highly enriched in the striatum, which is the main motor control CNS (central nervous system) area. BRET (bioluminescence resonance energy transfer) assays showed that A2AR homomers may act as cell-surface ADA (adenosine deaminase; EC proteins. ADA binding affected the quaternary structure of A2ARs present on the cell surface. ADA binding to adenosine A2ARs increased both agonist and antagonist affinity on ligand binding to striatal membranes where these proteins are co-expressed. ADA also increased receptor-mediated ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2) phosphorylation. Collectively, the results of the present study show that ADA, apart from regulating the concentration of extracellular adenosine, may behave as an allosteric modulator that markedly enhances ligand affinity and receptor function. This powerful regulation may have implications for the physiology and pharmacology of neuronal A2ARs.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that cAMP inhibits platelet activation induced by all agonists, the thromboxane A(2) signal transduction pathway was found to be particularly sensitive to such inhibition. Therefore, we examined whether cAMP-dependent kinase mediates phosphorylation of the thromboxane A(2) receptor-G-protein complex. It was found that cAMP induces protein kinase A-dependent [gamma-(32)P]ATP labeling of solubilized membrane proteins in the region of Galpha subunits, i.e. 38-45 kDa. Moreover, ligand affinity chromatography purification of thromboxane A(2) receptor-G-protein complexes from these membranes revealed that 38-45-kDa phosphoproteins co-purify with thromboxane A(2) receptors. Immunoprecipitation of the affinity column eluate with a Galpha(13) antibody demonstrated that 8-Br-cAMP increased phosphorylation of thromboxane A(2) receptor-associated Galpha(13) by 87 +/- 27%. In separate experiments, immunopurification of Galpha(13) on microtiter wells coated with a different Galpha(13) antibody revealed that 8-Br-cAMP increased Galpha(13) phosphorylation by 53 +/- 19%. Finally, treatment of (32)P-labeled whole platelets with prostacyclin resulted in a 90 +/- 14% increase in phosphorylated Galpha(13) that was abolished by pretreatment with the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL-12. These results provide the first evidence that protein kinase A mediates phosphorylation of Galpha(13) both in vitro and in vivo and provides a basis for the preferential inhibition of thromboxane A(2)-mediated signaling in platelets by cAMP.  相似文献   

To overcome the difficulty of characterizing the structures of the extracellular loops (eLPs) of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) other than rhodopsin, we have explored a strategy to generate a three-dimensional structural model for a GPCR, the thromboxane A(2) receptor. This three-dimensional structure was completed by the assembly of the NMR structures of the computation-guided constrained peptides that mimicked the extracellular loops and connected to the conserved seven transmembrane domains. The NMR structure-based model reveals the structural features of the eLPs, in which the second extracellular loop (eLP(2)) and the disulfide bond between the first extracellular loop (eLP(1)) and eLP(2) play a major role in forming the ligand recognition pocket. The eLP(2) conformation is dynamic and regulated by the oxidation and reduction of the disulfide bond, which affects ligand docking in the initial recognition. The reduced form of the thromboxane A(2) receptor experienced a decrease in ligand binding activity due to the rearrangement of the eLP(2) conformation. The ligand-bound receptor was, however, resistant to the reduction inactivation because the ligand covered the disulfide bond and stabilized the eLP(2) conformation. This molecular mechanism of ligand recognition is the first that may be applied to other prostanoid receptors and other GPCRs.  相似文献   

Thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)) is a potent mediator of inflammation, vasoconstriction and oxidative stress. The TXA(2) receptor (TP) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is expressed as two alternatively spliced isoforms, alpha (343 residues) and beta (407 residues) that share the first 328 residues. For many years GPCRs were assumed to exist and function as monomeric species, but increasing evidence suggests that a dimer is the minimal functional unit of GPCRs. In the present report, using co-immunoprecipitation of differentially tagged TP expressed in HEK293 cells, we demonstrate that TPalpha and TPbeta form homo- and hetero-oligomers. Immunoblotting of lysates from human platelets with an anti-TP specific antibody revealed the presence of endogenously expressed TP oligomers. We show that TP oligomerization is an agonist-independent process highly affected by the reducing agent dithiothreitol suggesting the involvement of disulfide bonds in TP oligomerization. Over-expression of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and arrestins did not modulate the extent of receptor dimerization/oligomerization. Co-expression of two TP signaling-deficient mutants, R60L and E2402R, resulted in rescuing of receptor signal transduction suggesting that dimers/oligomers constitute the functional units of this receptor. Interestingly, TPalpha which does not undergo constitutive or agonist-induced endocytosis on its own was subjected to both types of endocytosis when co-expressed with TPbeta, indicating that TPalpha can display intracellular trafficking when complexed through hetero-oligomerization with TPbeta.  相似文献   

In the present study we characterized the interaction between the thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 antagonist, trans-13-azaprostanoic acid (13-APA), and isolated human platelet membranes. In these studies, we developed a binding assay using trans [3H] 13-APA as the ligand. It was found that trans [3H] 13-APA specific binding was rapid, reversible, saturable and temperature dependent. Scatchard analysis of the binding data yielded a curvilinear plot which indicated the existence of two classes of binding sites: a high-affinity binding site with an estimated dissociation constant (Kd) of 100 nM; and a low-affinity binding site with an estimated Kd of 3.5 microM. At saturation, approximately 1 pmol/mg protein of [3H] 13-APA was bound to the high affinity site. In order to further characterize the nature of the [3H] 13-APA binding site, we evaluated competitive binding by cis 13-APA, cis 15-APA, prostaglandin F2 alpha, U46619, 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha and thromboxane B2. It was found that the [3H] 13-APA binding site was stereospecific and structurally specific. Thus, the cis isomer of 13-APA exhibited substantially reduced affinity for binding. Furthermore, the prostaglandin derivatives, thromboxane B2 and 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha, which do not possess biological activity, also did not compete for [3H] 13-APA binding. On the other hand, U46619 which acts as a thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 mimetic, and prostaglandin F2 alpha which acts as a thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 antagonist, both effectively competed for [3H] 13-APA binding. These findings indicate that trans 13-APA binds to a specific site on the platelet membrane which presumably represents the thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor.  相似文献   

For decades, the binding of prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) to multiple target proteins of unrelated protein structures which mediate diverse biological functions has remained a real mystery in the field of eicosanoid biology. Here, we report that the structure of a PGH2 mimic, U46619, bound to the purified human TP, was determined and compared with that of its conformation bound to the COX-downstream synthases, prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) and thromboxane A2 synthase (TXAS). Active human TP protein, glycosylated and in full length, was expressed in Sf-9 cells using a baculovirus (BV) expression system and then purified to near homogeneity. The binding of U46619 to the purified receptor in a nonionic detergent-mimicked lipid environment was characterized by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. The conformational change of U46619, upon binding to the active TP, was evidenced by the significant perturbation of the chemical shifts of its protons at H3 and H4 in a concentration-dependent manner. The detailed conformational changes and 3D structure of U46619 from the free form to the TP-bound form were further solved by 2D 1H NMR experiments using a transferred NOE (trNOE) technique. The distances between the protons of H11 and H18, H11 and H19, H15 and H18, and H15 and H19 in U46619 were shorter following their binding to the TP in solution, down to within 5 Å, which were different than that of the U46619 bound to PGIS and U44069 (another PGH2 mimic) bound to TXAS. These shorter distances led to further separation of the U46619 α and ω chains, forming a unique “rectangular” shape. This enabled the molecule to fit into the ligand-binding site pocket of a TP model, in which homology modeling was used for the transmembrane (TM) domain, and NMR structures were used for the extramembrane loops. The proton perturbations and 3D conformations in the TP-bound U46619 were different with that of the PGH2 mimics bound to PGIS and TXAS. The studies indicated that PGH2 can adopt multiple conformations in solution to satisfy the specific and unique shapes to fit the different binding pockets in the TP receptor and COX-downstream enzymes. The results also provided sufficient information for speculating the molecular basis of how PGH2 binds to multiple target proteins even though unrelated in their protein sequences.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in pH on the binding of agonists and antagonists to the human platelet thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 (TXA2/PGH2) receptor were determined. Competition binding studies were performed with the TXA2/PGH2 mimetic [1S-1 alpha,2 beta (5Z), 3 alpha(1E,3R*),4 alpha)]-7-[3-(3-hydroxy-4'-iodophenoxy)-1-buteny) 7-oxabicyclo-[2.2.1]-heptan-2-yl]-5-heptenoic acid ([125I]BOP). The pH optimum for binding of [125I] BOP to washed human platelets was broad with a range of pH 4-6 in contrast to that of the TXA2/PGH2 receptor antagonist 9,11-dimethyl-methano-11,12-methano-16-(3-iodo-4-hydroxyl)-13-aza-15 alpha,beta-omega-tetranorthromboxane A2 ([125I]PTA-OH) which was 7.4. Scatchard analysis of [125I]BOP binding in washed platelets at pH 7.4, 6.0, and 5.0 revealed an increase in affinity (Kd = 1.16 +/- 0.06, 0.64 +/- 0.09, and 0.48 +/- 0.05 nM, respectively) and an increase in the number of receptors (Bmax = 2807 +/- 415, 5397 +/- 636, and 7265 +/- 753 sites/platelet, respectively). The potency of I-BOP to induce shape change in washed platelets at pH 6.0 was also significantly increased from an EC50 value of 0.34 +/- 0.016 nM at pH 7.4 to 0.174 +/- 0.014 nM at pH 6.0 (n = 6, p less than 0.05). In contrast, the EC50 value for thrombin was unaffected by the change in pH. In competition binding studies with [125I]BOP, the affinity of the agonists U46619 and ONO11113 were increased at pH 6.0 compared to 7.4. In contrast, the affinity of the TXA2/PGH2 receptor antagonists I-PTA-OH, SQ29548, and L657925 were either decreased or unchanged at pH 6.0 compared to 7.4. Diethyl pyrocarbonate and N-bromosuccinimide, reagents used to modify histidine residues, reversed the increase in affinity of [125I]BOP at pH 6.0 to values equivalent to those at pH 7.4. In solubilized platelet membranes, the effects of NBS were blocked by coincubation with the TXA2/PGH2 mimetic U46619. The results suggest that agonist and antagonist binding characteristics are different for the TXA2/PGH2 receptor and that histidine residue(s) may play an important role in the binding of TXA2/PGH2 ligands to the receptor.  相似文献   

Agmon N 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):1537-1543
Protein relaxation, ligand binding, and ligand migration into a hydrophobic cavity in myoglobin are unified by a bounded diffusion model which produces an accurate fit to complex ligand rebinding data over eight decades in time and a 160 K temperature range, in qualitative agreement with time-resolved x-ray crystallography. Protein relaxation operates in a cyclic manner to move the ligand away from the binding site.  相似文献   

The second extracellular loop (eLP2) of the thromboxane A(2) receptor (TP) had been proposed to be involved in ligand binding. Through two-dimensional (1)H NMR experiments, the overall three-dimensional structure of a constrained synthetic peptide mimicking the eLP2 had been determined by our group (Ruan, K.-H., So, S.-P., Wu, J., Li, D., Huang, A., and Kung, J. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 275-280). To further identify the residues involved in ligand binding, a TP receptor antagonist, SQ29,548 was used to interact with the synthetic peptide. High resolution two-dimensional (1)H NMR experiments, NOESY, and TOCSY were performed for the peptide, SQ29,548, and peptide with SQ29,548, respectively. Through completed (1)H NMR assignment and by comparing the different spectra, extra peaks were observed on the NOESY spectrum of the peptide with SQ29,548, which implied the contacts between residues of eLP2 at Val(176), Leu(185), Thr(186), and Leu(187) with SQ29,548 at position H2, H7, and H8. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to confirm the possible ligand-binding sites on native human TP receptor. Each of the four residues was mutated to the residues either in the same group, with different structure or different charged. The mutated receptors were then tested for their ligand binding activity. The receptor with V176L mutant retained binding activity to SQ29,548. All other mutations resulted in decreased or lost binding activity to SQ29,548. These mutagenesis results supported the prediction from NMR experiments in which Val(176), Leu(185), Thr(186), and Leu(187) are the possible residues involved in ligand binding. This information facilitates the understanding of the molecular mechanism of thromboxane A(2) binding to the important receptor and its signal transduction.  相似文献   

The interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of at least three cell surface subunits, IL-2R alpha, IL-2R beta, and IL-2R gamma c. On activated T-cells, the alpha- and beta-subunits exist as a preformed heterodimer that simultaneously captures the IL-2 ligand as the initial event in formation of the signaling complex. We used BIAcore to compare the binding of IL-2 to biosensor surfaces containing either the alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit, or both subunits together. The receptor ectodomains were immobilized in an oriented fashion on the dextran matrix through unique solvent-exposed thiols. Equilibrium analysis of the binding data established IL-2 dissociation constants for the individual alpha- and beta-subunits of 37 and 480 nM, respectively. Surfaces with both subunits immobilized, however, contained a receptor site of much higher affinity, suggesting the ligand was bound in a ternary complex with the alpha- and beta-subunits, similar to that reported for the pseudo-high-affinity receptor on cells. Because the binding responses had the additional complexity of being mass transport limited, obtaining accurate estimates for the kinetic rate constants required global fitting of the data sets from multiple surface densities of the receptors. A detailed kinetic analysis indicated that the higher-affinity binding sites detected on surfaces containing both alpha- and beta-subunits resulted from capture of IL-2 by a preformed complex of these subunits. Therefore, the biosensor analysis closely mimicked the recognition properties reported for these subunits on the cell surface, providing a convenient and powerful tool to assess the structure-function relationships of this and other multiple subunit receptor systems.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) G12 and G13 have been shown to activate the small GTPase Rho. Rho stimulation leads to a rapid remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and subsequent stress fiber formation. We investigated the involvement of G12 or G13 in stress fiber formation induced through a variety of Gq/G11-coupled receptors. Using fibroblast cell lines derived from wild-type and Galphaq/Galpha11-deficient mice, we show that agonist-dependent activation of the endogenous receptors for thrombin or lysophosphatidic acid and of the heterologously expressed bradykinin B2, vasopressin V1A, endothelin ETA, and serotonin 5-HT2C receptors induced stress fiber formation in either the presence or absence of Galphaq/Galpha11. Stress fiber assembly induced through the muscarinic M1 and the metabotropic glutamate subtype 1alpha receptors was dependent on Gq/G11 proteins. The activation of the Gq/G11-coupled endothelin ETB and angiotensin AT1A receptors failed to induce stress fiber formation. Lysophosphatidic acid, B2, and 5-HT2C receptor-mediated stress fiber formation was dependent on Galpha13 and involved epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors, whereas thrombin, ETA, and V1A receptors induced stress fiber accumulation via Galpha12 in an EGF receptor-independent manner. Our data demonstrate that many Gq/G11-coupled receptors induce stress fiber assembly in the absence of Galphaq and Galpha11 and that this involves either a Galpha12 or a Galpha13/EGF receptor-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

Specific cell surface receptors for plasminogen (Pg) are expressed by a wide variety of cell types. The colocalization of receptors for Pg and its activators restricts plasmin (Pm) activity to specific sites and serves to promote fibrinolysis and local Pg activation. These studies show that both Pg and Pm bind to cellular receptors on monocytoid U937 cells. Limited Pm pretreatment of the cells enhances total Pg binding and alters the kinetics of Pm binding. Furthermore, surface-bound Pg is converted to Pm in the absence of exogenous activators. Cell-bound Pm exhibits a 12-fold increase in catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) relative to Pm free in solution. These studies demonstrate that Pg/Pm receptor occupancy can be regulated by Pm in the microenvironment and may play a significant regulatory role in fibrinolysis and extravascular proteolysis.  相似文献   

We describe a method for quantitatively determining the alpha- adrenergic receptor subtypes in membrane fractions by studying the displacement of [3H] dihydroergocryptine by selective alpha antagonists and analyzing this data by a computer modeling technique. Alpha1 receptors are those with a higher affinity for prazosin than for yohimbine; alpha2 receptors have a higher affinity for yohimbine than for prazosin. Phentolamine does not discriminate between the two receptor subtypes present in rabbit uterus. The alpha receptor population of rabbit uterus was found to be 37% alpha1 receptors and 63% alpha2 receptors. The human platelet and rat liver alpha receptors were determined to be exclusively alpha2 and alpha1, respectively. In the uterus, prazosin had a 8800 fold greater affinity for alpha1 than alpha2 receptors while yohimbine had a 510 fold greater affinity for alpha2 than alpha1 receptors. The use of [3H] dihydroergocryptine displacement curves generated with selective alpha receptor antagonists coupled with subsequent computer modeling provides a precise and powerful method for quantifying the alpha receptor population of a tissue; this technique should be of value in studying the detailed regulation of alpha receptors in tissues which have both alpha1 and alpha2 receptors.  相似文献   



Cellular response to changes in the concentration of different chemical species in the extracellular medium is induced by ligand binding to dedicated transmembrane receptors. Receptor density, distribution, and clustering may be key spatial features that influence effective and proper physical and biochemical cellular responses to many regulatory signals. Classical equations describing this kind of binding kinetics assume the distributions of interacting species to be homogeneous, neglecting by doing so the impact of clustering. As there is experimental evidence that receptors tend to group in clusters inside membrane domains, we investigated the effects of receptor clustering on cellular receptor ligand binding.  相似文献   

The effective design of affinity ultrafiltration processes using a selective macroligand requires a detailed understanding of the effects of ligand-binding interactions on product yield and purification. Theoretical calculations were performed to evaluate the performance of affinity diafiltration separations with both competitive and independent binding interactions for the product and impurity. The intrinsic selectivity for independent binding decreased during the diafiltration due to the increase in fractional impurity binding as the impurity is selectively removed. The opposite behavior was seen for competitive binding because the strongly bound product displaces the impurity from the binding sites. Purification-yield diagrams were used to examine the effects of affinity-ligand concentration and binding constants on the separation. Model calculations were in excellent agreement with experimental data for the separation of tryptophan isomers using bovine serum albumin as the steroselective macroligand. Simulations with a fixed number of diavolumes show a clear optimum in product yield and purification factor at an intermediate ligand concentration due to the competing effects of the intrinsic selectivity and the rate of impurity removal. These results provide an appropriate framework for the design and optimization of affinity ultrafiltration systems.  相似文献   

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