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We have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library using high-molecular-weight DNA prepared from agarose-embedded leaf protoplasts of the maize inbred line UE95. This library contains 79 000 clones with an average insert size of 145 kb and should therefore represent approximately three haploid genome equivalents. The library is organised as an ordered array in duplicate microtitre plates. Forty-one pools of DNA from 1920 individual clones have been prepared for rapid screening of the library by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using this approach, together with conventional colony hybridisation, we have been able to identify between one and eight positive clones for every probe used.  相似文献   

Construction of a bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have constructed a bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library to provide a common resource for bovine genome research. We used leukocytes of a Japanese black bull ( Bos taurus ) as the DNA source, AB1380 for the yeast host, and pYAC4 for the vector. The library consists of 24 576 clones arranged in 256 96-well microtiter plates. An average insert size estimated from the analysis of 251 randomly selected clones was 480 kb. The rate of chimeric YACs evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of 44 randomly selected clones was 36·4%. To estimate the number of genome equivalents, PCR-based screening was performed with 48 primer pairs and isolated 3·2 clones on average. In order to provide broad access for the scientific community, this library has been incorporated into the Reference Library system which provides high density filters for colony hybridization screening and a common database of the library.  相似文献   

【目的】稻曲病(Rice false smut)是由稻曲病菌[Villosiclava virens (Cooke) Tak.]引起的严重危害水稻的真菌病害。构建稻曲病菌UV-2的大片段DNA细菌人工染色体(Bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC)文库, 为致病相关基因的鉴定及在图位克隆、比较基因组学等方面的研究奠定基础。【方法】以幼嫩菌丝为材料制备大分子基因组DNA包埋块, 用Hind III部分酶解后经脉冲凝胶电泳筛选, 回收大片段DNA并与pIndigoBAC536-S 载体连接, 连接产物转化大肠杆菌菌株DH10B T1 Phage-Resistant 细胞后进行蓝白斑筛选, 白色菌落捡入384孔板置于?80 °C低温保存。【结果】成功构建UV-2菌株的高质量、高覆盖度的BAC文库, 该文库共含10 368个克隆, 平均插入片段为124.4 kb, 空载率小于1%, 约覆盖该菌基因组的36.8倍。【结论】克服了真菌大分子基因组DNA制备难控制的技术难题, 建立了首个稻曲病菌的BAC文库。该文库已作为一种公共基因组资源向研究者开放(http://GResource.hzau.edu.cn)。  相似文献   

A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) genomic library of Beta vulgaris was constructed in the pYAC4 vector. High-molecular-weight DNA was prepared from agarose-embedded leaf protoplasts from a triploid cultivar. The library was found to contain 33,500 clones in an ordered array of microtiter plates. Mean size of the inserts was estimated to be 135 kb, and the library should therefore represent the equivalent of five haploid genomes. The library was characterised for the presence of highly repetitive, chloroplast and single-copy sequences. In order to isolate single-copy sequences, 18 pools of DNA, each from 1920 individual YAC clones, were prepared for rapid screening of the library by the polymerase chain reaction. The results of these screenings showed that the number of isolated clones was at or near the frequency expected.  相似文献   

A library of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) was constructed from a human/hamster somatic cell hybrid containing human chromosome 21 (q11-qter). Cells were embedded in agarose, and the DNA was partially digested with EcoRI, released into solution by agarase treatment of the agarose plugs, ligated into pYAC4, and transferred into yeast. Double screening of the yeast transformants with human and hamster genomic DNA allowed the selection of clones hybridizing only with human DNA. The library consists of 321 clones, amounting to 1.5 equivalents (61 Mb) of chromosome 21. The mean YAC size calculated from 178 clones is 190 +/- 100 kb. Screening of the library with eight sequence-tagged sites gave six positives. Among 21 YACs tested by in situ hybridization, 17 mapped to chromosome 21.  相似文献   

We report the construction of a YAC library that provides 10-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome. The library was made by transforming S. cerevisiae AB1380 with YAC constructs consisting of partially digested and size fractionated (>465 kb) EcoRI genomic fragments ligated to pCGS966 YAC vector arms. The primary library provides 8.5-fold redundant coverage and consists of 16,000 clones arrayed in duplicate 96-well microtiter plates and gridded on nylon membranes at high density (18,000 clones/484cm2). The average insert size, 634 kb, was derived from size fractionation of a random sample of 218 YACs. Hybridization of five unlinked chicken genes to colony blots revealed six or more positive clones. This is consistent with the theoretical expectation from average insert sizes and number of clones. A second collection of clones consists of a further 20,000 colonies, of which 20% contain inserts larger than 450 kb and 80% contain only coligated vector arms. We estimate that these clones provide a further 1.5-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome; thus, the total collection of 36,000 clones provides 10-fold redundant coverage of the chicken genome. The library is intended as a resource for fine-scale analysis of the organization of the chicken genome and is presently being used to construct a contig map of chicken Chromosome (Chr) 16, which contains the MHC and nucleolar organizer. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1996  相似文献   

We have constructed a full BAC library for the superior early indica variety of Oryza sativa,Guang Lu Ai 4.The MAX Efficiency DH10B with increased stability of inserts was used as BAC host cells.The potent pBelo BACII with double selection markers was used as cloning vector.The cloning efficiency we have reached was as high as 98%,and the transformation efficiency was raised up to 10^6 transformants/μg of large fragment DNA.The BAC recombinant transformants were picked at random and analyzed for the size of inserts,which turned out to be of 120 kb in length on average.We have obtained more than 20,000 such BAC clones.According to conventional probability equation,they covered the entire rice genome of 420,000 kb in length.The entire length of inserts of the library obtained has the 5-to 6-fold coverage of the genome.To our knowledge,this is the first reported full BAC library for a complex genome.  相似文献   

We report a protocol for cloning large DNA fragments in yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC). A partial library has been constructed from a somatic hybrid containing chromosome 21 as the single source of human DNA. About 4.0 Mb of human DNA was recovered in 17 YAC clones. Three clones were analyzed by in situ hybridization and mapped on chromosome 21. One clone hybridized with the chromosome 21 centromeric region and may provide new insight both on the molecular structure of centromere and on the localization of Alzheimer disease gene.  相似文献   

A porcine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library consisting of 103,488 clones has been constructed. The average insert size in the BAC vector was calculated to be 133 kb based on the examination of 189 randomly selected clones, indicating that the library contained 4.4 genome equivalents. The library can be screened by two-step PCR. The first screening step is performed on 22 superpools, each containing 4704 clones (49 x 96 well plates). In the second screening step, 49 plates comprising a superpool are arrayed in a 7 x 7 matrix and 4D-PCR is performed. Screening of the library superpools by PCR for 125 marker sequences selected from different regions of swine genome revealed 123 sequences, indicating that the library is not biased. Subsequent screenings (4D-PCR) were successfully applied for identification of clones containing each marker sequence. This porcine BAC library and the PCR screening system are useful for isolation of genomic DNA fragments containing desired sequences.  相似文献   

The oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans is the causal agent of late blight, one of the most devastating diseases of potato worldwide. As part of efforts to clone avirulence (Avr) genes and pathogenicity factors from P. infestans, we have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from an isolate containing six Avr genes. The BAC library comprises clones with an average insert size of 98 kb and represents an estimated 10 genome equivalents. A three-dimensional pooling strategy was developed to screen the BAC library for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, as this type of marker has been extensively used in construction of a P. infestans genetic map. Multiple positive clones were identified for each AFLP marker tested. The pools were used to construct a contig of 11 BAC clones in a region of the P. infestans genome containing a cluster of three avirulence genes. The BAC contig is predicted to encompass the Avr11 locus but mapping of the BAC ends will be required to determine if the Avr3 and Avr10 loci are also present in the BAC contig. These results are an important step towards the positional cloning of avirulence genes from P. infestans, and the BAC library represents a valuable resource for largescale studies of oomycete genome organisation and gene content.  相似文献   

A genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of the A genome of wheat has been constructed. Triticum monococcum accession DV92 was selected for this purpose because it is a cultivated diploid wheat and one of the parental lines used in the construction of a saturated genetic map. Leaves from this accession were used to isolate high-molecular-weight DNA from nuclei. This DNA was partially digested with restriction enzyme Hind III, subjected to double size selection, electroeluted and cloned into the pINDIGO451 BAC vector. The library consists of 276,480 clones with an average insert size of 115 kb. Excluding the 1.33% of empty clones and 0.14% of clones with chloroplast DNA, the coverage of this library is 5.6 genome equivalents. With this genome coverage the probability of having any DNA sequence represented in this library is higher than 99.6%. Clones were sorted in 720,384-well plates and blotted onto 15 high-density filters. High-density filters were screened with several single or low-copy clones and five positive BAC clones were selected for further analysis. Since most of the T. monococcum BAC ends included repetitive sequences, a modification was introduced into the classical end-isolation procedure to select low copy sequences for chromosome walking.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones spanning the male sex determining region on the short arm of the human Y chromosome. The clones were isolated by hybridizing probes in the interval between the genes MIC2 and ZFY to a Y chromosome-enriched YAC library. The YAC clones were consistent with the order of probes established for this interval and may be useful for functional studies of the region in male sex determination. However, many of the YAC clones from this library carried only one arm of the vector ("half-YACs"), deleted sequences from one end, and contained much smaller inserts (148 kb average) than the size of ligated fragments selected by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (greater than 440 kb). These problems were overcome by protecting DNA with polyamines during YAC library construction and a second Y-enriched YAC library was constructed with an average insert size of 627 kb.  相似文献   

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