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 Trees were regenerated from six white spruce embryogenic clones after cryopreservation for 3 and 4 years, respectively. Genetic stability was evaluated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints. Somaclonal variation was detected in some in vitro embryogenic cultures 2 and 12 months after they were re-established following cryopreservation but not in the corresponding regenerated trees. These results suggest that trees regenerated from cryopreserved cultures in subsequent years are primarily genetically stable in the genomic regions tested and that variation observed due to the in vitro culture process infrequently affects trees regenerated from normally maturing and germinating somatic embryos. However, trees regenerated from somatic embryos that matured or germinated abnormally in in vitro culture exhibited altered RAPD fragment patterns. Received: 20 July 1998 / Revision received: 15 October 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

Cotyledonary somatic embryos of white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] were subjected to microprojectile bombardment with a gene construct containing a gus::nptll fusion gene. Somatic embryos were used to re-induce the embryogenic tissue after bombardments. Histochemical assay using X-gluc as a substrate showed that all the embryos (100%) were GUS positive 48 h after bombardment. However, only thirteen out of 605 embryos (2.2%) remained GUS positive after two months in culture. Three of those thirteen (23%) embryo-derived tissues consistently showed GUS activity for eight months in culture. These putatively transfomed embryogenic tissues were subjected to Southern blot analysis and the results suggested integration of the gus::nptll gene expression cassette in the white spruce genome.Abbreviations ABA (±)abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - bp base pair - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - kb kilobase - gus E. coli gene uid A for -glucuronidase - nptll neomycin phosphotransferase II - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-glucuronic acid  相似文献   

Adventitious shoot production from seedling cotyledons was investigated for white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss]. The age of the seedling was found to be important for shoot induction response, the optimum seedling age being 7 to 8 days old. Prior to that age, although response was seen, the multiplication rate was lower. After 7 to 8 days, the capacity to produce shoots declined considerably. The optimum cytokinin (BA) concentration for bud induction was 2 M BA. The response to specific BA concentrations was independent of seedling age. The shoot regeneration presented here was highly reproducible and provided primary multiplication rates of approximately 100 to 150 shoots per seedling which had an average of 6 cotyledons. Approximately 30% of 40 regenerated shoots were induced to differentiate roots and all the rooted plantlets were successfully transplanted to soil.Abbreviations BA Benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid. NRCC No. 29142  相似文献   

Summary The paper presents results of a growth chamber progeny test of selected phenotypically superior trees from two white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss.) populations in central Newfoundland, Canada. On the basis of heritability of 11 juvenile characters the superior trees have been demonstrated to be suitable as a base population for continued advanced generation breeding. Family selection would produce good genetic gains in the first generation but these can be enhanced considerably by selection of best individuals within the best families for clonal propagation in the second generation or propagation by seed in the second and subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Embryogenic tissues of white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] remain in an early developmental stage while cultured on 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and N6-benzyladenine, but develop to cotyledonary embryos when these phytohormones are replaced by abscisic acid. Twenty-eight cDNAs were isolated from cotyledonary embryos by differential screening against immature embryo and non-embryonic tissues. Temporal expression patterns of these cDNAs during ABA-stimulated somatic embryo development were observed. This showed that clones could be allocated to various groups, including embryo-abundant, embryo-maturation-induced, and those whose expression was modulated during embryo development, germination or in non-embryogenic tissues. Expression corresponding to these cDNA clones showed that there were various responses to exogenous ABA or polyethylene glycol during a period of 48 h. Analyses of DNA and predicted amino acid sequence revealed that 12 of 28 cDNA clones had no known homologues, while others were predicted to encode different late-embryogenesis-abundant proteins, early methionine-labelled proteins, storage proteins, heat-shock proteins, glycine-rich cell wall protein, metallothionein-like protein and some other metabolic enzymes.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - cDNA complementary deoxyribonucleic acid - Em early methionine-labelled - HSP heat-shock protein - LEA late embryogenesis abundant - PEG polyethylene glycol The authors thank Mr. Terry Bethune for his assistance, and Dr. Larry Pelcher, Mr. Barry Panchuk and Mr. Don Schwab for DNA sequencing and primer synthesis. This is National Research Council of Canada publication number 38929.  相似文献   

The effects of glutamine-based dipeptides, glutamine and casein hydrolysate, as well as the deletion of organic nitrogen, were investigated during white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] somatic embryogenesis. There were no differences in the fresh weight increase of the tissue masses grown on initiation medium with different combinations of organic nitrogen. This was also the case for subsequent growth on kinetin medium, except that glutamine alone produced a significantly lower fresh weight increase than the other organic nitrogen combinations. Without organic (i.e. with only inorganic) nitrogen in the medium, the fresh weight increase was significantly less than with organic nitrogen on both initiation and kinetin medium. No differences were found between the dry/fresh weight ratios obtained with the various nitrogen treatments. The number of mature embryos produced per gram fresh weight when cultured in the absence of organic nitrogen was significantly higher than that obtained in its presence. There were no differences in the total number of mature embryos produced in cultures grown with various organic nitrogen combinations or without organic nitrogen. There were large clone differences with respect to the number of mature somatic embryos per gram tissue and the total number of somatic embryos produced. Hence, nitrogen type influences culture growth rate but not the number of mature somatic embryos produced. The latter was clone dependent.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - CH casein hydrolysate  相似文献   

Summary This report describes a low-cost method for generating large numbers of high quality mature white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench.] Voss) somatic embryos which survived desiccation and grew to plantlets more vigorously than excised zygotic embryos cultured in vitro. Somatic embryos from suspension culture were supported within a culture chamber on a flat absorbent pad above the surface of a liquid culture medium containing 20–50 M abscisic acid and 7.5 % polyethylene glycol. Throughout a 7 week culture period 3 L of fresh medium was pumped into one end of the chamber, while the spent medium exited by gravity from the opposite end. Over 6,300 cotyledonary stage white spruce somatic embryos were recovered after this time from a single culture chamber without manual manipulation. The somatic embryos were of excellent appearance with well developed cotyledons, and possessed high levels of storage lipids. They survived drying to about 8 % moisture content following treatment for 4 weeks at 63 % relative humidity, and following imbibition converted to normal plantlets at a frequency of 92 %, compared to 80 % for embryos grown in Petri dishes. Somatic embryos cultured within the bioreactor developed to plantlets that were 20 % longer than zygotic embryos excised from mature seed and grown in vitro, and were 38 % longer than somatic embryos cultured upon agar medium in Petri dishes.Plant Research Centre contribution No. 1523  相似文献   

The present study documents the changes occurring at the biochemical level in white spruce trees (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) with contrasted growth phenotypes during the summer period. Full-siblings of tall versus small spruces were grown under controlled conditions at constant day/night temperatures (24/15°C) and exposed to a decreasing photoperiod (15.7–12.2 h) simulating natural photoperiod reduction during the summer in eastern Canada. Growth parameters (stem height and tree biomass) were determined and non structural carbohydrates, soluble proteins and amino acids were quantified in current-year needles and stem, oldest stem and roots from mid-July until the end of September 2006. Sucrose was the main soluble sugar found in all organs, but its concentrations did not significantly change during the summer. In contrast, starch concentrations rapidly declined by the end of the experiment, especially in needles and stems. Both sucrose and starch did not generally differ between growth phenotypes. Total soluble protein significantly accumulated by mid-August (14.4 h of photoperiod) in small trees. Arginine and glutamine were the most abundant amino acids found in spruce organs, and their concentrations strongly increased at 14.4 h of photoperiod, especially in small trees. Our results highlight marked differences in nitrogen metabolism in late summer between contrasted growth phenotypes, especially for arginine, an amino acid typically associated with growth arrest and nitrogen reserve in perennial species. They also reveal that old stems and roots are important storage organs of organic reserves.  相似文献   

The origin and development of somatic embryos in calli initiated from immature zygotic embryos of Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) and P. glauca (Moench) Voss (white spruce) was studied. Immature zygotic embryos cultured on callus induction medium produced two types of white calli that were phenotypically different from one another. The callus that proliferated from the hypocotyl region was white to translucent, glossy, mucilaginous and embryogenic. The callus mass which originated from the radicle end was reddish-white, nonmucilaginous and nonembryogenic. Whole mount preparations of the entire explant with two different types of calli showed the presence of embryogenic cells in the mucilaginous callus mass derived from the hypocotyl region of the zygotic embryo. The origin of somatic embryos in both Norway and white spruce could be traced to single cells of the hypocotyl callus.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Summary Four scanning electron microscope techniques for preparing somatic and zygotic embryos of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss.) were compared. Direct sputter coating without critical point drying worked well for desiccated embryos while conventional methods using chemical fixation were appropriate for hydrated somatic embryos. Low temperature scanning electron microscopy and plastic replicas provided excellent specimens of all embryos studied. Plastic replicas were used to document cotyledon formation and growth during maturation of somatic embryos. Apart from some differences in embryo size, orientation of cotyledons and surface wrinkling, the general morphology of mature somatic embryos of white spruce was very similar to zygotic embyros at a similar stage of development.  相似文献   

The relationship among water use efficiency (WUE), productivity and carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings was investigated. Sixteen hundred seedlings representing 10 controlled crosses were planted in the field in individual buried sand-filled cylinders. The soil water content in the cylinders was measured using time domain reflectometry over two growing seasons and seedling water use determined by water balance. Two watering treatments were imposed: irrigation and dry land. There was significant (1.6–2.0%c) genetic variation in needle δ13C. Ranking of crosses in terms of δ13C was generally maintained over watering treatments and there was not a significant genetic versus environmental interaction. There was a positive correlation between δ13C and both intrinsic and long-term WUE (more positive δ13C with increased WUE) and between δ13C and productivity, suggesting a correlation due to variation in photosynthetic capacity. Root to shoot ratios did not increase in water-stressed plants, indicating that responses to drought were primarily at the level of gas exchange, rather than through morphological changes. Our results indicate that it should be possible to use δ13C as a surrogate for WUE and to select white spruce genotypes for high WUE without compromising yield.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of unfixed immature somatic embryos of white spruce (Picea glauca) with fluorescent rhodamine-labeled phalloidin revealed an extensive network of fine actin microfilaments (MFs) in the embryonal region which were not detected in specimens fixed with formaldehyde. Transition cells linking the embryonal region and suspensor cells contained fine MFs as well as bundles of MFs. The large, highly vacuolated suspensor cells were characterized by actin MF cables only. Treatment of embryos with cytochalasin B (CB) removed the fine MFs from the embryonal region and transition cells, but many MF cables in suspensor cells were resistant. Full recovery from CB treatment was observed in most somatic embryos. Embryogenic protoplasts capable of regenerating to somatic embryos in culture were released from only the embryonal region of somatic embryos. Both uninucleate and multinucleate embryogenic protoplasts retained the extensive network of fine actin MFs. In contrast, protoplasts derived from vacuolated suspensor cells and vacuolated free-floating cells contained thick MF bundles and were not embryogenic. Distinct MF cages enclosed nuclei in multinucleate protoplasts and may be responsible for preventing nuclear fusion. Microspectrophotometric analyses showed that the DNA contents of embryonal cells in the embryo and embryogenic protoplasts were similar and characteristic of rapidly dividing cell populations. However, transition and suspensor cells which released nonembryogenic protoplasts appeared to be arrested in G1, and suspensor cells showed signs of DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Stable transformation of Norway spruce tissue has been obtained following bombardment of mature somatic embryos with pRT99gus, a plasmid that contains neo coding for NPTII, and gusA, coding for -glucuronidase, both fused to the CaMV 35S promoter. At least 8 lines have been stably transformed (over 15 months in culture) following bombardment and selection on kanamycin. Polymerase chain reaction analyses showed a high frequency of cotransformation of the gusA and neo genes. The frequency of coexpression of the selected and unselected markers was 100%. DNA/DNA hybridization of one transformed line provided conclusive evidence of stable integration and showed copy numbers of over 10 plasmid sequences per genome. None of the transformed lines has remained embryogenic.  相似文献   

Intraspecific assisted migration (ISAM) through seed transfer during artificial forest regeneration has been suggested as an adaptation strategy to enhance forest resilience and productivity under future climate. In this study, we assessed the risks and benefits of ISAM in white spruce based on long‐term and multilocation, rangewide provenance test data. Our results indicate that the adaptive capacity and growth potential of white spruce varied considerably among 245 range‐wide provenances sampled across North America; however, the results revealed that local populations could be outperformed by nonlocal ones. Provenances originating from south‐central Ontario and southwestern Québec, Canada, close to the southern edge of the species' natural distribution, demonstrated superior growth in more northerly environments compared with local populations and performed much better than populations from western Canada and Alaska, United States. During the 19–28 years between planting and measurement, the southern provenances have not been more susceptible to freezing damage compared with local populations, indicating they have the potential to be used now for the reforestation of more northerly planting sites; based on changing temperature, these seed sources potentially could maintain or increase white spruce productivity at or above historical levels at northern sites. A universal response function (URF), which uses climatic variables to predict provenance performance across field trials, indicated a relatively weak relationship between provenance performance and the climate at provenance origin. Consequently, the URF from this study did not provide information useful to ISAM. The ecological and economic importance of conserving white spruce genetic resources in south‐central Ontario and southwestern Québec for use in ISAM is discussed.  相似文献   

Regeneration of white spruce (Picea glauca) somatic embryos from protoplasts derived from an embryogenic suspension culture was accomplished using a culture medium containing 2 mgl–1 2,4-D and 1 mgl–1 6-BAP. Divisions within 2 days led to plating efficiencies in the order of 24% after 9 days. A reduction in the osmoticum, necessary for sustained growth, was carried out gradually over 30 days. Embedding in agarose and culture in 5 cm petri dishes prior to transfer of agarose blocks to a bead type culture, led to the formation of somatic embryos as early as 23 days after isolation and yielded plating efficiencies in the order of 5–10% after 35 days culture.  相似文献   

The limit of permeability of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench.]Voss) somatic embryo cell walls to molecules was in the orderof 30 . Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and dextrans of molecularweights greater than 1000 and 6000, respectively, produced anonpermeating (non-plasmolysing) water stress which improvedembryo development. Somatic embryos converted to plantlets atfrequencies of 76–84% following slow drying and storageat –20 C for 1 year, which was similar to the 77% recordedfor control somatic embryos slowly dried then germinated withoutfreezing or storage. Culture for 7–8 weeks with mediumcontaining abscisic acid, 3% sucrose, and 7.5% PEG 4000 yieldedsomatic embryos with five times the embryo storage lipid contentrecorded for zygotic embryos. During culture with PEG the moisturecontent of the somatic embryos decreased from 96% for immaturesuspension-cultured somatic embryos, to 47% for mature embryos.Somatic embryos cultured for 7–8 weeks survived rapiddrying to 5% moisture content, and converted to plantlets atfrequencies of 60–70%, but no somatic embryos survivedrapid drying when cultured for only 4 weeks; however, slow dryingdid induce desiccation tolerance in 3-week cultured somaticembryos. Abscisic acid was important to maintain embryos ina developmental state, but ABA alone did not induce desiccationtolerance. In order to induce desiccation tolerance a waterstress treatment was required. Tolerance of rapid drying coincidedwith moisture contents below 55%, which occurred after 5 weeksof culture in the presence of PEG 4000 and abscisic acid. Key words: Dextran, molecular weight, polyethylene glycol, triacylglycerol, water stress  相似文献   

Transformed white spruce cultures containing immature Stage I somatic embryos, were developed after particle bombardment of somatic embryos with pBI 426, carrying an expression cassette with a gus::nptII fusion gene. These Stage I cultures did not show tolerance to kanamycin concentrations above 3 to 5 mg l–1, although assays for GUS and NPTII showed that functional enzymes were present in the transgenic tissue. Embryonic liquid suspension cultures were initiated from this transformed tissue. After treatment on agar-solidified maturation medium with 48 m (±)-ABA high numbers of Stage III (cotyledonary) somatic embryos were produced. When subjected to an embryogenesis re-induction process with 2,4-D and BA, these Stage III embryos produced a new generation of Stage I embryogenic tissues which could tolerate 5--10 mg l–1 kanamycin. Stage III somatic embryos could alternatively be placed onto germination medium for the development of somatic seedlings. When germinated in the presence of 20 mg l–1 kanamycin, 77% of inoculants were resistant. The stability of integration of the gus::nptII fusion gene in the genome of white spruce Stage III somatic embryos and somatic seedlings was confirmed through Southern blot analysis  相似文献   

A cell suspension culture of Picea glauca (White spruce) which continuously produces somatic embryos has been established. Embryogenic callus derived from cultured zygotic embryos was used to initiate the culture. Numerous embryos at various early stages of development were recognized; they exhibited a meristematic embryonic region and suspensor consisting of elongate, vacuolated cells. The culture also contained clumps of meristematic cells and large irregular — shaped cells. The culture could be readily re-established on solid medium.  相似文献   

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