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Replicating molecules of Simian virus 40 DNA labeled during a short pulse with [3H]thymidine have been fractionated by ultracentrifugation methods and the open circular form (DNA component II) has been characterized. The pulse-labeled DNA component II is a relatively small constituent (1 to 3%) of the pool of replicating molecules. Examination of the circular (18 S) and linear (16 S) strands of DNA component II by alkaline sedimentation and by degradation using exonuclease III of Escherichia coli reveals that the newly synthesized DNA is principally in the linear strand. Cleavage of pulse-labeled DNA component II by an fi+, R-factor restriction endonuclease from E. coli demonstrates that the interruption in the pulse-labeled strand is specifically located at the termination point for replication.During a chase period of 20 minutes the amount of DNA component II increases to about 6 to 8% of the total labeled viral DNA. The kinetics of formation of superhelical, DNA component I and disappearance of replicative intermediates are linear during the chase period. After several hours of continuous labeling of replicating viral DNA, the DNA component II pool consists mainly of molecules labeled in both strands with the interruption non-specifically located in either strand. These molecules probably arise by the random introduction of single-strand breaks in newly synthesized DNA component I. During short periods of continuous labeling with [3H]thymidine, the ratio of DNA components I to II increases as a function of the pulse duration. These results support a model for 8V 40 DNA replication in which the open circular form is a precursor of the superhelical form.  相似文献   

A number of minor, previously unidentified GC-rich mouse DNA families have been observed in CsCl gradients. Since these DNA families are found in the DNA of mouse nuclei which is most resistant to both micrococcal nuclease and DNAase I, they must occur in highly condensed chromatin. Fractionation of high molecular weight nuclease digested DNA by sequential polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation demonstrates differential enrichment of these DNA families implying a differential condensation of these DNA fractions in chromatin.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeled simian virus 40 (SV40) chromatin as well as uniformly labeled viral chromatin are immunoprecipitable by an SV40-specific tumor antiserum and therefore contain bound tumor antigen (T antigen). Single-stranded calf thymus DNA, immobilized on cellulose, competes effectively for T antigen binding with uniformly labeled nonreplicating, but not with pulse-labeled replicating, chromatin. Furthermore, T antigen dissociates in 0.5 M NaCl from nonreplicating chromatin and from purified SV40 DNA, whereas most T antigen remains associated with replicating chromatin even in the presence of 1.2 to 1.5 M NaCl. We used filtration through DNA-cellulose columns and treatment with high salt to prepare pulse-labeled immunoreactive viral chromatin. The viral DNA was digested before, and in other experiments after, immunoprecipitation with the restriction endonuclease HindIII. We found that SV40 DNA sequences, most probably representing the entire genome, remain in the immunoprecipitate after HindIII digestion, indicating an association of T antigen with origin-distal sections of replicating viral DNA. The results suggest that T antigen in replicating chromatin may be bound to regions close to replicating points. We performed control experiments with in vitro-formed complexes of T antigen and SV40 DNA. When these complexes were immunoprecipitated and HindIII digested we found, in agreement with previous studies, that only the origin containing the HindIII C fragment carried bound T antigen.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 chromatin interaction with the capsid proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been established that both in virions and in infected cells, the cellular core histones fold the SV40 DNA into nucleosomes to form the SV40 chromosome or chromatin. We and others have begun to examine how the capsid proteins assemble the SV40 chromatin into virions and to investigate whether these proteins interact with the encapsidated chromatin. To follow the pathway of virus assembly, we have analyzed the nucleoproteins which accumulate in cells infected with the SV40 mutants temperature-sensitive in assembly: tsC, tsBC, and tsB. (The temperature-sensitivity of these mutants result from alterations in the amino acid sequence of the major capsid protein VP1). We have found that mutants belonging to the same class accumulate similar types of nucleoproteins at the nonpermissive temperature (40 degrees C) and thus, share characteristics in common. For example, the tsC mutants accumulate only the 75 S chromatin. Both tsBC and tsB mutants produce in addition to chromatin, nucleoprotein complexes which sediment broadly from 100-160 S and contain all the three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3. These nucleoproteins can be distinguished morphologically, however. Under the electron microscope, the tsBC 100-160 S nucleoproteins appear as chromatin to which a small cluster of the capsid proteins is attached; the tsB nucleoproteins appear as partially assembled virions. In addition, we find that the 220 S virions are assembled in cells coinfected with tsB and tsC mutants at 40 degrees C, in agreement with genetic analysis. Our observations favor the hypothesis that the VP1 protein contains three discrete domains. We speculate that each domain may play a specific function in SV40 assembly. To gain more insight into VP1-VP1 interactions, we have examined the nucleoproteins which result from treatment of the mature wild-type virions with increasing concentrations of the reducing agent DTT. In the presence of as low a concentration of DTT as 0.1 mM, the virion shell can be penetrated by micrococcal nuclease, which then cleaves the viral DNA. This result indicates that some of the disulfide bonds bridging the VP1 proteins are on the virion surface.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) large-T antigen is essential for SV40 DNA replication and for late viral gene expression, but the role of the SV40 small-t antigen in these processes is still unclear. We have previously demonstrated that small t inhibits SV40 DNA replication in vitro. In this study, we investigated the effect of small t on SV40 replication in cultured cells. CV1 monkey cell infection experiments indicated that mutant viruses that lack small t replicate less efficiently than the wild-type virus. We next microinjected CV1 cells with SV40 DNA with and without purified small-t protein and analyzed viral DNA replication efficiency by Southern blotting. Replication of either wild-type SV40 or small-t deletion mutant DNA was increased three- to fivefold in cells coinjected with purified small t. Thus, in contrast to our in vitro observation, small t stimulated viral DNA replication in vivo. This result suggests that small t has cellular effects that are not detectable in a reconstituted in vitro replication system. We also found that small t stimulated progression of permissive monkey cells--but not of nonpermissive rodent cells--from G0-G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle, possibly leading to an optimal intracellular environment for viral replication.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of the tumor antigen (T-antigen) of simian virus 40 to simian virus 40 chromatin (minichromosomes). The minichromosomes isolated from infected cells by a modification of standard techniques were relatively free of contaminating RNA and cellular DNA and had a ratio (by weight) of protein to DNA of approximately 1; their DNA was 50 to 60% digestible to an acid-soluble form by staphylococcal nuclease. Cleavage of this chromatin with restriction endonucleases indicated that the nuclease-resistant regions were randomly distributed in the population of minichromosomes, but were not randomly distributed within minichromosomes. Only 20 to 35% of these minichromosomes adsorbed nonspecifically to nitrocellulose filters, permitting binding studies between simian virus 40 T-antigen and chromatin to be performed. Approximately two to three times as much T-antigen was required to bind chromatin as to bind an equivalent amount of free DNA. When T-antigen was present in excess, both chromatin and free DNA were quantitatively retained on the filters. On the other hand, when DNA or chromatin was present in excess, only one-third as much chromatin as DNA was retained. We suggest that T-antigen-chromatin complexes may be formed by the cooperative binding of T-antigen to chromatin, whereas T-antigen-DNA complexes may be formed by simple bimolecular interactions.  相似文献   

M. Tien Kuo 《Chromosoma》1979,70(2):183-194
Heterochromatin DNA in cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus) replicates in the late S phase of cell cycle. A method of obtaining cells which contain DNA preferentially labeled at heterochromatic areas by a pulse-labeling of late replicating DNA is described. When the nuclei of P. eremicus cells containing radioactively labeled DNA in heterochromatin were digested with micrococcal nuclease and the resultant nucleosomal DNA was separated by gel electrophoresis, it was found that the repeat length of nucleosomal DNA in the heterochromatin DNA is not different from that of the bulk of the genomic DNA. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the accessibility to digestion by micrococcal nuclease between the late replicating heterochromatin DNA and the total DNA under our digestion conditions. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of nucleosomal DNAs isolated from micrococcal nuclease digested nuclei from P. eremicus, P. collatus, and P. crinitus cells in culture were very similar. Cytogenetic data showed that these three species are different in heterochromatin but similar in euchromatin.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 DNA replication has been studied in nuclear monolayers prepared by treatment of monolayers of BSC-1 monkey kidney cells with Nonidet P-40. These nuclear monolayers incorporated [3H]TTP into two types of viral replicative intermediates that sediment as 25-26S and 22-23S species, respectively, in neutral sucrose gradients. The 22-23S species behaves, in dye buoyant density equilibrium gradients, as a late replicative intermediate. Examination of both species in alkaline sucrose gradients revealed the presence of two types of newly synthesized strands: (i) 4-7S strands and (ii) full-length, or nearly full-length, 10-16S strands. At low TTP concentrations (less than 0.5 muM), the two size classes were found in approximately equal amounts. However, at 10 to 50 muM TTP, the proportion of the longer strands increased, with a corresponding decrease in the relative amount of the 4-7S species. Thus, the joining of small, Okazaki-like fragments to the growing chain appears to require a much higher concentration of TTP than the synthesis of the fragments themselves. Replicating simian virus 40 DNA synthesized in the nuclear monolayers is is associated with "M bands", as previously demonstrated for replicating simian virus 40 DNA in cultured whole cells.  相似文献   

Simian virus (SV40) nucleoprotein complexes containing circular supercoiled viral DNA were extracted from infected cells and purified by differential centrifugation. The protein content of these complexes was compared by electrophoresis on 15% acrylamide gels with the protein content of purified SV40 virions and with histones from virus-infected cells. The electrophoretic patterns of histones from each of the sources revealed several major differences. SV40 virions contained histones H3, H2B, H2A, and H4 but not H1. Nucleoprotein complexes and host cells contained all five major histone groups. Relative to cellular histones, virion and nucleoprotein complex histones were enriched 15 to 40% in histones H3 and H4. In addition to the major classes of histones, several subfractions of histones H1, H3, and H4 were observed in acrylamide gels of proteins from SV40 virions and viral nucleoprotein complexes. Acetate labeling experiments indicated that each subfraction of histones H3 and H4 had a different level of acetylation. The histones from SV40 virions and nucleoprotein complexes were acetylated to significantly higher levels than those of infected host cells. No apparent differences in phosphorylation of the major histone groups were observed.  相似文献   

We report two new findings bearing on the "supranucleo-somal" level of the structure of the Simian Virus 40 minichromosome. I) Isolated SV40 minichromosome which contains all five histones including HI/I/ exists in solution under approximately physiological ionic conditions as a compact roughly spherical particle approximately 300 A in diameter which is capable of fitting within the virus capsid. In spite of such a compact conformation of the minichromosome individual nucleosomes can be readily visualized within the particle. Compact state of SV40 minichromosome depends on both the presence of histone HI and maintenance of approximately physiological ionic strength of solution (micron approximately 0.15). Removal of HI results in a conversion of the compact minichromosomes into an extended (circular beaded) structure. 2) The compact form of the SV40 minichromosome in contract to its circular beaded form is virtually completely resistant to staphylococcal nuclease, strongly suggesting that in particular nuclease-sensitive parts of the internucleosomal DNA regions are not exposed on the outside of the compact SV40 minichromosome. On the other hand, DNase I which is known to attack both inter-and intranucleosomal DNA in the chronatin /2,3/ readily digests the compact form of the SV40 minichromosome. Possible models of the compact minichromosome and implications for higher order structures of the cellular chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficiency of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is dependent on the structural organization of the regulatory region. The enhancing effect of the G + C-rich 21-base-pair (bp) repeats on SV40 DNA replication is position and dose dependent and to some extent orientation dependent. The inverted orientation is about 50% as effective as the normal orientation of the 21-bp repeat region. Movement of the 21-bp repeat region 180 or 370 bp upstream of the ori sequence abolishes its enhancing effect, whereas no replication is detected if the 21-bp repeat region is placed downstream of the ori sequence. The dose-dependent enhancement of the 21-bp repeat of SV40 DNA replication as first described in single transfection by Bergsma et al. (D. J. Bergsma, D. M. Olive, S. W. Hartzell, and K. N. Subramanian, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79:381-385, 1982) is dramatically amplified in mixed transfection. In the presence of the 21-bp repeat region, the 72-bp repeat region can enhance SV40 DNA replication. In the presence of the 21-bp repeats and a competitive environment, the 72-bp repeat region exhibits a cis-acting inhibitory effect on SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

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