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The vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a proton-translocating ATPase that acidifies the vacuolar lumen and generates a pH gradient across the vacuole membrane. We have investigated the role of compartment acidification of the vacuolar system in the sorting of vacuolar proteins. Strains with chromosomal disruptions of the genes encoding the A, B, or c subunit of the vacuolar ATPase are unable to acidify their vacuoles. These vat mutant strains accumulate and secrete precursor forms of the soluble vacuolar hydrolases carboxypeptidase Y and proteinase A. The kinetics of secretion suggests that missorting occurs in the Golgi complex or in post-Golgi vesicles. The presence of mature forms of the vacuolar proteins within the cell indicates that vat mutations do not cause defects in zymogen processing. Precursor forms of the membrane-associated vacuolar hydrolase alkaline phosphatase are also accumulated in vat mutant cells but to a lesser extent, suggesting that sorting of vacuolar membrane proteins is less sensitive to changes in the lumenal pH. A similar type of missorting defect can be induced in wild-type cells at pH 7.5. These results indicate that acidification of the vacuolar system is important for efficient sorting of proteins to the vacuole.  相似文献   

The vacuole/lysosome performs a central role in degradation. Proteins and organelles are transported to the vacuole by selective and non-selective pathways. Transport to the vacuole by autophagy is the primary mode for degradation of cytoplasmic constituents under starvation conditions. Autophagy overlaps mechanistically and genetically with a biosynthetic pathway termed Cvt (Cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting) that operates under vegetative conditions to transport the resident vacuolar hydrolase aminopeptidase I (API). API import has been dissected to reveal the action of a novel mechanism that transports cargo within double-membrane vesicles. Recent work has uncovered molecular components involved in autophagy and the Cvt pathway.  相似文献   

Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), the major seed lectin of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, accumulates in the parenchyma cells of the cotyledons. It has been previously shown that PHA is cotranslationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum with cleavage of the NH2-terminal signal peptide. Two N-linked oligosaccharide side chains are added, one of which is modified to a complex type in the Golgi apparatus. PHA is then deposited in membrane-bound protein storage vacuoles which are biochemically and functionally equivalent to the vacuoles of yeast cells and the lysosomes of animal cells. We wished to determine whether yeast cells would recognize the vacuolar sorting determinant of PHA and target the protein to the yeast vacuole. We have expressed the gene for leukoagglutinating PHA (PHA-L) in yeast under control of the yeast acid phosphatase (PHO5) promoter. Under control of this promoter, PHA-L accumulates to 0.1% of the total yeast protein. PHA-L produced in yeast is glycosylated as expected for a yeast vacuolar glycoprotein. Cell fractionation studies show that PHA-L is efficiently transported to the yeast vacuole. This is the first demonstration that vacuolar targeting information is recognized between two highly divergent species. A small proportion of yeast PHA-L is secreted which may be due to inefficient recognition of the vacuolar sorting signal because of the presence of an uncleaved signal peptide on a subset of the PHA-L polypeptides. This system can now be used to identify the vacuolar sorting determinant of a plant vacuolar protein.  相似文献   

In yeast, ubiquitin plays a central role in proteolysis of a multitude of proteins and serves also as a signal for endocytosis of many plasma membrane proteins. We showed previously that ubiquitination of the general amino acid permease (Gap1) is essential to its endocytosis followed by vacuolar degradation. These processes occur when NH(4)(+), a preferential source of nitrogen, is added to cells growing on proline or urea, i.e. less favored nitrogen sources. In this study, we show that Gap1 is ubiquitinated on two lysine residues in the cytosolic N terminus (positions 9 and 16). A mutant Gap1 in which both lysines are mutated (Gap1(K9K16)) remains fully stable at the plasma membrane after NH(4)(+) addition. Furthermore, each of the two lysines harbors a poly-ubiquitin chain in which ubiquitin is linked to the lysine 63 of the preceding ubiquitin. The Gap1(K9) and Gap1(K16) mutants, in which a single lysine is mutated, are down-regulated in response to NH(4)(+) although more slowly. In proline-grown cells lacking Npr1, a protein kinase involved in the control of Gap1 trafficking, newly synthesized Gap1 is sorted from the Golgi to the vacuole without passing through the plasma membrane (accompanying article, De Craene, J.-O., Soetens, O., and André, B. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 43939-43948). We show here that ubiquitination of Gap1 is also required for this direct sorting to the vacuole. In an npr1Delta mutant, neosynthesized Gap1(K9K16) is rerouted to and accumulates at the plasma membrane. Finally, Bul1 and Bul2, two proteins interacting with Npi1/Rsp5, are essential to ubiquitination and down-regulation of cell-surface Gap1, as well as to sorting of neosynthesized Gap1 to the vacuole, as occurs in an npr1Delta mutant. Our results reveal a novel role of ubiquitin in the control of Gap1 trafficking, i.e. direct sorting from the late secretory pathway to the vacuole. This result reinforces the growing evidence that ubiquitin plays an important role not only in internalization of plasma membrane proteins but also in their sorting in the endosomes and/or trans-Golgi.  相似文献   

COPII-coated vesicles, first identified in yeast and later characterized in mammalian cells, mediate protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus within the secretory pathway. In these organisms, the mechanism of vesicle formation is well understood, but the process of soluble cargo sorting has yet to be resolved. In plants, functional complements of the COPII-dependent protein traffic machinery were identified almost a decade ago, but the selectivity of the ER export process has been subject to considerable debate. To study the selectivity of COPII-dependent protein traffic in plants, we have developed an in vivo assay in which COPII vesicle transport is disrupted at two distinct steps in the pathway. First, overexpression of the Sar1p-specific guanosine nucleotide exchange factor Sec12p was shown to result in the titration of the GTPase Sar1p, which is essential for COPII-coated vesicle formation. A second method to disrupt COPII transport at a later step in the pathway was based on coexpression of a dominant negative mutant of Sar1p (H74L), which is thought to interfere with the uncoating and subsequent membrane fusion of the vesicles because of the lack of GTPase activity. A quantitative assay to measure ER export under these conditions was achieved using the natural secretory protein barley alpha-amylase and a modified version carrying an ER retention motif. Most importantly, the manipulation of COPII transport in vivo using either of the two approaches allowed us to demonstrate that export of the ER resident protein calreticulin or the bulk flow marker phosphinothricin acetyl transferase is COPII dependent and occurs at a much higher rate than estimated previously. We also show that the instability of these proteins in post-ER compartments prevents the detection of the true rate of bulk flow using a standard secretion assay. The differences between the data on COPII transport obtained from these in vivo experiments and in vitro experiments conducted previously using yeast components are discussed.  相似文献   

Endocytosed proteins are sorted in early endosomes to be recycled to the plasma membrane or transported further into the degradative pathway. We studied the role of endosomes acidification on the endocytic trafficking of the transferrin receptor (TfR) as a representative for the recycling pathway, the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR) as a prototype for transport to late endosomes, and fluid-phase endocytosed HRP as a marker for transport to lysosomes. Toward this purpose, bafilomycin A1 (Baf), a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar proton pump, was used to inhibit acidification of the vacuolar system. Microspectrofluorometric measurement of the pH of fluorescein-rhodamine-conjugated transferrin (Tf)-containing endocytic compartments in living cells revealed elevated endosomal pH values (pH > 7.0) within 2 min after addition of Baf. Although recycling of endocytosed Tf to the plasma membrane continued in the presence of Baf, recycled Tf did not dissociate from its receptor, indicating failure of Fe3+ release due to a neutral endosomal pH. In the presence of Baf, the rates of internalization and recycling of Tf were reduced by a factor of 1.40 +/- 0.08 and 1.57 +/- 0.25, respectively. Consequently, little if any in TfR expression at the cell surface was measured during Baf treatment. Sorting between endocytosed TfR and MPR was analyzed by the HRP-catalyzed 3,3'- diaminobenzidine cross-linking technique, using transferrin conjugated to HRP to label the endocytic pathway of the TfR. In the absence of Baf, endocytosed surface 125I-labeled MPR was sorted from the TfR pathway starting at 10 min after uptake, reaching a plateau of 40% after 45 min. In the presence of Baf, sorting was initiated after 20 min of uptake, reaching approximately 40% after 60 min. Transport of fluid-phase endocytosed HRP to late endosomes and lysosomes was measured using cell fractionation and immunogold electron microscopy. Baf did not interfere with transport of HRP to MPR-labeled late endosomes, but nearly completely abrogated transport to cathepsin D- labeled lysosomes. From these results, we conclude that trafficking through early and late endosomes, but not to lysosomes, continued upon inactivation of the vacuolar proton pump.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae APE1 gene product, aminopeptidase I (API), is a soluble hydrolase that has been shown to be localized to the vacuole. API lacks a standard signal sequence and contains an unusual amino-terminal propeptide. We have examined the biosynthesis of API in order to elucidate the mechanism of its delivery to the vacuole. API is synthesized as an inactive precursor that is matured in a PEP4-dependent manner. The half-time for processing is approximately 45 min. The API precursor remains in the cytoplasm after synthesis and does not enter the secretory pathway. The precursor does not receive glycosyl modifications, and removal of its propeptide occurs in a sec-independent manner. Neither the precursor nor mature form of API are secreted into the extracellular fraction in vps mutants or upon overproduction, two additional characteristics of soluble vacuolar proteins that transit through the secretory pathway. Overproduction of API results in both an increase in the half-time of processing and the stable accumulation of precursor protein. These results suggest that API enters the vacuole by a posttranslational process not used by most previously studied resident vacuolar proteins and will be a useful model protein to analyze this alternative mechanism of vacuolar localization.  相似文献   

In seed plants aspartic proteases (APs) are known to reside in storage vacuoles. Targeting to this compartment is provoked by a secretory signal peptide and the plant-specific insert (PSI). In order to study secretory and vacuolar targeting in a seedless plant, the moss Physcomitrella patens, we isolated a cDNA encoding PpAP1, a novel aspartic proteinase. Sequence alignment with other members of the family of plant APs (EC 3.4.23) revealed a high overall identity and the Pfam motifs for aspartic proteinase and PSI were clearly recognised. In phylogenetic analysis PpAP1 was placed at a very basal position outside of the bigger clusters. Protoplasts transiently expressing the PpAP1 signal peptide fused to GFP showed fluorescence in a well-developed ER-Golgi network. A C-terminal fusion of GFP to the entire PpAP1 protein showed vacuolar fluorescence in transiently transfected protoplasts. Therefore, the vacuole is apparently the in-vivo target for PpAP1. In this study the three-dimensional peculiarity of the endomembrane continuum of ER and Golgi was visualised in a seedless plant for the first time. Above all the functionality of the secretory and the vacuolar targeting signals make them become useful tools for biotechnological approaches.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,45(2):133-141
The experimental conditions for an efficient and reproducible enrichment of fusion products by flow cytometry, using protoplasts of different Brassica species as hybridization material, have been investigated. The heterokaryons were identified by the endogenous chlorophyll autofluorescencence of mesophyll protoplasts of one parent and the fluorescense of exogenously supplied carboxyfluorescin to the hypocotyl protoplasts of the other parent. By using a low head drive frequency (11 kHz), a large nozzle (110 μm) and a low nozzle pressure (30–35 kPa) good survival of the protoplasts was obtained after sorting. Heterokaryons were sorted using these parameters and on average 80% of the protoplasts were fusion products as judged by microscopy. They were cultured in small volumes, 150 μl, and started to divide after 3–5 days and regenerated calli easily. Isozyme analysis of the calli confirmed that 81% had the pattern typical for a hybrrid. Differentiation into shoots have been obtained from some of the hybrid calli; these shoots were also confirmed to be true hybrids.  相似文献   

The compartmentation of solutes in suspension cells of Saccharum sp. during different growth phases in batch culture was determined using CuCl2 to permeabilize the plasma membrane of the cells. The efflux of cytosolic and vacuolar pools of sugars, cations and phosphate was monitored, and the efflux data for phosphate were compared and corrected using data from compartmentation analysis of phosphate as determined by 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results show that sucrose is not accumulated in the vacuoles at any phase of the growth cycle. On the other hand, glucose and fructose are usually accumulated in the vacuole, except at the end of the cell-culture cycle when equal distribution of glucose and fructose between the cytosol and the vacuole is found. Both Na+ and Mg2+ are preferentially located in the vacuoles, but follow the same tendency as glucose and fructose with almost complete location in the vacuole in the early culture phases and increasing cytosolic concentration with increasing age of the cell culture. Potassium ions are always clearly accumulated in the cytosol at a concentration of about 80 mM; only about 20% of the cellular K+ is located inside the vacuole. Cytosolic phosphate is little changed during the cell cycle, whereas the vacuolar phosphate pool changes according to total cellular phosphate. In general there are two different modes of solute compartmentation in sugarcane cells. Some solutes, fructose, glucose, Mg2+ and Na+, show high vacuolar compartmentation when the total cellular content of the respective solute is low, whereas in the case of ample supply the cytosolic pools increase. For other solutes, phosphate and K+, the cytosolic concentration tends to be kept constant, and only excess solute is stored in the vacuole and remobilized under starvation conditions. The behaviour of sucrose is somewhat intermediate and it appears to equilibrate easily between cytosol and vacuole.Abbreviation NMR nuclear magnetic resonance The very cooperative help by Dr. J. Reiner with the 31P-NMR measurements and the technical assistance by D. Keis are gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Molecules travel through the yeast endocytic pathway from the cell surface to the lysosome-like vacuole by passing through two sequential intermediates. Immunofluorescent detection of an endocytosed pheromone receptor was used to morphologically identify these intermediates, the early and late endosomes. The early endosome is a peripheral organelle that is heterogeneous in appearance, whereas the late endosome is a large perivacuolar compartment that corresponds to the prevacuolar compartment previously shown to be an endocytic intermediate. We demonstrate that inhibiting transport through the early secretory pathway in sec mutants quickly impedes transport from the early endosome. Treatment of sensitive cells with brefeldin A also blocks transport from this compartment. We provide evidence that Sec18p/N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein, a protein required for membrane fusion, is directly required in vivo for forward transport early in the endocytic pathway. Inhibiting protein synthesis does not affect transport from the early endosome but causes endocytosed proteins to accumulate in the late endosome. As newly synthesized proteins and the late steps of secretion are not required for early to late endosome transport, but endoplasmic reticulum through Golgi traffic is, we propose that efficient forward transport in the early endocytic pathway requires delivery of lipid from secretory organelles to endosomes.  相似文献   

For optimal visual control of compensatory eye movements during locomotion it is necessary to distinguish the rotational and translational components of the optic flow field. Optokinetic eye movements can reduce the rotational component only, making the information contained in the translational flow readily available to the animal. We investigated optokinetic eye rotation in the marble rock crab, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, during translational movement, either by displacing the animal or its visual surroundings. Any eye movement in response to such stimuli is taken as an indication that the system is unable to separate the translational and the rotational components in the optic flow in a mathematically perfect way. When the crabs are translated within a pseudo-natural environment, eye movements are negligible, especially during sideways translation. When, however, crabs were placed in a gangway between two elongated rectangular sidewalls carrying dotted patterns which were translated back and forth, marked eye movements were elicited, depending on the translational velocity. To resolve this discrepancy, we tested several hypotheses about mechanisms using detailed analysis of the optic flow or whole-field integration. We found that the latter are sufficient to explain the efficient separation of translation and rotation of crabs in quasi-natural situations. Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

Vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-ATPases) are multisubunit enzymes that acidify various intracellular organelles, including secretory pathway compartments. We have examined the effects of the specific V-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A1 (Baf) on the intracellular transport, sorting, processing and release of a number of neuroendocrine secretory proteins in primary Xenopus intermediate pituitary cells. Ultrastructural examination of Baf-treated intermediate pituitary cells revealed a reduction in the amount of small dense-core secretory granules and the appearance of vacuolar structures in the trans-Golgi area. Pulse-chase incubations in combination with immunoprecipitation analysis showed that in treated cells, the proteolytic processing of the newly synthesized prohormone proopiomelanocortin, prohormone convertase PC2 and secretogranin III (SgIII) was inhibited, and an intracellular accumulation of intact precursor forms and intermediate cleavage products became apparent. Moreover, we found that treated cells secreted considerable amounts of a PC2 processing intermediate and unprocessed SgIII in a constitutive fashion. Collectively, these data indicate that in the secretory pathway, V-ATPases play an important role in creating the microenvironment that is essential for proper transport, sorting, processing and release of regulated secretory proteins.  相似文献   

The plant sucrose transporter SUT1 from Solanum tuberosum revealed a dramatic redox-dependent increase in sucrose transport activity when heterologously expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plant plasma membrane vesicles do not show any change in proton flux across the plasma membrane in the presence of redox reagents, indicating a SUT1-specific effect of redox reagents. Redox-dependent sucrose transport activity was confirmed electrophysiologically in Xenopus laevis oocytes with SUT1 from maize (Zea mays). Localization studies of green fluorescent protein fusion constructs showed that an oxidative environment increased the targeting of SUT1 to the plasma membrane where the protein concentrates in 200- to 300-nm raft-like microdomains. Using plant plasma membranes, St SUT1 can be detected in the detergent-resistant membrane fraction. Importantly, in yeast and in plants, oxidative reagents induced a shift in the monomer to dimer equilibrium of the St SUT1 protein and increased the fraction of dimer. Biochemical methods confirmed the capacity of SUT1 to form a dimer in plants and yeast cells in a redox-dependent manner. Blue native PAGE, chemical cross-linking, and immunoprecipitation, as well as the analysis of transgenic plants with reduced expression of St SUT1, confirmed the dimerization of St SUT1 and Sl SUT1 (from Solanum lycopersicum) in planta. The ability to form homodimers in plant cells was analyzed by the split yellow fluorescent protein technique in transiently transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves and protoplasts. Oligomerization seems to be cell type specific since under native-like conditions, a phloem-specific reduction of the dimeric form of the St SUT1 protein was detectable in SUT1 antisense plants, whereas constitutively inhibited antisense plants showed reduction only of the monomeric form. The role of redox control of sucrose transport in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Potato virus X (PVX) has been used as an expression vector to target the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of tobacco (Nicotiana clevelandii L.) leaves. Expression of free GFP resulted in strong cytoplasmic fluorescence with organelles being imaged in negative contrast. Translocation of GFP into the lumen of the ER was mediated by the use of the sporamin signal peptide. Retention of GFP in the ER was facilitated by the splicing of the ER retrieval/retention tetrapeptide, KDEL to the carboxy terminus of GFP. Fluorescence of GFP was restricted to a labile cortical network of ER tubules with occasional small lamellae and to streaming trans-vacuolar strands. Secretion of ER-targeted GFP was inhibited both by cold shock and low concentrations of the secretory inhibitor brefeldin A. However, both prolonged cold and prolonged incubation in brefeldin A resulted in the recovery of secretory capability. In leaves infected with the GFP-KDEL construct, high concentrations of brefeldin A induced the tubular network of cortical ER to transform into large lamellae or sheets which reverted to the tubular network on removal of the drug. Received: 8 October 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

Park M  Kim SJ  Vitale A  Hwang I 《Plant physiology》2004,134(2):625-639
Protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) are specialized vacuoles devoted to the accumulation of large amounts of protein in the storage tissues of plants. In this study, we investigated the presence of the storage vacuole and protein trafficking to the compartment in cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and Arabidopsis leaf tissue. When we expressed phaseolin, the major storage protein of common bean, or an epitope-tagged version of alpha-tonoplast intrinsic protein (alpha-TIP, a tonoplast aquaporin of PSV), in protoplasts derived from leaf tissues, these proteins were targeted to a compartment ranging in size from 2 to 5 microm in all three plant species. Most Arabidopsis leaf cells have one of these organelles. In contrast, from one to five these organelles occurred in bean and tobacco leaf cells. Also, endogenous alpha-TIP is localized in a similar compartment in untransformed leaf cells of common bean and is colocalized with transiently expressed epitope-tagged alpha-TIP. In Arabidopsis, phaseolin contained N-glycans modified by Golgi enzymes and its traffic was sensitive to brefeldin A. However, trafficking of alpha-TIP was insensitive to brefeldin A treatment and was not affected by the dominant-negative mutant of AtRab1. In addition, a modified alpha-TIP with an insertion of an N-glycosylation site has the endoplasmic reticulum-type glycans. Finally, the early step of phaseolin traffic, from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex, required the activity of the small GTPase Sar1p, a key component of coat protein complex II-coated vesicles, independent of the presence of the vacuolar sorting signal in phaseolin. Based on these results, we propose that the proteins we analyzed are targeted to the PSV or equivalent organelle in leaf cells and that proteins can be transported to the PSV by two different pathways, the Golgi-dependent and Golgi-independent pathways, depending on the individual cargo proteins.  相似文献   

To investigate the signals governing routing of biologically active peptides to the regulated secretory pathway, we have expressed mutated and non-mutated proneuropeptide Y (ProNPY) in pituitary-derived AtT20 cells. The mutations were carried out on dibasic cleavage site and or ProNPY C-terminal sequence. Targeting to the regulated secretory pathway was studied using protein kinase A (8-BrcAMP), protein kinase C (phorbol myristate acetate) specific activators and protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, and by pulse chase. The analysis of expressed peptides in cells and culture media indicated that: neuropeptide Y (NPY) and ProNPY were differently secreted, whilst NPY was exclusively secreted via regulatory pathway; ProNPY was secreted via regulated and constitutive-like secretory pathways. ProNPY secretion behaviour was not Proteolytic cleavage efficiency-dependent. The dibasic cleavage was essential for ProNPY and NPY cAMP-dependent regulated secretion and may have function as a retention signal.  相似文献   

The formation of a conjugate between a T cell and an APC requires the activation of integrins on the T cell surface and remodeling of cytoskeletal elements at the cell-cell contact site via inside-out signaling. The early events in this signaling pathway are not well understood, and may differ from the events involved in adhesion to immobilized ligands. We find that conjugate formation between Jurkat T cells and EBV-B cells presenting superantigen is mediated by LFA-1 and absolutely requires Lck. Mutations in the Lck kinase, Src homology 2 or 3 domains, or the myristoylation site all inhibit conjugation to background levels, and adhesion cannot be restored by the expression of Fyn. However, ZAP-70-deficient cells conjugate normally, indicating that Lck is required for LFA-1-dependent adhesion via other downstream pathways. Several drugs that inhibit T cell adhesion to ICAM-1 immobilized on plastic, including inhibitors of mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-related kinase kinase, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, and calpain, do not inhibit conjugation. Inhibitors of phospholipase C and protein kinase C block conjugation of both wild-type and ZAP-70-deficient cells, suggesting that a phospholipase C that does not depend on ZAP-70 for its activation is involved. These results are not restricted to Jurkat T cells; Ag-specific primary T cell blasts behave similarly. Although the way in which Lck signals to enhance LFA-1-dependent adhesion is not clear, we find that cells lacking functional Lck fail to recruit F-actin and LFA-1 to the T cell:APC contact site, whereas ZAP-70-deficient cells show a milder phenotype characterized by disorganized actin and LFA-1 at the contact site.  相似文献   

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