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The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of top‐order predators results in an increase in the abundance of smaller predators (mesopredators) due to a reduction in intra‐guild predation and competition. The irruption of mesopredators that follows the removal of top‐order predators can have detrimental impacts on the prey of the mesopredators. Here we investigated the mechanisms via which the presence of a top‐order predator can benefit prey species. We tested predictions made according to the MRH and foraging theory by contrasting the abundances of an invasive mesopredator (red fox Vulpes vulpes) and an endangered prey species (dusky hopping mouse Notomys fuscus), predator diets, and N. fuscus foraging behaviour in the presence and absence of a top‐predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo). As predicted by the MRH, foxes were more abundant where dingoes were absent. Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and foxes was extensive, and fox was recorded in 1 dingo scat possibly indicating intra‐guild predation. Notomys fuscus were more likely to occur in fox scats than dingo scats and as predicted by the MRH N. fuscus were less abundant in the absence of dingoes. The population increase of N. fuscus following rainfall was dampened in the absence of dingoes suggesting that mesopredator release can attenuate bottom‐up effects, although it remains conceivable that differences in grazing regimes associated with dingo exclusion could have also influenced N. fuscus abundance. Notomys fuscus exhibited lower giving‐up densities in the presence of dingoes, consistent with the prediction that their perceived risk of predation would be lower and foraging efficiency greater in the presence of a top‐predator. Our results suggest that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can create a safer environment for prey species where the frequency of fatal encounters between predators and prey is reduced and the non‐consumptive effects of predators are lower.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that floral features promoting pollen competition in angiosperms may have evolved, in some cases, in response to selection generated by the negative effects of inbreeding, at least in plants with mixed-mating systems. Screening of haploid genotypes through pollen competition may purge recessive (or additive) deleterious alleles that are expressed in haploid pollen and hence may reduce the fitness cost of self-pollination, geitonogamy, or biparental inbreeding. We tested one prediction of this hypothesis, that offspring produced by more intense competition among self-pollen have higher fitness than offspring produced by less intense competition. Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) flowers were pollinated with pollen from other flowers on the same plant (geitonogamous self-fertilization). Those flowers experiencing more intense pollen competition as a result of low pollen dispersion (positional variance) on the stigma produced heavier seeds and seedlings with faster-growing radicles than flowers experiencing less intense pollen competition (high pollen dispersion), as predicted by our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Andreev IM 《Tsitologiia》2011,53(3):290-292
The data presented in the article by Breigina et al. (2009) "Changes in the membrane potential during pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth" (Tsitologiya. 51 (10): 815-823) and concerning the measurement of electric membrane potential (Delta Psi) on the plasma membrane of growing pollen tube of germinating pollen grain with the use of fluorescent potential-sensitive dye, di-4-ANEPPS, were critically analyzed in order to clarify whether a lateral gradient of Delta Psi on this membrane indeed exists. This analysis showed that the main conclusion of the authors of the above article on the existence of polar distribution of Delta Psi along the pollen tube plasma membrane is not in accordance with a number of known peculiarities of di-4-ANEPPS behavior in biological membranes and requires a significant revision. The findings in question reported by the authors, in my opinion, might be interpreted as evidence for the presence on the plasma membrane of growing pollen tube not only the membrane potential Delta Psi but also lateral gradient of so called intra-membrane dipole potential. Based on the comments made, another interpretation of the experimental results described by Breigina et al. has been offered. In addition, some drawbacks in the methodology used by the authors for measurement of Delta Psi with other fluorescent potential-sensitive dye, DiBAC3(3), are also shortly considered.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that recognize pectins were used for the localization of esterified (JIM7) and acidic, unesterified (JIM5) forms of pectin in pollen tube walls of Ornithogalum virens L. (x = n = 3). The results indicated that the distribution of the two forms of pectin in the pollen tube wall depended on the medium (liquid or solid) used for pollen germination. In pollen tubes grown in the liquid medium, the localization of JIM7 was limited to the very tip of the pollen tube, whereas the localization of JIM5 indicated a uniform distribution of unesterified pectins in the very tip of the tube and along the subapical parts of the tube wall. In tubes germinated on the medium stabilized with agar (1–2%) the localization of JIM7 and JIM5 indicated the presence of both forms of pectin in the tube tip and along the whole length of the pollen tube wall in a ring-like pattern. Thus, the localization of esterified pectins in the sub-apical part of the pollen tube wall, below the apex of the tube, is described for the first time. Measurements of the growth rates of pollen tubes growing on the two types of medium indicated that oscillations in tube growth rate occur but these do not coincide with the pattern of pectin distribution in the tube wall. Our results complement the previous data obtained for the localization of JIM5 and JIM7 in pollen tube walls of other plant species. (Y.-Q. Li et al. 1994, Sex Plant Reprod 7: 145–150) and provide new insight into an understanding of the construction of the pollen tube wall and the physiology of pollen grain germination. Received: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 23 June 1999  相似文献   

Reproduction ofVarroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and the number ofVarroa mites that were found dead on the bottom board of the hive, were studied in relation to the period the mites spent on adult honey bees,Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), prior to invasion into brood cells. The maximum period on adult bees was 23 days. To introduce mites, combs with emerging worker brood, heavily infested with mites, were placed into a colony and removed the next day. At the beginning of the first day following emergence from brood cells, 18% of the mites introduced into the colony was found on the bottom of the hive. Part of these mites may already have died inside the capped brood cells, and then fallen down after cleaning of cells by the bees. At the second and third day following emergence, respectively 4% and 2% of the mites on adult bees at the previous day was recovered on the bottom, whereas from the fourth day on only 0.6% of the mites on adult bees was recovered on the bottom per day. After invasion into brood cells, 8–12% of the mites did not produce any offspring. Of the mites that did reproduce, the total number of offspring was 4.0–4.4 per mite during one reproductive cycle, part of which may reach maturity resulting in 1.2–1.3 viable daughters, and 8–10% of the mites produced only male offspring. Reproduction was independent of the period the mites had spent on adult bees prior to invasion into brood cells.  相似文献   

Jeppesen  E.  Søndergaard  M.  Kanstrup  E.  Petersen  B.  Eriksen  R. B.  Hammershøj  M.  Mortensen  E.  Jensen  J. P.  Have  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):15-30
The effects of nutrients on the biological structure of brackish and freshwater lakes were compared. Quantitative analysis of late summer fish, zooplankton, mysid and macrophyte populations was undertaken in 20–36 shallow brackish lakes of various trophic states and the findings compared with a similar analysis of shallow freshwater lakes based on either sampling (fish) or existing data (zooplankton, mysids and macrophytes). Special emphasis was placed on differences in pelagic top-down control. Whereas the fish biomass (CPUE, multiple mesh-size gill nets) rose with increasing P-concentration in freshwater lakes, that of brackish lakes was markedly reduced at P-concentrations above ca. 0.4 mg P l-1 and there was a concomitant shift to exclusive dominance by the small sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus and Pungitius pungitius); as a result, fish density remained relatively high. Mysids (Neomysis integer) were found at a salinity greater than 0.5 and increased substantially with increasing P-concentration, reaching levels as high as 13 ind. l-1. This is in contrast to the carnivorous zooplankton of freshwater lakes, which are most abundant at intermediate P levels. The efficient algal controller, Daphnia was only found at a salinity below 2 and N. integer in lakes with a salinity above 0.5. Above 2 the filter-feeding zooplankton were usually dominated by the less efficient algal controllers Eurytemora and Acartia. In contrast to freshwater lakes, no shift to a clearwater state was found in eutrophic brackish lakes when submerged macrophytes became abundant. We conclude that predation pressure on zooplankton is higher and algal grazing capacity lower in brackish eutrophic-hypertrophic lakes than in comparable freshwater lakes, and that the differences in trophic structure of brackish and freshwater lakes have major implications for the measures available to reduce the recovery period following a reduction in nutrient loading. From the point of view of top-down control, the salinity threshold dividing freshwater and brackish lakes is much lower than the conventionally defined 5.  相似文献   

Sponge tissue often contains two structural components in high concentrations: spicules of silica, and refractory fibers of protein (spongin). Some terrestrial plants contain analogous structures, siliceous inclusions and refractory lignins, that have been demonstrated to deter herbivory. We performed feeding experiments with predatory reef fish to assess the deterrent properties of the structural components of three common Caribbean demosponges, Agelas clathrodes, Ectyoplasia ferox, and Xestospongia muta. The concentrations of spicules and spongin in the tissues varied widely between the three species, but when assayed at their natural volumetric concentrations, neither spicules (all three species assayed) nor the intact spiculated spongin skeleton (A. clathrodes and X. muta assayed) deterred feeding by reef fish in aquarium or field assays using prepared foods of a nutritional quality similar to, or higher than, that of sponge tissue. Spicules deterred feeding in aquarium assays when incorporated into prepared foods of a nutritional quality lower than that of sponge tissue (15–19 times less protein), but spiculated spongin skeleton was still palatable, even in prepared foods devoid of measurable protein, and even though spicules embedded in spongin were oriented in their natural conformation. Based on comparisons of the nutritional qualities of the tissues of the three sponge species and of the prepared foods, sponge tissue would have to be much lower in food value (5 times less protein or lower) for spicules to provide an effective defense, and spicules in combination with the spongin skeleton would be unlikely to provide an effective defense regardless of the nutritional quality of the tissue. Unlike terrestrial plants, marine sponges may use silica and refractory fibers solely for structural purposes.  相似文献   

The northward and upward movement of the tree line and gradual replacement of lichens with vascular plants associated with increasing temperatures and nutrient availability may change the reindeer pastures in Northern Fennoscandia. The productivity of reindeer forage will most probably increase, but their protein (nitrogen) concentrations may decrease because of higher temperatures and CO2 concentration. In the long term, the nutritive value of forage will depend on the mineralization rate and nutrient uptake from the soil. Enhanced UV-B is likely to increase the concentration of phenolics, decreasing forage quality and choice, but reindeer may adapt to increased phenolics. Increased winter precipitation, the occurrence of ice layers, deeper snow cover, and the appearance of molds beneath the snow cover may reduce the availability and/or quality of reindeer forage, but prolongation of snowless periods might have the opposite effect. The net balance of negative and positive effects will vary regionally depending on the climate, bedrock, vegetation, reindeer herding systems and socio-political factors. Multidisciplinary research is needed most importantly on the effects of the changing winter climate on reindeer forage, and the effect of modified forage quality on reindeer physiology.
Minna TurunenEmail:

Ants are extensive users of arboreal sugars, but little is known about how ecological dominance or habitat succession influences this interaction. We investigated how the availability and use of arboreal sugar resources by ants changes across a restoration chronosequence. We surveyed the use and availability of hemipteran honeydew and floral nectar on the two dominant plant genera, Eucalyptus and Acacia, in study sites in south eastern Australia. Sugars used by ants are likely to drive their role as ecosystem engineers, while sugars not used by ants remain available to other organisms. We also tested whether the use of sugars differed between ecologically dominant and non-dominant ants; taxa likely to perform different functions in ecosystems. No floral nectar was available on Acacia, but later successional eucalypts supported more floral resources and fewer mutualist hemiptera. Successional stage significantly affected how much sugar remained unexploited by ants, with similar trends for ant use of sugars. Non-dominant ants used mainly floral nectar, while hemipteran honeydew resources were used disproportionately by dominant ants, consistent with the prediction that this group monopolises persistent carbohydrate resources. This pattern was similar across successional stages, but the difference was least in habitats with the greatest availability of floral nectar, suggesting that high sugar availability may reduce the incentive to defend honeydew. Across habitat types, the proportion of dominant ants increased with the availability of hemipteran honeydew. This suggests that honeydew availability may regulate ecological dominance, thus affecting ant-driven ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Benjamin R. Montgomery 《Oikos》2009,118(7):1084-1092
Pollinator constancy and pollen carryover are both thought to mitigate competitive effects that result when shared pollinators cause loss of pollen to heterospecific flowers. I present analytical and simulation models to investigate how pollinator constancy and pollen carryover interact with each other and with the relationship between pollen receipt and seed set to determine pollination success in competitive environments. With inconstant pollinators, increased pollen carryover reduces variance in pollen receipt without affecting average pollen receipt. Consequently, for flowers requiring at least a threshold quantity of pollen for success, rare flowers with inconstant pollinators benefit from reduced carryover, especially for high pollen receipt thresholds, whereas common flowers benefit from increased carryover, especially for low receipt thresholds. Pollinator constancy is predicted to increase pollen receipt, especially if pollen carryover rates are low. As a result, increased pollinator constancy reduces the range of pollen receipt thresholds for which carryover is beneficial. Similarly, for flowers whose pollination success is a convex function of pollen receipt, carryover is expected to increase fecundity if pollinators are inconstant, but with even a low degree of pollinator constancy, carryover reduces fecundity. These results predict that rare plants with many ovules per flower benefit from dispersing aggregations of pollen, especially if their pollinators exhibit constancy, whereas plants with inconstant pollinators and low thresholds of pollen receipt benefit from pollen grains dispersing individually to increase the number of flowers reached by the pollen.  相似文献   

We questioned the well-accepted concept that spider mite-infested plants attract predatory mites from a distance. This idea is based on the preference demonstrated by predatory mites such as Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) for volatiles produced by spider mite-infested plants in a closed environment (Y-tube wind tunnel). However, in natural open environments, kidney bean leaves heavily infested with Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) did not attract P. persimilis from the same distances as were used in the Y-tube tests. Therefore, the attraction of predatory mites for spider mite-infested plant volatiles in the Y-tube tests may reflect a preference in a closed environment and should be carefully interpreted as a basis for extrapolating predator–prey attraction mechanisms in the wild. On the other hand, we showed that adult female P. persimilis could follow trails laid down by adult female T. urticae in the laboratory and in natural open environments. Consequently, we propose that following spider mite trails represents another prey-searching cue for predatory mites.  相似文献   

As published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) global warming is a reality and its impact is huge like the increase of extreme weather events, glacier recession, sea level rise and also effects on human health. Among them allergies to airborne pollen might increase or change in pattern due to the invasion of new allergic plants or due to different behavior of plants like earlier flowering. In this study we used the longest Swiss airborne pollen data set to examine the influence of the temperature increase on the time of flowering. In the case of Basel, where pollen data for 38 years are available, it was shown that due to a temperature increase the start of flowering in the case of birch occurred about 15 days earlier. Apart from a shift of the start of the flowering there is also a trend towards higher annual birch pollen quantities and an increase of the highest daily mean pollen concentrations. Due to global warming and because symptoms may appear earlier in the year people suffering from a pollen allergy might face a new unaccustomed situation.  相似文献   

A generalist strategy, as an adaptation to environmental heterogeneity, is common in Arctic freshwater systems, often accompanied, however, by intraspecific divergence that promotes specialization in niche use. To better understand how resources may be partitioned in a northern system that supports intraspecific diversity of Lake Trout, trophic niches were compared among four shallow‐water morphotypes in Great Bear Lake (N65° 56′ 39″, W120° 50′ 59″). Bayesian mixing model analyses of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen were conducted on adult Lake Trout. Major niche overlap in resource use among four Lake Trout morphotypes was found within littoral and pelagic zones, which raises the question of how such polymorphism can be sustained among opportunistic generalist morphotypes. Covariances of our morphological datasets were tested against δ13C and δ15N values. Patterns among morphotypes were mainly observed for δ15N. This link between ecological and morphological differentiation suggested that selection pressure(s) operate at the trophic level (δ15N), independent of habitat, rather than along the habitat‐foraging opportunity axis (δ13C). The spatial and temporal variability of resources in Arctic lakes, such as Great Bear Lake, may have favored the presence of multiple generalists showing different degrees of omnivory along a weak benthic–pelagic gradient. Morphs 1–3 had more generalist feeding habits using both benthic and pelagic habitats than Morph 4, which was a top‐predator specialist in the pelagic habitat. Evidence for frequent cannibalism in Great Bear Lake was found across all four morphotypes and may also contribute to polymorphism. We suggest that the multiple generalist morphs described here from Great Bear Lake are a unique expression of diversity due to the presumed constraints on the evolution of generalists and contrast with the development of multiple specialists, the standard response to intraspecific divergence.  相似文献   

Despite there being an increasing literature on the impact of cancer genetic counseling on risk perception and mental health, there is a lack of data describing impact on risk management. Genetic counseling and testing for cancer predisposition genes aims to improve the future health of those at high risk through appropriate surveillance and screening. However, management of breast cancer risk in women with a family history of this disease is an area of controversy. Counseling services may recommend specific risk management options to women, who then rely on their local screening service to make provision. This study investigated the impact of genetic counseling on management of breast cancer risk in women attending Cancer Family Clinics. A total of 293 women attending four genetic clinics were enrolled. Rates of breast self-examination, clinical breast examination, mammography, biopsy, detected cancers, and other screenings were documented. Participants' perceived benefits and barriers to mammography were assessed along with cancer worry. Results show that rates of mammography, clinical breast examination, and breast self-examination were increased following clinic attendance (p < 0.001). Women in the under 35 age-group had limited access to screening. Rates for biopsy and detected cancers were low. Women reported positive attitudes to mammography, with few reported barriers. Contrary to previous studies, there was no evidence that anxiety about breast cancer impedes uptake of health surveillance methods. Genetic counseling had a positive impact on management of breast cancer risk. Whether this translates into future health gains remains to be established.  相似文献   

The "conventional wisdom" is that grades are related to class attendance, i.e., students who attend classes more frequently obtain better grades and class attendance dramatically contributes to enhanced learning. However, the influence of sex (female vs. male) on this relationship is understudied. Furthermore, there have been several studies examining the impact of attendance on course grades that challenge the conventional wisdom. To address these issues, we determined the effect of class attendance on examination scores for female and male students enrolled in our undergraduate exercise physiology class of 51 students (20 female students and 31 male students). The experiment was designed not to interfere with the normal conduct of the course. Attendance was recorded in each class, and, although regular attendance was encouraged, it was not required and did not factor into the final grades. The final grade reflected the average days of attendance for female students only. Specifically, female students earning a grade above the class average attended 89 ± 4% of the classes; however, female students earning a grade below the class average attended only 64 ± 6% of the classes. In sharp contrast, there was no difference in the number of classes attended for male students earning grades above or below the class average (84 ± 3% vs. 79 ± 5%). Accordingly, some male students were absent frequently but scored above the class average, whereas other male students attended many classes but scored below the class average. Thus, the influence of regular attendance on examination performance is more important for female students than male students.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that pollen is both chemically and structurally protected. Despite increasing interest in studying bee–flower networks, the constraints for bee development related to pollen nutritional content, toxicity and digestibility as well as their role in the shaping of bee–flower interactions have been poorly studied. In this study we combined bioassays of the generalist bee Bombus terrestris on pollen of Cirsium, Trifolium, Salix, and Cistus genera with an assessment of nutritional content, toxicity, and digestibility of pollen. Microcolonies showed significant differences in their development, non‐host pollen of Cirsium being the most unfavorable. This pollen was characterized by the presence of quite rare δ7‐sterols and a low digestibility. Cirsium consumption seemed increase syrup collection, which is probably related to a detoxification mixing behavior. These results strongly suggest that pollen traits may act as drivers of plant selection by bees and partly explain why Asteraceae pollen is rare in bee generalist diet.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat fragmentation on the insect community of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) were studied, using 32 natural nettle patches of different area and degree of isolation in an agricultural landscape. Habitat fragmentation reduced the species richness of Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, and Coleoptera, and the abundance of populations. Habitat isolation and area reduction did not affect all insect species equally. Monophagous herbivores had a higher probability of absence from small patches than all (monophagous and polyphagous) herbivore species, and the percentage of monophagous herbivores increased with habitat area. Abundance and population variability of species were negatively correlated and could both be used as a predictor of the percentage of occupied habitats. Species richness of herbivores correlated (positively) with habitat area, while species richness of predators correlated (negatively) with habitat isolation. In logistic regressions, the probability of absence of monophagous herbivores from habitat patches could only be explained by habitat area (in 4 out of 10 species) and predator absence probability only by habitat isolation (in 3 out of 14 species). Presumably because of the instability of higher-trophic-level populations and dispersal limitation, predators were more affected by habitat isolation than herbivores, while they did not differ from herbivore populations with respect to abundance or variability. Thus increasing habitat connectivity in the agricultural landscape should primarily promote predator populations. Received: 4 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity and homogeneity are associated with distinct sets of adaptive advantages and bottlenecks, both in developmental biology and population genetics. Whereas populations of individuals are usually genetically heterogeneous, most multicellular metazoans are genetically homogeneous. Observing that resource scarcity fuels genetic heterogeneity in populations, we propose that monoclonal development is compatible with the resource‐rich and stable internal environments that complex multicellular bodies offer. In turn, polyclonal development persists in tumors and in certain metazoans, both exhibiting a closer dependence on external resources. This eco‐evo‐devo approach also suggests that multicellularity may originally have emerged through polyclonal development in early metazoans, because of their reduced shielding from environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

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