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Variations in seed characteristics observed in heteromorphic species may affect various stages of their life cycles, e.g. seed dormancy, germination characteristics or even adult plant performance. Highly specialised seed morphs – described as colonisers and maintainers – exhibit a trade‐off between colonisation capacity and competitive traits. The performance of distinct seed morph progeny under competitive conditions, and especially in multi‐species arrangements, had previously not been given much attention. In this study, we compared performance and response to competition among distinct seed morph progenies in two congeneric, co‐occurring species: the invasive Bidens frondosa and the non‐invasive Bidens tripartita. We hypothesised that maintainer seed morphs of both species would perform better under increased plant densities and within inter‐morphic mixtures, while coloniser morphs would show stronger responses to increased densities and perform relatively poorly in inter‐morphic mixtures. We conducted a growth trial and a greenhouse experiment, which revealed that seed morph progeny differed significantly in plant height when grown without competition, while under competitive conditions such differences became less apparent. The observed pattern was more strongly pronounced in B. frondosa, which showed a general predominance in stature and biomass over its non‐invasive congener. Although seed morphs performed equally well under competitive conditions, increased plant height and more rapid germination can favour the maintainer seed morph on sites where vegetation is already present.  相似文献   

Do foraging bumblebees scent-mark food sources and does it matter?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The foraging of worker bees of Bombus terrestris visiting artificial feeders in a climatic test chamber was investigated. The behaviour of worker bees visiting rewarding and unrewarding feeders is completely different. Of all flower visits to rewarding feeders 94% are probing-visits, i.e. the bees land on the flower and probe for nectar. In contrast, only 0.3% of all visits to unrewarding feeders are probing-visits, whereas 47% are approach-visits, i.e., the bees approach the feeders without landing. Exchanging feeder discs proves that the signal used for discrimination must be associated with the plastic disc used as landing platform. Most probably it involves scent-marking of the rewarding feeders with components of high and low volatility. The mean foraging efficiency of bees in a scent-marked foraging arena is 5.7 mg sugar/min and drops to 2.8 mg sugar/min after the scent marked discs are replaced by clean ones. Three components generate this drop in foraging efficiency: (1) the between-flower flight time increases, i.e. the bees search for a longer time before landing on flowers, (2) the bees no longer discriminate between rewarding and unrewarding feeders, and (3) the bees probe empty feeders longer than necessary; obviously they expect to find nectar.  相似文献   

Cassava is an important dietary component for over 1 billion people, and its ability to yield under drought has led to it being promoted as an important crop for food security under climate change. Despite its known photosynthetic plasticity in response to temperature, little is known about how temperature affects plant toxicity or about interactions between temperature and drought, which is important because cassava tissues contain high levels of toxic cyanogenic glucosides, a major health and food safety concern. In a controlled glasshouse experiment, plants were grown at 2 daytime temperatures (23 °C and 34 °C), and either well‐watered or subject to a 1 month drought prior to harvest at 6 months. The objective was to determine the separate and interactive effects of temperature and drought on growth and toxicity. Both temperature and drought affected cassava physiology and chemistry. While temperature alone drove differences in plant height and above‐ground biomass, drought and temperature × drought interactions most affected tuber yield, as well as foliar and tuber chemistry, including C : N, nitrogen and cyanide potential (CNp; total cyanide released from cyanogenic glucosides). Conditions that most stimulated growth and yield (well‐watered × high temperature) effected a reduction in tuber toxicity, whereas drought inhibited growth and yield, and was associated with increased foliar and tuber toxicity. The magnitude of drought effects on tuber yield and toxicity were greater at high temperature; thus, increases in tuber CNp were not merely a consequence of reduced tuber biomass. Findings confirm that cassava is adaptable to forecast temperature increases, particularly in areas of adequate or increasing rainfall; however, in regions forecast for increased incidence of drought, the effects of drought on both food quality (tuber toxicity) and yield are a greater threat to future food security and indicate an increasing necessity for processing of cassava to reduce toxicity.  相似文献   

We present experimental data on the survivorship of damselflies infested by parasitic water mites from a population in field cages. In addition, we show correlative laboratory data under simulated severe weather conditions. In the manipulative experiment, parasitized females' individual condition, which was measured as weight at emergence, was an important determinant of survival under field conditions. In contrast, such a relationship did not occur in males and unparasitized females. It was found in the laboratory experiment that water mites as well as weight at emergence both contributed significantly to the reduced survivorship of male and female damselflies. It was concluded that the impact of parasitism depends on environmental conditions and that host sexes differ in their responses to parasitism. This is discussed in the light of immunocompetence in invertebrates.  相似文献   

It has been observed that when a new diet formulation, or a new batch of the same diet formulation, is presented to poultry, there is a transitory suppression of feeding. It appears that the birds do not recognise the food as being edible, or classify it as being 'unknown'. In order to understand more about food recognition and rejection, the aim of this experiment was to determine whether cognitive processes are involved. Sixteen groups of four broiler chicks were used, and were fed a low quality diet in their home pens. The groups of chicks were trained to run a winding maze to gain access to a high quality diet in a test trough for 15min per day. When training was completed, the feed in the test trough for eight of the groups was changed to that which they received in the home pen, while the other eight groups received no change as a control. Time to traverse the runway did not show an immediate decrease on the day after the change (P>0.05) as would be expected if the birds used a cognitive comparison to determine speed of approach to the test trough. However, the experimental groups were significantly slower compared to the control groups after 4 days (P<0.05). The behaviour observed on the day of the change was indicative of frustration with more scratching and hurried movements shown (P<0.05), and less pecking at feed (P<0.01). Food consumption was lower for experimental groups compared to control groups on all days from the day of change onward (P<0.001). It was concluded that although there was no definitive evidence for the presence of a cognitive representation of food, this may have been due in part to the testing of groups of birds rather than individuals, and the way in which food quality is perceived. The occurrence of behaviours indicative of frustration suggest that a cognitive expectation may have been present.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Legume-brassica intercrops may help to reduce N fertilizer input. We tested whether (i) intercropping with faba bean can improve N status of rapeseed, and (ii) root complementarity and/or N transfer is involved in such performance.


Pre-germinated rapeseed and faba bean were grown either together or in monospecific rhizotrons (2 plants per rhizotron). Root growth was recorded. N rhizodeposition of the crops and N transferred between species were assessed using a 15N stem-labelling method.


Intercropped rapeseeds accumulated 20 % higher amounts of N per plant than monocultures. Up to 32 days after sowing, root distribution in the rhizotrons was favourable to physical sharing of the soil N: 64 % of faba bean root length was located in the upper part, as 70 % was in the lower part for rapeseed. At late flowering of the faba bean (52 days after sowing), N rhizodeposition of the two crops were similar and reached 8 to 9 % of the plant N. N transferred from the faba bean to the rapeseed was similar to that transferred from the rapeseed to the faba bean.


Niche complementarity benefits more intercropped rapeseed than net N fluxes between species in the early growth.  相似文献   

The use of particulate carriers holds great promise for the development of effective and affordable recombinant vaccines. Rational development requires a detailed understanding of particle up-take and processing mechanisms to target cellular pathways capable of stimulating the required immune responses safely. These mechanisms are in turn based on how the host has evolved to recognize and process pathogens. Pathogens, as well as particulate vaccines, come in a wide range of sizes and biochemical compositions. Some of these also provide 'danger signals' so that antigen 'senting cells (APC), usually dendritic cells (DC), acquire specific stimulatory activity. Herein, we provide an overview of the types of particles currently under investigation for the formulation of vaccines, discuss cellular uptake mechanisms (endocytosis, macropinocytosis, phagocytosis, clathrin-dependent and/or caveloae-mediated) for pathogens and particles of different sizes, as well as antigen possessing and presentation by APC in general, and DC in particular. Since particle size and composition can influence the immune response, inducing humoral and/or cellular immunity, activating CD8 T cells and/or CD4 T cells of T helper 1 and/or T helper 2 type, particle characteristics have a major impact on vaccine efficacy. Recently developed methods for the formulation of particulate vaccines are presented in this issue of Methods, showcasing a range of "cutting edge" particulate vaccines that employ particles ranging from nano to micro-sized. This special issue of Methods further addresses practical issues of production, affordability, reproducibility and stability of formulation, and also includes a discussion of the economic and regulatory challenges encountered in developing vaccines for veterinary use and for common Third World infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Low birth weight has been associated with an increased incidence of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and type 2 diabetes. Endocrine regulation of fetal growth by growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I is complex. Placental GH is detectable in maternal serum from the 8th to the 12th gestational week, and rises gradually during pregnancy where it replaces pituitary GH in the maternal circulation. The rise in placental GH may explain the pregnancy-induced rise in maternal serum IGF-I levels. In the fetal compartment, IGF-I levels increase significantly in normally growing fetuses from 18 to 40 weeks of gestation, but IGF-I levels are four to five times lower than those in the maternal circulation. Thus IGF-I levels in fetal as well as in maternal circulation are thought to regulate fetal growth. Circulating levels of IGF-I are thought to be genetically controlled and several IGF-I gene polymorphisms have been described. IGF-I gene polymorphisms are associated with birth weight in some studies but not in all. Likewise, IGF-I gene polymorphisms are associated with serum IGF-I in healthy adults in some studies, although some controversy exists. Serum IGF-I decreases with increasing age in healthy adults, and this decline could hypothetically be responsible for the increased risk of IHD with ageing. A recent nested case-control study found that adults without IHD, but with low circulating IGF-I levels and high IGF binding protein-3 levels, had a significantly increased risk of developing IHD during a 15-year follow-up period. In summary, the GH/IGF-I axis is involved in the regulation of fetal growth. Furthermore, it has been suggested that low IGF-I may increase the risk of IHD in otherwise healthy subjects. Hypothetically, intrauterine programming of the GH/IGF axis may influence postnatal growth, insulin resistance and consequently the risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus IGF-I may serve as a link between fetal growth and adult-onset disease.  相似文献   

A number of systematic conservation planning tools are available to aid in making land use decisions. Given the increasing worldwide use and application of reserve design tools, including measures of site irreplaceability, it is essential that methodological differences and their potential effect on conservation planning outcomes are understood. We compared the irreplaceability of sites for protecting ecosystems within the Brigalow Belt Bioregion, Queensland, Australia, using two alternative reserve system design tools, Marxan and C-Plan. We set Marxan to generate multiple reserve systems that met targets with minimal area; the first scenario ignored spatial objectives, while the second selected compact groups of areas. Marxan calculates the irreplaceability of each site as the proportion of solutions in which it occurs for each of these set scenarios. In contrast, C-Plan uses a statistical estimate of irreplaceability as the likelihood that each site is needed in all combinations of sites that satisfy the targets. We found that sites containing rare ecosystems are almost always irreplaceable regardless of the method. Importantly, Marxan and C-Plan gave similar outcomes when spatial objectives were ignored. Marxan with a compactness objective defined twice as much area as irreplaceable, including many sites with relatively common ecosystems. However, targets for all ecosystems were met using a similar amount of area in C-Plan and Marxan, even with compactness. The importance of differences in the outcomes of using the two methods will depend on the question being addressed; in general, the use of two or more complementary tools is beneficial.  相似文献   

B. H. King 《Oecologia》1989,78(3):420-426
Summary Waage's (1982) hypothesis that host-size-dependent sex ratios will occur in parasitoids of nongrowing hosts and not in parasitoids of growing hosts is examined using published data on parasitoid wasps. Waage's hypothesis is supported as a general, but not absolute, rule: among solitary parasitoid wasps, a significantly greater proportion of parasitoids of nongrowing than of growing hosts show some evidence of host-size-dependent sex ratios (85% versus 42%, G=6.54, P< 0.05). The premise of Waage's hypothesis-that for parasitoids which develop in a growing stage, host size at oviposition is not a good predictor of the amount of resources available to the developing parasitoid-is also examined. It is suggested that across host species Waage's premise will hold for some, but not all, parasitoids of growing hosts. Likely exceptions to Waage's premise, and thus his prediction, are discussed. Parasitoids of growing hosts which are expected to have evolved hostsize-dependent sex ratios include parasitoids which utilize a narrow size range of host species, parasitoids which can distinguish among host species by some criterion other than size, and parasitoids which utilize host species whose susceptible instars do not overlap in size.  相似文献   

Grazing bioerosion, notably by chitons, gastropods and regular echinoids, is a powerful destructive force in many recent shallow-marine environments and impacts significantly on sessile epibionts through grazing predation and/or unselective dislodgement. Grazing bioerosion was an important component of a major phase of biotic escalation; the Mesozoic marine revolution. Recent investigations of hard substrates in southern British Jurassic marine formations have identified widespread ichnofossils attributable to grazing activity by gastropods and/or chitons, and regular echinoids. The co-occurring benthic macrofaunas include groups that would have been vulnerable to grazing disturbance and dislodgement; notably articulate brachiopods. The emerging ichnological evidence strengthens the argument for grazing bioerosion as a significant contributor to the Mesozoic–Cenozoic decline of the articulate brachiopods, and their retreat to deep-water and/or cryptic refugia.  相似文献   

This study examines wife-husband preference for children and subsequent fertility for a period of 5 years in the treatment and comparison areas of Matlab, Bangladesh. The two data sets used were: the In-depth Survey (1984) and the Demographic Surveillance System (1984-89). In the case of wives' preferences for children, subsequent childbearing was 13.8% higher than desired in the treatment area and 44.7% higher than desired in the comparison area. After controlling for all variables in the model, the likelihood of giving birth was 1.78 times higher for wives who wanted no more children, but whose husbands did want more, compared with couples where neither husband nor wife wanted more children. For couples where the wife wanted more, but the husband did not want more children, the likelihood of giving birth was 0.63 times that of couples where both the husband and wife wanted more children. This finding suggests that to enhance the decline in fertility in these two areas of Matlab, it will be necessary to motivate both wives and husbands to cease childbearing.  相似文献   

Fisher's theory predicts equal sex ratios at the end of parentalcare if the costs and benefits associated with raising eachsex of offspring are equal. In raptors, which display variousdegrees of reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD; females thelarger sex), sex ratios biased in favor of smaller males areonly infrequently reported. This suggests that offspring ofeach sex may confer different fitness advantages to parents.We examined the relative returns associated with raising eachsex of offspring of the brown falcon Falco berigora, a medium-sizedfalcon exhibiting RSD (males approximately 75% of female bodymass) and subsequent sex ratios. Female nestlings hatched eitherfirst or second did not receive more food nor did they hatchfrom larger eggs or remain dependent on parents for longer periodsthan male offspring from these hatch orders. Together with previousstudies this result indicates that even in markedly dimorphicspecies, the required investment to raise the larger sex islikely to be less than that predicted by body size differencesalone. Moreover, among last-hatched nestlings, both sexes faceda reduced food allocation and suffered a slower growth rateand thus final body size, with a concurrent increased probabilityof mortality. For last-hatched females the reduction in foodallocation was more marked, with complete mortality of all last-hatchedfemale nestlings monitored in this study. Once independent,males of any size but only larger females are likely to be recruitedinto the breeding population. The sex-biased food allocationamong last-hatched offspring favoring males thus reflects therelative returns to parents in raising a small member of eachsex.  相似文献   

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