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Amino acid variants of an antigenic peptide or altered peptide ligands have previously been investigated with CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. However, for CD8+ T cells, only clones (which are continually restimulated in vitro) have been assessed. Using TCR transgenic mice specific for a class I Kb-restricted OVA peptide (OVAp; OT-I mice) as a source of na?ve CD8+ T cells, single amino acid variants of the OVAp were analysed in vitro for their ability to antagonize the proliferative and cytotoxic function of na?ve OT-I cells. Peptides with substitutions at TCR contact residues were found to be the most potent antagonists of OT-I cell function. Those peptides that inhibited activation of cells to proliferate also inhibited activation of cells to become killers. Inhibition was inversely correlated with interferon (IFN)-gamma production. It was found that levels of antagonist peptide required for inhibition were higher than that described for T cell clones, presumably due to affinity differences.  相似文献   

T cell responses are regulated by the affinity/avidity of the T cell receptor for the MHC/peptide complex, available costimulation and duration of antigenic stimulation. Altered peptide ligands (APLs) are usually recognized with a reduced affinity/avidity by the T cell receptor and are often able to only partially activate T cells in vitro or may even function as antagonists. Here we assessed the ability of APLs derived from peptide p33 of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) to mediate lysis of target cells in vivo, confer anti-viral protection and cause auto-immune disease. In general, in vitro cross-reactivity between APLs was rather limited, and even strongly cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes were only able to mediate moderate anti-viral protection. Partial protection was observed for infection with LCMV or low doses of recombinant vaccinia virus, while no reduced viral titers could be seen upon infection with high dose of vaccinia virus. In a transgenic mouse model expressing LCMV glycoprotein in the islets of the pancreas, APLs induced a transient insulitis but failed to induce autoimmune diabetes. Thus, effector functions induced by even highly homologous APLs are rather limited in vivo.  相似文献   

Gamma delta T cells (GDTc) comprise a small subset of cytolytic T cells shown to kill malignant cells in vitro and in vivo. We have developed a novel protocol to expand GDTc from human blood whereby GDTc were initially expanded in the presence of alpha beta T cells (ABTc) that were then depleted prior to use. We achieved clinically relevant expansions of up to 18,485-fold total GDTc, with 18,849-fold expansion of the Vδ1 GDTc subset over 21 days. ABTc depletion yielded 88.1 ± 4.2 % GDTc purity, and GDTc continued to expand after separation. Immunophenotyping revealed that expanded GDTc were mostly CD27-CD45RA- and CD27-CD45RA+ effector memory cells. GDTc cytotoxicity against PC-3M prostate cancer, U87 glioblastoma and EM-2 leukemia cells was confirmed. Both expanded Vδ1 and Vδ2 GDTc were cytotoxic to PC-3M in a T cell antigen receptor- and CD18-dependent manner. We are the first to label GDTc with ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles for cellular MRI. Using protamine sulfate and magnetofection, we achieved up to 40 % labeling with clinically approved Feraheme (Ferumoxytol), as determined by enumeration of Perls’ Prussian blue-stained cytospins. Electron microscopy at 2,800× magnification verified the presence of internalized clusters of iron oxide; however, high iron uptake correlated negatively with cell viability. We found improved USPIO uptake later in culture. MRI of GDTc in agarose phantoms was performed at 3 Tesla. The signal-to-noise ratios for unlabeled and labeled cells were 56 and 21, respectively. Thus, Feraheme-labeled GDTc could be readily detected in vitro via MRI.  相似文献   

Several new antibacterial agents are currently being developed in response to the emergence of bacterial resistance to existing antibiotic substances. The new agents include compounds that interfere with bacterial membrane function. The peptidoglycan component of the bacterial cell wall is synthesized by glutamate racemase, and this enzyme is responsible for the biosynthesis of d-glutamate, which is an essential component of cell wall peptidoglycan. In this study, we screened a phage display library expressing random dodecapeptides on the surface of bacteriophage against an Escherichia coli glutamate racemase, and isolated specific peptide sequences that bind to the enzyme. Twenty-seven positive phage clones were analyzed, and seven different peptide sequences were obtained. Among them, the peptide sequence His-Pro-Trp-His-Lys-Lys-His-Pro-Asp-Arg-Lys-Thr was found most frequently, suggesting that this peptide might have the highest affinity to glutamate racemase. The positive phage clones and HPWHKKHPDRKT synthetic peptide were able to inhibit glutamate racemase activity in vitro, implying that our peptide inhibitors may be utilized for the molecular design of new potential antibacterial agents targeting cell wall synthesis.  相似文献   

It was established previously that committed precursors of T cells, which reside in bone marrow and spleen and lack T cell surface differentiation antigens, can be induced by thymopoietin and certain other agents to differentiate rapidly in vitro into T cells bearing typical surface antigens, including Thy-1 and TL (Komuro-Boyse assay). To relate this differentiative step observed in vitro to physiologic events in vivo, a system was devised to trace the migration of precursor cells to the thymus, and their maturation to T cells. Lethally irradiated mice of a TL- strain received spleen cells from TL+ hybrids i.v., and the TL+ population of the thymus was enumerated 13 to 20 days later. Donor TL+ cells first became detectable at 13 days and increased thereafter. Preliminary tests showed that cells capable of migrating to the thymus have a similar density to the cells that are inducible in the Komuro-Boyse assay, this being lower than that of mature of T cells. The thymus-repopulating properties of the donor spleen population were not affected by: 1) pre-treatment in vitro with thymus extract or thymopoietin, which initiates differentiation of T cells precursors, nor b) pre-treatment with anti Thy-1 serum plus complement, which eliminates differentiated T cells. But pre-treatment a) and b) applied in sequence markedly reduced the capacity of spleen cells to repopulate the thymus. These results can be interpreted as follows: induction of Thy-1-TL- precursor cells (pro-thymocyte) in vitro yields Thy-1+TL+ cells (early thymocytes) which have not yet lost their property of repopulating the thymus; therefore, thymus-repopulation was not depleted by treatment a) alone, which induced Thy-1 +TL+ cells, nor by treatment b) alone, which did not affect thymus-repopulation by Thy-1-TL- cells, although treatments a) plus b) did eliminate the newly induced Thy-1+TL+ cells and thus impaired repopulation of the thymus. We conclude that the cell which responds to thymopoietin in the Komuro-Boyse assay by expressing the T cell surface phenotype is the same cell (pro-thymocyte) that normally migrates in vivo from hemopoietic tissues to the thymus and is there induced by thymopoietin to express the phenotype of an early T cell.  相似文献   

Vaccination with class I tumor peptides has been performed to induce tumor-reactive CD8(+) T cells in vivo. However, the kinds of immune responses that vaccination might elicit in patients are not fully understood. In this study we tried to elucidate the mechanisms by which vaccination of class I binding tumor peptides into an HLA-A2(+) lung cancer patient elicited dramatic amounts of IgG1 and IgG2 specific to a nonamer peptide, ubiquitin-conjugated enzyme variant Kua (UBE2V)(43-51). The UBE2V(43-51) peptide contains cysteine at the sixth position. HLA-DR-restricted and UBE2V(43-51) peptide-recognizing CD4(+) T cells were induced from postvaccination, but not from prevaccination, PBMCs of the cancer patient. In addition, a CD4(+) T cell line (UB-2) and its clone (UB-2.3), both of which recognize the UBE2V(43-51) peptide in the context of HLA-DRB1*0403 molecules, were successfully established from postvaccination PBMCs. The peptide vaccination increased the frequency of peptide-specific T cells, especially CD4(+) T cells. In contrast, mass spectrometric analysis revealed that the vaccinated UBE2V(43-51) peptide contained both monomeric and dimeric forms. Both forms, fractionated by reverse phase HPLC, were recognized by UB-2 and UB-2.3 cells. Recognition by these CD4(+) T cells was observed despite the addition of a reduction reagent or the fixation of APC. Overall, these results indicate that vaccination with class I tumor peptides can induce HLA-DR-restricted CD4(+) T cells in vivo and elicit humoral immune responses, and that a cysteine-containing peptide can be recognized by CD4(+) T cells not only as a monomer, but also as a dimer.  相似文献   

CD95 apoptosis resistance of tumor cells is often acquired through mutations in the death domain (DD) of one of the CD95 alleles. Furthermore, Type I cancer cells are resistant to induction of apoptosis by soluble CD95 ligand (CD95L), which does not induce efficient formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). Here, we report that tumor cells expressing a CD95 allele that lacks a functional DD, splenocytes from heterozygous lpr(cg) mice, which express one mutated CD95 allele, and Type I tumor cells stimulated with soluble CD95L can all die through CD95 when protein synthesis or nuclear factor kappa B is inhibited. This noncanonical form of CD95-mediated apoptosis is dependent on the enzymatic activity of procaspase-8 but does not involve fully processed active caspase-8 subunits. Our data suggest that it is possible to overcome the CD95 apoptosis resistance of many tumor cells that do not efficiently form a DISC through noncanonical activation of the caspase-8 proenzyme.  相似文献   

Cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) after commencing DNA replication do not initiate viral immediate-early (IE) gene expression and divide before arresting. To determine the nature of this blockade, we examined cells that were infected 24 h after release from G(0) using immunofluorescence, laser scanning cytometry, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. Approximately 40 to 50% of the cells had 2N DNA content, became IE(+) in the first 12 h, and arrested. Most but not all of the cells with >2N DNA content did not express IE antigens until after mitosis. To define the small population of IE(+) cells that gradually accumulated within the S and G(2)/M compartments, cells were pulsed with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) just prior to S-phase infection and analyzed at 12 h postinfection for IE gene expression, BrdU positivity, and cell cycle position. Most of the BrdU(+) cells were IE(-) and had progressed into G(2)/M or back to G(1). The majority of the IE(+) cells in S and G(2)/M were BrdU(-). Only a few cells were IE(+) BrdU(+), and they resided in G(2)/M. Multipoint BrdU pulse-labeling revealed that, compared to cells actively synthesizing DNA at the beginning of the infection, a greater percentage of the cells that initiated DNA replication 4 h later could express IE antigens and proceed into S. Synchronization of the cells with aphidicolin also indicated that the blockade to the activation of IE gene expression was established in cells soon after initiation of DNA replication. It appears that a short-lived protein in S-phase cells may be required for IE gene expression, as it is partially restored by treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132.  相似文献   

Conditioned medium from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells contains an inactive plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI). This latent PAI can be "activated" with denaturants. For example, less than 0.01 units/microliter of PAI activity was detected in untreated conditioned medium, but medium treated with sodium dodecyl sulfate (1.7 mM), guanidine HCl (4 M), urea (12 M) or KSCN (6 M) contained 0.9, 1.9, 0.8, and 0.5 units/microliter, respectively. This effect was dose-dependent with respect to the particular reagent used, and the same concentration of reagent which induced PAI activity also stimulated the ability of a component in conditioned medium to form sodium dodecyl sulfate-stable complexes with exogenously added plasminogen activators. Neither activity was stimulated by extensive dialysis or by treatment with NaCl (5 M), Na2SO4 (2.8 M), or dicetyl phosphate (0.1%). Analysis of treated and untreated conditioned medium by gel filtration revealed that the latent and active PAIs migrated with apparent Mr values of 30,000 and 50,000, respectively. Thus, "activation" is associated with an increase in the apparent Mr of the molecule. These observations suggest that activation does not result from the removal of either a small dialyzable component from the medium, or of a large Mr component that is bound to the latent PAI. Other possible mechanisms of activation are discussed. We recently isolated an active PAI from bovine endothelial cells (van Mourik, J.A., Lawrence, D.A., and Loskutoff, D.J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 14914-14921). Monospecific antiserum to this active PAI selectivity immunoprecipitated the latent PAI from conditioned medium. These results indicate that the two PAIs are immunologically related and suggest that the latent form is converted into the active form by the sodium dodecyl sulfate present during the purification.  相似文献   

Cross-reactive activation of potentially autoreactive T cells by high-affinity nonself ligands may be important in breaking self-tolerance in autoimmunity. In a mouse transgenic for a cross-reactive TCR, we have previously shown that a hyper-stimulating altered peptide ligand, L144, induced unresponsiveness to the self peptide, proteolipid protein 139-151. In this study, we demonstrate that a superagonist ligand can break T cell tolerance induced by the lower affinity cognate Ag. T cells tolerant to the cognate ligand, Q144, responded to superagonist, L144, by proliferation and the production of mainly IL-4 and IL-10 in vitro. In contrast, T cells that were tolerized to the superagonist were unable to respond to any peptide that cross-reacted with the transgenic TCR. Low-dose immunization with the superagonist L144 was able to break tolerance to the cognate ligand in vivo and resulted in a blunted proliferative response with production of Th2 cytokines.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported (a) a positive correlation between the nitrate concentrations in growth medium and ethylene evolved from uninoculated and inoculated alfalfa (Medicago sativa) roots and (b) a negative correlation between ethylene evolution and nodulation. Here, we report that the inhibitory effect of NO3 on nodulation of alfalfa can be eliminated by the ethylene inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). This effect was probably related to the strong inhibition (90%) of ethylene biosynthesis caused by AVG in these inoculated and NO3-treated roots. These results support our hypothesis that the inhibitory effect of NO3 is mediated through the phytohormone ethylene. A possible role of endogenous ethylene in the autoregulation of nodulation also is discussed. AVG at 10 micromolar significantly (P < 0.05) increased total nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) in 2.5 and 5 millimolar NO3-fed plants probably as a result of the very high stimulation of nodulation.  相似文献   

It is thought that protective immunity is mediated in part by Ag-experienced T cells that respond more quickly and vigorously than naive T cells. Using adoptive transfer of OVA-specific CD4 T cells from TCR transgenic mice as a model system, we show that Ag-experienced CD4 T cells accumulate in lymph nodes more rapidly than naive T cells after in vivo challenge with Ag. However, the magnitude of clonal expansion by Ag-experienced T cells was much less than that of naive T cells, particularly at early times after primary immunization. Ag-experienced CD4 T cells quickly reverted to the slower but more robust clonal expansion behavior of naive T cells after transfer into a naive environment. Conversely, the capacity for rapid clonal expansion was acquired by naive CD4 T cells after transfer into passively immunized recipients. These results indicate that rapid in vivo response by Ag-experienced T cells is facilitated by Ag-specific Abs, whereas the limited capacity for clonal expansion is imposed by some other factor in the immune environment, perhaps residual Ag.  相似文献   

Gin mutants that can be suppressed by a Fis-independent mutation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Gin invertase of bacteriophage Mu mediates recombination between two inverted gix sites. Recombination requires the presence of a second protein, Fis, which binds to an enhancer sequence. We have isolated 24 different mutants of Gin that are impaired in DNA inversion but proficient in DNA binding. Six of these mutants could be suppressed for inversion by introduction of a second mutation, which when present in the wild-type gin gene causes a Fis-independent phenotype. Only one of the six resulting double mutants shows an inversion efficiency which is comparable to that of the wild-type Gin and which is independent of Fis. The corresponding mutation, M to I at position 108 (M108I), is located in a putative alpha-helical structure, which in the homologous gamma delta resolvase has been implicated in dimerization. The properties of the M108I mutant suggest that in Gin this dimerization helix might also be the target for Fis interaction. The five other mutants that show a restored inversion after introduction of a Fis-independent mutation appear to be completely dependent on Fis for this inversion. The corresponding mutations are located in different domains of the protein. The properties of these mutants in connection with the role of Fis in inversion will be discussed.  相似文献   

The role of the topoisomerase enzyme in DNA recombination was investigated by extracting chromosomal deoxyribonucleoproteins from a variety of cultured mammalian ceils and assaying for the formation of recombinant DNA structures. Although each of the crude deoxyribonucleoprotein preparations contained topoisomerase activity, they did not all contain DNA-recombining activity. A distinct, perhaps novel, enzyme may therefore promote DNA recombination in these cell-free systems.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs with the unique ability to activate naive T cells, which is required for initiation of the adaptive immune response against pathogens. Therefore, interfering with DC function would be advantageous for pathogen survival and dissemination. In this study we provide evidence suggesting that Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, the causative agent of typhoid disease in the mouse, interferes with DC function. Our results indicate that by avoiding lysosomal degradation, S. typhimurium impairs the ability of DCs to present bacterial Ags on MHC class I and II molecules to T cells. This process could correspond to a novel mechanism developed by this pathogen to evade adaptive immunity. In contrast, when S. typhimurium is targeted to FcgammaRs on DCs by coating bacteria with Salmonella-specific IgG, bacterial Ags are efficiently processed and presented on MHC class I and class II molecules. This enhanced Ag presentation leads to a robust activation of bacteria-specific T cells. Laser confocal microscopy experiments show that virulent S. typhimurium is rerouted to the lysosomal degradation pathway of DCs when internalized through FcgammaR. These observations are supported by electron microscopy studies demonstrating that internalized S. typhimurium shows degradation signs only when coated with IgG and captured by FcgammaRs on DCs. Therefore, our data support a potential role for bacteria-specific IgG on the augmentation of Ag processing and presentation by DCs to T cells during the immune response against intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which form the largest group of transmembrane proteins involved in signal transduction, are major targets of currently available drugs. Thus, the search for cognate and surrogate peptide ligands for GPCRs is of both basic and therapeutic interest. Here we describe the application of an in vitro DNA display technology to screening libraries of peptide ligands for full-length GPCRs expressed on whole cells. We used human angiotensin II (Ang II) type-1 receptor (hAT1R) as a model GPCR. Under improved selection conditions using hAT1R-expressing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells as bait, we confirmed that Ang II gene could be enriched more than 10,000-fold after four rounds of selection. Further, we successfully selected diverse Ang II-like peptides from randomized peptide libraries. The results provide more precise information on the sequence-function relationships of hAT1R ligands than can be obtained by conventional alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Completely in vitro DNA display can overcome the limitations of current display technologies and is expected to prove widely useful for screening diverse libraries of mutant peptide and protein ligands for receptors that can be expressed functionally on the surface of CHO-K1 cells.  相似文献   

The B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is a recently identified member of the CD28 family of cell receptors. Initial reports demonstrated that mice deficient in BTLA expression were more susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, indicating that BTLA was likely to function as a negative regulator of T cell activation. However, cross-linking of BTLA only resulted in a 2-fold reduction of IL-2 production, questioning the potency with which BTLA engagement blocks T cell activation. We established a model in which BTLA signaling could be studied in primary human CD4 T cells. We observed that cross-linking of a chimeric receptor consisting of the murine CD28 extracellular domain and human BTLA cytoplasmic tail potently inhibits IL-2 production and completely suppresses T cell expansion. Mutation of any BTLA tyrosine motifs had no effect on the ability of BTLA to block T cell activation. Only mutation of all four tyrosines rendered the BTLA cytoplasmic tail nonfunctional. We performed structure-function studies to determine which factors recruited to the BTLA cytoplasmic tail correlated with BTLA function. Using pervanadate as a means to phosphorylate the BTLA cytoplasmic tail, we observed both Src homology protein (SHP)-1 and SHP-2 recruitment. However, upon receptor engagement, we observed only SHP-1 recruitment, and mutations that abrogated SHP-1 recruitment did not impair BTLA function. These studies question whether SHP-1 or SHP-2 have any role in BTLA function and caution against the use of pervanadate as means to initiate signal transduction cascades in primary cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Activated CD8(+) T cells are retained by the healthy liver where the majority undergo apoptosis. The intrahepatic apoptosis of activated CD8(+) T cells is enhanced by the presence of SIINFEKL peptide. It is of great interest to identify strategies for maintaining intrahepatic T cell number and function in the presence of SIINFEKL peptides. AIM: Our aim was to test if low affinity peptides can block SIINFEKL peptide induced T cell deletion. METHODS: We used an in vivo model of intrahepatic CD8(+) T cell deletion with peptides of different affinities. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We show that the intrahepatic deletion of CD8(+) T cells by SIINFEKL peptide results in loss of in vivo cytotoxic T lymphocyte function. In contrast we show that a low affinity peptide (G4) does not result in intrahepatic deletion of CD8(+) T cells. High concentrations G4 peptide can however block intrahepatic deletion of activated CD8(+) T cells, and prevent loss of in vivo cytotoxicity due to SIINFEKL peptide. This is the first demonstration of blocking of SIINFEKL peptide induced CD8(+) T cell deletion in the liver, with enhancement of in vivo cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

An analysis of non-biotinylated camptothecin (CPT) binding to the C-20-biotinylated CPT binding peptide NSSQSARR was carried out using two methods, quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The peptide was immobilized peptide on a sensor chip and showed a dissociation constant (KD) of approximately 0.1 microM against CPT in QCM and SPR experiments.  相似文献   

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