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Concentrations of chorionic gonadotrophin gradually increased during early pregnancy, reached maximum values at mid-gestation, then declined to low levels. Oestradiol-17 beta concentrations were relatively low (300-600 pg/ml) during early pregnancy, increased thereafter to high levels (10-35 ng/ml), and then appeared to decline towards term. Concentrations of progesterone were constant (100-200 ng/ml) for the first 15 weeks of gestation, suggesting that sequential measurements of progesterone could be used to diagnose early pregnancy. Prolactin concentrations rose during pregnancy, reaching maximum values at term.  相似文献   

New World squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.) have high circulating cortisol levels but normal electrolytes and blood pressures. The goal of the present study was to gain insight into adaptive mechanisms used by Bolivian squirrel monkeys to minimize the effects of high cortisol on mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activity and electrolyte and water balance. Aldosterone levels in serum from 10 squirrel monkeys were 17.7 +/- 3.4 ng/dl (normal range in humans, 4 to 31 ng/dl), suggesting that squirrel monkeys do not exhibit a compensatory increase in aldosterone. The squirrel monkey MR was cloned and expressed in COS-7 cells and found to have similar responsiveness to cortisol and aldosterone as human MR, suggesting that squirrel monkey MR is not inherently less responsive to cortisol. To determine whether altered metabolism of cortisol might contribute to MR protection in squirrel monkeys, serum and urinary cortisol and cortisone were measured, and a comprehensive urinary corticosteroid metabolite profile was performed in samples from anesthetized and awake squirrel monkeys. The levels of cortisone exceeded those of cortisol in serum and urine, suggesting increased peripheral 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 activity in squirrel monkeys. In addition, a significant fraction (approximately 20%) of total corticosteroids excreted in the urine of squirrel monkeys appeared as 6beta-hydroxycortisol, compared with that in man (1%). Therefore, changes in cortisol metabolism likely contribute to adaptive mechanisms used by Bolivian squirrel monkeys to minimize effects of high cortisol.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys are the most commonly used New World primates in biomedical research, but in vitro studies are restricted by the limited number of cell lines available from this species. We report here the development and characterization of a continuous, kidney epithelial cell line (SQMK-FP cells) derived from a newborn squirrel monkey. Karyotype was consistent with Bolivian squirrel monkey (submetacentric chromosome pair 15 and acrocentric chromosome pair 16). All cells examined were hyperdiploid with chromosome numbers ranging from 52 to 57. Ultrastructural analysis of SQMK-FP cells revealed the presence of cell junctions with radiating filaments, indicating desmosomes and numerous surface projections containing longitudinally oriented filaments typical of tubular epithelium. Biochemically, SQMK-FP cells exhibit glucocorticoid resistance typical of the squirrel monkey. Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binding is low in SQMK-FP cells because of high expression of the FK506-binding immunophilin FKBP51 that inhibits GR binding. SQMK-FP cells constitute a tubular epithelial cell line that has biochemical properties characteristic of squirrel monkeys and represents an alternate cell model to B-lymphoblast SML cells to study the biology of the squirrel monkey in vitro.  相似文献   

The female squirrel monkey, Saimiri boliviensis, a New World monkey, has 10-day estrous cycles during the annual breeding season. Measurements of serum estradiol (E) concentrations in females housed with males in breeding pens revealed markedly higher levels than previously reported. Additionally, females in breeding pens appeared to have two distinct patterns of serum E peaks relative to the LH surge. Serum estrogen peaks averaging 5-fold greater than levels on the preceding day were observed on the same day as the LH surge, whereas other females had only a small E rise on the day of the LH surge followed by a 6-fold E rise on the next day. The serum progesterone (P) levels in all animals were depressed for 1-2 days before the LH surge but frequently started to rise on the day of the LH surge. The effect of the presence of a breeding male was examined by studying females housed in a group pen without exposure to a breeding male. In contrast to breeding-pen patterns, relatively small E rises were found in the 10 cycles observed. To further elucidate estrus-related E rises, a limited male-access paradigm was used to isolate mating-related hormone fluctuations. Pre-mating E levels had no marked rises; however, 4 h after mating, whether on the day of the LH surge or the next day, large E rises were found. These studies indicate that the LH surge in cycling squirrel monkeys is consistently preceded by a marked P nadir and associated with relatively small E rises.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Respiratory abdominal movements during vocalization were measured in awake squirrel monkeys during spontaneous and playback-induced vocal activity. Large vocalization-correlated respiratory movements (VCRM) starting before vocalization were observed during several call types, such as peeping, trilling, cackling and err-chuck. Purring, in contrast, was accompanied by only small VCRM that started late after vocal onset. VCRM during trilling, a call with marked frequency modulation, showed a modulation in the rhythm of the frequency changes. A correlation with amplitude modulation was also present but more variable. As high frequencies need a higher lung pressure for production than low frequencies, the modulation of VCRM seems to serve to optimize the lung pressure in relation to the vocalization frequency. The modulation, furthermore, may act as a mechanism to produce different trill variants. During err-chucks and staccato peeps, which show a large amplitude modulation, a non-modulated VCRM occurred. This indicates the existence of a laryngeal amplitude-controlling mechanism that is independent of respiration.Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The results of induced ovulation regimens on 95 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) over a 7-year period are described. A distinct seasonal pattern of response was observed in the temperate climate.The pretreatment of squirrel monkeys with progesterone slightly suppresses the total number of follicles showing growth in response to the FSH but results in a significantly higher number of animals showing at least one ovulation.No significant differences were noted for ovarian response based on the length of time the animal had been in captivity.The effectiveness of the ovulation induction regimen over 20 or more consecutive courses of treatment was not significantly reduced, suggesting that antibodies were not formed against the gonadotropins.  相似文献   

Respiratory muscle activity during vocalization in the squirrel monkey.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to find out which muscles are involved in the respiratory component of primate phonation, the activity of 17 abdominal and thoracic muscles was recorded during vocalization in the squirrel monkey. Vocalization-correlated activity was found in the musculi obliquus externus et internus, rectus et transversus abdominis, intercostalis externus et internus and intercartilagineus. It was lacking in the mm. iliocostalis, latissimus dorsi, longissimus dorsi rhomboideus, serratus posterior superior, trapezius, splenius capitis, sternocleidomastoideus, scalenus medius and pectoralis major. There was simultaneous activation of the rib-raising external and rib-lowering internal intercostal muscles during most vocalizations. It is hence concluded that the intercostals, rather than supporting expiratory efforts, serve to stabilize the thorax, thus providing an anchorage against which the abdominal muscles can act.  相似文献   

In a squirrel monkey breeding colony, two distinct groups of females were observed during the breeding season, December through March. One had low and the other had high estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) concentrations. The conception rate in females with high E2 and P values was 74%. However, only 25% of monkeys with low steroid concentrations became pregnant during the breeding season. This study showed that all mature females in a colony may not be cycling concurrently and that two serum P measurements obtained at four-day intervals may be utilized to detect noncycling monkeys during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Semen collection in the squirrel monkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Several indices of visual sensitivity have been obtained from behavioral experiments conducted on the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). In this species, the photopic spectral sensitivity functions determined by increment-threshold and flicker discrimination procedures are substantially different; the involvement of two different neural processes in the two tasks is suggested. When tested similarly, the thresholds for rod and cone-based vision are not substantially different for squirrel monkeys and humans; however, above cone threshold, for a 500 nm test light, increment threshold is some 0.3 to 0.4 log10 units higher for the squirrel monkey. Rod saturation has also been demonstrated to occur in the squirrel monkey.  相似文献   

Twenty male squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus boliviensis) raised in captivity were allotted to one of the following groups: weanling control (C6) sampled at 6 months of age; young control (C24) fed ad libitum on a control diet and killed at 24 months of age; and malnourished (M24) fed ad libitum on a low-protein diet and sampled at 24 months of age. Cranial points and the lateral semicircular canals were marked. On each skull, a strict lateral teleradiograph was taken, and the lengths of the midsagittal chords and their angles with respect to the vestibular line were measured. Age changed the lengths in about 70% of the chords and more than 50% of the angles. Malnutrition arrested about 50% of the lengths, but the angles were practically not affected. It is concluded that the postweaning Saimiri sciureus undergoes orthocephalization according to a general pattern already observed in rodents and suggested for pongids. Postweaning malnutrition affected growth in size but not shape changes related to the orthocephalization of the Saimiri skull. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A trichomonad flagellate, Tritrichomonas mobilensis n. sp., is described from the large intestine of the squirrel monkey, Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis. The organism has a lanceolate body 7-10.5 micrometers in length; a well developed undulating membrane; a stout, tubular axostyle with periaxostylar rings that terminate in a cone-shaped segment projecting from the posterior end of the cell; and a moderately wide costa. The anterior flagella are about as long as the body, and the recurrent flagellum is of the acroneme type. All its characteristics suggest that the new species belongs in the Tritrichomonas augusta type of the subfamily Tritrichomonadinae.  相似文献   

A stillborn squirrel monkey had craniorachischisis. The calvarium was absent and the skin and vertebral neural arches were cleft from the foramen magnum to the midlumbar region. Cranial nerves and degenerating neural tissue were attached to the cranial base and there were remnants of spinal cord in skin-covered areas of the spinal canal. The adrenal glands were normal. This is the only reported case of craniorachischisis in a monkey fetus.  相似文献   

In the female Bolivian squirrel monkey a much greater elevation of serum estradiol (E2) was measured after mating than that observed in similary cycling monkeys that did not mate. This raised the possibility that cycling squirrel monkeys may not ovulate during nonmated cycles To test this hypothesis, we performed laparoscopies on nine isosexually housed, cycling monkeys to observe the ovaries after the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, which was measured by mouse interstitial cell bioassay using LER 1909-2 as the standard. Single ovulatory stigmas were identified as well demarcated, red, punctate depressions at the center of dome-shaped elevations on the ovarian surface in eight monkeys, when laparoscopically examined 9-56 hr after the LH peak. One monkey examined laparoscopically prior to the LH surge had a large translucent cystic follicle, confirming the morphology of the mature prevulatory follicle. Mean progesterone (P) concentrations fell to a nadir 1 day prior to the LH surge and then began to rise on the LH surge. Peak P levels were found 2 days after the LH surge. In the ovulating animals in which periovulatory E2 levels were measured, no value was greater than 800 pg/ml, indicating that the presence of follicular rupture was not sufficient to account for the elevated E2 levels observed after mating. These data confirm ovulation and follicular rupture in the absence of mating and delineate the relationship between periovulatory LH, P, and E2 secretory patterns in cycling squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Four squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were tested for their frequency discrimination capacity using an eyeblink classical conditioning procedure, with air puff against the eye as unconditioned stimulus and 600-ms pure tones as conditioned stimuli. Absolute frequency difference thresholds showed a minimum (20-41 Hz, mean 30 Hz) at 4,000-8,000 Hz and increased towards higher as well as lower frequencies (70-90 Hz, mean 80 Hz at 300 Hz; 44-120 Hz, mean 82 Hz at 16,000 Hz). Relative frequency difference thresholds increased from higher to lower frequencies, with values as low as 0.3-0.8% (mean 0.5%) at 16,000 Hz and as large as 24-30% (mean 27%) at 300 Hz. The squirrel monkey's frequency discrimination function thus shows a severe deviation from Weber's law. The frequency difference thresholds are comparable to human's in the 4,000-8,000 Hz range, but are 65-80 times higher in the 500- to 300-Hz range. Individuals with high auditory thresholds do not necessarily also have high frequency difference thresholds.  相似文献   

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