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Four lizardfishes of Saurida (family Synodontidae), S. undosquamis, S. umeyoshii sp. nov., S. macrolepis, and S. longimanus, are described. All are recognized here as the Saurida undosquamis group, characterized by having dark dots on the upper margin of the caudal fin, pectoral fin exceeding origin to pelvic fin, anterior rays of dorsal fin neither elongate nor filamentous, predorsal length greater than distance between dorsal-fin and adipose-fin origins, 46–55 pored lateral-line scales, and vomer with 0–8 teeth. Saurida undosquamis, from northern West India and West Pacific, excluding East Asia, differs from others in having lateral-line scales ridged on the caudal peduncle, conspicuously concave posterior margin of the pectoral fin, 51–55 pored lateral-line scales, and 50–53 vertebrae. Saurida umeyoshii sp. nov., from southern Japan and the East China Sea, is defined by three rows of indistinct dark blotches on, above, and below the lateral line, distribution of scale pockets with melanophores on their posterior part extending over the entire abdominal region from the lateral line in specimens over ca. 130 mm SL, lateral-line scales not ridged on caudal peduncle, 49–52 pored lateral-line scales, and 48–50 vertebrae. Saurida macrolepis, from the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 46–49 pored lateral-line scales and 45–48 vertebrae. Saurida longimanus, from northern West India, northwest Australia, and southern Indonesia, differs from the others in having a long pectoral fin extending past the origin of the dorsal fin. Some geographic variations are found in S. macrolepis. Saurida grandisquamis is confirmed as a junior synonym of S. undosquamis, based on examination of the type specimens. A key to species in the S. undosquamis group is included.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Saurida fortis sp. nov., a lizardfish (Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, previously misidentified as Saurida umeyoshii Inoue and Nakabo 2006...  相似文献   

Investigating the alimentary tract in several species of lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Teleostei) of the genera Saurida, Synodus and Trachinocephalus, from various sites of their distribution, revealed melanization of the tract wall. This phenomenon was observed in several species of the genus Saurida, but not in the other two genera. This melanization is caused by layers of melanosomes rich in melanin granules and deposited within the connective tissue of the submucosa, between the muscular wall and the muscularis submucosa. From this site this black submucosa extends into the folds of the mucosa. In S. tumbil and S. filamentosa, the entire alimentary tract is black, whereas in S. macrolepis only the stomach is partially or entirely black. This phenomenon and its possible importance are discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative study comprising scale morphology and squamation of Saurida tumbil was conducted to identify the most useful scale and squamation characters within the different body regions and length groups and to clarify their significance for future systematic studies. The presence of the caudal pores is documented for the first time in teleosts. In addition, the presence of crenae and spines formed by posterior orientation and projection of circuli is recorded for the first time in a member of the Synodontidae. Scales of S. tumbil show some characters that are either never seen or they are exceedingly rare in scales of other teleosts. These are: two types of scalar denticles, denticles in the inter-circular area, and twin or Siamese scales. Several other scale characters have shown a consistent variation in different body regions and in fishes from different length groups. These are: focus position; bilobate rostral field edge; presence of three radii; long, narrow and separated crenae; papillae-form, crowded scalar denticles with posterior directed spines; the number of scale rows between anterior end of the dorsal fin and the lateral line.  相似文献   

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Russell, B., Galil, B. and Goren, M. 2012. Comparative morphology and cytology of the alimentary tract in lizardfishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Synodontidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 308–318. This study compares the morphology and cytology of the alimentary tract in several species of lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Teleostei) of the genera Saurida, Synodus, and Trachinocephalus, in relation to their diets and bathymetric distribution. All the studied species feature a large, pouch‐like stomach, with the intestine beginning at the stomach’s anterior apex, adjacent to the esophageal opening. In the more ‘microphagous’Synodus spp. and Trachinocephalus, the intestine bends twice before reaching the anus, whereas in the more ‘macrophagous’Saurida spp., the intestine extends straight to the anus. The species differ also in the number and form of their pyloric ceca, the length of the intestine and in the percentile relationship between stomach length and standard body length. Along the alimentary tract folds and villi protrude into the lumen, their numbers differing on various sites of the tract. Three cell types make up the gastric gland system: (1) pyramidal cells forming the tubular gastric glands in the lamina propria; among them are large, pale secretary cells; (2) groups of neck cells that surround the pits of the tubules; and (3) groups of large and granule‐rich cells at the end portion of the stomach. All species are carnivorous and uniform in morphology, the differences in the alimentary tract found between the more shallow‐water species of Synodus and Trachinocephalus, and the deeper‐dwelling Saurida, seem to be only partly correlated with the differences in diet.  相似文献   


The family Acanthoclinidae includes 10 species: Acanthoclinus fuscus Jenyns, 1842; Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801); T. rua n. sp.; T. marilynae n. sp.; T. matti n. sp.; Belonepterygion fasciolatum (Ogilby, 1889); Beliops xanthokrossos n. gen. et sp.; Acanthoplesiops indicus (Day, 1888); A. hiatti Schultz, 1953; and A. psilogaster n. sp. Acanthoclinus quadridactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) and A. trilineatus Griffin, 1933, are reduced to synonymy under Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801).

Osteological and morpological character states, between and within genera, suggest that Acanthoclinus and Taumakoides are close to the stock from which the family is derived. There is also compelling evidence that T. matti is the least specialised species of Taumakoides. Progressive specialisation is evident in the remaining genera, with Acanthoplesiops being the most highly specialised.

The family occurs primarily in shallow waters of the Indian and western Pacific oceans; most of the species are found about New Zealand. The centre of origin of the Acanthoclinidae was probably on the Indian-Australian Plate (which includes the New Zealand continental shelf). Acanthoplesiops hiatti and A. indicus are considered to be endemics of the Pacific and African plates, respectively.

A key to species is included.  相似文献   

用扫描和透射电子显微镜研究了尼罗河鲶——盾头歧须鮠(Synodontis schall)的精子发生和精子的超微结构。精巢中含有无数肾形的生精小叶,我们将其称为"精原无限型"。尽管其精子发生的大体过程与同类鱼无异。但是,在细节上仍具其独特之处。这些特点未见在其他硬骨鱼中报道过。其特点主要是:生精过程中不发生细胞核的旋转,中心粒复合体和轴丝起始段直接发生在核的基底面垂直线上,有无数的粗的固定纤维将近端中心粒和远端中心粒的近侧部连接到细胞核上。另外,精子发生过程中还包括染色质浓缩,细胞质和线粒体向细胞核的尾端迁移,在核的后端中轴位置上形成中等大小的核后凹,近端中心粒和远端中心粒的一部分嵌在核后凹之内,短的胞质内陷管将线粒体与鞭毛分隔开。精子头部接近圆形,无顶体或顶体泡,鞭毛的中段及胞质内陷管均较短,整个鞭毛却很长,鞭毛侧面无翼膜,轴丝呈典型的9 2结构。上述结果显示,盾头歧须鮠的精子发生具有类型Ⅰ和类型Ⅱ的共同派生特征,这种特征在常见的其他硬骨鱼中也是常有的。但是,正如文献所报道过的另两种尼罗河鲶——金鯵(Chrysichthys auratus)和电鲶(Malapterurus electricus)中的情况一样,盾头歧须的精子发生与类型Ⅲ的精子发生过程更为相似。  相似文献   

A new species of the Recent genus Enophrys, E. hoplites sp. nov., is described from the Miocene (Serravalian?Tortonian) Agnevo Formation of Sakhalin Island, Russia. This Miocene species differs from two Recent congeners in the greater number of anal fin rays (14 versus 9?13), the smaller head, less raised margins of the orbit, flatter upper contour of the head, longer anal fin base, short predorsal distance, higher first dorsal fin, and in the right angle (versus acute angle) between two upper preopercular spines. An archaic feature of the new species is the presence of two rays on the posterior pterygiophore of the anal fin, a character recorded only in the most primitive Recent members of the family. The occurrence of this new fossil species shows that extant subfamilies, tribes, and genera existed as a part of the family Cottidae as early as the Miocene time.  相似文献   

Synopsis Abnormalities in five specimens of pleuronectiform flatfishes (one specimen from the family Soleidae, four from Bothidae) are described. The account of naturally occurring anomalies in the naked sole,Gymnachirus melas, is the first from the western Atlantic for a soleid other thanTrinectes maculatus. Anomalies inG. melas include partial albinism and osteological deformities. A second account of pigment and morphological aberrations is provided forParalichthys albigutta (total ambicoloration, incomplete eye rotation and hooked dorsal fin). Partial ambicoloration is reported for three specimens ofParalichthys lethostigma. Possible causes of abnormalities in flatfishes are reviewed. It is postulated that minimum depth of occurrence of species may be linked to frequency of abnormalities. Anomalies appear to be most frequent in species and families of flatfishes which inhabit shallow coastal or estuarine (<5 m depth) waters.  相似文献   

Lizardfish (family Synodontidae) are little studied despite their potentially important predatory role in epibenthic coral reef communities. The present study documented the temporal and spatial larval supply patterns of five Caribbean lizardfish species together with environmental variables (solar radiation, rainfall, water temperature, onshore-offshore winds, alongshore winds and wind-induced turbulence) to examine: (1) whether species within the same family respond differently to their developmental environment and (2) if larval supply in year-round warm waters is influenced by climatic changes. To address these questions, late-stage larvae of Synodus foetens, Synodus intermedius, Synodus poeyi, Saurida suspicio and Saurida brasiliensis were collected in replicate light traps in three different reef habitats (back-reef, lagoon and exposed) in the San Blas Archipelago, Panama, over 18 consecutive lunar months. Although replenishment of lizardfish occurred year-round, the temporal and spatial supply patterns were species-specific: Sfoetens, Sintermedius and Spoeyi were most abundant during the dry season while Ssuspicio and Sbrasiliensis were most prevalent during the wet season. When seasons were analysed separately, water temperature explained 39 and 26% of the variance in light trap catches of Sfoetens and Sintermedius, respectively, in the dry season while wind-induced turbulence accounted for 25% of the variability in Ssuspicio and Sbrasiliensis catches during the wet season. These findings stress the importance of analysing larval supply in conjunction with environmental data at a high taxonomic resolution to better understand the mechanisms that drive replenishment in reef systems at low latitudes.  相似文献   

This study documents the major external and internal morphological differences between Epinephelus bruneus and Epinephelus moara, and analyses the complete mitogenomes of both species. The partial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) sequence divergence between E. bruneus and E. moara is significantly higher than specimens within the same species (P < 0·05). Analyses of gene flow (Nm = 0·02) and genetic differentiation (?st = 0·92995, P > 0·05) reveal reproductive isolation between E. bruneus and E. moara. These results support the hypothesis that E. moara is a valid species. Further molecular comparisons between E. bruneus and E. moara obtained in this study and a specimen identified in GenBank as E. bruneus from South Korea reveal that the latter is identical to E. moara rather than to E. bruneus.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the anatomy of Glacidorbis hedleyi Iredale are described and its systematic position is reviewed. Glacidorbis is a genus of operculate gastropods found in Australia and South America, the species of which possess a monoseriate or triseriate radula and brood their embryos in the pallial cavity. Glacidorbis hedleyi is a protandrous hermaphrodite with, sometimes, 50% or more of large individuals remaining as males. The reproductive system is diaulic, with the penis being lost in mature females. It feeds on the tissue of freshly killed or wounded animals and has a very simple alimentary canal. A new family and superfamily is created for Glacidorbis within the Basommatophora. A new subgenus, Gondwanorbis , is introduced for Glacidorbis magallanicus Meier-Brook & Smith from Chile, S America.  相似文献   

We describe the following Sieblosiidae: an unamed “gen. and sp. A” from the Miocene of Italy, Miostenolestes zherikhini nov. gen., nov. sp., Paraoligolestes stavropolensis nov. sp., Stenolestes fasciata nov. sp. (all from the Miocene of North Caucasus), Stenolestes (?) adygeianensis nov. sp. (Oligocene of North Caucasus), and Stenolestes cerestensis nov. sp. (Oligocene of France). The genus Sieblosia Handlirsch, 1906 is restored. A new phylogenetic analysis of the Sieblosiidae is proposed. The two taxa “gen. and sp. A” and Oligolestes fall in most inclusive positions in the same clade with the Sieblosiidae. Within the Sieblosiidae sensu stricto, the two clades (Paraoligolestes + (Parastenolestes + Stenolestes)) and (Parastenolestes + Stenolestes) are the best supported. The family Sieblosiidae seems to be restricted to the Oligocene-Miocene of Europe.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the family Congiopodidae are inferred based on morphological characters. The monophyly of this family is supported by 13 unambiguous apomorphic characters, including four autapomorphies among the superfamily Scorpaenoidea. The Congiopodidae shares 26 apomorphic characters with other scorpaenoid taxa, and these characters are considered to also support the monophyly of the family. Upon completion of the phylogenetic analysis using the characters in 39 transformation series, it was assumed that the family is unambiguously supported by five characters (and also by three and one characters when ACCTRAN and DELTRAN are used, respectively) and is branched into two major clades, including Congiopodus and Alertichthys plus Zanclorhynchus, respectively. Based on the phylogenetic relationships, a new classification, recognizing two subfamilies (Congiopodinae and Zanclorhynchinae) in the family Congiopodidae, is proposed. The genus Perryena, that was recently inferred being closely related to the Tetrarogidae (although many authors included it in the Congiopodidae), is provisionally placed into the Congiopodidae as incertae sedis.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of pachyosteomorph arthrodire, Omalosteus krutoensis gen. et sp. nov. from shallow-water marine deposits of the Evlanovo Regional Stage (Upper Frasnian, Upper Devonian) of the Central Devonian Field is described. It is tentatively referred to the family Trematosteidae Gross, 1932, which was earlier believed to be endemic to central Europe. The new genus is characterized by a rounded, dorsoventrally compressed cross section of the pectoral region and smooth head shield and postcranial membrane bones. The centrale is elongated, forming a narrow lateral lobe. The praeorbitale, postorbitale, and centrale come in contact in the center of the orbital region. The mediodorsale is wide, its carinal process projects considerably posteriorly. The anterior margin of the anterior ventrolaterale lacks articular facets for the interlaterale.  相似文献   

Two new species, Paraulopus longianalis n.sp. and Paraulopus melanostomus n.sp., are described from western and southern Australian waters. Both are referable to the Paraulopus nigripinnis group of Sato and Nakabo (2002b, 2003) in having 4.5–5.5 scales above the lateral line, supraocular ridges and large adult body size, but differ from other species of the group in having two rows of cheek scales. Paraulopus longianalis is characterized by a deep anal fin in males, tiny adipose dorsal fin and supraocular ridges extending nearly to the predorsal scales, and P. melanostomus is most easily distinguished by its black buccal cavity and relatively broad, depressed head. A key to the six described species in the P. nigripinnis group is provided.  相似文献   

The genusPisotrigonia Van Hoepen has page priority over the better-knownRinetrigonia Van Hoepen, of which it is thus a senior synonym. It is shown to comprise a closely allied plexus of species, ranging from Lower Tithonian to Maastrichtian, and thus phyletically distinct from its sister taxonPterotrigonia. Moreover, whereasPterotrigonia is cosmopolitan,Pisotrigonia has a distinctly Gondwanic distribution. The subfamily Pterotrigoniinae is reassessed and a new species,Pisotrigonia laevkosta, is described from the Upper Albian (Cristatum Zone) of Zululand.  相似文献   

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