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A wider concept of disease is developing, which deals with the social environment, not only with the physical, chemical or ecological factors, as they affect the homeostasis of the internal environment of the organism. In such a concept it is the fitness of the whole personality which determines ease or dis-ease in adaptation. If the medical profession is to retain the strategic direction as well as the tactical command of the battle for health, it must widen the bases of its educational program so that every physician will understand and conform to the plan of battle even though his individual role is highly restricted; so that even in the office of a technical specialist the whole personality of the patient in relation to his whole environment is dealt with.  相似文献   


51Cr labelled red cells injected into pregnant mice were subsequently detected in peripheral blood of their progeny when examined in autoradiography. The fact that these labelled cells were seen in the offspring from five different strains of mice suggests that this transplacental passage is probably a 'normal' phenomenon.  相似文献   

1. The nurse cells of Rhodnius possess nucleoli that stain with Heidenhain's hematoxylin but give a negative Feulgen reaction. In localized positions adjacent to the nuclear membrane are seen masses of material both within the nucleus and the adjoining cytoplasm that stain with Heidenhain's hematoxylin, but, like the nucleolus, give a negative Feulgen reaction. 2. Electron micrographs of the nurse cells of Rhodnius reveal the nuclear membrane to contain pores approximately 400 A in diameter. 3. In electron micrographs the nucleolus is seen to be composed of a reticulum containing tightly packed granules. Between the centrally located nucleolus and the nuclear membrane are observed relatively small bunches of granules of the same relative size as those occurring in the nucleolus. Aggregated at certain positions adjacent to the nuclear membrane both within the nucleus and in the adjoining cytoplasm are irregularly shaped masses of granules. Certain of these masses within the nucleus are seen to be continuous with those in the cytoplasm through narrow isthmuses of material extending through pores of the nuclear membrane. Other masses of granules show evidence of preparing to enter the pores by projecting tongues of material toward and into them. In the adjacent cytoplasm pear-shaped masses of granules are seen in front of and in contact with the pores which suggests that they were fixed in the process of or just after completing passage through the pores.  相似文献   

"植硅体"含义和禾本科植硅体的分类   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
针对国内文献中对英文“Phytolith”等词语的中文译名呈多样化现象,建议统一用“植硅体”来涵盖之,其含义包括“Opal phytolith”和“Silica bodies”等,代表一门新兴学科,即植硅体学,已有的禾本科植硅体分类中,不同学者采用了各自不同的分类规则和术语,本文通过分析,对比现有禾本科植硅体不同的分类方案,以期对其分类系统的研究现状和所存在问题提出看法,有利于今后深入研究。  相似文献   

The mixed-model factorial analysis of variance has been used in many recent studies in evolutionary quantitative genetics. Two competing formulations of the mixed-model ANOVA are commonly used, the “Scheffe” model and the “SAS” model; these models differ in both their assumptions and in the way in which variance components due to the main effect of random factors are defined. The biological meanings of the two variance component definitions have often been unappreciated, however. A full understanding of these meanings leads to the conclusion that the mixed-model ANOVA could have been used to much greater effect by many recent authors. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way SAS model is the covariance in true means associated with a level of the random factor (e.g., families) across levels of the fixed factor (e.g., environments). Therefore the SAS model has a natural application for estimating the genetic correlation between a character expressed in different environments and testing whether it differs from zero. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way Scheffe model is the variance in marginal means (i.e., means over levels of the fixed factor) among levels of the random factor. Therefore the Scheffe model has a natural application for estimating genetic variances and heritabilities in populations using a defined mixture of environments. Procedures and assumptions necessary for these applications of the models are discussed. While exact significance tests under the SAS model require balanced data and the assumptions that family effects are normally distributed with equal variances in the different environments, the model can be useful even when these conditions are not met (e.g., for providing an unbiased estimate of the across-environment genetic covariance). Contrary to statements in a recent paper, exact significance tests regarding the variance in marginal means as well as unbiased estimates can be readily obtained from unbalanced designs with no restrictive assumptions about the distributions or variance-covariance structure of family effects.  相似文献   

The thinnest areas of the capillaries of the choroid plexus and ciliary processes in the eye of the rabbit are characterized by the presence of fenestrae. When various colloidal particles opaque to the electron beam (thorotrast, gold sol, and saccharated iron oxide) were injected into the blood stream, none were found in fenestrae or in areas that might suggest their having passed through fenestrae. The passage of marker particles from the lumen to the surrounding connective tissue does take place on occasion in the areas of thicker walls in the capillaries and venules rather than in the attenuated and fenestrated endothelial walls. The pathway taken by these markers may be either through the cytoplasm of the endothelial cells via membrane-bounded vesicles and vacuoles or through the intercellular spaces of the vessels. An altered aqueous humor (cloudy and plasmoid) was produced by endotoxin injection or by making a draining fistula in rabbit cornea. Both methods gave rise to the same changes in the blood vessels of the ciliary processes. Under such conditions of inflammation the passage of colloidal particles through the thicker walls of the capillaries and venules was greatly increased and occurred primarily as an intercellular passage between the endothelial cells. The attenuated and fenestrated areas of the endothelium of the small capillaries remained unchanged with no particles passing through them. These results on the altered vessels of the ciliary processes parallel those of Majno and Palade (26) on the rat cremaster muscle.  相似文献   

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