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We recently described the identification of BOS1 (Newman, A., J. Shim, and S. Ferro-Novick. 1990. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:3405-3414.). BOS1 is a gene that in multiple copy suppresses the growth and secretion defect of bet1 and sec22, two mutants that disrupt transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in yeast. The ability of BOS1 to specifically suppress mutants blocked at a particular stage of the secretory pathway suggested that this gene encodes a protein that functions in this process. The experiments presented in this study support this hypothesis. Specifically, the BOS1 gene was found to be essential for cellular growth. Furthermore, cells depleted of the Bos1 protein fail to transport pro-alpha-factor and carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) to the Golgi apparatus. This defect in export leads to the accumulation of an extensive network of ER and small vesicles. DNA sequence analysis predicts that Bos1 is a 27-kD protein containing a putative membrane-spanning domain. This prediction is supported by differential centrifugation experiments. Thus, Bos1 appears to be a membrane protein that functions in conjunction with Bet1 and Sec22 to facilitate the transport of proteins at a step subsequent to translocation into the ER but before entry into the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus (VV) I3L gene product is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein made early in infection that localizes to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication (S. C. Rochester and P. Traktman, J. Virol. 72:2917-2926, 1998). Surprisingly, when replication was blocked, the protein localized to distinct cytoplasmic spots (A. Domi and G. Beaud, J. Gen. Virol. 81:1231-1235, 2000). Here these I3L-positive spots were characterized in more detail. By using an anti-I3L peptide antibody we confirmed that the protein localized to the cytoplasmic sites of viral DNA replication by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopy (EM). Before replication had started or when replication was inhibited with hydroxyurea or cytosine arabinoside, I3L localized to distinct cytoplasmic punctate structures of homogeneous size. We show that these structures are not incoming cores or cytoplasmic sites of VV early mRNA accumulation. Instead, morphological and quantitative data indicate that they are specialized sites where the parental DNA accumulates after its release from incoming viral cores. By EM, these sites appeared as complex, electron-dense structures that were intimately associated with the cellular endoplasmic reticulum (ER). By double labeling of cryosections we show that they contain DNA and a viral early protein, the gene product of E8R. Since E8R is a membrane protein that is able to bind to DNA, the localization of this protein to the I3L puncta suggests that they are composed of membranes. The results are discussed in relation to our previous data showing that the process of viral DNA replication also occurs in close association with the ER.  相似文献   

Large coiled-coil proteins are being found in increasing numbers on the membranes of the Golgi apparatus and have been proposed to function in tethering of transport vesicles and in the organization of the Golgi stack. Members of one class of Golgi coiled-coil protein, comprising giantin and golgin-84, are anchored to the bilayer by a single C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD). In this article, we report the characterization of another mammalian coiled-coil protein, CASP, that was originally identified as an alternatively spliced product of the CUTL1 gene that encodes CCAAT-displacement protein (CDP), the human homologue of the Drosophila homeodomain protein Cut. We find that the Caenorhabditis elegans homologues of CDP and CASP are also generated from a single gene. CASP lacks the DNA binding motifs of CDP and was previously reported to be a nuclear protein. Herein, we show that it is in fact a Golgi protein with a C-terminal TMD and shares with giantin and golgin-84 a conserved histidine in its TMD. However, unlike these proteins, CASP has a homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which we call COY1. Deletion of COY1 does not affect viability, but strikingly restores normal growth to cells lacking the Golgi soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor Gos1p. The conserved histidine is necessary for Coy1p's activity in cells lacking Gos1p, suggesting that the TMD of these transmembrane Golgi coiled-coil proteins is directly involved in their function.  相似文献   

A mAb AD7, raised against canine liver Golgi membranes, recognizes a novel, 200-kD protein (p200) which is found in a wide variety of cultured cell lines. Immunofluorescence staining of cultured cells with the AD7 antibody produced intense staining of p200 in the juxtanuclear Golgi complex and more diffuse staining of p200 in the cytoplasm. The p200 protein in the Golgi complex was colocalized with other Golgi proteins, including mannosidase II and beta-COP, a coatomer protein. Localization of p200 by immunoperoxidase staining at the electron microscopic level revealed concentrations of p200 at the dilated rims of Golgi cisternae. Biochemical studies showed that p200 is a peripheral membrane protein which partitions to the aqueous phase of Triton X-114 solutions and is phosphorylated. The p200 protein is located on the cytoplasmic face of membranes, since it was accessible to trypsin digestion in microsomal preparations, and is recovered in approximately equal amounts in membrane pellets and in the cytosol of homogenized cells. Immunofluorescence staining of normal rat kidney cells exposed to the toxin brefeldin A (BFA), showed that there was very rapid redistribution of p200, which was dissociated from Golgi membranes in the presence of this drug. The effect of BFA was reversible, since upon removal of the toxin, AD7 rapidly reassociated with the Golgi complex. In the BFA-resistant cell line PtK1, BFA failed to cause redistribution of p200 from Golgi membranes. Taken together, these results indicate that the p200 Golgi membrane-associated protein has many properties in common with the coatomer protein, beta-COP.  相似文献   

The ERD2 gene, which encodes the yeast HDEL (His-Asp-Glu-Leu) receptor, is essential for growth (Semenza, J. C., K. G. Hardwick, N. Dean, and H. R. B. Pelham. 1990. Cell. 61:1349-1357; Lewis, M. J., D. J. Sweet, and H. R. B. Pelham. 1990. Cell. 61:1359-1363). SED5, when present in multiple copies, enables cells to grow in the absence of Erd2p. Sequence analysis of SED5 reveals no significant homology with ERD2 or other known genes. We have raised antibodies to Sed5p which specifically recognize a 39-kD integral membrane protein. A stretch of hydrophobic residues at the COOH terminus is predicted to hold Sed5p on the cytoplasmic face of intracellular membranes. Cells that are depleted of Sed5p are unable to transport carboxypeptidase Y to the Golgi complex, and stop growing after a dramatic accumulation of ER membranes and vesicles. We conclude that the SED5 gene is essential for growth and that Sed5p is required for ER to Golgi transport. When Sed5p is overexpressed the efficiency of ER to Golgi transport is reduced, vesicles accumulate, and cellular morphology is perturbed. Immunofluorescence studies reveal that the bulk of Sed5p is not found on ER membranes but on punctate structures throughout the cytoplasm, the number of which increases upon SED5 overexpression. We suggest that Sed5p has an essential role in vesicular transport between ER and Golgi compartments and that it may itself cycle between these organelles.  相似文献   

Plant cells contain several types of vacuoles with specialized functions. Although the biogenesis of these organelles is well understood at the morphological level, the machinery involved in plant vacuole formation is largely unknown. We have recently identified an Arabidopsis mutant, vcl1, that is deficient in vacuolar formation. VCL1 is homologous to a protein that regulates membrane fusion at the tonoplast in yeast. On the basis of these observations, VCL1 is predicted to play a direct role in vacuolar biogenesis and vesicular trafficking to the vacuole in plants. In this work, we show that VCL1 forms a complex with AtVPS11 and AtVPS33 in vivo. These two proteins are homologues of proteins that have a well-characterized role in membrane fusion at the tonoplast in yeast. VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are membrane-associated and cofractionate with tonoplast and denser endomembrane markers in subcellular fractionation experiments. Consistent with this, VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are found on the tonoplast and the prevacuolar compartment (PVC) by immunoelectron microscopy. We also show that a VCL1-containing complex includes SYP2-type syntaxins and is most likely involved in membrane fusion on both the PVC and tonoplast in vivo. VCL1, AtVPS11, and AtVPS33 are the first components of the vacuolar biogenesis machinery to be identified in plants.  相似文献   

We have used an in vitro Golgi protein transport assay dependent on high molecular weight (greater than 100 kD) cytosolic and/or peripheral membrane proteins to study the requirements for transport from the cis- to the medial-compartment. Fractionation of this system indicates that, besides the NEM-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) and the soluble NSF attachment protein (SNAP), at least three high molecular weight protein fractions from bovine liver cytosol are required. The activity from one of these fractions was purified using an assay that included the second and third fractions in a crude state. The result is a protein of 115-kD subunit molecular mass, which we term p115. Immunodepletion of the 115-kD protein from a purified preparation with mAbs removes activity. Peptide sequence analysis of tryptic peptides indicates that p115 is a "novel" protein that has not been described previously. Gel filtration and sedimentation analysis indicate that, in its native state, p115 is a nonglobular homo-oligomer. p115 is present on purified Golgi membranes and can be extracted with high salt concentration or alkaline pH, indicating that it is peripherally associated with the membrane. Indirect immunofluorescence indicates that p115 is associated with the Golgi apparatus in situ.  相似文献   

Opitz BBB/G syndrome (OS) is a heterogenous malformation syndrome mainly characterised by hypertelorism and hypospadias. In addition, patients may present with several other defects of the ventral midline such as cleft lip and palate and congenital heart defects. The syndrome-causing gene encodes the X-linked E3 ubiquitin ligase MID1 that mediates ubiquitin-specific modification and degradation of the catalytic subunit of the translation regulator protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Here, we show that the MID1 protein also associates with elongation factor 1α (EF-1α) and several other proteins involved in mRNA transport and translation, including RACK1, Annexin A2, Nucleophosmin and proteins of the small ribosomal subunits. Mutant MID1 proteins as found in OS patients lose the ability to interact with EF-1α. The composition of the MID1 protein complex was determined by several independent methods: (1) yeast two-hybrid screening and (2) immunofluorescence, (3) a biochemical approach involving affinity purification of the complex, (4) co-fractionation in a microtubule assembly assay and (5) immunoprecipitation. Moreover, we show that the cytoskeleton-bound MID1/translation factor complex specifically associates with G- and U-rich RNAs and incorporates MID1 mRNA, thus forming a microtubule-associated ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. Our data suggest a novel function of the OS gene product in directing translational control to the cytoskeleton. The dysfunction of this mechanism would lead to malfunction of microtubule-associated protein translation and to the development of OS. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The SEC17 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for vesicular transport between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Here we report that the product of the SEC17 gene has the exact biochemical properties expected for a yeast homologue of the mammalian transport factor, alpha-SNAP. The DNA sequence of SEC17 codes for a protein of predicted molecular mass of 33 kDa. Immunoblotting indicates that Sec17p fractionates as a peripheral membrane protein and is mostly soluble when overexpressed, suggesting the presence of a saturable membrane receptor for Sec17p. Sec17p was purified from yeast cytosol using a SNAP-dependent in vitro mammalian Golgi transport assay. Kinetic analysis using this assay shows Sec17p acts temporally close to the fusion of transport vesicles with the medial Golgi compartment. In yeast extracts, Sec17p binds to Sec18p with a 1:1 stoichiometry. The interaction between Sec17p and Sec18p requires an activity provided by yeast membranes, and this putative membrane receptor activity is not extracted by high salt treatment of membranes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli protein X is the recA gene product.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Escherichia coli protein X is known to be made in large amounts following DNA damage or inhibition of DNA replication. We have shown that it is identical to the recA gene product by partial proteolytic digestion of the radiochemically pure proteins and analysis by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate gels.  相似文献   

Caspases are an extended family of cysteine proteases that play critical roles in apoptosis. Animals deficient in caspases-2 or -3, which share very similar tetrapeptide cleavage specificities, exhibit very different phenotypes, suggesting that the unique features of individual caspases may account for distinct regulation and specialized functions. Recent studies demonstrate that unique apoptotic stimuli are transduced by distinct proteolytic pathways, with multiple components of the proteolytic machinery clustering at distinct subcellular sites. We demonstrate here that, in addition to its nuclear distribution, caspase-2 is localized to the Golgi complex, where it cleaves golgin-160 at a unique site not susceptible to cleavage by other caspases with very similar tetrapeptide specificities. Early cleavage at this site precedes cleavage at distal sites by other caspases. Prevention of cleavage at the unique caspase-2 site delays disintegration of the Golgi complex after delivery of a pro-apoptotic signal. We propose that the Golgi complex, like mitochondria, senses and integrates unique local conditions, and transduces pro-apoptotic signals through local caspases, which regulate local effectors.  相似文献   

The Fanconi anemia (FA) protein FANCF is an essential component of a nuclear core complex that protects the genome against chromosomal instability, but the specific function of FANCF is still poorly understood. Based upon the homology between human and Xenopus laevis FANCF, we carried out an extensive mutagenesis study to examine which domains are functionally important and to gain more insight into the function of FANCF. In contrast to previous suggestions, we show that FANCF does not have a ROM-like function. We found that the C terminus of FANCF interacts directly with FANCG and allows the assembly of other FA proteins into a stable complex. The N terminus appears to stabilize the interaction with FANCA and FANCG and is essential for the binding of the FANCC/FANCE subcomplex. We identified several important amino acids in this N-terminal region but, surprisingly, many amino acid changes failed to affect the function of the FANCF protein. Our data demonstrate that FANCF acts as a flexible adaptor protein that plays a key role in the proper assembly of the FA core complex.  相似文献   

A Zeeh  D A Shub 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(21):6980-6985
The sunY gene of bacteriophage T4 contains a self-splicing group I intron. The ligated exons encode an open reading frame of 605 amino acids, whose inferred molecular mass is 68 kDa. However, none of the proteins made following T4 infection have been assigned to the sunY gene, and no mutations have been mapped to this locus. We show here that the primary product of the sunY gene is a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kDa, which is processed to a protein approximately 4 kDa smaller. Unlike most other processed T4 proteins, cleavage occurs independently of both the T4 processing protease, the product of gene 21, and late phage protein synthesis. Insertional mutagenesis demonstrated that the sunY protein is not necessary for normal T4 growth under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2295-2306
Brefeldin A (BFA) has a profound effect on the structure of the Golgi apparatus, causing Golgi proteins to redistribute into the ER minutes after drug treatment. Here we describe the dissociation of a 110-kD cytoplasmically oriented peripheral membrane protein (Allan, V. J., and T. E. Kreis. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 103:2229-2239) from the Golgi apparatus as an early event in BFA action, preceding other morphologic changes. In contrast, other peripheral membrane proteins of the Golgi apparatus were not released but followed Golgi membrane into the ER during BFA treatment. The 110-kD protein remained widely dispersed throughout the cytoplasm during drug treatment, but upon removal of BFA it reassociated with membranes during reformation of the Golgi apparatus. Although a 30-s exposure to the drug was sufficient to cause the redistribution of the 110-kD protein, removal of the drug after this short exposure resulted in the reassociation of the 110-kD protein and no change in Golgi structure. If cells were exposed to BFA for 1 min or more, however, a portion of the Golgi membrane was committed to move into and out of the ER after removal of the drug. ATP depletion also caused the reversible release of the 110-kD protein, but without Golgi membrane redistribution into the ER. These findings suggest that the interaction between the 110-kD protein and the Golgi apparatus is dynamic and can be perturbed by metabolic changes or the drug BFA.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the Rab7 protein is a key element of late endocytic membrane traffic. Several results suggest that it is involved in the transport from early to late endosome or from late endosome to lysosome. We have previously characterized a Rab7 gene homologue (TcRAB7) in Trypanosoma cruzi. Now, using an affinity-purified antibody specific to TcRAB7 protein we have determined that it is localized at the Golgi apparatus of the parasite. Our results indicate that the T. cruzi Rab7 homologue may function in a different route than its counterparts in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Sucrose transport from the apoplasm, across the plasma membrane, and into the symplast is critical for growth and development in most plant species. Phloem loading, the process of transporting sucrose against a concentration gradient into the phloem, is an essential first step in long-distance transport of sucrose and carbon partitioning. We report here that a soybean 62-kD sucrose binding protein is associated with the plasma membrane of several cell types engaged in sucrose transport, including the mesophyll cells of young sink leaves, the companion cells of mature phloem, and the cells of the developing cotyledons. Furthermore, the temporal expression of the gene and the accumulation pattern of the protein closely parallel the rate of sucrose uptake in the cotyledon. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of a full-length cDNA for this 62-kD sucrose binding protein indicated that the protein is not an invertase, contains a 29-amino acid leader peptide that is absent from the mature protein, and is not an integral membrane protein. We conclude that the 62-kD sucrose binding protein is involved in sucrose transport, but is not performing this function independently.  相似文献   

Extracts from lexC113 cells could not support phage G4 DNA-dependent replication unless supplemented with single-stranded DNA-binding protein. Purified lexC113 binding protein supported synthesis in a reconstituted replication assay, using purified proteins at 30 but not at 42 degrees C, indicating that the product of the lexC113 gene is an altered single-stranded DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

(Ctm)PrP is a transmembrane version of the prion protein that has been proposed to be a neurotoxic intermediate underlying prion-induced pathogenesis. In previous studies, we found that PrP molecules carrying mutations in the N-terminal signal peptide (L9R) and the transmembrane domain (3AV) were synthesized exclusively in the (Ctm)PrP form in transfected cell lines. To characterize the properties of (Ctm)PrP in a neuronal setting, we have utilized cerebellar granule neurons cultured from Tg(L9R-3AV) mice that developed a fatal neurodegenerative illness. We found that about half of the L9R-3AV PrP synthesized in these neurons represents (Ctm)PrP, with the rest being (Sec)PrP, the glycolipid anchored form that does not span the membrane. Both forms contained an uncleaved signal peptide, and they are differentially glycosylated. (Sec)PrP was localized on the surface of neuronal processes. Most surprisingly, (Ctm)PrP was concentrated in the Golgi apparatus, rather in the endoplasmic reticulum as it is in transfected cell lines. Our study is the first to analyze the properties of (Ctm)PrP in a neuronal context, and our results suggest new hypotheses about how this form may exert its neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   

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