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A role for Cajal bodies in assembly of the nuclear transcription machinery.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
J G Gall 《FEBS letters》2001,498(2-3):164-167

The morphology and fine structure of Cajal bodies (coiled bodies, CB) in the germinal vesicles (oocyte nuclei) of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus have been analyzed. It is shown that in the studied species CBs arise as early as in the youngest previtellogenic oocytes, and are located next to or within aggregations of multiple nucleoli. Surprisingly, two morphological types of CBs have been found in the analyzed specimens. On the basis of EM studies we suggest that they represent subsequent developmental stages of CB morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Coiled bodies (CBs) are nuclear organelles in which splicing snRNPs concentrate. While CBs are sometimes observed in association with the nucleolar periphery, they are shown not to contain 5S or 28S rRNA or the U3 snoRNA. This argues against CBs playing a role in rRNA maturation or transport as previously suggested. We present evidence here that CBs are kinetic structures and demonstrate that the formation of snRNP-containing CBs is regulated in interphase and mitosis. The coiled body antigen, p80 coilin, was present in all cell types studied, even when CBs were not prominent. Striking changes in the formation of CBs could be induced by changes in cellular growth temperature without a concomitant change in the intracellular p80 coilin level. During mitosis, CBs disassemble, coinciding with a mitotic-specific phosphorylation of p80 coilin. Coilin is shown to be a phosphoprotein that is phosphorylated on at least two additional sites during mitosis. CBs reform in daughter nuclei after a lag period during which they are not detected. CBs are thus, dynamic nuclear organelles and we propose that cycling interactions of splicing snRNPs with CBs may be important for their participation in the processing or transport of pre-mRNA in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

siRNA and miRNA processing: new functions for Cajal bodies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In diverse eukaryotes, micro-RNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) regulate important processes that include mRNA inactivation, viral defense, chromatin modification, and transposon silencing. Recently, nucleolus-associated Cajal bodies in plants have been implicated as sites of siRNA and miRNA biogenesis, whereas in animals siRNA and miRNA dicing occurs in the cytoplasm. The plant nucleolus also contains proteins of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway that in animals are found associated with cytoplasmic processing bodies (P-bodies). P-bodies also function in the degradation of mRNAs subjected to miRNA and siRNA targeting. Collectively, these observations suggest interesting variations in the way siRNAs and miRNAs can accomplish their similar functions in plants and animals.  相似文献   

ARGONAUTE4 (AGO4) and RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) are required for DNA methylation guided by 24 nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we show that AGO4 localizes to nucleolus-associated bodies along with the Pol IV subunit NRPD1b; the small nuclear RNA (snRNA) binding protein SmD3; and two markers of Cajal bodies, trimethylguanosine-capped snRNAs and the U2 snRNA binding protein U2B'. AGO4 interacts with the C-terminal domain of NRPD1b, and AGO4 protein stability depends on upstream factors that synthesize siRNAs. AGO4 is also found, along with the DNA methyltransferase DRM2, throughout the nucleus at presumed DNA methylation target sites. Cajal bodies are conserved sites for the maturation of ribonucleoprotein complexes. Our results suggest a function for Cajal bodies as a center for the assembly of an AGO4/NRPD1b/siRNA complex, facilitating its function in RNA-directed gene silencing at target loci.  相似文献   

In some species of insects, oocytes have vesicular organelles, termed accessory nuclei (ANs). The ANs form by budding off from the nuclear envelope of the oocyte and are filled with translucent matrix containing dense inclusions. One type of these inclusions contains coilin and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and is homologous to Cajal bodies. We describe the early events in the morphogenesis of Cajal bodies in the ANs (ANCBs) of the common wasp, Vespula germanica, and show that they contain survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein. We present evidence that in the wasp, ANCBs form by the gradual accumulation of aggregates composed of SMN and small nuclear RNAs. We also show that ANCBs break down and disperse within the ANs as the ANs, which initially surround the oocyte nucleus, localize to the oocyte cortex. The components of dispersed ANCBs are retained within ANs until the end of oogenesis, which suggests that their function may be required at the onset of embryonic development. Because the morphology and behavior of ANs and their Cajal body-like inclusions are conserved in two other hymenopteran species, these features might be characteristic of all hymenopterans.  相似文献   

Processing bodies (PBs) are 100–300 nm cytoplasmic messenger ribonucleoprotein particle (mRNP) granules that regulate eukaryotic gene expression. These cytoplasmic compartments harbor messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and several proteins involved in mRNA decay, microRNA silencing, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, and splicing. Though membrane-less, PB structures are maintained by RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions. PB proteins have intrinsically disordered regions and low complexity domains, which account for its liquid to liquid phase separation. In addition to being dynamic and actively involved in the exchange of materials with other mRNPs and organelles, they undergo changes on various cellular cues and environmental stresses, including viral infections. Interestingly, several PB proteins are individually implicated in cancer development, and no study has addressed the effects on PB dynamics after epigenetic modifications of cancer-associated PB genes. In the current review, we summarize modulations undergone by P bodies or P body components upon viral infections. Furthermore, we discuss the selective and widely investigated PB proteins that undergo methylation changes in cancer and their potential as biomarkers.  相似文献   

The review provides modern classification of evolutionarily conserved coilin-containing nuclear bodies of somatic and germ cells that is based on the characteristic features of their molecular composition and the nature of their functions. The main differences between Cajal bodies and histone locus bodies, which are involved in the biogenesis of small nuclear spliceosomal and nucleolar RNAs and in the 3′-end processing of histone precursor messenger RNA, respectively, are considered. It is shown that a significant contribution to the investigation of the diversity of coilin-containing bodies was made by the studies on the architecture of the RNA processing machinery in oocyte nuclei in a number of model organisms. The characteristics features of the molecular composition of coilin-containing bodies in growing oocyte nuclei (the so-called germinal vesicles) of vertebrates, including amphibians and birds, are described.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that ISG20, an interferon (IFN)-induced gene, encodes a 3' to 5' exoribonuclease member of the DEDD superfamily of exonucleases. ISG20 specifically degrades single-stranded RNA. In this report, using immunofluorescence analysis, we demonstrate that in addition to a diffuse cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic localization, the endogenous ISG20 protein was present in the nucleus both in the nucleolus and in the Cajal bodies (CBs). In addition, we show that the ectopic expression of the CBs signature protein, coilin, fused to the red fluorescent protein (coilin-dsRed) increased the number of nuclear dots containing both ISG20 and coilin-dsRed. Using electron microcopy analysis, ISG20 appeared principally concentrated in the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus, the major site for rRNA processing. We also present evidences that ISG20 was associated with survival of motor neuron (SMN)-containing macromolecular nuclear complexes required for the biogenesis of various small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. Finally, we demonstrate that ISG20 was associated with U1 and U2 snRNAs, and U3 snoRNA. The accumulation of ISG20 in the CBs after IFN treatment strongly suggests its involvement in a new route for IFN-mediated inhibition of protein synthesis by modulating snRNA and rRNA maturation.  相似文献   

An oocyte nucleus contains different extrachromosomal nuclear domains collectively called nuclear bodies (NBs). In the present work we revealed, using immunogold labeling electron microscopy, some marker components of interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) and Cajal bodies (CBs) in morphologically heterogeneous oocyte NBs studied in three hemipteran species: Notostira elongata, Capsodes gothicus (Miridae) and Velia caprai (Veliidae). Both IGC and CB counterparts were revealed in oocyte nuclei of the studied species but morphological and biochemical criteria were found to be not sufficient to determine carefully the define type of oocyte NBs. We found that the molecular markers of the CBs (coilin and non-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II) and IGCs (SC35 protein) may be localized in the same NB. Anti-SC35 antibody may decorate not only a granular material representing "true" interchromatin granules but also masks some fibrillar parts of complex NBs. Our first observations on the hemipteran oocyte NBs confirm the high complexity and heterogeneity of insect oocyte IGCs and CBs in comparison with those in mammalian somatic cells and amphibian oocytes.  相似文献   

The spliceosomal snRNAs U1, U2, U4, and U5 are synthesized in the nucleus, exported to the cytoplasm to assemble with Sm proteins, and reimported to the nucleus as ribonucleoprotein particles. Recently, two novel proteins involved in biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) were identified, the Spinal muscular atrophy disease gene product (SMN) and its associated protein SIP1. It was previously reported that in HeLa cells, SMN and SIP1 form discrete foci located next to Cajal (coiled) bodies, the so-called "gemini of coiled bodies" or "gems." An intriguing feature of gems is that they do not appear to contain snRNPs. Here we show that gems are present in a variable but small proportion of rapidly proliferating cells in culture. In the vast majority of cultured cells and in all primary neurons analyzed, SMN and SIP1 colocalize precisely with snRNPs in the Cajal body. The presence of SMN and SIP1 in Cajal bodies is confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy and by microinjection of antibodies that interfere with the integrity of the structure. The association of SMN with snRNPs and coilin persists during cell division, but at the end of mitosis there is a lag period between assembly of new Cajal bodies in the nucleus and detection of SMN in these structures, suggesting that SMN is targeted to preformed Cajal bodies. Finally, treatment of cells with leptomycin B (a drug that blocks export of U snRNAs to the cytoplasm and consequently import of new snRNPs into the nucleus) is shown to deplete snRNPs (but not SMN or SIP1) from the Cajal body. This suggests that snRNPs flow through the Cajal body during their biogenesis pathway.  相似文献   

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