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The tmRNA Website: invasion by an intron   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
tmRNA (also known as 10Sa RNA or SsrA) plays a central role in an unusual mode of translation, whereby a stalled ribosome switches from a problematic mRNA to a short reading frame within tmRNA during translation of a single polypeptide chain. Research on the mechanism, structure and biology of tmRNA is served by the tmRNA Website, a collection of sequences for tmRNA and the encoded proteolysis-inducing peptide tags, alignments, careful documentation and other information; the URL is http://www.indiana.edu/~tmrna. Four pseudoknots are usually present in each tmRNA, so the database is rich with information on pseudoknot variability. Since last year it has doubled (227 tmRNA sequences as of September 2001), a sequence alignment for the tmRNA cofactor SmpB has been included, and genomic data for Clostridium botulinum has revealed a group I (subgroup IA3) intron interrupting the tmRNA T-loop.  相似文献   

The tmRNA website.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
tmRNA (10Sa RNA) has a central role in trans -translation, in which a peptide tag encoded in tmRNA is added to the abnormally short protein product of a broken mRNA, as a signal for proteolysis of the entire tagged protein. The tmRNA website was established in 1997 as a resource for phylogenetic considerations of tmRNA structure and function. Since then, three partial tmRNA sequences have been completed, and sequences from 13 more species have been identified. Forty-six species from 10 bacterial phyla and chloroplasts are now represented in the database. Provisional sequence alignments and predicted proteolysis tag sequences are provided, as well as a literature review and a guide to searching for new tmRNA sequences. The tmRNA website is accessible via WWW at a new URL: http://sunflower.bio.indiana.edu/kwilliam/tmRNA /home.html  相似文献   

This first release of the tmRNA database (tmRDB) contains 19 tmRNA sequences, a tmRNA sequence alignment with emphasis of base pairs that are supported by comparative sequence analysis, and a tabulation of tmRNA-encoded tag peptides. The tmRNADB also offers an RNA secondary structure diagram of the Escherichia coli tmRNA, as well as PDB-formatted coordinates for three-dimensional modeling. The data are available on the World Wide Web at http://www.uthct. edu/tmRDB/tmRDB.html  相似文献   

The tmRNA Website.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
tmRNA (also known as 10Sa RNA) is so-named for its dual tRNA-like and mRNA-like nature. It is employed in a remarkable trans -translation process to add a C-terminal peptide tag to the incomplete protein product of a broken mRNA; the tag targets the abnormal protein for proteolysis. tmRNA sequences have been identified in genomes of diverse bacterial phyla, including the most deeply branching. They have also been identified in plastids of the 'red' lineage. The tmRNA Website (http://www.wi.mit. edu/bartel/tmRNA/home ) contains a database currently including sequences from 37 species, with provisional alignments, as well as the tentatively predicted proteolysis tag sequences. A brief review and guide to the literature is also provided.  相似文献   

Maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, the tmRNA database (tmRDB) is accessible at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.html with mirror sites located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/) and the Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus, Denmark (http://www.bioinf.au.dk/tmRDB/). The tmRDB collects and distributes information relevant to the study of tmRNA. In trans-translation, this molecule combines properties of tRNA and mRNA and binds several proteins to form the tmRNP. Related RNPs are likely to be functional in all bacteria. In this release of tmRDB, 186 new entries from 10 bacterial groups for a total of 274 tmRNA sequences have been added. Lists of the tmRNAs and the corresponding tmRNA-encoded tag-peptides are presented in alphabetical and phylogenetic order. The tmRNA sequences are aligned manually, assisted by computational tools, to determine base pairs supported by comparative sequence analysis. The tmRNA alignment, available in a variety of formats, provides the basis for the secondary and tertiary structure of each tmRNA molecule. Three-dimensional models of the tmRNAs and their associated proteins in PDB format give evidence for the recent progress that has been made in the understanding of tmRNP structure and function.  相似文献   

As of September, 1998, a total of 43 sequences are contained within the tmRNA database (tmRDB). The tmRNA sequences are arranged alphabetically and ordered phylogenetically. The alignment of the tmRNAs emphasizes the basepairs that are supported by comparative sequence analysis and establishes minimal secondary structures for the known tmRNAs. A corresponding alignment of the predicted tmRNA-encoded tag peptides is presented. The tmRDB also offers a small number of RNA secondary structure diagrams and PDB-formatted three-dimensional models generated with the program ERNA-3D. The data are available freely at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.++ +html  相似文献   

DNA harvested directly from complex natural microbial communities by PCR has been successfully used to predict RNase P RNA structure, and can potentially provide an abundant source of information for structural predictions of other RNAs. In this study, we utilized genetic variation in natural communities to test and refine the secondary and tertiary structural model for the bacterial tmRNA. The variability of proposed tmRNA secondary structures in different organisms and the lack of any predicted tertiary structure suggested that further refinement of the tmRNA could be useful. To increase the phylogenetic representation of tmRNA sequences, and thereby provide additional data for statistical comparative analysis, we amplified, sequenced, and compared tmRNA sequences from natural microbial communities. Using primers designed from gamma proteobacterial sequences, we determined 44 new tmRNA sequences from a variety of environmental DNA samples. Covariation analyses of these sequences, along with sequences from cultured organisms, confirmed most of the proposed tmRNA model but also provided evidence for a new tertiary interaction. This approach of gathering sequence information from natural microbial communities seems generally applicable in RNA structural analysis.  相似文献   

A computer program, ARAGORN, identifies tRNA and tmRNA genes. The program employs heuristic algorithms to predict tRNA secondary structure, based on homology with recognized tRNA consensus sequences and ability to form a base-paired cloverleaf. tmRNA genes are identified using a modified version of the BRUCE program. ARAGORN achieves a detection sensitivity of 99% from a set of 1290 eubacterial, eukaryotic and archaeal tRNA genes and detects all complete tmRNA sequences in the tmRNA database, improving on the performance of the BRUCE program. Recently discovered tmRNA genes in the chloroplasts of two species from the ‘green’ algae lineage are detected. The output of the program reports the proposed tRNA secondary structure and, for tmRNA genes, the secondary structure of the tRNA domain, the tmRNA gene sequence, the tag peptide and a list of organisms with matching tmRNA peptide tags.  相似文献   

The tmRNA database (tmRDB) is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.++ +html. Mirror sites are located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/) and the Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark (http://www.bioinf.au. dk/tmRDB/). The tmRDB provides information and citation links about tmRNA, a molecule that combines functions of tRNA and mRNA in trans-translation. tmRNA is likely to be present in all bacteria and has been found in algae chloroplasts, the cyanelle of Cyanophora paradoxa and the mitochondrion of the flagellate Reclinomonas americana. This release adds 26 new sequences and corresponding predicted tmRNA-encoded tag peptides for a total of 86 tmRNAs, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Secondary structures and three-dimensional models in PDB format for representative molecules are being made available. tmRNA alignments prove individual base pairs and are generated manually assisted by computational tools. The alignments with their corresponding structural annotation can be obtained in various formats, including a new column format designed to improve and simplify computational usability of the data.  相似文献   

It has been believed that protein tagging caused by consecutive rare codons involves tmRNA action at the internal mRNA site. We demonstrated previously that ribosome stalling either at sense or stop codons caused by certain arrest sequences could induce mRNA cleavage near the arrest site, resulting in nonstop mRNAs that are recognized by tmRNA. These findings prompted us to re-examine the mechanism of tmRNA tagging at a run of rare codons. We report here that either AGG or CGA but not AGA arginine rare-codon clusters inserted into a model crp mRNA encoding cAMP receptor protein (CRP) could cause an efficient protein tagging. We demonstrate that more than three consecutive AGG codons are needed to induce an efficient ribosome stalling therefore tmRNA tagging in our system. The tmRNA tagging was eliminated by overproduction of tRNAs corresponding to rare codons, indicating that a scarcity of the corresponding tRNA caused by the rare-codon cluster is an important factor for tmRNA tagging. Mass spectrometry analyses of proteins generated in cells lacking or possessing tmRNA encoding a protease-resistant tag sequence indicated that the truncation and tmRNA tagging occur within the cluster of rare codons. Northern and S1 analyses demonstrated that nonstop mRNAs truncated within the rare-codon clusters are detected in cells lacking tmRNA but not in cells expressing tmRNA. We conclude that a ribosome stalled by the rare codon induces mRNA cleavage, resulting in nonstop mRNAs that are recognized by tmRNA.  相似文献   

tmRDB (tmRNA database)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The tmRNA database (tmRDB) is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and is accessible on the WWW at URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.++ +html. A tmRDB mirror site is located on the campus of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, reachable at the URL http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/. Since April 1997, the tmRDB has provided sequences of tmRNA (previously called 10Sa RNA), a molecule present in most bacteria and some organelles. This release adds 17 new sequences for a total of 60 tmRNAs. Sequences and corresponding tmRNA-encoded tag peptides are tabulated in alphabetical and phylo-genetic order. The updated tmRNA alignment improves the secondary structures of known tmRNAs on the level of individual basepairs. tmRDB also provides an introduction to tmRNA function in trans-translation (with links to relevant literature), a limited number of tmRNA secondary structure diagrams, and numerous three-dimensional models generated interactively with the program ERNA-3D.  相似文献   

Two-piece tmRNA in cyanobacteria and its structural analysis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
tmRNA acts to rescue stalled bacterial ribosomes while encoding a peptide tag added trans-translationally to the nascent peptide, targeting it for proteolysis. The permuted gene structure found in a group of cyanobacteria is shown to produce a two-piece mature tmRNA, as had been observed previously for the independently permuted gene of α-proteobacteria. The pieces have been mapped onto the gene sequence and aligned for the permuted cyanobacterial tmRNA sequences, including four novel sequences. Structural probing and base pair co-variations support a secondary structure model in which two pairings in the tRNA-like domain hold the two pieces together, and the coding piece bearing the tag reading frame additionally contains a single transient pseudoknot and three other stem–loops. This represents a dramatic reduction in pseudoknot number from the five present in one-piece cyanobacterial tmRNA.  相似文献   

The small, stable RNA molecule encoded by ssrA, known as tmRNA or 10Sa RNA, is required for the growth of certain hybrid lambdaimmP22 phages in Escherichia coli. tmRNA has been shown to tag partially synthesized proteins for degradation in vivo by attaching a short peptide sequence, encoded by tmRNA, to the carboxyl termini of these proteins. This tag sequence contains, at its C terminus, an amino acid sequence that is recognized by cellular proteases and leads to degradation of tagged proteins. A model describing this function of tmRNA, the trans-translation model (K. C. Keiler, P. R. Waller, and R. T. Sauer, Science 271:990-993, 1996), proposes that tmRNA acts first as a tRNA and then as a mRNA, resulting in release of the original mRNA template from the ribosome and translocation of the nascent peptide to tmRNA. Previous work from this laboratory suggested that tmRNA may also interact specifically with DNA-binding proteins, modulating their activity. However, more recent results indicate that interactions between tmRNA and DNA-binding proteins are likely nonspecific. In light of this new information, we examine the effects on lambdaimmP22 growth of mutations eliminating activities postulated to be important for two different steps in the trans-translation model, alanine charging of tmRNA and degradation of tagged proteins. This mutational analysis suggests that, while charging of tmRNA with alanine is essential for lambdaimmP22 growth in E. coli, degradation of proteins tagged by tmRNA is required only to achieve optimal levels of phage growth. Based on these results, we propose that trans-translation may have two roles, the primary role being the release of stalled ribosomes from their mRNA template and the secondary role being the tagging of truncated proteins for degradation.  相似文献   

tmRNA rescues stalled ribosomes in eubacteria by forcing the ribosome to abandon its mRNA template and resume translation with tmRNA itself as a template. Pseudoknot 1 (pk1), immediately upstream of this coding region in tmRNA, is a structural element that is considered essential for tmRNA function based on the analysis of pk1 mutants in vitro. pk1 binds near the ribosomal decoding site and may make base-specific contacts with tmRNA ligands. To study pk1 structure and function in vivo, we have developed a genetic selection that ties the life of Escherichia coli cells to tmRNA activity. Mutation of pk1 at 20% per base and selection for tmRNA activity yielded sequences that retain the same pseudoknot fold. In contrast, selection of active mutants from 10(6) completely random sequences identified hairpin structures that functionally replace pk1. Rational design of a hairpin with increased stability using an unrelated sequence yielded a tmRNA mutant with nearly wild-type activity. We conclude that the role of pk1 in tmRNA function is purely structural and that it can be replaced with a variety of hairpin structures. Our results demonstrate that in the study of functional RNAs, the inactivity of a mutant designed to destroy a given structure should not be interpreted as proof that the structure is necessary for RNA function. Such mutations may only destabilize a global fold that could be formed equally well by an entirely different, stable structure.  相似文献   

Probing the structure of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA).   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The conformation of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA) in solution was investigated using chemical and enzymatic probes. Single- and double-stranded domains were identified by hydrolysis of tmRNA in imidazole buffer and by lead(II)-induced cleavages. Ribonucleases T1 and S1 were used to map unpaired nucleotides and ribonuclease V1 was used to identify paired bases or stacked nucleotides. Specific atomic positions of bases were probed with dimethylsulfate, a carbodiimide, and diethylpyrocarbonate. Covariations, identified by sequence alignment with nine other tmRNA sequences, suggest the presence of several tertiary interactions, including pseudoknots. Temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis experiments showed structural transitions of tmRNA starting around 40 degrees C, and enzymatic probing performed at selected temperatures revealed the progressive melting of several predicted interactions. Based on these data, a secondary structure is proposed, containing two stems, four stem-loops, four pseudoknots, and an unstable structural domain, some connected by single-stranded A-rich sequence stretches. A tRNA-like domain, including an already reported acceptor branch, is supported by the probing data. A second structural domain encompasses the coding sequence, which extends from the top of one stem-loop to the top of another, with a 7-nt single-stranded stretch between. A third structural module containing pseudoknots connects and probably orients the tRNA-like domain and the coding sequence. Several discrepancies between the probing data and the phylogeny suggest that E. coli tmRNA undergoes a conformational change.  相似文献   

Bacterial ribosomes stalled on defective mRNAs are rescued by tmRNA that functions as both tRNA and mRNA. The first ribosomal elongation cycle on tmRNA where tmRNA functions as tRNA is highly unusual: occupation of the ribosomal A site by tmRNA occurs without codon:anticodon pairing. Our analysis shows that in this case the role of a codon:anticodon duplex should be accomplished by a single unpaired triplet. In order that tmRNA could participate in the ribosomal elongation cycle, a triplet preceding the mRNA portion of tmRNA (the -1triplet) should be in the A-form and this form should be recognized by the ribosomal decoding center. A rule is derived that determines what triplets cannot be used as the -1triplet. The rule was tested with the -1triplets of all known 414 tmRNA species. All 23 observed -1triplets follow the formulated rule. The rule is also supported by the available data on base substitutions within the -1triplet.  相似文献   

In bacteria, ribosomes stalled on nonstop mRNAs are rescued by tmRNA in a unique process called trans-translation. The two known tmRNA functions in trans-translation are (1) a tRNA-like function, which transfers the partially synthesized protein fragment to itself; and (2) an mRNA-like function, which enables ribosomes to resume and terminate translation on tmRNA as a surrogate template. We present evidence to demonstrate that tmRNA performs a third function, namely, facilitating the degradation of the causative defective mRNA. Our investigations have revealed the identity of key sequence determinants that promote the degradation of the nonstop mRNA. These sequence determinants are located in the distal part of the tmRNA open reading frame, encoding the ultimate, penultimate, and anti-penultimate amino acids of the peptide tag. We show that mutation of these tmRNA sequence elements has an adverse affect on the disposal of the nonstop mRNA, while leaving the tRNA and mRNA functions entirely unaffected. More significantly, specific mutations that change the nucleotide sequence of the peptide-reading frame without altering the nature or identity of the encoded amino acids still exhibit the characteristic defect in nonstop mRNA decay. In contrast, mutations in codons 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the tmRNA open reading frame do not have an adverse affect on degradation of defective mRNAs. Based on these results, we propose that tmRNA plays an important role in promoting the decay of nonstop mRNAs and that sequence elements in the distal segment of the peptide-reading frame make sequence-specific contributions that are crucial for this activity.  相似文献   

Eubacterial tmRNAs mediate, at least in Escherichia coli, recycling of ribosomes stalled at the end of terminatorless mRNAs. A tmRNA-encoded peptide tag is added to abnormal protein products of truncated mRNAs. This tag is a specific signal for proteolysis of the aberrant protein. To obtain further sequence information, PCR was used to amplify more Eubacterial genes for tmRNA. Fifty-eight new tmDNA sequences including from members of nine additional phyla were determined. Remarkably, tmDNA sequences could be amplified from all species tested apart from those in the alpha-Proteobacteria, raising evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

The bacterial ribosome switches from an mRNA lacking an in-frame stop codon and resumes translation on a specialized RNA known as tmRNA, SsrA or 10Sa RNA. We find that the ribosome can reach and use the extreme 3' terminal codon of the defective mRNA prior to switching. The first triplet to be translated in tmRNA (the resume codon) is determined at two levels: distant elements in tmRNA restrict resume codon choice to a narrow window and local upstream elements provide precision. Insights from a randomization-selection experiment secure the alignment of tmRNA sequences from diverse species. The triplet UA(A/G) (normally recognized as a stop codon by release factor-1) is strongly conserved two nucleotides upstream of the resume codon. The central adenosine of this triplet is essential for tmRNA activity. The reading frame of tmRNA is determined differently from all other known reading frames in that the first translated codon is not specified by a particular tRNA anticodon.  相似文献   

Transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA, 10Sa RNA, ssrA) is bacterial RNA having both tRNA and mRNA properties and playing an essential role in recycling of 70S ribosomes that are stalled on defective mRNA. The trans-translational system is thought to play a crucial role in bacterial survival under adverse conditions. Streptomycetes are Gram-positive soil bacteria exposed to various physical and chemical stresses that activate specialized responses such as synthesis of antibiotics and morphological differentiation. Comparative sequence analysis of ssrA genes of streptomycetes revealed the most significant differences in the central parts of tag-reading frames, in the stop codons and in the 15-34 nucleotide sequences following stop codons. A major challenge in understanding the interactions that control the function of tmRNA is the definition of protein interactions. Proteins from various phases of development of Streptomyces aureofaciens associated with tmRNA were analyzed. Using affinity chromatography on tmRNA-Sepharose and photo cross-linking experiments with [(32)P]labeled tmRNA seven proteins, the beta and beta'-subunits of DNA dependent RNA polymerase, polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase (PNPase), ribosomal protein SS1, ATP-binding cassette transporters, elongation factor Tu, and SmpB were identified among the proteins associated with tmRNA of S. aureofaciens. We examined the functional role of ribosomal protein SS1 in a defined in vitro trans-translation system. Our data show that the protein SS1 that structurally differs from S1 of Escherichia coli is required for translation of the tmRNA tag-reading frame.  相似文献   

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