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Light-mediated predation by northern squawfish on juvenile chinook salmon   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Northern squawfish Ptychocheilus oregonensis cause significant mortality of juvenile salmon in the lower Columbia River Basin (U.S.A.). The effects of light intensity on this predator-prey interaction were examined with laboratory experiments and modelling studies. In laboratory experiments, the rate of capture of subyearling chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha by northern squawfish was inversely related to light intensity. In a large raceway, about five times more salmon were captured during 4 h periods of relative darkness (0–03 Ix) than during periods with high light intensity (160 Ix). The rate of predation could be manipulated by increasing or decreasing light intensity.
A simulation model was developed for visual predators that encounter, attack, and capture juvenile salmon, whose schooling behaviour was light-sensitive. The model was fitted to laboratory results using a Monte Carlo filtering procedure. Model-predicted predation rate was especially sensitive to the visual range of predators at low light intensity and to predator search speed at high light. Modelling results also suggested that predation by northern squawfish on juvenile salmon may be highest across a narrow window of fight intensity.  相似文献   

Competition between masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) of wild and aquaculture origin was investigated. Fry were individually marked and released in stream enclosures with and without a piscivorous predator. The aim was to assess the effects of predators and salmon body size on survival and growth of the two types of fish under natural conditions. The presence of predaceous Japanese huchen (Hucho perryi) resulted in lower mean growth rates of surviving fry. Relatively large fish survived and grew better than relatively small fish in the absence of predators, but not in their presence. This probably indicates an indirect effect of predation risk on within-cohort competitive behavior among salmon juveniles, with larger fish forced to give up their position as superior competitors. Domesticated fish survived in larger numbers and grew much faster than wild fish, irrespective of predator presence. Comparison with similar field studies revealed a pattern that the pre-experimental environment influenced the outcome of competition between wild and domesticated juvenile salmon. Domesticated fish were superior competitors even in the absence of an initial size advantage, which commonly gives a further advantage to hatchery-raised fish in natural streams. Therefore, caution dictates to avoid the release or escape of such fish into the wild.  相似文献   

Feeding of age-1 brown trout Salmo trutta in a third-order river in northern Finland was usually highest in the twilight hours and lowest around midday. Diel periodicity in food intake was less distinct and rarely significant for age-0 trout. Daily rations declined seasonally, being lowest in October, and highest in June (age-1 trout) or early August (age-0 trout). Prey selection did not differ between day and night, but differences between age classes and sampling dates were distinct. Age-0 trout preferred Ephemerella nymphs in summer and Micrasema larvae later in the season. Age-1 trout fed selectively on caddis larvae on all sample dates. Aerial insects and Baetis nymphs were avoided by both age classes on most occasions. These patterns of preference are probably explained by a trend towards epibenthic feeding, which may be a predominant foraging mode in some trout populations. Nevertheless, repuscular peaks in feeding periodicity suggest that trout were able to capitalize on the increased availability of drifting prey in the twilight, especially in the early summer months.  相似文献   

The recent, rapid spreading of non-native pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha in the North Atlantic area has raised concerns about their possible negative impacts on native salmonid species. Potential interactions include competition for food resources during the short freshwater phase of juvenile O. gorbuscha, but little is known about their feeding behavior in the newly occupied North Atlantic rivers. Using stable isotope and stomach content analyses, patterns of freshwater feeding of non-native O. gorbuscha fry were studied in a large Fennoscandian river, the Teno, that discharges to the Barents Sea. Changes in stable isotope values (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S) and stomach contents from the period of emergence (April to mid-May) to estuarine entry (late May/June) were examined and provided both temporally integrated and short-term indicators of freshwater feeding dependency. In addition, the occurrence of juvenile O. gorbuscha and changes in their length and weight during their emergence/migration period were investigated. Juvenile O. gorbuscha were at the spawning grounds from April through to mid-May with abundance peaking in mid-May. Fish moved to the estuary by late May and their abundance decreased toward June, and their body size increased concurrently. Stomach analyses indicated no feeding activity in April–early May in the spawning areas, but the stomach fullness indices increased markedly in fish sampled in the estuary in May and June. The most important prey items in stomachs were Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera larvae. Significant changes in all analysed stable isotopes were detected among sample periods, with a peak in mid-May and June showing significantly lower values than other sample periods. A change from the higher values reflective of parental marine feeding to the lower values reflective of freshwater feeding indicated active in-river feeding by juveniles during the study period. The documented active freshwater feeding of non-native juvenile O. gorbuscha suggests potential resource competition with native fluvial fishes, particularly salmonids.  相似文献   

Evidence for sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and its possible causes were examined in the endangered Colorado pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius, a large, piscivorous, cyprinid endemic to the Colorado River system of North America. Individuals representing 18–24% of the upper Colorado River population were captured, measured, sexed and released in 1999 and 2000. Differing male and female total length‐(LT) frequency distributions revealed SSD with females having greater mean and maximum sizes than males. Although both sexes exhibit indeterminate post‐maturity growth, growth trajectories differed. The point of trajectory divergence was not established, but slowed male growth might coincide with the onset of maturation. Differing growth rate was the dominant proximate cause of SSD, accounting for an estimated 61% of the observed difference in mean adult LT. The degree of SSD in adults, however, was also related to two other factors. Evidence suggests males become sexually active at a smaller size and earlier age than females; a 2 year difference, suggested here, accounted for an estimated 12% of the between‐sex difference in mean adult LT. Temporal shifts in gender‐specific survival accounted for an additional 27% of the observed between‐sex difference in mean adult LT. Estimated age distributions indicated a higher number of older females than older males and more younger males than younger females in the population during the period of sampling. Dissimilarity of age distributions was an unexpected result because the male : female population sex ratio was 1 : 1 and estimates of long‐term annual survival for adult males and females were equal (88%). Future assessments of SSD in this population are apt to vary depending on the prior history of short‐term gender‐specific survival. Without recognizing SSD, non‐gender‐specific growth curves overestimate mean age of adult females and underestimate mean age of adult males of given LT. Assuming age 8 years for first reproduction in males and age 10 years for females, the adult male : female ratio was estimated as 1·1 : 1 and mean adult age, or generation time, was estimated as 16·4 years for males and 18·4 years for females.  相似文献   

1. We used field surveys to compare the density and mesohabitat-scale distribution of the native coastrange sculpin ( Cottus aleuticus ) and the prickly sculpin ( C. asper ) in coastal rivers in north-western California, U.S.A., with and without an introduced piscivorous fish, the Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis . We also measured mortality of tethered prickly sculpin in a field experiment including river, habitat type (pools versus riffles) and cover as factors.
2. Average sculpin density ( C. aleuticus and C. asper combined) in two rivers without pikeminnow was 21 times higher than the average density in two rivers in a drainage with introduced pikeminnow. In riffles, differences in the density of sculpins among rivers could be linked to differences in cover. However, riffles in rivers without pikeminnow had an average sculpin density 77 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow, yet only nine times more cover. In pools, cover availability did not differ among rivers, but the density of sculpins in rivers without pikeminnow was 11 times higher than rivers with pikeminnow.
3. In the field experiment, mortality of tethered sculpin varied substantially among treatments and ANOVA indicated a significant River × Habitat × Cover interaction ( P  < 0.001). Overall, tethered prickly sculpin suffered 40% mortality over 24 h in rivers with pikeminnow and 2% mortality in rivers without pikeminnow, suggesting that predation is the mechanism by which the pikeminnow affects sculpins.
4. The apparent reduction in sculpin abundance by introduced pikeminnow has probably significantly altered food webs and nutrient transport processes, and increased the probability of extinction of coastrange and prickly sculpins in the Eel River drainage.  相似文献   

In the summers of 1981 and 2000, 288 goosanders Mergus merganser were sampled in the estuary of the River Tana in northern Norway, which has the largest wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar stock in the world. Based on 2308 otoliths found in their stomach contents, sandeels Ammodytes sp. were found to be the dominant prey, and only one pair of Atlantic salmon otoliths was found. This suggested that goosanders were not significant predators on Atlantic salmon smolts in the estuary, probably because of the high abundance of sandeels and other marine prey fishes, at least in these particular years.  相似文献   

The relative competitive ability of juvenile farm and wild salmonids was investigated to provide insight into the potential effects of introduction of cultured salmon on wild Pacific salmonid ( Oncorhynchus ) species. Aquarium experiments involving equal contests ( i.e. size matched, simultaneously introduced individuals) indicated that two wild coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch populations were competitively equal to a farm coho salmon population. In equal contests between farm Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Mowi strain) and these wild coho salmon populations or coastal cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki , Atlantic salmon were subordinate in all cases. When Atlantic salmon were given a residence advantage, however, they were competitively equal to both wild coho salmon populations, but remained subordinate to coastal cutthroat trout. When Atlantic salmon were given a 10–30% length advantage, they were competitively equal to one wild coho salmon population but remained subordinate to the other. In equal contests in semi-natural stream channels, both wild coho and farm Atlantic salmon grew significantly more in the presence of the other species than when alone. It appears that coho salmon obtain additional food ration by out competing Atlantic salmon, whereas Atlantic salmon were stimulated to feed more in the presence of coho salmon competitors. These results suggest that wild coho salmon and cutthroat trout should out compete farm Atlantic salmon of a similar size in nature. As the relative competitive ability of Atlantic salmon improves when they have a size and residence advantage, should feral populations become established, they may exist on a more equal competitive footing owing to the long freshwater residence of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon fry (0+) sampled from the River Alta exhibited only minor differences in stomach content weights and feeding rates throughout diel periods, but feeding rates were generally lowest at night. In contrast, salmon parr (1+ to 3+) had large diel fluctuations in stomach content weight, with the largest weights usually being recorded during the night and early morning. Accordingly, their feeding rates were highest at night. This nocturnal feeding pattern was consistent throughout all sampling occasions, and appeared to reflect a persistent feeding periodicity in the salmon parr. The daily food consumption rates of both fry and parr were highest during midsummer and decreased towards autumn.  相似文献   

Greenwood  Kimberly S.  Thorp  James H. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):229-236
We examined factors influencing distribution of prosobranch snails with field surveys, lab substrate-choice and movement experiments, and outdoor artificial stream experiments manipulating current, substrate and temperature. Restriction of Lithasia obovata to shallow, isolated rock patches and the more continuous distribution of Pleurocera canaliculatum on diverse substrates (shallow to deep water) seem related to food availability, predator vulnerability, wave resistance and dispersal abilities. Shallow, rocky habitats favored by the relatively fragile-shelled Lithasia maximize the more nutritious, epilithic microalgal food while minimizing wave displacement (firmer substrate) and exposure to molluscivorous fish inhabiting deeper waters. The broader distribution of the heavily-armored Pleurocera is attributed mostly to greater dispersal abilities (e.g. via deep water, gravel pathways), prevalence in more substrate types, and resistance to fish predators, but their relatively small foot may account for low densities in very shallow, wave-swept habitats. Lithasia is vulnerable because of its restriction to isolated, shallow rocky habitats, inability to reach deeper gravel dispersal pathways, and greater susceptibility to cold temperatures (slowing colonization of other habitats). Impoundments increase this threat by blocking inter-reach dispersal and hindering intra-reach dispersal through siltation. Pleurocera's survival is threatened by biofouling from zebra mussels which are more prevalent in depths inhabited by this species.  相似文献   

Stomach contents were collected and analysed from 22 bull trout Salvelinus confluentus at the edge of the Chilko Lake and Chilko River in British Columbia, Canada, during spring outmigration of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka smolts. Twenty of the 22 (>90%) stomachs contained prey items, virtually all identifiable prey items were outmigrant O. nerka smolts and stomach contents represented a large portion (0·0–12·6%) of estimated S. confluentus mass. The results demonstrate nearly exclusive and intense feeding by S. confluentus on outmigrant smolts, and support recent telemetry observations of high disappearance rates of O. nerka smolts leaving large natural lake systems prior to entering high‐order unregulated river systems.  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine how beavers affect habitats and food resources for juvenile salmon in the Kwethluk River in western Alaska.

The Hylebos Waterway is an industrialized waterway ofCommencement Bay, Tacoma, Washington, that is severelycontaminated with aromatic and chlorinatedhydrocarbons in the sediment. Juvenile chinook (Oncorhynchus keta) and chum salmon (O.tshawytscha) inhabit this waterway for a few days orweeks during their outmigration from freshwaterstreams to saltwater. The purpose of thisinvestigation was to determine to what degree juvenilechum and chinook salmon captured from the HylebosWaterway might bioaccumulate organic contaminants. These levels of exposure will be compared to previousstudies where such exposures have been linked tobiological dysfunction in juvenile salmon. Theresults showed that juvenile chum and chinook salmonfrom the Hylebos Waterway take up a wide range ofchemical contaminants, compared to fish fromhatcheries or reference estuaries. These contaminantsinclude high and low molecular weight polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCBs, including the toxic congeners 105 and118), hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), hexachlorobenzene(HCB), DDTs, heptachlor, and several pesticides. Immunohistochemical examination of the gill and gut injuvenile chum salmon from the Hylebos Waterway showedthe induction of the P450 metabolizing enzyme. Moreover, concentrations of contaminants in juvenilechinook and chum salmon from the Hylebos Waterway arecomparable to levels previously shown to be associatedwith biological injury in juvenile chinook salmon,such as impaired growth, suppression of immunefunction as demonstrated by reduced B cell function,and increased mortality following pathogen exposure.  相似文献   

Changes in the foraging behaviour due to variation in the body size of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus were investigated. All sizes of fish had a high probability of attacking prey whenever encountered. The probability of eating the prey increased with the size of the fish, as the larger fish had larger jaws and a greater stomach capacity. Therefore, as fish increased in size there was an increase in the probability of successful prey capture. The level of satiation did not have an effect on the prey handling time, which is contrary to other studies and is probably a result of the large prey sizes. The physical size of the prey meant that the handling times were long regardless of the motivational level of the fish. The larger fish took in more energy and at a faster rate, although the time to reach satiation was similar for all fish sizes. The advantage that large fish appear to have in successfully gaining large prey is negated by their greater metabolic requirement. The changes in feeding performance induced by small increases in body size could have important consequences for intraspecific competition, habitat Use and risk of predation.  相似文献   

The study tests two hypotheses: (1) the degree of shelter dominance in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta increases progressively with increasing size differential between heterospecific fish in a pair and (2) shelter dominance, standardized to size differential, correlates with aggression. The results support the first but not the second hypothesis, suggesting that the fitness consequences of high growth performance during the summer are likely to become evident during winter. At this time of year, when mortality is high among both Atlantic salmon and brown trout, shelter dominance may increase the chances of survival.  相似文献   

Adult Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha navigate in river systems using olfactory cues that may be influenced by hydrologic factors such as flow and the number, size and spatial distribution of tributaries. Thus, river hydrology may influence both homing success and the level of straying (gene flow), which in turn influences population structure. In this study, two methods of multivariate analysis were used to examine the extent to which four indicators of hydrology and waterway distance explained population structure of O. tshawytscha in the Yukon River. A partial Mantel test showed that the indicators of hydrology were positively associated with broad‐scale (Yukon basin) population structure, when controlling for the influence of waterway distance. Multivariate multiple regression showed that waterway distance, supplemented with the number and flow of major drainage basins, explained more variation in broad‐scale population structure than any single indicator. At an intermediate spatial scale, indicators of hydrology did not appear to influence population structure after accounting for waterway distance. These results suggest that habitat changes in the Yukon River, which alter hydrology, may influence the basin‐wide pattern of population structure in O. tshawytscha. Further research is warranted on the role of hydrology in concert with waterway distance in influencing population structure in Pacific salmon.  相似文献   

Apparent specific dynamic action (SDA) amplitude in young juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (1 to 8 g wet mass), fed a standardized meal and then exercised in a circular swimming respirometer at a constant swimming speed of 0·5 ± 0·3 body lengths s-1, occurred within l h after feeding in all juveniles. SDA amplitude were 1·4 to 1·8 times higher in fed fish compared to unfed fish, and rates of oxygen consumption decreased as body mass increased. SDA duration had a tendency to decrease with increasing body mass and was shortest, at 6 h, in the smallest fish (1–1·5 g), but increased to 10–11 h in the largest fish. Apparent SDA in fed fish ( R r) scaled with a mass exponent of 0·89, while maximum metabolic rate ( R max) determined by chasing fish to exhaustion and then measuring oxygen consumption for 12 h, and unfed routine metabolic rate (Rr) scaled with a mass exponent of 0·79 and 0·76 respectively. Relative aerobic scope ( R max– unfed R r) did not appear to vary over the 1 to 8 g increase in wet mass. These results show that as body mass increased in young juvenile Atlantic cod: (1) apparent SDA ( R f) increased more rapidly than R max, and (2) apparent SDA took up >98% of the relative aerobic scope and that young Atlantic cod allocated most of the energy to growth, and left little for other metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Aarnio  Katri  Mattila  Johanna 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):347-355
Due to increasing eutrophication of the coastal Baltic waters, drifting algae are a common phenomenon. Drifting algal mats accumulate on shallow sandy bottoms in late summer and autumn, and affect the ambient fauna. Juvenile flounder, Platichthys flesus, utilize these habitats during their first few years. They feed on benthic meio- and macrofauna; part of their diet consists of shelled species, such as Ostracods, and juvenile Hydrobia spp. and Macoma balthica. Earlier studies have shown that up to 75% of ostracods and 92% of hydrobiids survive the gut passage of juvenile flounder, while all M. balthica are digested by the fish. We conducted laboratory experiments to study how the shelled prey responded to a drift algal mat, and the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus on these prey species on bare sand and with drifting algae (50% coverage). Hydrobia spp. utilized the drift algae as a habitat and, after 1 h, 50% had moved into the algae; ostracods and M. balthica were more stationary and, after 96 h, only 23 and 12%, respectively, were found in the algae. For the predation efficiency of P. flesus, a two-way ANOVA with habitat (algae, bare sand) and predation (fish, no fish) as factors revealed that both algae and predation affected negatively the survival of all three prey species. The algae, thus, affected the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus and the consumption of prey was much reduced in the algal treatments compared to the bare sand. This was due probably to increased habitat complexity and the ability of prey, especially hydrobiids, to use the algal mat as a refuge. Altered habitat structure due to drift algae, together with the resultant changes in habitat (refuge) value for different prey species, may profoundly change the structure of benthic communities.  相似文献   

自然界中鱼类的捕食者种类繁多,为验证猎物鱼针对不同捕食者是否会做出相异的反捕食策略选择,选取鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为猎物鱼,乌鳢(Channa argus)和胡子鲶(Clarias fuscus)为捕食者,将鲫幼鱼分别暴露于空白(对照)、乌鳢、胡子鲶和双捕食者(同时存在乌鳢和胡子鲶)环境中持续2个月,随后考查不同组鲫幼鱼的生长、行为特征、形态和运动能力等指标之间的差异。结果表明:经过2个月的捕食胁迫处理,鲫幼鱼的自发运动、隐蔽场所利用率和勇敢性等行为指标在4个组之间均未表现出显著性差异。相比对照组,乌鳢、胡子鲶和双捕食者暴露组鲫幼鱼的快速启动反应时滞显著缩短(P<0.05);但所有处理组中仅乌鳢暴露组鲫幼鱼的快速启动120ms移动距离(S120ms)和体高(BD)显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。另外鲫幼鱼的临界游泳速度(Ucrit)和活跃代谢率(MO2active)在各组之间也未表现出显著差异。乌鳢暴露组鲫幼鱼快速启动能力的提升可能与形态上体高的提高有关;另外相比临界游泳能力,快速启动能力可能在鱼类逃避捕食者过程中更为关键;鲫幼鱼表现出对乌鳢的反应最为明显,可能与乌鳢口裂较大,给鲫幼鱼带来的威胁更大有关。整体而言,应对捕食胁迫时,鲫幼鱼仅表现出形态和快速启动能力的反捕食响应,其行为特征的保守性可能是对生长作出的妥协,这对于鱼类适应生境中长期存在的捕食胁迫十分关键。  相似文献   

Vertical, lateral and longitudinal movement of zooplankton in a large river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatial distribution and movement patterns of zooplankton in large rivers are little known compared with those in lake environments. We conducted a series of studies in the Ohio River (U.S.A.) during the low flow period to assess diel vertical (DVM), longitudinal and lateral movement of crustacean zooplankton. 2. The dominant large zooplankter, the copepod Eurytemora affinis, showed a consistent vertical migration pattern of daytime ascent and night‐time descent during all sampling periods – the reverse of the most common migratory pattern of zooplankton in lakes. The cladoceran Bosmina migrated in a similar way in two of the three sampling periods. Surveys taken longitudinally in the river showed similar trends for both taxa. 3. During the lateral surveys, E. affinis was significantly more abundant in the shallow littoral zone during the night than in the daytime. The combination of vertical and lateral movement patterns along with the diel distribution of zooplanktivorous fish suggest that these movements are a predator‐avoidance mechanism. 4. Sampling programmes in large rivers should consider that larger zooplankton such as E. affinis may not be randomly distributed in the river channel and behaviours such as diel vertical migration may be just as evident in river habitats as in lakes.  相似文献   

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