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 In Brazil, the Araucaria forest and the Atlantic rainforest are two threatened ecosystems, with 10% or less of their original areas presently existing. To assess the mycorrhizal status in these forests, roots of 29 native species, belonging to 19 families, were collected throughout the year from different regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Roots were washed, and then cut in a cryo-microtome to seek ectomycorrhizal colonization. Other roots were stained before being examined for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM). Patterns of colonization were identified and photographed. All plants presented evidence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. No evidence of ectomycorrhizal colonization was found. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization patterns varied from single intracellular aseptate hyphae, coils, and/or appressoria, to vesicles and/or arbuscules. Results confirmed that VAM hosts are predominant in South American forests while ectomycorrhizas are extremely rare even among genera known as ectomycorrhizal in other regions of the humid tropics. Accepted: 27 August 2000  相似文献   

塔河林业局林火对植被的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙明学  贾炜玮 《植物研究》2009,29(4):481-487
针对大兴安岭地区塔河林业局不同林型下,不同火烧强度的火烧迹地的森林植被更新及恢复情况进行了调查研究。结果表明:(1)针叶林过火迹地上,落叶松幼苗较少,阔叶树萌条更新强度同火烧程度成正比;火烧前生长有白桦、赤杨的林地上,火烧后阔叶树成为主导树种,林相完全发生变化。(2)重度火烧下有利于天然更新,促使白桦、山杨萌生。中度火烧最初形成以杨桦为优势树种的阔叶林,后逐渐演变为针阔混交林。轻度火烧有利于针叶林的更新。(3)火烧后不同林型下灌木草本植被种类变化不同。从盖度方面来看,杜鹃落叶松林型中林下灌木草本更新最为良好。  相似文献   

Forest restoration requires strategies such as passive restoration to balance financial investments and ecological outcomes. However, the ecological outcomes of passive restoration are traditionally regarded as uncertain. We evaluated technical and legal strategies for balancing economic costs and ecological outcomes of passive versus active restoration in agricultural landscapes. We focused in the case of Brazil, where we assessed the factors driving the proportion of land allocated to passive and active restoration in 42 programs covering 698,398 hectares of farms in the Atlantic Forest, Atlantic Forest/cerrado ecotone and Amazon; the ecological outcomes of passive and active restoration in 2955 monitoring plots placed in six restoration programs; and the legal framework developed by some Brazilian states to balance the different restoration approaches and comply with legal commitments. Active restoration had the highest proportion of land allocated to it (78.4%), followed by passive (14.2%) and mixed restoration (7.4%). Passive restoration was higher in the Amazon, in silviculture, and when remaining forest cover was over 50 percent. Overall, both restoration approaches showed high levels of variation in the ecological outcomes; nevertheless, passively restored areas had a smaller percentage canopy cover, lower species density, and less shrubs and trees (dbh > 5 cm). The studied legal frameworks considered land abandonment for up to 4 years before deciding on a restoration approach, to favor the use of passive restoration. A better understanding of the biophysical and socioeconomic features of areas targeted for restoration is needed to take a better advantage of their natural regeneration potential.  相似文献   

Yeasts were isolated from three vineyards located in the South Region of Brazil. A cross evaluation was carried out at the oldest vineyard of the study in Pinheiro Preto. Samples of grape berries, grapevine leaves and the soil, along with samples of the winery equipment and effluent, were collected. In the Serra do Marari and Campos Novos vineyards only samples of grape clusters were obtained. The 106 yeast isolates were identified by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of LSU rDNA or ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region in 22 species. The values for the richness indices varied between the vineyards. A comparison of the taxonomic diversity of the yeasts from these regions using the reciprocal Simpson index showed a significant difference between the Serra do Marari and Campos Novos vineyards (5.72?±?0.36 and 2.92?±?0.36, respectively, p?<?0.0001). The functional diversity was assessed in relation to the use of carbon and nitrogen sources by the yeasts isolated from each location. In general, we observed that the Pinheiro Preto and Campos Novos vineyards differed consistently from the Serra do Marari vineyard according to these indices (FAD2, FDc and Rao, p?<?0.0001). The possible spreading of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from the winery to the vineyard in Pinheiro Preto was observed.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of ant species to landscape and geomorphologic parameters of a long‐term (7–11 years) restoration project in the Jequitinhonha River (Northern State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) margins, previously dredged by a diamond mining company. Geomorphological changes from the dredging were severe and the area is unlikely to be adequately restored, mainly due to the negative effects of flooding. Our hypothesis is that ant species assemblages bioindicate successional stages and soil characteristics. We studied the association of effects from the river's flooding zone, the native vegetation, and sedimentary grain size with that of ant species diversity, abundance, and composition. An ant sampling program was conducted in April 2005, using three methods: baits, pitfall traps, and direct collection. Grain size was measured by sieving. In total, 10,784 ants were sampled, belonging to 7 subfamilies, 24 genera and 45 morphospecies. Ant species richness was greater in the undisturbed savanna area than in the restored habitats, and equivalently greater in the ecotone and intermediate zone habitats than on the river bank, the poorest habitat. Atta sexdens rubropilosa indicated a condition related to small forest remnants having well‐structured soil. On the other hand, ants with a body length of under 0.5 cm (Dorymyrmex pyramicus and Pheidole fallax) predominated in sandy areas, where the majority of the granules were the finest. The lack of organic matter and soil structure for constructing suitable nests may prevent large ants from colonizing such areas, and thus inhibit the advance of natural succession.  相似文献   

The composition and abundance of the meiofauna and macrofauna were studied in a survey carried out within 6 locations in a mangrove at the Island of Santa Catarina, South Brazil. Nine meiofaunal taxa were registered with densities ranging between 77 and 1589 inds.10 cm?2. The nematodes, composed by 94 putative species (86 genera), largely dominated the meiofauna. The most abundant genera were Haliplectus (Haliplectidae), Anoplostoma (Anoplostomatidae) and Terschillingia (Linhomoidae). Contrary to the meiofauna, the macrofauna showed a low number of taxa (only 17 recorded) and abundance (up 7250 inds.m?2). The macrofauna was mainly composed by deposit feeders, and numerically dominated by oligochaetes and capitellid polychaetes. For both components, differences in the composition and abundance along the sampling sites were significant but not primarily related to the typical variations along estuaries, such as salinity. The results of the stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that the detritus biomass (ash-free dry weight) was the most important predictor of faunal densities and diversity. The clear relationship between detritus and fauna, together with the contrasting community structure of the two component of the benthos suggest that the meiofauna showed a high efficiency in exploiting the micro-habitat created by the presence of the detritus. Yet the macrofauna, potentially the main consumer of the debris, is negatively affected by their low palatability and poor nutritive value.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of fragmentation on the spatial and temporal dynamics of small litterfall production in Atlantic rainforest in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Litterfall was collected for 24 months at two 0.2 ha sites, located in the forest edge zone and the forest interior, within a rainforest patch of about 300 ha. Structural parameters of both forest sites were recorded. Litter was sorted into six fractions (foliage, twigs, buds/flowers, fruits/seeds, peduncles, rest), dried and weighed. The interior forest plot contained 314 live trees with a dbh 5 cm and a stand basal area of 41.8±8.7 m2, whereas the forest edge contained 211 live trees and a stand basal area of 23.4±3.6 m2. Total small litterfall was extraordinarily high and totalled 12.62±4.73 t ha−1 yr−1 in interior forest and 14.74±2.78 t ha−1 yr−1 in forest edge. High litterfall rates are probably due to a pronounced periodicity, edge effects alter litterfall strongly.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the use of pesticides on farms located in the Lambedor River watershed in Guatambu, State of Santa Catarina, as well as to determine, by micronucleus testing, the risk of genotoxic impact. Samples from locally collected Cyprinus carpio, Hypostomus punctatus, Rhamdia quelen and Oreochromis niloticus gave evidence of a mean increase in micronuclei frequency from 6.21 to 13.78 in 1,000 erythrocytes, a clear indication of the genotoxic potenciality of pesticide residues in regional dams, and their significant contribution to local environmental contamination.  相似文献   

A study of the community dynamics of Drosophilidae was carried out in six insular communities and two others on the mainland. Seasonal collections were carried out throughout two years in Santa Catarina State, southern of Brazil. The diversity index calculations show high values when compared with temperate climate communities. The sites on the mainland (Serra do Tabuleiro) presented the highest diversity, which was measured by the Diversity Index (H'). These sites are covered by primary Atlantic Forest and theoretically should have a higher variation of ecological niches. A dendogram showing the similarity between the communities, calculated by Morisita Index, points to a level of similarity equal to 60% for all communities. In this diagram, we can see two clades: one on the mainland and the other on the islands. The six island sites are grouped into one clade and separated into two subclades, one including the sites on Santa Catarina Island and the other consisting of the islands adjacent to this last and very much larger one. These groupings show the very important role of the spatial component on the prediction of the structure of the communities. This fact raises the discussion about the high complexity of the Atlantic Forest ecosystem and consequently the unpredictability of its fauna, highlighting the need of its conservation.  相似文献   

A taxonomic survey on fungus-growing ants (Attini) was made at 14 beaches on Santa Catarina Island (SC), Brazil. The samplings were manual, in soil or litterfall, in the following habitats: sandy beach, herbaceous vegetation and shrubby vegetation. From 12 species of Attini (ten of Acromyrmex Mayr and two of Cyphomyrmex Mayr), the most frequent were Cyphomyrmex morschi Emery and Acromyrmex crassispinus Forel, collected, respectively, on eight and ten of the monitored beaches. Altogether, Sorensen's similarity coefficients were high (range: 0.59-0.80), in spite of the lower numbers of ant species on sandy beaches.  相似文献   

The diet of the neotropical otter (Carnivora, Mustelidae) was studied from September 1995 to March 1997, in Volta Velha, an Atlantic Forest reserve in the coastal plain of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Fecal samples were collected monthly along the rivers Saí-Mirim, Braço do Norte and Volta Velha. Additionally, from October 1996 to June 1997, a qualitative and quantitative study of fish species available in the studied rivers was performed. The analysis of 202 collected fecal samples indicated a diet based on fish (mainly Hoplias malabaricus and Geophagus brasiliensis) and crustaceans (mainly Trichodactylus fluviatilis, a river crab), characterizing the neotropical otter as piscivorous-cancrivorous in the study area. The presence of fruits, reptiles, birds and mammals in the diet is occasional and opportunistic. Probably the higher consumption of a certain fish species compared to its availability and the high percentage of occurrence of T. fluviatilis in scats of the neotropical otter reflect their higher catchability.  相似文献   

During 2006-2008, a total of 260 adult ticks were collected from domestic and wild animals in different regions of the state of Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil, including areas where human cases of Brazilian spotted fever have been reported. Collected ticks belonging to nine species (Amblyomma aureolatum, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma dubitatum, Amblyomma longirostre, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma tigrinum, Dermacentor nitens, Rhipicephalus microplus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus) were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for rickettsial infection. Overall, eight (3.1%) ticks were found to be infected with Rickettsia species. After sequencing the PCR products, we determined that the sequences generated from three A. aureolatum, one A. ovale and one R. sanguineus from the municipality of Blumenau, one A. ovale from the municipality of águas Mornas and one A. ovale from the municipality of Urussanga were identical to the corresponding partial rickettsial ompA gene sequence of Rickettsia parkeri strain Atlantic rainforest. The sequence generated from one A. longirostre from Blumenau was 100% identical to the corresponding partial rickettsial ompA gene sequence of Rickettsia amblyommii strain AL. Because R. parkeri strain Atlantic rainforest was recently shown to have caused two cases of human spotted fever in other states of Brazil, the role of this rickettsial agent as a possible etiological agent of spotted fever in SC is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how insular ecosystems recover or are restructured after the eradication of an invasive species is crucial in evaluating conservation success and prioritizing island conservation efforts. Globally, herbivores have been removed from 762 islands, most with limited active restoration actions following eradication. Few studies have documented the effects of invasive herbivore removal after multiple decades of passive recovery. Here we evaluate recovery of vegetation on Santa Cruz Island, California, after the removal of feral sheep (Ovis aries) in 1984. We repeat a study conducted in 1980, and examine vegetation changes 28 years after the eradication. Before eradication, grazed areas were characterized by reduced plant cover, high exposure of bare ground, and erosion. After 28 years of passive recovery, transect data showed a 23% increase in woody overstory, whereas analysis of photographs from landscapes photographed pre‐ and post‐eradication showed a 26% increase in woody vegetation. Whole island vegetation maps similarly showed a transition from grass/bare ground (74.3% of cover) to woody plants (77.2% of cover), indicating the transition away from predominantly exotic annual grassland toward a community similar to the overstory of coastal scrubland but with an understory dominated by non‐native annual grasses. We estimate that replacement of grasses/bare ground by native woody vegetation has led to 70 and 17% increases in the stored carbon and nitrogen pools on the island, respectively. Our results demonstrate that these island ecosystems can experience significant recovery of native floral communities without intensive post‐eradication restoration, and results of recovery may take decades to be realized.  相似文献   

From July 2006 to November 2007 the effects of sediment disposal on a macrobenthic association were evaluated at the dredged material disposal site, located 3 km northeast of Itajaí Harbour navigation channel. Seven sample sites were chosen, five inside the licensed disposal area and two outside. Five samples were collected from each site with a 0.042 m2 Van-Veen grab. Nine sampling campaigns took place, one before, one during, and seven after the disposal operations. Evaluations were carried out through sediment and macrofauna composition analysis. An increase in coarse fractions of sediments was found during the first months, mainly within the licensed disposal area. Sites outside the area kept the same granulometric characteristics. Nested ANOVA showed that abundance, taxa richness and Shannon–Weaver diversity were significantly smaller after the disposal, and recovered the initial mean values after the disposal ends. PERMANOVA showed a high heterogeneity between the sites. It decreased until the fifth month after disposal operations, mainly in the sites inside the licensed area. These sites were characterized by low abundance and high variability among the samples. Eight to 16 months after disposal sites recovered their heterogeneity, indicating less variability among the samples of each site and distinct benthic macrofaunal composition. The high volume and frequency of sediment disposal were the main factors of environmental modifications, since the amount of deposited sediment on the seabed probably exceeded the natural sedimentation rates. The presence of a benthic macrofauna adapted to natural/human disturbances was crucial to the fast recovery verified in the area.  相似文献   

The application of DNA technology in forensic investigations has grown rapidly in the last 25 years and with an exponential increase of short tandem repeats (STRs) data, usually presented as allele frequencies, that may be later used as databases for forensic and population genetics purposes. Thereby, classes of molecular markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions (InDels) have been presented as another option of genetic marker sets. These markers can be used in paternity cases, when mutations in STR polymorphisms are present, as well as in highly degraded DNA analysis. In the present study, the allele frequencies and heterozygosity (H) of a 30 InDel markers set were determined and the forensic efficacy was evaluated through estimation of discrimination power (DP), match probability, typical paternity index and power of paternity exclusion in 108 unrelated volunteers from the State of Santa Catarina (South Brazil). The observed H per locus showed a range between 0.370 and 0.574 (mean = 0.479). HLD128 was the locus with the highest DP (DP = 0.656). DP for all markers combined was greater than 99.9999999999646 % which provides satisfactory levels of information for forensic demands. Genetic comparisons (exact tests of population differentiation and pairwise genetic distances) revealed that the population of Santa Catarina State differs from Korea and USA Afro-American populations but is similar to the Portuguese, German, Polish, Spanish and Basque populations.  相似文献   

The mygalomorph neotropical genus Fufius Simon, 1888 comprises ten species, distributed from Guatemala in Central America to southeastern Brazil, in South America. Most of the species were described from northern South America, in the Amazonian region. Only F. funebris Vellard, 1924 and F. lucasae Guadanucci & Indicatti, 2004 are known from regions more to the south of the continent. Herein we describe three new Brazilian species, Fufius minusculus sp. n. and F. jalapensis sp. n. from the state of Tocantins, and F. candango sp. n. from Distrito Federal. The female of F. lucasae is described for first time and the male and female of F. funebris are redescribed based on specimens collected at the type locality.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is a global threat and one of the main contributing factors to tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks. The goal of this study was to analyse the molecular profile of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. Fifty-three MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosisclinical isolates were analysed by spoligotyping and a partial region of therpoB gene, which is associated with rifampicin resistance (RMP-R), was sequenced. Some isolates were also distinguished by their mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRU). S531L was the most prevalent mutation found within rpoB in RMP-R isolates (58.5%), followed by S531W (20.8%). Only two MDR isolates showed no mutations withinrpoB. Isolates of the Latin American Mediterranean (LAM) family were the most prevalent (45.3%) found by spoligotyping, followed by Haarlem (9.4%) and T (7.5%) families. SIT106 was found in 26.4% of isolates and all SIT106 isolates typed by MIRU-12 (5 out of 14) belong to MIT251. There was a high correlation between the S531W mutation and the LAM family mainly because all SIT2263 (LAM9) isolates carry this mutation. Among isolates with the S531W mutation in rpoB MIRU demonstrates a cluster formed by four isolates (SIT2263 and MIT163) and very similar profiles were observed between eight of the nine isolates. Better characterisation of TB isolates may lead to new ways in which to control and treat TB in this region of Brazil.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 30 Boraginaceae taxa native to the Santa Catarina State was investigated by both light and scanning electron microscopy. The species were classified into nine pollen types on the basis of aperture characteristics and surface ornamentation. Sub-types were defined with regard to differences in shape, surface ornamentation and the number of apertures. The general agreement of these pollen types with taxonomic classifications was verified, with a few exceptions. An extensive re-evaluation of the systematics of the subfamily Heliotropioideae, especially of the genus Heliotropium, is suggested.  相似文献   

Palynological studies have been carried out on three highland peat bogs, and one situated on the Atlantic coastal plain. In the highlands, the late Pleistocene (14,000 - 10,000 uncal B.P.) vegetation was dominated by campos (grassland). Scattered stands of Araucaria forests were preserved in deep valleys. In the region of the sites at Morro da Igreja and Serra do Rio Rastro, the dominance of campos vegetation continued until about 1000 B.P. while at the Serra da Boa Vista site there was an expansion of Atlantic pluvial forest elements followed by Araucaria forests at the beginning of the Holocene. A general expansion of A. angustifolia, clearly related to a change towards an increasingly moist climate, can be dated to the present millenium. On the coastal plains, the late Pleistocene vegetation was dominated by Myrtaceae which were replaced by tropical taxa in the Holocene. The lowland profile (Poço Grande) also covers part of the upper Holocene, where the rich flora of the Atlantic pluvial forests can be characterized by taxa including Alchornea, Urticales and Rapanea. Close to the coring site, there was a repeated alternation between two different dune communities (4840 - 4590 B.P.), followed by a lake stage with aquatic plant succession (4590 - 4265 B.P.), plant communities dominated by Rapanea (4265 - 4230 B.P.) and the spread of Alchornea (4230 - 3525 B.P.). Late Pleistocene climate conditions (14,000 - 10,000 B.P.) can be described as cold and relatively dry, possibly including an equivalent of the Younger Dryas period. In the Holocene, there were changes from a warm and drier climate (10,000 -3000 B.P.) to a cool and more moist regime (ca. 3000 -ca. 1000 B.P.) and finally to a cool and very moist period (from around 1000 B.P.).  相似文献   

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