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Siderophores in soil solution of coniferous forest soils have been chemically identified for the first time. We have identified the siderophores ferrichrome and ferricrocin in soil solution of the upper organic layer by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Mass Spectrometry (MS). The soil solutions were sampled from mor layers of podzolic soils from the south and the north of Sweden and from a mor layer overlying granitic rock and intensively colonised by ectomycorrhizal hyphae. Ferrichrome was found in nanomolar concentrations in all soil solutions investigated and ferricrocin only in the soil solution from the mor layer covering a rock and in the soil solution from the north of Sweden. The findings are discussed in relation to the possible role of fungal hyphae and siderophores in weathering minerals in podzolic soils under coniferous forests. Citric and oxalic acid are able to dissolve minerals via complexation of cations from the mineral. Siderophores should be, kinetically and thermodynamically, even more efficient complexing agents for trivalent cations than oxalic and citric acid. The present study provides direct evidence for the presence of siderophores in soil solution.  相似文献   

The fungus Cunninghamella blakesleeana NCIM 687, industrially recognized for progesterone biotransformation, was found to produce two siderophores at low stress of iron (upto 40 M iron in the growth medium). HPLC analysis and direct comparison with authentic samples characterized one of them as ferrichrysin (hydroxamate type) and other probably as a member of the coprogen family of siderophores.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological and cytological investigations conducted onCyanoiheca longipes Pascher, revealed the presence of a nucleus, and the asexual and sexual reproduction of the organism is described. It was found that the asexual reproduction is either a modified binary fission or by means of formation of numerous endospores. The sexual reproduction consists of pedogamy which takes place in the stalk.These observations excludeCyanotheca from the division of Cyanophyta.Some speculations about the systematic position of this microorganism are discussed without giving a definite answer about its correct place in the plant kingdom.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for the growth of nearly all microorganisms yet iron is only sparingly soluble near the neutral pH, aerobic conditions in which many microorganisms grow. The pH of ocean water is even higher, thereby further lowering the concentration of dissolved ferric ion. To compound the problem of availability, the total iron concentration is surprisingly low in surface ocean water, yet nevertheless, marine microorganisms still require iron for growth. Like terrestrial bacterial, bacteria isolated from open ocean water often produce siderophores, which are low molecular weight chelating ligands that facilitate the microbial acquisition of iron. The present review summarizes the structures of siderophores produced by marine bacteria and the emerging characteristics that distinguish marine siderophores.  相似文献   

高灵敏假单胞菌铁载体的平板检测方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
CAS蓝色检测平板是一种筛选、检测各类细菌铁载体的常用方法,而蔗糖-天冬酰氨培养基被用于假单胞菌产铁载体规律的研究。用天冬氨酸替代天冬酰氨,将CAS蓝色检测液与蔗糖-天冬氨酸培养基(MSA培养基)相结合,得到一种改进的MSA-CAS检测平板。通过对假单胞菌属7个种8个株进行荧光与非荧光铁载体检测方面的比较研究,结果表明MSA-CAS检测平板假单胞菌铁载体的检测灵敏度比通用CAS检测平板高,而且在检测荧光铁载体方面具有荧光背景低、荧光铁载体晕圈明显和晕圈与背景的对比度大的优点。  相似文献   



Bacteria produce small molecule iron chelators, known as siderophores, to facilitate the acquisition of iron from the environment. The synthesis of more than one siderophore and the production of multiple siderophore uptake systems by a single bacterial species are common place. The selective advantages conferred by the multiplicity of siderophore synthesis remains poorly understood. However, there is growing evidence suggesting that siderophores may have other physiological roles besides their involvement in iron acquisition.

Methods and Principal Findings

Here we provide the first report that pyochelin displays antibiotic activity against some bacterial strains. Observation of differential sensitivity to pyochelin against a panel of bacteria provided the first indications that catecholate siderophores, produced by some bacteria, may have roles other than iron acquisition. A pattern emerged where only those strains able to make catecholate-type siderophores were resistant to pyochelin. We were able to associate pyochelin resistance to catecholate production by showing that pyochelin-resistant Escherichia coli became sensitive when biosynthesis of its catecholate siderophore enterobactin was impaired. As expected, supplementation with enterobactin conferred pyochelin resistance to the entE mutant. We observed that pyochelin-induced growth inhibition was independent of iron availability and was prevented by addition of the reducing agent ascorbic acid or by anaerobic incubation. Addition of pyochelin to E. coli increased the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) while addition of ascorbic acid or enterobactin reduced them. In contrast, addition of the carboxylate-type siderophore, citrate, did not prevent pyochelin-induced ROS increases and their associated toxicity.


We have shown that the catecholate siderophore enterobactin protects E. coli against the toxic effects of pyochelin by reducing ROS. Thus, it appears that catecholate siderophores can behave as protectors of oxidative stress. These results support the idea that siderophores can have physiological roles aside from those in iron acquisition.  相似文献   

假单胞菌分布广泛,种类繁多,能够产生多种结构的铁载体及具有特定颜色的色素化合物,这使假单胞菌在生物病害防治、医学研究等领域应用潜力巨大.假单胞菌铁载体具有菌种和菌株特异性,可在一定程度上作为其分类依据.假单胞菌色素具有色调、结构、功能多样性,与其铁载体在功能上具有一定重叠性.假单胞菌铁载体及色素分离纯化方法相对比较简单,但它们的生物合成及转运代谢机制非常复杂.  相似文献   

铁是影响初级生产力的主要限制性因子之一,其在海洋环境中的分布具有空间异质性。由于铁在海洋中主要以溶解度较低、易沉降的三价态(Fe3+)形式存在,因此溶解铁对海洋生物而言是一种稀缺资源。为了获得生命代谢所需的铁,微生物进化出多种铁摄取的策略来满足需求,其中铁载体(siderophores)是最典型的代表。铁载体作为重要的代谢辅因子,除了铁循环以外,也强烈影响着其他元素的循环。基于铁载体的重要性,深入理解它的合成、转运和调控机制是系统认识海洋铁循环和生命过程的重要环节之一。本文以近20年的研究为重点,总结了铁载体的最新进展,包括其类型、合成/运输系统、获取途径、调控机制以及铁载体的功能与应用,旨在更好地认识铁载体在海洋微生物生态学过程中的作用,加深对海洋铁循环动力学机制的理解。  相似文献   

Nine halophilic archaea viz., Halobacterium salinarum, Halobacterium sp.1, Halobacterium sp.2, Halobaculum sp., Halococcus saccharolyticus, Halorubrum saccharovorum, Haloterrigena turkmenica, Halogeometricum sp. and Natrialba sp. isolated from marine salterns around Bhavnagar coast were screened for siderophore production. Five isolates viz., Halococcus saccharolyticus, Halorubrum saccharovorum, Haloterrigena turkmenica, Halogeometricum sp. and Natrialba sp. produced siderophores as evidenced by positive reaction in FeCl3 test, CAS assay and CAS agar plate test. Determination of chemical nature of siderophores by chemical assays and bioassays identified them as carboxylates. Quantification of siderophores indicated Halorubrum saccharovorum to be the maximum siderophore producer (2.62 RE mg/ml) and Halococcus saccharolyticus to be the least (1.33 RE mg/ml). The present study is the first report on siderophore production in Indian haloarchaeal strains. Mechanism of iron assimilation in four non-siderophore isolates still needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   

The ability of the microbial Siderophores deferriferrichrome, deferriferrichrome A, and enterobactin to remove iron from ferritin has been investigated. In contrast to previously published data with other chelators, all three Siderophores rapidly released iron from the mammalian storage protein Enterobactin was found most efficient at removing ferritin-bound iron. Using this siderophore, the mechanism by which ferritin sequesters iron was studied The relative iron saturation level of ferritin influenced the rate of chelation by the microbial Siderophores.  相似文献   

Siderophores in environmental research: roles and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Siderophores are organic compounds with low molecular masses that are produced by microorganisms and plants growing under low iron conditions. The primary function of these compounds is to chelate the ferric iron [Fe(III)] from different terrestrial and aquatic habitats and thereby make it available for microbial and plant cells. Siderophores have received much attention in recent years because of their potential roles and applications in various areas of environmental research. Their significance in these applications is because siderophores have the ability to bind a variety of metals in addition to iron, and they have a wide range of chemical structures and specific properties. For instance, siderophores function as biocontrols, biosensors, and bioremediation and chelation agents, in addition to their important role in weathering soil minerals and enhancing plant growth. The aim of this literature review is to outline and discuss the important roles and functions of siderophores in different environmental habitats and emphasize the significant roles that these small organic molecules could play in applied environmental processes.  相似文献   


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In 60 strains of Acinetobacter genus isolated from clinical material belonging to species A. baumannii, A. haemolyticus, A. junii and A. lwoffii a hydroxamate and phenol-catechol class siderophores was identified by chemical and biological testes. A correlation between siderophores production and growth intensity, species affiliation and origin of strains was found.  相似文献   

Siderophores are low molecular weight, high-affinity iron(III) ligands, produced by bacteria to solubilize and promote iron uptake under low iron conditions. Two prominent structural features characterize the majority of the marine siderophores discovered so far: (1) a predominance of suites of amphiphilic siderophores composed of an iron(III)-binding headgroup that is appended by one or two of a series of fatty acids and (2) a prevalence of siderophores that contain α-hydroxycarboxylic acid moieties (e.g., β-hydroxyaspartic acid or citric acid) which are photoreactive when coordinated to Fe(III). Variation of the fatty acid chain length affects the relative amphiphilicity within a suite of siderophores. Catecholate sulfonation is another structural variation that would affect the hydrophilicity of a siderophore. In addition to a review of the marine amphiphilic siderophores, we report the production of petrobactin disulfonate by Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and the relationship betweenStellaria longipes Goldie andS. longifolia Muhl. were studied. Ten enzyme systems were assessed in eight natural populations ofS. longipes (25 loci) and three ofS. longifolia (20 loci) using starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Patterns of population differentiation corresponded to geographic distance. There was no evidence that polyploidS. longipes had greater electrophoretic variability than diploidS. longipes. The isozyme data confirmed extensive population differentiation in these species and, within that context, a relatively close relationship betweenS. longipes andS. longifolia. It was postulated that diploids of these two species might be the progenitors of tetraploidS. longipes.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1989,13(2):140-148
Pilobolus longipes spores were activated by either exogenous glucose or 6-deoxyglucose. Trehalose content of glucose-activated spores increased and the substrate for trehalose synthesis was exogenous glucose. Addition of 6-deoxyglucose resulted in mobilization of trehalose, with about 20% of the reserve being consumed in the first hour. Little or no change in trehalase activity occurred during spore activation. Most of the trehalase activity associated with spores could be removed by washing with phosphate buffer. This extracellular enzyme was relatively stable, had a pH optimum of 5.6 and a Km of about 0.5 mM and was estimated to be 66,000 in molecular weight. The specific activity of the crude enzyme extracts fromP. longipes was not influenced by cAMP, but, under the same conditions, the regulatory trehalase fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae became activated. These experiments indicate that trehalase activity in germinatingP. longipes spores may not be regulated by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. Instead, the results suggest that trehalose is mobilized by a decompartmentation process.  相似文献   

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