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Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) is one of the most powerful separation techniques for complex protein solutions. The proteins are first separated according to their isoelectric point, driven by an electric field across a pH gradient. The pH gradient necessary for the separation according to isoelectric point (pL) is usually established by electrophoresing carrier ampholytes prior to and/or concomitantly with the sample. The second dimension is usually a separation according to molecular size. Mostly this separation is performed after complete denaturation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol (SDS-PAGE). This standard method has considerable disadvantages when relatively hydrophobic membrane proteins are to be separated: cathodic drift, resulting in nonreproducible separation, and the denaturation of the protein, mostly making it impossible to detect native properties of the proteins after separation (e.g., enzymatic activity, antigenicity, intact multimers, and so on). The protocols presented here take care of most of these obstacles. However, there is probably no universal procedure that can guarantee success at first try for any mixture of membrane proteins; some experimentation will be necessary for optimization. Two procedures are each presented: a denaturing (with urea) and a nondenaturing method for IEF in immobilized pH gradient gels using Immobilines, and a denaturing (with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol) and a nondenaturing technique (with CHAPS) for the second dimension. Essential tips and tricks are presented to keep frustrations of the newcomer at a low level.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional electrophoresis system for analysis of ribosomal proteins with several advantages over previous systems is described. The general features of this system are: (1) first-dimension separation on the basis of mobility at pH 5.0 in 8 m urea and 4% polyacrylamide; (2) second-dimension separation on the basis of molecular weight using dodecyl sulfate detergent; (3) rapid electrophoretic shift between first- and second-dimension separation conditions; (4) high resolution separation can be obtained on 10-cm2 slabs with proteins from approximately 100 μg of ribosomal subunits; (5) capacity for handling up to 10 samples at a time, with electrophoresis complete within about 10 hr; and (6) the apparatus is relatively simple and inexpensive to construct and use.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins orchestrate key events required for participation of sperm in fertilisation. These proteins may be removed or altered due to the mechanical and dilution stressors associated with sex-sorting of sperm. Ram sperm were incubated with Hoechst 33342 and flow-sorted. Sex-selected (viable, orientated) and waste (separated into non-viable or non-orientated) sperm populations were collected, or sperm were not sorted. Sperm membrane proteins were extracted and characterised by one- and two-dimensional PAGE. Densiometric analysis of protein bands separated by one-dimensional PAGE showed proteins of 30 and 28 kDa as doublet bands on non-sorted sperm, and single bands on sex-sorted sperm, and the proportion of a 14 kDa protein was 3-fold higher in non-sorted compared to sorted sperm. Proteins in the 14 kDa band were identified by mass spectroscopy as a bovine Fibronectin type-2 protein (Fn-2), cytochrome oxidase 5a (Cox5a) and a sperm membrane associated protein (SLLP1). The abundance of these proteins in the two-dimensional gels was lowest in the sorted sperm population identified as viable during sorting (orientated and non-orientated sperm) and highest in the non-viable sperm population (P < 0.001). We concluded that the membrane protein profile was different for sex-sorted compared with non-sorted sperm, due to the selection of plasma membrane-intact cells in the flow-sorted population. This provided further evidence that sex-sorting selected a homogenous population of sperm with superior function to non-sorted sperm. Furthermore, this was apparently the first time sperm membrane acrosome associated protein was reported in ram sperm, and it was demonstrated that seminal plasma proteins remained on the sperm membrane after sex-sorting.  相似文献   

Two two-dimensional polyacrylamide minislab gel systems were devised for the rapid analysis of histone modified species and variants. The first system consisted of an acetic acid-urea or acetic acid-urea-Triton X-100 minislab gel for the first-dimension electrophoresis followed by a polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate minislab gel for the second-dimension electrophoresis. The second system consisted of a polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate minislab gel for the first-dimension electrophoresis followed by either an acetic acid-urea or an acetic acid-urea-Triton X-100 minislab gel for second-dimension electrophoresis. Both systems offer distinct advantages for rapid high-resolution analysis of modified histone species and variants.  相似文献   

Sweat collected from six normal volunteers was analyzed to determine if reproducible protein patterns could be obtained using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 125I-labeled sweat proteins. This method has the capability of easily detecting picogram quantities of protein. Once the methods of collection of the sweat had been standardized, reproducible patterns were obtained from these volunteers. Over 100 discrete spots were revealed by a combination of fluorography and rare earth screen radioautography of dried two-dimensional gels. This method will allow analysis of sweat for qualitative and quantitative variations in protein content in pathologic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, renal failure, and diabetes.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to 1) identify proteins found in stallion seminal plasma utilizing two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) in conjunction with Western blot analysis; and 2) to determine if any of these individual proteins were correlated with stallion fertility utilizing regression analysis. Fertility was quantified by assigning a breeding score for each stallion. Each score was calculated by dividing the number of conceptions by the number of breedings for each stallion for four successive breeding seasons (1992-1995). Ejaculates from stallions of known fertility (n = 6) were collected with a Missouri-style artificial vagina. Immediately after collection, the semen sample was filtered and the gel fraction removed. The resultant sperm-rich fraction was centrifuged in a Beckman Microfuge E at 10,000 x g and the seminal plasma aspirated from the pelleted sperm cells. Two-dimensional PAGE of the seminal plasma was performed under denaturing conditions which revealed that 14 proteins were common in all stallions in the research population. Four of these proteins (SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, and SP-4) were found to be significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with the breeding score assigned for each stallion. Regression analysis of protein optical densities with breeding score indicated that SP-1 (72 kDa, pI 5.6) was positively correlated with fertility (P < 0.05, r2 = 0.706), while SP-2 (75 kDa, pI 6.0), SP-3 (18 kDa, pI 4.3), and SP-4 (16 kDa, pI 6.5) were found to be negatively correlated (P < 0.05, r2 = 0.762, 0.730, 0.775 respectively) with fertility. Western blot analysis of SP-1 indicated there was an antigenic homology with a bovine 55 kDa fertility-associated seminal plasma protein identified in a study by Killian et al. (19). This suggests that the two proteins may have a similar physiological role and therefore common biological properties. These results indicate that analysis of stallion seminal plasma proteins can be used as an indicator of fertilizing capacity. Identification of such proteins in stallion seminal plasma could lead to better insight into the nature of subfertility or infertility in the horse, as well as to indicate better cryopreservation strategies.  相似文献   

The nonionic detergent Triton X-100 binds in varying proportions to specific ribosomal proteins and decreases the relative mobility of these proteins during electrophoresis. When Triton X-100 binds to these ribosomal proteins in the first-dimension gel, the resolution of the ribosomal proteins in the second-dimension gel pattern is greatly improved. Maximum binding of Triton X-100 to the ribosomal proteins is dependent on pH, urea concentration, and the complete reduction of cysteine and methionine. After first-dimension electrophoresis the Triton X-100 in the gel does not interfere with the binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate to the ribosomal proteins and the molecular weight of these proteins can still be estimated directly from the second-dimension slab gel.  相似文献   

The products of the ras gene family are related proteins at a molecular weight of 21 kDa, designated p21. In the present study we used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to compare p21 proteins from five different normal and malignant cell lines. Using a known protein (3H-labeled translation initiation factor [eIF-4D]) as a standard internal marker for isoelectric point (pI), we show that p21 proteins from various cells differ only slightly in molecular weight (21-24 kDa) but express a wide variety in charge (pI 4.8 to 7) that could only be detected by the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. p21 in NIH/3T3 cells was expressed as a single protein, which migrated at 21 kDa and pI 5.1. This peptide, which is probably the product of the normal cellular ras gene, was also detected in normal human lymphocytes. The synthesis of this peptide was not elevated in the transformed cells. However, transformation of NIH/3T3 fibroblasts and of human leukocytes was found to be associated with expression of qualitatively different forms of p21 peptides. Four additional p21-associated peptides of identical molecular weight (23 kDa), but multiple charge forms, were detected selectively in Kirsten murine sarcoma virus-transformed NIH/3T3 cells. Transformation of cells with Harvey murine sarcoma virus was found to be associated with prominent expression of two major pairs of p21-associated proteins, one at 21 kDa (pI, 5.2 and 5.3) and the other at 23 kDa (pI, 5.1 and 5.2). In HL-60 leukemic cells there was an additional, more acidic form (pI 5.0) of p21, which appeared to be absent or reduced in normal human lymphocytes. These results indicate that p21 from viral origin or cellular origin might be expressed in the cells in multiple charge forms. The capability to distinguish multiple forms of p21 and slight charge modifications associated with malignancy should call for the use of 2-D gel electrophoresis as an important tool in future studies involving p21 proteins.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate protein profiles of equine seminal plasma using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and to determine whether any of these proteins were related to semen freezability. Seminal plasma was collected from 10 stallions, of high and low semen freezability, housed at the State Stud of Lower Saxony, and routinely used in AI programs. Twenty-five protein spots were identified from the two-dimensional gel (12%), seven of which were present in all samples (all proteins were identified by MALDI-MS). Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been used to generate ion images of samples in one or more mass-to-charge (m/z) values, providing the capability of mapping specific molecules to two-dimensional coordinates of the original sample. Of the 25 proteins identified, two spots had greater relative content (P < 0.05) in seminal plasma samples collected from stallions with high semen freezability: spot 5 (80-85 kDa, isoelectric point [pI] 7.54), identified as CRISP-3; and spot 45 (18.2 kDa, pI 5.0-5.2), identified as HSP-2. Conversely, protein content was greater (P < 0.05) in seminal plasma samples from stallions with low semen freezability: spot 7 (75.4 kDa, pI 6.9-7.4), identified as lactoferrin; spot 15 (26.7 kDa, pI 5.51), identified as kallikrein; spot 25 (25 kDa, pI 7.54), identified as CRISP-3; and spot 35 (13.9 kDa, pI 3.8-4.2), identified as HSP-1. In conclusion, there were differences in the seminal plasma protein profile from stallions with high and low semen freezability. Furthermore, CRISP-3 and HSP-2 were potential seminal plasma markers of high semen freezability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the low weight (10-30 kDa) protein profile of bovine seminal plasma using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and to determine if any of these proteins was associated with semen freezability. Seminal plasma was collected from 16 bulls of high or low semen freezability. Twelve protein spots were identified from the 2D gel (15%); six of these were present in all samples. Of the 12 proteins found, three spots, present in all samples, 3 (15-16 kDa), 5 (16-17 kDa), and 7 (10-12 kDa) had nonsignificant variation among bulls, regardless of their freezability classification. Four proteins were more abundant (P<0.05) in seminal plasma samples collected from bulls with high semen freezability than in samples of bulls with low semen freezability: the spots 3 (15-16 kDa, pI 4.7-5.2), 7 (11-12 kDa, pI 4.8-4.9), 11 (13-14 kDa, pI 4.0-4.5), and 23 (20-22 kDa, pI 4.8-5.2). On the other hand, spot 25 (25-26 kDa, pI 6.0-6.5) was more abundant (P<0.05) on seminal plasma samples from bulls with low semen freezability. The N-terminus sequence of protein 7 was identical to the acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP). Protein 23 (after trypsin digestion) had structural similarity to bovine clusterin. We concluded that there were differences in the seminal plasma protein profile from bulls with low and high semen freezability; aSFP, clusterin, proteins 3 and 11 may be used as semen freezability markers; and protein 25 was related to low semen freezability.  相似文献   

A system for express electrophoretic separation of proteins in a thin layer of polyacrylamide gel covalently attached to a glass base has been proposed. A technology of covalent attachment of gel to a glass base has been developed and a small-scale instrument has been constructed which allows to carry out the separation, staining and electrophoregram washing off for 60 min. The quality of the cleaved protein mixtures is not worse than the electrophoregrams obtained using the "Phase System T. M." instrument of "Pharmacia".  相似文献   

Summary A specially designed apparatus and conditions are described for the rapid analysis of ribosomal proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis on a micro scale. The resolution of proteins in electropherograms is comparable to that obtained with other systems, but because of miniaturization, only 0.5 to 1 g of each protein is required, and the entire procedure, including electrophoresis in both dimensions, and staining and destaining can be completed in 6 to 7 hours.  相似文献   

Chromatin was prepared from the citric acid nuclei of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells. After sulfuric acid extraction, the dehistonized chromatin was solubilized by digestion with deoxyribonuclease I. The proteins of normal liver and of Novikoff hepatoma chromatin fractions were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The liver pattern contained 69 components and the hepatoma pattern contained 84 components. Comparison of the two patterns revealed two dense protein spots migrating in the B region in the liver pattern that were absent from the tumor pattern and two dense protein spots migrating in the C region in the tumor pattern that were absent from the liver pattern.  相似文献   

Conceptuses were obtained from pony mares on each day of pregnancy between Days 12 and 28, and on Days 39, 45, 65 and 100. Endometrium was obtained from mares at Days 12, 14, 16, 18, 39, 45, 65 and 100 of pregnancy, and from non-pregnant mares during anoestrus, during transition into the breeding season, at oestrus, or during dioestrus. Tissues were incubated in vitro for 24 h with L-[3H]leucine. Proteins synthesized and released into the culture medium were analysed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) and fluorography. Conceptuses obtained before Day 14 after ovulation released a characteristic pattern of labelled proteins. These included two groups of apparent isoelectric variants of relative molecular weights (Mr) 30,000-40,000 (pI values 4.5-5.5 and 6-7), one group of Mr approximately 22,000 (pI 6.5-7), and large protein(s) that did not enter the 10% polyacrylamide gel. After Day 14 the array of labelled proteins had changed and resembled that produced by isolated yolk sac at the later stages of pregnancy studied. Included amongst these were several acidic polypeptides with Mr 20,000 (pI 5-6). The endometrial samples released an array of non-dialysable polypeptides into the culture medium. Fluorograms could be assigned to one of three general groups, with endometrium from mares within each group producing similar patterns of labelled proteins. The first group consisted of anoestrous, transitional and ovariectomized mares, and mares at oestrus or Day 1 or Day 18 after ovulation. The second group was comprised of mares at Days 12-16 of dioestrus or Days 12-18 of pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) methods have been used to provide high-resolution separation of wool intermediate filament proteins (IFPs). An improved method of extraction was developed based on a previously published method. The improved method for extraction eliminates the use of dialysis and freeze-drying between the extraction and rehydration steps, allowing the extraction and rehydration for the first dimension gel to be achieved in one day. Improvements to the method for maintaining reducing conditions and chaotrope constitution, combined with low %T polyacrylamide gels, allowed the high-resolution separation of the two keratin IFP families and their individual family members. The IFPs were separated to produce a clearly defined spot pattern of higher intensity, with numerous minor spots not previously observed, and a marked improvement in the vertical resolution. Further work to analyse the composition of each of the protein spots has been made much easier by being able to separate the IFPs into discrete spots.  相似文献   

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