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Strains of the Aspergillus flavus/oryzae complex are frequently isolated from meju, a fermented soybean product, that is used as the starting material for ganjang (soy sauce) and doenjang (soybean paste) production. In this study, we examined the aflatoxin producing capacity of A. flavus/oryzae strains isolated from meju. 192 strains of A. flavus/oryzae were isolated from more than 100 meju samples collected from diverse regions of Korea from 2008 to 2011, and the norB-cypA, omtA, and aflR genes in the aflatoxin biosynthesis gene cluster were analyzed. We found that 178 strains (92.7%) belonged to non-aflatoxigenic group (Type I of norB-cypA, IB-L-B-, IC-AO, or IA-L-B- of omtA, and AO type of aflR), and 14 strains (7.3%) belonged to aflatoxin-producible group (Type II of norB-cypA, IC-L-B+/B- or IC-L-B+ of omtA, and AF type of aflR). Only 7 strains (3.6%) in the aflatoxin-producible group produced aflatoxins on Czapek yeast-extract medium. The aflatoxin-producing capability of A. flavus/oryzae strains from other sources in Korea were also investigated, and 92.9% (52/56) strains from air, 93.9% (31/33) strains from rice straw, 91.7% (11/12) strains from soybean, 81.3% (13/16) strains from corn, 82% (41/50) strains from peanut, and 73.2% (41/56) strains from arable soil were included in the non-aflatoxigenic group. The proportion of non-aflatoxigenicity of meju strains was similar to that of strains from soybean, air and rice straw, all of which have an effect on the fermentation of meju. The data suggest that meju does not have a preference for non-aflatoxigenic or aflatoxin-producible strains of A. flavus/oryzae from the environment of meju. The non-aflatoxigenic meju strains are proposed to be named A. oryzae, while the meju strains that can produce aflatoxins should be referred to A. flavus in this study.  相似文献   

Yu J  Bhatnagar D  Cleveland TE 《FEBS letters》2004,564(1-2):126-130
An 82-kb Aspergillus parasiticus genomic DNA region representing the completed sequence of the well-organized aflatoxin pathway gene cluster has been sequenced and annotated. In addition to the 19 reported and characterized aflatoxin pathway genes and the four sugar utilization genes in this cluster, we report here the identification of six newly identified genes which are putatively involved in aflatoxin formation. The function of these genes, the cluster organization and its significance in gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

The prnABCD gene cluster from Pseudomonas fluorescens encodes the biosynthetic pathway for pyrrolnitrin, a secondary metabolite derived from tryptophan which has strong anti-fungal activity. We used the prn genes from P. fluorescens strain BL915 as a probe to clone and sequence homologous genes from three other Pseudomonas strains, Burkholderia cepacia and Myxococcus fulvus. With the exception of the prnA gene from M. fulvus59% similar among the strains, indicating that the biochemical pathway for pyrrolnitrin biosynthesis is highly conserved. The prnA gene from M. fulvus is about 45% similar to prnA from the other strains and contains regions which are highly conserved among all six strains.  相似文献   

Studies on biological control of aflatoxin production in crops by pre-infection with non-toxigenic Aspergillus flavus strains have created a need for improved methods to screen isolates for aflatoxigenicity. We have evaluated two empirical aflatoxigenicity tests: (i) yellow pigment production, and (ii) the appearance of a plum-red color in colonies exposed to ammonium hydroxide vapor. Yellow pigments from aflatoxigenic A. flavus were shown to function as pH indicator dyes. Seven pigments representing most of the pigmentation in extracts have been isolated using color changes when chromatography spots were exposed to ammonium hydroxide vapor to guide fractionation. Their structures have been shown to be norsolorinic acid, averantin, averufin, versicolorin C, versicolorin A, versicolorin A hemiacetal and nidurufin, all of which are known anthraquinone pigments on, or associated with, the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway in Aspergillus spp. Thus, the basis of both empirical tests for aflatoxigenicity is detecting production of excess aflatoxin biosynthetic intermediates.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus mutant strain 649, which has a genomic DNA deletion of at least 120 kb covering the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster, was transformed with a series of overlapping cosmids that contained DNA harboring the cluster of genes. The mutant phenotype of strain 649 was rescued by transformation with a combination of cosmid clones 5E6, 8B9, and 13B9, indicating that the cluster of genes involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis resides in the 90 kb of A. flavus genomic DNA carried by these clones. Transformants 5E6 and 20B11 and transformants 5E6 and 8B9 accumulated intermediate metabolites of the aflatoxin pathway, which were identified as averufanin and/or averufin, respectively.These data suggest that avf1, which is involved in the conversion of averufin to versiconal hemiacetal acetate, was present in the cosmid 13B9. Deletion analysis of 13B9 located the gene on a 7-kb DNA fragment of the cosmid. Transformants containing cosmid 8B9 converted exogenously supplied O-methylsterigmatocystin to aflatoxin, indicating that the oxidoreductase gene (ord1), which mediates the conversion of O-methylsterigmatocystin to aflatoxin, is carried by this cosmid. The analysis of transformants containing deletions of 8B9 led to the localization of ord1 on a 3.3-kb A. flavus genomic DNA fragment of the cosmid.  相似文献   

Three reactions from hydroxyversicolorone to versicolorone, from versiconal hemiacetal acetate to versiconol acetate, and from versiconal to versiconol are involved in a metabolic grid in aflatoxin biosynthesis. This work demonstrated that the same reductase of Aspergillus parasiticus catalyzes the three reactions. The gene (named vrdA) encoding the reductase was cloned, and its sequence did not show homology to any regions in aflatoxin gene cluster. Its cDNA encoding a 38,566 Da protein was separated by three introns in the genome. Deletion of the vrdA gene in A. parasiticus caused a significant decrease in enzyme activity, but did not affect aflatoxin productivity of the fungi. Although the vrdA gene was expressed in culture conditions conducive to aflatoxin production, it was expressed even in the aflR deletion mutant. These results suggest that the vrdA is not an aflatoxin biosynthesis gene, although it actually participates in aflatoxin biosynthesis in cells.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of Corynebacterium glutamicum, a gram-positive soil bacterium widely used as an amino acid producer, was analyzed by a similarity-based approach to elucidate the pathway for the biosynthesis of L-methionine. The functions of candidate ORFs were derived by gene deletion and, if necessary, by homologous complementation of suitable mutants. Of nine candidate ORFs (four of which were known previously), seven ORFs (cg0754 (metX), cg0755 (metY), cg1290 (metE), cg1702 (metH), cg2383 (metF), cg2536 (aecD), and cg2687 (metB)) were demonstrated to be part of the pathway while two others (cg0961 and cg3086) could be excluded. C. glutamicum synthesizes methionine in three, respectively four steps, starting from homoserine. C. glutamicum possesses two genes with similarity to homoserine acetyltransferases but only MetX can act as such while Cg0961 catalyzes a different, unknown reaction. For the incorporation of the sulfur moiety, the known functions of MetY and MetB could be confirmed and AecD was proven to be the only functional cystathionine beta-lyase in C. glutamicum, while Cg3086 can act neither as cystathionine gamma-synthase nor as cystathionine beta-lyase. Finally, MetE and MetH, which catalyze the conversion of L-homocysteine to L-methionine, could be newly identified, together with MetF which provides the necessary N(5)-methyltetrahydrofolate.  相似文献   

Gene targeting is a technique of introducing a genetic trait at a predetermined site within a genome; it is also used to eliminate undesirable chromosomal regions from the relevant genome. Thus far, replacement-type recombination between two homologous regions separated by a large nonhomologous sequence has been hardly achieved probably due to the low frequency of homologous recombination in filamentous fungi. In this study, we report the successful and highly efficient deletion by replacement-type recombination of up to 470-kb regions of chromosome 8 and 200-kb region in chromosome 3, which includes a homologue of aflatoxin gene cluster, by nonhomologous end-joining deficient strains of Aspergillus oryzae. Our study results indicate that the deficiency of nonhomologous end-joining increases the distance of nonhomologous regions in replacement-type recombination, i.e., the possible deletion range in generation of large chromosomal deletion by one cycle of replacement-type recombination is increased in nonhomologous end-joining deficient strains.  相似文献   

Five strains of Aspergillus flavus lacking the ability to produce aflatoxins were examined in greenhouse tests for the ability to prevent a toxigenic strain from contaminating developing cottonseed with aflatoxins. All atoxigenic strains reduced contamination when inoculated into developing bolls 24 h prior to the toxigenic strain. However, only one strain, AF36, was highly effective when inoculated simultaneously with the toxigenic strain. All five strains were able to inhibit aflatoxin production by the toxigenic strain in liquid fermentation. Thus, in vitro activity did not predict the ability of an atoxigenic strain to prevent contamination of developing bolls. Therefore, strain selection for competitive exclusion to prevent aflatoxin contamination should include evaluation of efficacy in developing crops prior to field release. Atoxigenic strains were also characterized by the ability to convert several aflatoxin precursors into aflatoxin B1. Four atoxigenic strains failed to convert any of the aflatoxin biosynthetic precursors to aflatoxins. However, the strain (AF36) most effective in preventing aflatoxin contamination in developing bolls converted all tested precursors into aflatoxin B1, indicating that this strain made enzymes in the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The Taka-amylase A gene (amyB) of Aspergillus oryzae is induced by starch or maltose. The molecular mechanism of the induction was investigated using a fusion of the amyB promoter and the Escherichia coli uidA gene encoding beta-glucuronidase (GUS). To identify the region responsible for high-level expression and regulation within the amyB promoter, a series of deletion promoters was constructed and introduced into the A. oryzae met locus by homologous recombination. Deletion of the region between -377 to -290 (the number indicates the distance in base pairs from the translation initiation point (+1) to the deletion end point) significantly reduced of the GUS activity, but slight reduction of the GUS activity was observed in deletions up to -377. Northern blot analysis showed that reduction of the GUS activity depended upon the expression level of the GUS gene. The region between -377 to -290 is suggested to include the sequence required directly for high-level expression and regulation of the amyB gene.  相似文献   

The report presents a rapid, inexpensive and simple method for monitoring indels with influence on aflatoxin biosynthesis within Aspergillus flavus populations. PCR primers were developed for 32 markers spaced approximately every 5 kb from 20 kb proximal to the aflatoxin biosynthesis gene cluster to the telomere repeat. This region includes gene clusters required for biosynthesis of aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid; the resulting data were named cluster amplification patterns (CAPs). CAP markers are amplified in four multiplex PCRs, greatly reducing the cost and time to monitor indels within this region across populations. The method also provides a practical tool for characterizing intraspecific variability in A. flavus not captured with other methods.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Aflatoxins, potent naturally‐occurring carcinogens, cause significant agricultural problems. The most effective method for preventing contamination of crops with aflatoxins is through use of atoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus to alter the population structure of this species and reduce incidences of aflatoxin producers. Cluster amplification pattern (CAP) is a rapid multiplex PCR method for identifying and monitoring indels associated with atoxigenicity in A. flavus. Compared to previous techniques, the reported method allows for increased resolution, reduced cost, and greater speed in monitoring the stability of atoxigenic strains, incidences of indel mediated atoxigenicity and the structure of A. flavus populations.  相似文献   

Gliotoxin is a secondary metabolite produced by several fungi including the opportunistic animal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. It is a member of the epipolythiodioxopiperazine (ETP) class of toxins characterised by a disulphide bridged cyclic dipeptide. A putative cluster of 12 genes involved in gliotoxin biosynthesis has been identified in A. fumigatus by a comparative genomics approach based on homology to genes from the sirodesmin (another ETP) biosynthetic gene cluster of Leptosphaeria maculans. The physical limits of the cluster in A. fumigatus have been defined by bioinformatics and by identifying the genes that are co-regulated and whose timing of expression correlates with the production of gliotoxin in culture.  相似文献   

The cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) nonproducing strain, Aspergillus oryzae RIB 40, does not biosynthesize cyclo-acetoacetyl-L-tryptophan (cAATrp) due to a truncation in the responsible PKS-NRPS gene. We found that RIB 40 converted cAATrp to 2-oxocyclopiazonic acid, the final product of CPA biosynthesis in A. oryzae. This indicates that the CPA biosynthesis gene cluster, except for the PKS-NRPS gene, is functional in RIB 40.  相似文献   

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