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In Escherichia coli, the ability to elicit a heat shock response depends on the htpR gene product. Previous work has shown that the HtpR protein serves as a sigma factor (sigma 32) for RNA polymerase that specifically recognizes heat shock promoters (A.D. Grossman, J.W. Erickson, and C.A. Gross Cell 38:383-390, 1984). In the present study we showed that sigma 32 synthesized in vitro could stimulate the expression of heat shock genes. The in vitro-synthesized sigma 32 was found to be associated with RNA polymerase. In vivo-synthesized sigma 32 was also associated with RNA polymerase, and this polymerase (E sigma 32) could be isolated free of the standard polymerase (E sigma 70). E sigma 32 was more active than E sigma 70 with heat shock genes; however, non-heat-shock genes were not transcribed by E sigma 32. The in vitro expression of the htpR gene required E sigma 70 but did not require E sigma 32.  相似文献   

Cell signaling and heat shock protein expression   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Exposure of cells and organs to heat shock is associated with numerous changes in various cellular metabolic parameters and overexpression of proteins collectively known as heat shock proteins (HSP). In this communication we review the cell-signaling events that are altered in response to heat shock as they relate to the subsequent induction of HSP 70 kd (HSP-70) expression. We also review the mechanisms by which HSP-70 is involved in conferring cytoprotective effects. The possibility of altering HSP expression through manipulations of the cell-signal process has clinical importance.The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or Department of Defense.  相似文献   

Plants synthesize four classes of small heat shock proteins (sHSPs); two classes are targeted to the plastid and endoplasmic reticulum, respectively, and two are found in the cytoplasm. In this paper, we describe a new role for the two classes of cytoplasmic HSPs in maturing embryos of developing seeds. The expression of each class of sHSPs was examined in pea seeds grown under non-stress conditions using Western and Northern analysis. Class I and class II cytoplasmic sHSPs are coordinately expressed in the embryo and accumulate to levels seen in moderately heat-stressed leaves. Their induction in cotyledons coincides with the mid-maturation phase of seed development, and induction in axes roughly coincides with abscission of the seed from the ovary wall. Both classes of sHSPs persisted in cotyledons for 4 days after the onset of imbibition, but disappeared from axes shortly after germination. Neither class of cytoplasmic sHSP is expressed in non-embryonic organs associated with the seed. The timing and organ specificity of sHSP expression is paralleled by the expression of the corresponding mRNAs. Neither the plastid nor the endoplasmic reticulum sHSPs were consistently expressed during seed development, but both could be induced by heat-stressing the developing seed. Developmental regulation of the cytoplasmic sHSPs is evidence that these proteins function not only in responding to heat-stress but also during seed development and/or germination.  相似文献   

This paper describes the rapid cold hardening processes of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). It was found that all developmental stages of B. tabaci have the capacity of rapid cold hardening and the length of time required to induce maximal cold hardiness at 0 °C varies with stage. There was only 18.3% survival when adult whiteflies were transferred directly from 26 °C to -8.5 °C for 2 h. However, exposure to 0 °C for 1 h before transfer to -8.5 °C increased the survival to 81.2%. The whiteflies show "prefreeze" mortality when they were exposed to temperatures above the supercooling point (SCP), although the range of SCP of whiteflies is -26 °C to -29 °C. The rapid cold hardening had no effect on SCP and reduced the lower lethal temperature of adults from -9 °C to -11 °C. Rapid cold-hardened adults had a similar lifespan as the control group but deposited fewer eggs than nonhardened individuals. The expression profiles during cold hardening and recovery from this process revealed that HSP90 did not respond to cold stress. However, HSP70 and HSP20 were significantly induced by cold with different temporal expression patterns. These results suggest that the rapid cold hardening response is possibly advantageous to whiteflies that are often exposed to drastic temperature fluctuations in spring or autumn in northern China, and the expression of HSP70 and HSP20 may be associated with the cold tolerance of B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Small-molecule heat shock response inducers are known to enhance heat tolerance in plants. In this paper, we report that a plant alkaloid enhances the heat tolerance of Arabidopsis. We investigated 12 commercially available alkaloids to determine whether they enhance the heat tolerance of Arabidopsis seedlings using an in vitro assay system with geldanamycin, which is a known heat shock response inducer, as a positive control. Accordingly we found that the isoquinoline alkaloid sanguinarine can enhance heat tolerance in Arabidopsis. No such effect was shown for the other 11 alkaloids. The sanguinarine treatment increased the expression of heat shock protein genes such as HSP17.6C-CI, HSP70, and HSP90.1, which were up-regulated by geldanamycin. Treatments with other isoquinoline alkaloids (berberine and papaverine), which showed few heat tolerance-enhancing effects, did not promote the expression of the heat shock protein genes. These results suggest that sanguinarine influenced the heat tolerance of Arabidopsis by enhancing the expression of heat shock protein genes.  相似文献   

抗氧化酶和热激蛋白是双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus抵御逆境胁迫的重要蛋白,高温胁迫下菌丝会通过二者基因的差异表达来减少对自身的损伤.通过对双孢蘑菇菌丝进行40℃热胁迫处理0-120min后发现,随着热胁迫时间延长,菌丝生长速度降低、气生菌丝增多和菌丝分叉明显.转录组分析抗氧化酶和热激蛋白基因差异表达发现,在...  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced two maize genomic clones that are homologous to the Drosophila hsp70 gene. One of the maize hsp70 clones contains the entire hsp70 coding region and 81 nucleotides of the 5' nontranslated sequence. The predicted amino acid sequence for this maize protein is 68% homologous to the hsp70 of Drosophila. The second maize hsp70 clone contains only part of the coding sequence and 1.1 kb of the 5' flanking sequence. This 5' flanking sequence contains two sequences homologous to the consensus heat-shock-element sequence. Both maize genes are thermally inducible and each contains an intron in the same position as that of the heat-shock-cognate gene, hsc1, of Drosophila. The presence of an intron in the maize genes is a distinguishing feature in that no other thermally inducible hsp70 genes described to date contain an intron. We have constructed a hybrid hsp70 gene containing the entire hsp70 coding sequence with an intron, and 1.1 kb of the 5' flanking sequence. We demonstrate that this hybrid gene is thermally inducible in a transgenic petunia plant and that the gene is expressed from its own promoter.  相似文献   

We identified two rpoH-related genes encoding sigma32-like proteins from Sinorhizobium meliloti, a nitrogen-fixing root-nodule symbiont of alfalfa. The genes, rpoH1 and rpoH2, are functionally similar to rpoH of Escherichia coli because they partially complemented an E. coli rpoH null mutant. We obtained evidence indicating that these genes are involved in the heat shock response in S. meliloti. Following an increase in temperature, synthesis of several putative heat shock proteins (Hsps) was induced in cultures of wild-type cells: the most prominent were 66- and 60-kDa proteins, both of which are suggested to represent GroEL species. The other Hsps could divided into two groups based on differences in synthesis kinetics: synthesis of the first group peaked 5-10 min, and expression of the other group 30 min, after temperature upshift. In the rpoH1 mutant, inducible synthesis of the former group was markedly reduced, whereas that of the latter group was not affected. Synthesis of both the 66- and 60-kDa proteins was partially reduced. While no appreciable effect was observed in the rpoH2 single mutant, the rpoH2 mutation had a synergistic effect on the 60-kDa protein in the rpoH1- background. The results indicate that two distinct mechanisms are involved in the heat shock response of S. meliloti: one requires the rpoH1 function, while rpoH2 can substitute in part for the rpoH1 function. Moreover, the rpoH1 mutant and rpoH1 rpoH2 double mutant exhibited Nod+ Fix- and Nod- phenotypes, respectively, on alfalfa.  相似文献   

Manipulating heat shock protein expression in laboratory animals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Upregulation of heat shock proteins (Hsps) has been observed to impart resistance to a wide variety of physical and chemical insults. Elucidation of the role of Hsps in cellular defense processes depends, in part, on the ability to manipulate Hsp expression in laboratory animals. Simple methods of inducing whole body hyperthermia, such as warm water immersion or heating pad application, are effective in producing generalized expression of Hsps. Hsps can be upregulated locally with focused direct or indirect heating, such as with ultrasound or with laser or microwave radiation. Increased Hsp expression in response to toxic doses of xenobiotics has been commonly observed. Some pharmacologic agents are capable of altering Hsps more specifically by affecting processes involved in Hsp regulation. Gene manipulation offers the ability to selectively increase or decrease individual Hsps. Knockout mouse strains and Hsp-overexpressing transgenics have been used successfully to examine the role of specific Hsps in protection against hyperthermia, chemical insults, and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Gene therapy approaches also offer the possibility of selective alteration of Hsp expression. Some methods of increasing Hsp expression have application in specialized areas of research, such cold response, myocardial protection from exercise, and responses to stressful or traumatic stimuli. Each method of manipulating Hsp expression in laboratory animals has advantages and disadvantages, and selection of the best method depends upon the experimental objectives (e.g., the alteration in Hsp expression needed, its timing, and its location) and resources available.  相似文献   

Subfunctionalization is the process by which a pair of duplicated genes, or paralogs, experiences a reduction of individual expression patterns or function while still reproducing the complete expression pattern and function of the ancestral gene. Two germin-like protein (GLP)-encoding genes, GerB and GerF, are paralogs that belong to a small gene family in barley (Hordeum vulgare). Both genes share high nucleotide sequence similarity in coding and noncoding regions and encode identical apoplastic proteins. The use of RNA gel blots, coupled with single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of RT-PCR products, elucidated the developmental and tissue-specific expression patterns of each gene. Individual expression patterns provided evidence of both overlapping redundancy and early subfunctionalization. GerB is predominantly expressed in developing shoots, while GerF is predominantly expressed in seedling roots, developing spikes, and pericarp/testa. GerF promoter deletion studies located a region (-356/-97) responsible for high promoter activity and showed the ability of GerB and GerF upstream regions to drive gfp expression in coleoptiles, epicarps, and lemma/palea of developing spikes. The observed expression patterns are consistent with proposed roles in plant development and defense mechanisms for this gene family. These roles may explain why redundancy has been selectively maintained in this duplicate gene pair.  相似文献   

Selenium is important for embryogenesis in vertebrates but little is known about the expression patterns and biological functions of most selenoprotein genes. Taking advantage of the zebrafish model, systematic analysis of selenoprotein gene expression was performed by in situ hybridization on whole-mount embryos at different developmental stages. Twenty-one selenoprotein mRNAs were analyzed and all of them exhibited expression patterns restricted to specific tissues. Moreover, we demonstrated that highly similar selenoprotein paralogs were expressed within distinct territories. Therefore, tissue- and development-specific expression patterns provided new information for selenoproteins of unknown function.  相似文献   

Two whitefly species, Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci biotype B were shown to have different temperature tolerance and seasonal dynamics. To determine whether this variation in thermal tolerance is related to different expression patterns of heat shock protein (hsp) genes during temperature stress, we obtained complete cDNA sequences for hsp90, hsp70 and hsp20, and analysed their expression profiles across temperature gradients by real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Six full‐length cDNAs were cloned and sequenced from these two species. The full‐length cDNAs of hsp90s contain 2166 and 2157 bp open‐reading frames (ORF) which encode proteins with calculated molecular weights of 83 013 and 82 857 Da in T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci, respectively. The 1947 and 1959 bp ORFs of whitefly hsp70s comprise 649 and 653 amino acids with the calculated masses of 70 885 and 71 008 Da in T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci, respectively. Both complete cDNAs of hsp20 of T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci contain 585 bp ORFs and deduced amino acid sequences had molecular weights of 21 559 and 21 539 Da, respectively. The hsp expression profile results showed that temperatures for onset (Ton) or maximal (Tmax) induction of hsp expression in T. vaporariorum were generally 2–6°C lower than those in B. tabaci. These results suggest that the Ton (or Tmax) of hsps can represent the differences in temperature tolerance of these two whitefly species, and may be used to determine their natural geographical distribution and natural population seasonal dynamics. Significant upregulation of most hsps were observed when temperature stress was lifted, except that hsp70 and hsp20 of B. tabaci did not respond to the cold stress, indicating that response to heat and cold stress may have a different genetic and physiological basis in two whitefly species. These results highlight the importance of understanding the complexity of the heat shock response across multiple isoforms while attempting to link them to whole‐organism traits such as thermal tolerance.  相似文献   

Chitinases and chitinase like proteins play an important role in mammalian immunity and functions in early zebrafish development have been suggested. Here we report identification of six zebrafish chitinases and chitinase like proteins (called CHIA.1–6) belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 18, and determine their spatial and temporal expression at 10 stages of zebrafish development.CHIA.4 is highly maternally expressed and it is expressed 100 fold above any other CHIA gene at zygote through to blastula stage. Later, after the maternal to zygotic transition, CHIA.4 expression decreases to the same level as CHIA.5 and CHIA.6. Subsequently, CHIA.1, CHIA.2, CHIA.3 and CHIA.4, CHIA.5, CHIA.6 each follow distinct paths in terms of expression levels.Until 4 days post fertilization the spatial expression patterns of all six CHIA genes overlap extensively, with expression detected predominantly in vascular, ocular and intestinal tissues. At 5 days post fertilization CHIA.1, CHIA.2 and CHIA.3 are expressed almost exclusively in the stomach, whereas CHIA.4, CHIA.5 and CHIA.6 are also prominently expressed in the liver. These different expression patterns may contribute to the establishment of a basis on which functional analysis in older larvae may be founded.  相似文献   

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