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Tales E  Keith P  Oberdorff T 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):360-370
We examined the relation between the local density of species and the size of the geographic range for French riverine fishes. As for most other taxonomic groups, a positive interspecific relationship is found for this group. This relationship is robust to the confounding effects of phylogeny and is not a priori a product of other potential mechanistic artefacts. We formally tested two of the principal biological mechanisms already proposed (i.e. the niche breadth hypothesis and the resource availability hypothesis). We found no support for the niche breadth hypothesis. In contrast, we found consistent support for the closely related resource availability hypothesis. Species utilising resources (habitats) that are marginal tend to appear at low density and to have narrow distribution whereas species utilising widespread habitats tend to be more abundant and more widely distributed. Using data on body size and reproductive traits we explored the potential influence of these variables in explaining significant variation around the density-range size relationship. Only body size explains significant variation around the relationship, being negatively correlated with local density and positively correlated with range size.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the characteristics of a repetitive DNA sequence from the rainbow trout and related salmonid fishes that is similar to a retroviral long terminal repeat (LTR). The repeat is 160 bp long and contains a region of homology to the LTR of the avian sarcoma virus. Two clones with this repeat from the chum salmon also have a polypurine tract and tRNA binding site, respectively, and these clones may represent the two LTRs of a retrovirus or retroviral-like repetitive element. Copies of the repeat are also adjacent to rainbow trout and chum salmon protamine genes. These repeats may be solo LTRs. There appears to be some polymorphism in restriction sites between individual rainbow trout and considerable differences between salmonid fish species when the repeat is used as a probe.  相似文献   

Macrobrachium lamarrei (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) is a well-known freshwater prawn species of Bangladesh. The aim of the research is to explore various reproductive aspects (size at sexual maturity, reproductive period and fecundity) of M. lamarrei in the Ganges River, Bangladesh through October 2012 to September 2013. We also study the environmental parameters and their impact on reproduction of M. lamarrei. A total 391 (ovigerous = 141, non-ovigerous = 250) female specimens were collected using Drag net. The TL50 (the TL at which 50% of individuals become mature) was calculated by a logistic equation as 5.20 cm. Based on the availability of ovigerous females the spawning season was February-November with the peak June-July. Further, 50% and 90% ovigerous females were observed when Fulton’s condition factor (KF) was 0.85 and 1.03, respectively. The total fecundity (FT) was ranged from 65 to 370 where TL was 4.20–6.40 cm and BW was 0.84–2.50 g. Fecundity was found to be highly correlated with TL (r2 ≥ 0.96, rs = 0.96, p < 0.0001) and BW (r2 ≥ 0.88, rs = 0.93, p < 0.0001). Temperature (rp = 0.82, p = 0.009), dissolved oxygen (DO) (rp = −0.83, p = 0.0007), pH (rp = 0.80, p = 0.0014) and total alkalinity (rp = −0.87, p = 0.0002), were highly correlated with ovigerous females. The average temperature on peak spawning season was 32 °C. Also, the spawning period connected with the peak rainfall and showed a notable relation between rainfall and ovigerous females. In addition, exploration of long data series pointed that yearly average air temperature is rising by 0.029 °C yr−1, whereas yearly average rainfall is falling by 2.96 mm yr−1. Therefore, the result will be helpful for the sustainable management and conservation of M. lamarrei through fixed permissible mesh size and establishment of a ban period in the Ganges River, Bangladesh and adjoining ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the tropics, air-breathing fishes can be exposed to environmental ammonia when stranded in puddles of water during the dry season, during a stay inside a burrow, or after agricultural fertilization. At low concentrations of environmental ammonia, NH3 excretion is impeded, as in aerial exposure, leading to the accumulation of endogenous ammonia. At high concentrations of environmental ammonia, which results in a reversed NH3 partial pressure gradient (PNH3), there is retention of endogenous ammonia and uptake of exogenous ammonia. In this review, several tropical air-breathing fishes (giant mudskipper, African catfish, oriental weatherloach, swamp eel, four-eyed sleeper, abehaze and slender African lungfish), which can tolerate high environmental ammonia exposure, are used as examples to demonstrate how eight different adaptations can be involved in defence against ammonia toxicity. Four of these adaptations deal with ammonia toxicity at branchial and/or epithelial surfaces: (1) active excretion of NH4+; (2) lowering of environmental pH; (3) low NH3 permeability of epithelial surfaces; and (4) volatilization of NH3, while another four adaptations ameliorate ammonia toxicity at the cellular and subcellular levels: (5) high tolerance of ammonia at the cellular and subcellular levels; (6) reduction in ammonia production; (7) glutamine synthesis; and (8) urea synthesis. The responses of tropical air-breathing fishes to high environmental ammonia are determined apparently by behavioural adaptations and the nature of their natural environments.Communicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

Seasonal grazing rates and food processing by tropical herbivorous fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seasonal variability in grazing rates and food-processing characters were assessed for three abundant fishes in a tropical rocky shore: the damselfish Stegastes fuscus , the parrotfish Sparisoma atomarium , and the surgeonfish Acanthurus bahianus . Significant differences were found in grazing rates among hour of day and seasons, and in food-processing characters among seasons for the three fishes. Grazing rates for S. atomarium and A. bahianus peaked at 1300 and 1400 hours for S. fuscus . Three main periods of different intensity in bite rates, low, intermediate and intense, were identified for all fishes. As expected, total bite rates, ingestion rates and gut fullness were highest in A. bahianus , the largest species studied, followed by S. atomarium and S. fuscus. S. atomarium with fused jaw teeth, holds the highest bite size and S. fuscus the lowest one. Gut turnover was high for S. fuscus and similar for S. atomarium and A. bahianus . Grazing rates and food-processing characters seem to vary between seasons not only due to changes in temperature, but also affected by other factors. Fishes employ different food-processing mechanisms and bear some differences in food-processing characters to achieve optimal energetic supplies from a poor nutrient food resource.  相似文献   

Impacts of urban development on aquatic populations are often complex and difficult to ascertain, but population genetic analysis has allowed researchers to monitor and estimate gene flow in the context of existing and future hydroelectric projects. The Lower Mekong Basin is undergoing rapid hydroelectric development with around 50 completed and under-construction dams and 95 planned dams. The authors investigated the baseline genetic diversity of two exploited migratory fishes, the mud carp Henicorhynchus lobatus (five locations), and the rat-faced pangasiid catfish, Helicophagus leptorhynchus (two locations), in the Lower Mekong Basin using the genomic double digest restriction site-associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing method. In both species, fish sampled upstream of Khone Falls were differentiated from those collected at other sites, and Ne estimates at the site above the falls were lower than those at other sites. This was the first study to utilize thousands of RAD-generated single nucleotide polymorphisms to indicate that the Mekong's Khone Falls are a potential barrier to gene flow for these two moderately migratory species. The recent completion of the Don Sahong dam across one of the only channels for migratory fishes through Khone Falls may further exacerbate signatures of isolation and continue to disrupt the migration patterns of regionally vital food fishes. In addition, H. lobatus populations downstream of Khone Falls, including the 3S Basin and Tonle Sap system, displayed robust connectivity. Potential obstruction of migration pathways between these river systems resulting from future dam construction may limit dispersal, which has led to elevated inbreeding rates and even local extirpation in other fragmented riverine species.  相似文献   

Seasonal absence of fishes in tidepools of a boreal environment (Maine,USA)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
John R. Moring 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(2):163-168
Tidepool fishes of a rocky, boreal community in Maine (USA) were sampled periodically from September 1979 to September 1988. Unlike tidepool fish communities in many other areas of the world, those in Maine included no year-round residents. Several of the 22 species among the 1,135 fishes collected occupied tidepools seasonally as nursery areas. In particular, juvenile lumpfish,Cyclopterus lumpus, used tidepools from June to December during their first two years of life. Disappearance of these species from tidepools in winter appeared to be primarily a result of low water temperatures and reduced algal cover in pools.Cooperators are the University of Maine, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Wildlife Management Institute.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies of coastal marine fishes in the tropics   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Synopsis A synthesis of ethnobiological, behavioral and physical oceanographic information leads to the conclusion that temperate zone models of reproductive strategy are inapplicable to many fishes of the coastal tropics. Intense predation appears to exert heavy selection pressure on fishes that spend their adult lives in coral, mangrove or tropical seagrass communities. Many exhibit spawning behaviors and spawn at times and locations that favor the transport of their pelagic eggs and pelagic larvae offshore where predation is reduced. This creates a countervailing selection pressure — the need to return the larvae to shallow water once they are ready to colonize their post-larval habitats. Accordingly, spawning is often concentrated at times of the year when prevailing winds or currents are at their weakest, thereby reducing the transport of larvae long distances from where they originated. Spawning is also concentrated in the vicinity of nearshore gyres which similarly favor the ultimate return of the larvae to their natal area. Among these species, therefore, offshore larval dispersal does not seem to be an adaptation for dispersal of the species, but rather an evolutionary response to intense predation pressure in the adult habitats. Lunar reproductive periodicity is more common among these species than has previously been recognized, and is one of the strategies employed to enhance the offshore flushing of eggs and larvae.This paper forms part of the proceedings of a mini-symposium convened at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 18–19 May 1976, entitled Patterns of Community Structure in Fishes (G. S. Helfman, ed.).Contribution No. 524, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.  相似文献   

环境因子对硬骨鱼类性腺发育成熟及其排卵和产卵的调控   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
对影响硬骨鱼类性腺发育成熟及其排卵和产卵的诸多环境因子进行了综述(如水温、光照、降雨和水流、水体化学因子、水体生物因子以及环境污染(环境胁迫)等),并对其调控机制进行了阐述,侧重强调了环境胁迫对硬骨鱼类生殖的影响,旨在从生态学角度为保护鱼类种质资源提供对策。  相似文献   

Synopsis The timing of ovarian maturation and spawning of 17 warmwater fish species in Lake Oahe (South and North Dakota) was estimated from changes in the mean ovary indices (ratios of ovary weight to fish length). The onset of vitellogenesis varied within species (up to 2 months). Maturation of the ova took from 7.5 to 10 months, depending on species. Annual variations in the mean date of peak spawning of individual species during 1964–1971 were usually less than a week. There was little overlap of the annual mean peak spawning dates of the 17 species, and an established sequence of spawning among species was shown. A relatively high incidence of atresia in the shovelnose sturgeon, northern pike, and carp indicated that these species had apparently not yet adapted to the altered and variable spawning conditions in this reservoir. Regularity of spawning would seem to provide the best chance for spawning success in variable environments such as Lake Oahe.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the energy density of fishes in the North Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The energy density ( E D, kJ g-1 wet mass) of saithe Pollachius virens , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , whiting Merlangius merlangus , Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki , herring Clupea harengus , sprat Sprattus sprattus , sandeel Ammodytes marinus and pearlsides Maurolicus Muelleri , from the North Sea, increased with total length, L T. However, there was not always a significant ( P> 0·05) linear relationship between L T and E D. Seasonal differences in E D were obvious in mature fish, while geographical differences were insignificant. For all species there was a highly significant correlation ( P< 0·0001) between the percent dry mass of the fish ( D S) and E D. A general relationship was established for gadoids and sandeel E D=–3·1492+0·3459 D S and herring E D=–4·6395+0·4170 D S. Thus seasonal and size-specific data on E D needed for bioenergetics and gastric evacuation models can be determined simply from D S, which is considerably less costly and time consuming than calorimetry or proximate analysis.  相似文献   

Environmental predictability is predicted to shape the evolution of life histories. Two key types of environmental predictability, seasonality and environmental colour, may influence life‐history evolution independently but formal considerations of both and how they relate to life history are exceedingly rare. Here, in a global biogeographical analysis of over 800 marine invertebrates, we explore the relationships between both forms of environmental predictability and three fundamental life‐history traits: location of larval development (aplanktonic vs. planktonic), larval developmental mode (feeding vs. non‐feeding) and offspring size. We found that both dispersal potential and offspring size related to environmental predictability, but the relationships depended on both the environmental factor as well as the type of predictability. Environments that were more seasonal in food availability had a higher prevalence of species with a planktonic larval stage. Future studies should consider both types of environmental predictability as each can strongly affect life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Degradation and destruction of valuable spawning and rearing habitat due to anthropogenic changes (e.g., flow modification and channelisation) is known to have dramatic impacts on fish populations. To compensate for habitat losses due to hydropower development, an artificial fluvial habitat channel (‘Compensation Creek’) was constructed in south-central Newfoundland, Canada. The creek was designed to include appropriate habitat features for the two dominant salmonid fish species, landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brook charr (Salvenius fontinalis Mitchell). The study examines the habitat use of landlocked Atlantic salmon and brook charr in the Compensation Creek using electromyogram (EMG) radio telemetry. Ten landlocked Atlantic salmon and eight brook charr were captured and tagged with EMG transmitters. In laboratory swimming experiments, the EMG values were calibrated against swimming speed. Fish were then released in the Compensation Creek and tracked on a daily basis. The results show that (1) during residence in the creek, both species used preferentially the habitat features designed to match their rearing habitat preferences, and (2) swimming speed did not vary among habitat types for either species.  相似文献   

The conservation and status of threatened fishes in southern Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conservation status of 24 threatened freshwater fishes and seven estuarine fishes from southern Africa is discussed against the background of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors. The majority of threatened species are endemic temperate forms with restricted ranges. Major threats include introduced alien fishes and a wide spectrum of environmentally destructive causes. Research on threatened species includes distribution surveys, biological and ecological studies and methods of artificial propagation. Long-term remedies based on ecosystem conservation are also being promoted. The perceptions and attitudes of nature conservation authorities are adjusting to the new challenges offish conservation. The number of threatened fishes in Africa is likely to increase in the face of escalating problems of habitat destruction and degradation.  相似文献   

Flying fish wing area and wing-loading both rise in strongly negative allometric fashion with increasing body length and mass. Evidence is presented to show that this occurs because: (1) the leading edge of the pectoral fin 'wing' is fixed at 24% of standard length (  L S) from the snout, (2) the wing length cannot exceed 76% of L S or the tips will interfere with propulsive tail beat and (3) increased mass demands faster flying and wings with better lift : drag ratios; this selects for tapered, higher aspect ratio wing shapes. A consequence of this situation is that larger flying fishes have centres of mass increasingly further behind the centre of wing pressure. Resultant longitudinal instability restricts the maximum size of the two-winged design and the pelvic fins of four-wingers act as a stabilizing tailplane. These data indicate that the accepted model of evolution of flight in flying fishes (by extension of ballistic leaps) is flawed; it is proposed that evolution of lift-supported surface taxiing in half-beaks with enlarged pectoral fins (enhanced by ground effect) was an essential preliminary; subsequent forward migration of the centre of mass to within the wing chord permitted effective gliding.  相似文献   

Synopsis The present study tests the precision of repeat homing of roach, Rutilus rutilus, to two tributaries of a small Norwegian Lake, Årungen. A sample of 19 959 spawners was tagged or marked in the spawning area. After spawning the roach intermingled with other spawning demes in the lake. The year after marking, 2515 (12.6%) roach were recaptured during spawning in the five tributaries, 340 (13.5) of these were strayers. This straying is considerably larger than found in comparable autumn spawning species, but approximately the same as reported for other spring spawning species. The recapture rate was lower for females than for males, probably due to increased female mortality induced by the tagging manipulation.  相似文献   

Human activities are often implicated in the contemporary extinction of contemporary species. Concerning riverine fishes, the major biotic and abiotic threats widely cited include introduction of non-native species, habitat fragmentation and homogenization in stream flow dynamics due to the damming of rivers, dumping of organic loadings, degradation of the riverine habitat by agricultural practices and water abstraction for human and agricultural consumption. However, few studies have evaluated the role of each of these threats on fish extinction at large spatial scales. Focusing on Western Europe and the USA, two of the most heavily impacted regions on Earth, we quantify fish species loss per river basin and evaluate for the first time to what extent, if any, these threats have been promoting fish extinctions. We show that mean fish extinction rates during the last 110 years in both continents is ∼112 times higher than calculated natural extinction rates. However, we identified only weak effects of our selected anthropogenic stressors on fish extinctions. Only river fragmentation by dams and percentage of non-native species seem to be significant, although weak, drivers of fish species extinction. In our opinion, the most probable explanation for the weak effects found here comes from limitations of both biological and threats datasets currently available. Obtaining realistic estimates on both extinctions and anthropogenic threats in individual river basins is thus urgently needed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The ethological approach to the study of early life histories of fishes is illustrated by examples of behavioural ontogeny in cichlid and salmonid fishes. In both species recognition and social organization, early experience is of crucial importance.Paper presented in the symposium \lsEmbryonic and larval periods of fishes: present status and significance\rs, Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Fredericton, New Brunswick, January 1977  相似文献   

No significant differences in the diet composition were detected for any of the populations of four non-indigenous fish species (brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus , pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus , topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva and eastern mudminnow Umbra pygmaea ) and two native fish species (gudgeon Gobio gobio and roach Rutilus rutilus ), between two small shallow ponds and between habitats within the ponds, during late summer. Based on diet composition, groups of size classes within species ('functional groups') were distinguished. For most functional group combinations of exotic fishes, diet overlap values were low. Although chironomid larvae formed the most important food source, differential consumption of chironomid size classes allowed an important degree of niche differentiation between non-indigenous fishes. In contrast, high diet overlap was found between the functional groups of indigenous gudgeon and of several non-indigenous fishes, indicating a high potential for interspecific exploitative competition. The diet of roach consisted almost entirely of non-animal remains (detritus and plant material). The high proportion of such low-energy food in the diet of this species may be indicative for a competition induced niche shift to suboptimal food sources.  相似文献   

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