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A rapid, convenient assay to determine the activity of the flavin-containing monooxygenase is described. The method is based on direct analysis of quenched incubation mixtures by thin-layer chromatography and utilizes tritiated dimethylaniline as the substrate. The synthesis of the radiolabeled substrate is described. The usefulness of dimethylaniline N-oxide formation as a measure of flavin-containing monooxygenase activity was assessed using the purified hog liver enzyme, hog liver microsomes, and liver microsomes from untreated and phenobarbital-pretreated rats.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal, flavin-containing monooxygenases catalyze NADPH- and oxygen-dependent oxidation of a wide variety of antipsychotic and narcotic drugs. Two forms of these enzymes have been isolated and partially characterized (Ozols, J. (1989) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 163, 49-55). The amino acid sequence of form 1 is presented here. Sequence determination has been achieved by automated Edman degradation of peptides generated by chemical and enzymatic cleavages. The NH2 terminus of form 1 oxygenase is blocked. Partial acid hydrolysis of the blocked peptides removed acetyl groups and permitted their analysis by Edman degradation. Form 1 monooxygenase contains 536 residues. A peptide of 32 residues at the COOH terminus of the protein could not be sequenced in a gas-phase or pulsed liquid-phase sequenator, due to its extreme hydrophobicity. Covalent coupling of this peptide to an aryl amine membrane by means of carbodiimide, followed by automated solid-phase sequencing, established the order of 30 amino acid residues. The hydrophobic segment at the COOH terminus presumably functions to anchor the monooxygenase to the microsomal membrane. The amino acid sequence of form 1 monooxygenase, despite overlapping substrate specificity, is not related to the cytochrome P-450 superfamily. Comparison of the sequence of form 1 oxygenase with other known sequences, except for some short segments similar to those in the bacterial flavin-containing monooxygenases, did not reveal significant sequence similarities that would suggest a structural or evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   

The prochiral tertiary amine N-ethyl-N-methylaniline (EMA) is known to be metabolically N-oxygenated in vitro with microsomal preparations. This biotransformation is thought to be mediated predominantly by the flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) enzyme system. Microsomal N-oxygenation of EMA is known to be stereoselective and varies between species. In order to further characterise this metabolic transformation, we have examined the in vitro metabolism of EMA using purified porcine hepatic FMO. Following incubation of EMA with purified FMO, EMA N-oxide, the only metabolite detected, was found to be produced stereoselectively [ratio (?)-(S):(+)-(R), ca. 4:1]. The enantiomeric ratio of the N-oxide product did not change markedly with respect to time, enzyme or substrate concentration. Determination of the kinetics of formation of the N-oxide indicated a single affinity for the prochiral substrate with differential rates of formation of the enantiomers. The extent of EMA N-oxide formation was shown to be affected by activators and inhibitors of FMO and pH, but its stereoselectively was unaltered. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A rapid, convenient assay for flavin-containing monooxygenase activity is described. The method is based on direct analysis of quenched incubation mixtures by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, and utilizes p-nitrophenyl-1,3-oxathiolane as the substrate. The synthesis of the substrate and the product are described. The usefulness of p-nitrophenyl-1,3-oxathiolane S-oxide formation as a measure of flavin-containing monooxygenase activity was demonstrated using highly purified and microsomal hog and rat liver flavin-containing monooxygenase. The assay is especially useful for determining stereoselectivity of flavin-containing monooxygenase activity in small amounts of crude tissue preparations.  相似文献   

1. Flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) in pulmonary and hepatic microsomes from sheep was analyzed by western blotting by probing with antibodies raised against FMO purified from rabbit lung and pig liver. 2. Pulmonary microsomes from sheep contain a single major protein which cross-reacts with the antibody to rabbit lung FMO, but no band can be observed when probed with the antibody to the pig liver enzyme. Likewise, sheep liver microsomes contain a protein which cross-reacts with the antibody to pig liver FMO, but no significant staining is observed following incubation with antibody to the lung enzyme. 3. Sheep pulmonary and hepatic microsomal FMO also display a difference in activity toward chlorpromazine and n-dodecylamine. 4. Preliminary evidence suggests that sheep FMO may be induced (liver) or repressed (lung) during pregnancy. 5. Sheep are similar to rodents (rat, mouse, guinea pig, hamster and rabbit) in having distinct forms of pulmonary and hepatic FMO. The immunochemical and catalytic difference between sheep liver and lung FMO is similar to that of rabbit.  相似文献   

Flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO) are membrane-associated enzymes contributing to oxidative metabolism of drugs and other chemicals. There are no known structures similar enough to FMO to provide accurate insights into the structural basis for differences in metabolism observed among FMOs. To develop an FMO amenable to crystallization, we introduced mutations into rabbit FMO2 (rF2) to increase solubility, decrease aggregation, and simplify isolation. Alterations included removal of 26 AA (Delta26) from the carboxyl-terminus, His(6)-fusion to the amino-terminus and a double Ser substitution designed to reduce local hydrophobicity. Only Delta26 FMO variants retained normal activity, increased the yield of cytosolic rF2 and decreased protein aggregation. Delta26 constructs increased rF2 in cytosol in low (from 2 to 13%), and high salt (from 24 to 62%) conditions. His-fusion proteins, while active and useful for purification, did not affect solubility. Delta26 variants should prove useful for identifying conditions suitable for production of an FMO crystal.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The microsomal flavin-containing monooxygenase has been purified from mouse and pig liver utilizing Cibacron-Blue Sepharose, Procion-Red agarose, and 2'5'-ADP Sepharose.
  • 2.2. The enzymes had a final specific activity of 1200 and 954 nmol/min/mg protein from mouse and pig liver respectively.
  • 3.3. The enzyme from both mouse and pig liver displayed typical flavoprotein spectra and appeared homogeneous by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

Flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) activity as N,N-dimethylaniline (DMA) N-oxygenation was characterized in microsomes from the smooth dogfish shark (Squalus acathias). DMA N-oxygenase activity from the liver of the dogfish shark was linear with increasing protein content and over 60 min. The optimal temperature for catalysis was 25°C with a 76 percent reduction in activity when incubated at 15°C and 99 percent loss of activity at 45°C. Optimal pH was approximately 9.6. The maximum velocity for DMA N-oxygenase activity was calculated to be 1.3 nmol min−1 mg−1 with an apparent Michaelis constant of 44 μM. Methimazole oxidase activity was also observed in dogfish liver microsomes which was inhibited by trimethylamine (TMA). Inhibition of DMA N-oxygenase activity by TMA and thiobenzamide was competitive, while inhibition by methimazole was not competitive. Western blot analysis indicated a single liver protein from both Squalus and Carcharhinus of approximately 50 kDa that bound to antibodies raised against FMO 2. An attempt was made to purify FMO as methimazole oxidase from the liver of the silky shark. A single peak of about 10-fold purity was observed following passage through two chromatographic media (CM-Sepharose and HA-Agarose). However, no activity was recoverable after the FMO-containing fractions were applied to a 2′5′ ADP-Sepharose column.  相似文献   

Pregnancy related changes in oxidative metabolism of model substrates were examined in CD1 mice. As compared to nonpregnant females, a significant decrease in the hepatic microsomal aminopyrine-but not in dimethylaniline-N-demethylase activity was observed in pregnant mice. The rates of microsomal flavin-containing monooxygenase-catalyzed N-oxidation of dimethylaniline remained relatively unchanged during pregnancy in the liver, lung, kidney, and uterus. In contrast to this, N-oxidase activity of placental microsomes was increased nearly 5-fold when measured at day 12 and 18 of gestation.  相似文献   

The hepatotoxin thiobenzamide is S-oxidized by the microsomal flavin-containing monooxygenase (MFMO)1 in liver, lung, and kidney of rabbit, mouse and rat. Its oxidation is accompanied by a large spectral shift which can be used as the basis of a simple convenient photometric assay for the MFMO system.  相似文献   

Rabbit lung flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO, EC was denatured, reduced, carboxymethylated, digested with endoproteinase Glu-C or trypsin, and subjected to mass spectrometric analysis. The amino acid sequences of selected peptides were determined by tandem mass spectrometry. Over 90% of rabbit lung FMO was mapped by liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS). The FMO N-terminal amino acid was found to be N-acetylated, and the N-terminal 23 amino acid peptide contained an FAD binding domain consisting of Gly-X-Gly-X-X-Gly. Another peptide was found to contain a NADP+ binding domain consisting of Gly-X-Gly-X-X-Ala. The mapped and/or sequenced peptides were found to be completely consistent with the peptide sequence deduced from the cDNA data and the previously published gas-phase sequencing data. Further mass spectrometry and protein analytical work unambiguously showed that rabbit lung FMO existed in tight association with a calcium-binding protein, calreticulin. Over 68% of rabbit lung calreticulin was mapped by LSIMS. Tandem mass spectrometric and gas-phase sequencing studies provided direct evidence for the identification of the N-terminal and other rabbit lung calreticulin-derived peptide sequences that were identical to other previously reported calreticulins. The complexation of calreticulin to rabbit lung FMO could account for some of the unusual physical properties of this FMO enzyme form.  相似文献   

The flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) was purified from mouse lung microsomes. On SDS-PAGE, the purified enzyme separated as two bands, a major band of 58,000 daltons and a minor band of 59,000 daltons. Antibodies to mouse liver FMO cross-reacted with both bands in the purified preparations, whereas antibodies to rabbit lung FMO cross-reacted only with the major band. In microsomal preparations the major band was recognized by both antibodies, but neither antibody detected the minor band in microsomes. A cDNA encoding the pig liver FMO hybridized with mRNA isolated from mouse liver, kidney, and lung, whereas cDNA encoding the rabbit lung FMO hybridized only with mouse lung and kidney mRNA. Thermal stability studies showed that the FMO preparation purified from mouse lung consisted of a heat-stable and a heat-labile component. The heat-labile component of lung FMO was inhibited competitively by imipramine, whereas the heat-stable component was insensitive to the presence of imipramine. Immunoprecipitation of purified mouse lung FMO with anti-rabbit lung FMO completely removed the protein band reactive to anti-rabbit lung FMO while leaving reactivity to anti-liver FMO. The catalytic and immunochemical differences seen between FMO from rabbit lung and mouse lung appear to result from the expression of at least two forms of FMO in the mouse lung, one similar to the rabbit pulmonary form and one similar to the major mouse liver form of FMO.  相似文献   

Flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs) catalyze NADPH-dependent monooxygenation of soft-nucleophilic nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorous atoms contained within various drugs, pesticides, and xenobiotics. Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) is responsible for the majority of FMO-mediated xenobiotic metabolism in the adult human liver. Mutations in the FMO3 gene can result in defective trimethylamine (TMA) N-oxygenation, which gives rise to the disorder known as trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or "fish-odour syndrome". To date 18 mutations of FMO3 gene have been reported that cause TMAU, and polymorphic variants of the gene have also been identified. Interindividual variability in the expression of FMO3 may affect drug and foreign chemical metabolism in the liver and other tissues. It is important therefore to study how base sequence variation of the FMO3 gene might affect the ability of individuals and different ethnic population groups to deal with the variety of environmental chemicals and pharmaceutical products that are substrates for FMO3.  相似文献   

A bacterial flavin-containing monooxygenase (bFMO) catalyses the oxygenation of indole to produce indigoid compounds. In the reductive half of the indole oxygenation reaction, NADPH acts as a reducing agent, and NADP(+) remains at the active site, protecting bFMO from reoxidation. Here, the crystal structures of bFMO and bFMO in complex with NADP(+), and a mutant bFMO(Y207S), which lacks indole oxygenation activity, with and without indole are reported. The crystal structures revealed overlapping binding sites for NADP(+) and indole, suggestive of a double-displacement reaction mechanism for bFMO. In biochemical assays, indole inhibited NADPH oxidase activity, and NADPH in turn inhibited the binding of indole and decreased indoxyl production. Comparison of the structures of bFMO with and without bound NADP(+) revealed that NADPH induces conformational changes in two active site motifs. One of the motifs contained Arg-229, which participates in interactions with the phosphate group of NADPH and appears be a determinant of the preferential binding of bFMO to NADPH rather than NADH. The second motif contained Tyr-207. The mutant bFMO(Y207S) exhibited very little indoxyl producing activity; however, the NADPH oxidase activity of the mutant was higher than the wild-type enzyme. It suggests a role for Y207, in the protection of hydroperoxyFAD. We describe an indole oxygenation reaction mechanism for bFMO that involves a ping-pong-like interaction of NADPH and indole.  相似文献   

The flavin-containing monooxygenase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yFMO) uses NADPH and O(2) to oxidize thiol containing substrates such as GSH and thereby generates the oxidizing potential for the ER. The enzyme uses NADPH 12 times more efficiently than NADH. Amino acid sequence analysis suggests that Lys 219 and/or Lys 227 may act as counterions to the 2' phosphate of NADPH and to help determine the preference for pyridine nucleotides. Site directed mutations show that Lys 219 makes the greater contribution to cosubstrate recognition. Conversion of Lys 219 to Ala reduces NADPH dependent activity 90-fold, but has no effect on NADH-dependent activity. Conversion of Lys 227 to Ala reduces NADPH-dependent activity fivefold and NADH-dependent activity threefold. Dissociation constants for NADP(+) to oxidized yFMO were measured spectroscopically. K(d) is 12 microM for the wild-type enzyme and 243 microM for the K219A mutant, consistent with the role of Lys 219 in pyridine nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is an essential element whose localization within cells must be carefully controlled to avoid Cu-dependent redox cycling. Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine-rich metal-binding proteins that exert cytoprotective effects during metal exposure and oxidative stress. The specific role of MTs, however, in modulating Cu-dependent redox cycling remains unresolved. Our studies utilized a chemically defined model system to study MT modulation of Cu-dependent redox cycling under reducing (Cu/ascorbate) and mild oxidizing (Cu/ascorbate + H2O2) conditions. In the presence of Cu and ascorbate, MT blocked Cu-dependent lipid oxidation and ascorbyl radical formation with a stoichiometry corresponding to Cu/MT ratios 相似文献   

Heo J  Raines KW  Mocanu V  Campbell SL 《Biochemistry》2006,45(48):14481-14489
We have previously shown that redox agents including superoxide anion radical and nitrogen dioxide can react with GXXXXGK(S/T)C motif-containing GTPases (i.e., Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA) to stimulate guanine nucleotide release. We now show that the reaction of RhoA with redox agents leads to different functional consequences from that of Rac1 and Cdc42 due to the presence of an additional cysteine (GXXXCGK(S/T)C) in the RhoA redox-active motif. While reaction of redox agents with RhoA stimulates guanine nucleotide dissociation, RhoA is subsequently inactivated through formation of an intramolecular disulfide that prevents guanine nucleotide binding thereby causing RhoA inactivation. Thus, redox agents may function to downregulate RhoA activity under conditions that stimulate Rac1 and Cdc42 activity. The opposing functions of these GTPases may be due in part to their differential redox regulation. In addition, the results presented herein suggest that the platinated-chemotherapeutic agent, cisplatin, which is known for targeting nucleic acids, reacts with RhoA to produce a RhoA thiol-cisplatin-thiol adduct, leading to inactivation of RhoA. Similarly, certain arsenic complexes (i.e., arsenate and arsenic trioxide) may inactivate RhoA by bridging the cysteine residues in the GXXXCGK(S/T)C motif. Thus, in addition to redox agents, platinated-chemotherapeutic agents and arsenic complexes may modulate the activity of GTPases containing the GXXXCGK(S/T)C motif (i.e., RhoA and RhoB).  相似文献   

The cDNA clone of mouse flavin-containing monooxygenase 2 (FMO2) was obtained as an expressed sequence tag (EST) isolated from a female mouse kidney cDNA library from the I.M.A.G.E. consortium (I.M.A.G.E. CloneID 1432164). Complete sequencing of the EST derived a nucleotide sequence for mouse FMO2, which contains 112 bases of 5' flanking region, 1607 bases of coding region, and 309 bases of 3' flanking region. This FMO2 sequence encodes a protein of 535 amino acids including two putative pyrophosphate binding sequences (GxGxxG/A) beginning at positions 9 and 191. Additionally, this mouse FMO protein sequence shows 87 and 86% homology to rabbit and human FMO2 respectively. The mouse FMO2 sequence was subcloned into the expression vector pJL-2, a derivative of pKK233-2 and used to transform XL1-Blue Escherichia coli. FMO activity in particulate fractions isolated from isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyanoside (IPTG) induced cells was heat stable (45 degrees C for 5 min) and demonstrated optimal activity at a relatively high pH of 10.5. The expressed FMO2 enzyme showed catalytic activity towards the FMO substrate methimazole and further analysis of E. coli fractions utilizing NADPH oxidation demonstrated that the mouse FMO2 enzyme also exhibits catalytic activity towards thiourea, trimethylamine, and the insecticide phorate.  相似文献   

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