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We investigated age-related changes in normal human diploid fibroblasts (strain AG 1522) followed throughout their lifespan in vitro. Radiosensitivity and the capacity to repair potentially lethal radiation damage (PLD) remained constant until senescence was reached. However, the effects of incubation with lactate on PLD repair were age dependent and complex. Low millimolar concentrations of lactate increased the capacity to repair PLD, whereas higher concentrations suppressed it in a concentration-dependent manner. With increasing in vitro age, the cells became less sensitive to the modifying effects of lactate; in presenescent cells, the modifying effects of lactate on PLD repair had completely vanished.  相似文献   

The occurrence of DNA repair in UV- (254 nm) and X-irradiated normal human diploid fibroblasts maintained in a quiescent, nondividing state using low serum (0.5%) medium was ascertained. Techniques that detect different steps of the excision repair process were used so that the extent of completion of repair at single sites could be determined. These included measuring the disappearance of pyrimidine dimers by chromatography, detecting repair synthesis by density-gradient and autoradiographic methods and detecting the rejoining of repaired regions and repair of x-ray-induced single-strand DNA breaks using alkaline sucrose gradients. Results show that dimer excision occurs and the subsequent steps of repair synthesis and ligation are completed. About 50% of the dimers formed by exposure to 20 J/m2 is excised in the initial 24-h post-UV period. DNA repair (unscheduled DNA synthesis) can be detected through a 5-d post-UV period. The fraction of damaged sites eventually repaired is not known. X-ray-induced single-strand DNA breaks are repaired rapidly.  相似文献   

Cloning efficiency and DNA strand breaks induction were compared in human diploid fibroblasts (HSBP) and chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells treated with various metal salts. Cadmium (Cd2+), nickel (Ni2+) and chromate (Cr2O7) reduced the cloning efficiency of HSBP cells more than that of CHO cells whereas the reverse was true after treatment with mercury (Hg2+), manganese (Mn2+) and cobalt (Co2+). The effects on cloning efficiency did not consistently correlate with DNA strand breaking activity as all metals except Cr(VI) were more effective at producing DNA strand breaks in CHO cells than in human cells. The differential responses of the two cell types was shown to be only partially due to differences in cellular uptake of metals. DNA breaks induced in human cells by Hg2+ and Cr2O7 were shown most likely to be alkaline labile sites rather than true strand breaks since no damage was detected in a nick translation assay which measures the amount of free 3'-OH terminals. Damage induced by Mn2+ and Co2+, however, appeared to be comprised at least in part by true DNA strand breaks. DNA damage was also induced in HSBP cells following treatment with selenium but only in the presence of reduced glutathione. These studies indicate that DNA damage is not as major a consequence following some metal treatments in human cells as it appears to be in rodent cells. This suggests that rodent models for risk estimation of metal-induced tumorigenesis may not always be appropriate for extrapolation to humans.  相似文献   

Using a human fibroblast strain deficient in glutathione synthetase and a related proficient control strain, the role of glutathione (GSH) in repair of potentially lethal damage (PLD) has been investigated in determining survival by plating cells immediately or 24 h after irradiation. After oxic or hypoxic irradiation, both cell strains repair radiation-induced damage. However, under hypoxic conditions, the proficient cells repair PLD as well as under oxic conditions while the deficient cells repair less PLD after irradiation under hypoxic than under oxic conditions. Therefore, the oxygen enhancement ratio (o.e.r.) for proficient cells is similar whether the cells are plated immediately or 24 h later (2.0 and 2.13, respectively). In contrast, the o.e.r. for deficient cells is lower when the cells are plated 24 h after irradiation than when they are plated immediately thereafter (1.16 as compared to 1.55). The results indicate that GSH is involved in PLD repair and, in particular, in the repair of damage induced by radiation delivered under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of radiosensitization by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) substitution and radioprotection by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been examined in relation to fixation and repair of radiation damage by anisotonic treatment. The fixation of radiation damage in cells exposed to 0.05 M or 1.5 M NaCl after irradiation was the same at equal survival levels irrespective of (BrdUrd) incorporation into the DNA. Also, during incubation between irradiation and a subsequent anisotonic treatment, cells containing BrdUrd repaired radiation damage to the same extents as cells without BrdUrd.DMSO treatment resulted in radiprotection. Fixation, by anisotonic salt treatment, of damage resulting from irradiation in the presence of DMSO was less extensive than from irradiation in the absence of DMSO, even though X-ray doses were adjusted to give equal survival levels. Recovery during incubation at 37° C between irradiation and a subsequent salt treatment occurred for irradiation in the presence and absence of DMSO. These data show that the alteration of DNA radiosensitivity by BrdUrd had no effect on fixation or repair of radiation damage as assessed by salt treatment, while DMSO which is an OH scavenger caused the damage to be less susceptible to fixation and this damage was repaired during incubation at 37° C.  相似文献   

Using the in vitro human diploid fibroblast model, we tested theories of aging which hypothesize that either accumulation of DNA damage or decreased DNA repair capacity is causally related to cellular senescence. Between population doubling level (PDL) 32 and 71, fetal lung-derived normal diploid human fibroblasts (IMR 90) were assayed for both DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs, spontaneous and induced by 6 Gy) and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs, spontaneous and induced by 100 Gy). After gamma-irradiation cells were kept on ice unless undergoing repair incubation at 37 degrees C for 7.5-120 min or 18-24 h. To assay DNA strand breaks we used the filter elution technique in conjunction with a fluorometric determination of DNA which is not biased in favor of proliferating aging cells as are radioactive labelling methods. We found no change with in vitro age in the accumulation of spontaneous SSBs or DSBs, nor in the kinetics or completeness of DNA strand rejoining after gamma-irradiation. Cells at varying PDLs rejoined approx. 90% of SSBs and DSBs after 60 min repair incubation and 100% after 18-24 h repair incubation. We conclude that aging and senescence as measured by proliferative lifespan in IMR 90 cells are neither accompanied nor caused by accumulation of DNA strand breaks or by diminished capacity to rejoin gamma-radiation-induced SSBs or DSBs in DNA.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) has been implicated in the development of cancer in humans. An important basis for assessing a potential cancer risk due to ELF-EMF exposure is knowledge of biological effects on human cells at the chromosomal level. Therefore, we investigated in the present study the effect of intermittent ELF electromagnetic fields (50 Hz, sinusoidal, 5'field-on/10'field-off, 2-24 h, 1 mT) on the induction of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations in cultured human fibroblasts. ELF-EMF radiation resulted in a time-dependent increase of micronuclei, which became significant after 10 h of intermittent exposure at a flux density of 1 mT. After approximately 15 h a constant level of micronuclei of about three times the basal level was reached. In addition, chromosomal aberrations were increased up to 10-fold above basal levels. Our data strongly indicate a clastogenic potential of intermittent low-frequency electromagnetic fields, which may lead to considerable chromosomal damage in dividing cells.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of aflatoxin B1-dichloride (AFB1-Cl2), a direct-acting carcinogen which is a model for the proposed ultimate reactive metabolite of AFB1 (the 2,3-epoxide), was compared in normal, repair-proficient, diploid human fibroblasts and in complementation Group A xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP12BE) which are virtually incapable of excision repair of DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation, the 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide of benzo[alpha]pyrene, and several reactive aromatic amide derivatives. The XP cells were significantly more sensitive than normal to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of AFB1-Cl2, not only as a function of concentration administered but also of the number of AFB1-Cl2 residues initially bound to DNA. Cytotoxicity was determined from survival of colony-forming ability; resistance to 6-thioguanine was the genetic marker used for mutagenicity. We compared the rate of loss of AFB1-Cl2-DNA adducts from cells treated and held in the non-dividing state (confluent) over several days, as well as their ability to recover from the potentially mutagenic and/or cytotoxic effects of the agent. AFB1-Cl2 residues were lost from both strains of cells and both exhibited a gradual increase in survival. However, the rate of loss of adducts from the DNA in the normal cells was more rapid than in XP cells and they exhibited recovery from higher doses of AFB1-Cl2 than XP cells. The major primary DNA adduct formed in the human cells and in isolated DNA was a chemically unstable guanine derivative which could undergo a change in structure with time posttreatment to form a more stable secondary adduct. The cytotoxic effect of AFB1-Cl2 was highly correlated with the presence of either of these guanine adducts. Evidence suggests that the primary adduct is an N7-guanine adduct. The kinetics of the loss of this guanine and its transformation into the more stable secondary adduct resembled that reported recently for the major primary DNA adduct formed by the reaction of AFB1 at the N-7 position of guanine in the DNA of normal and XP cells and its transformation into the putative AFB1-ring opened triamino pyrimidyl structure.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells were arrested in the G2 phase of the cell cycle by X-irradiation. When subsequently treated with 5 mM caffeine the arrested population progressed into mitosis as a synchronous cohort where it was harvested by mitotic cell selection. This procedure provides a means to isolate cell populations treated in G2, for the investigation of G2 arrest. Comparisons were made of the number of cells retrieved from G2 arrest with the number suffering arrest, as determined by flow cytometry and by matrix algebraic simulations of irradiated cell progression. The retrieved population was not significantly less than expected for doses up to 3.5 Gy, indicating that the retrieval process does not favour the isolation of any population subset below this dose. Cell populations retrieved from arrest at varying intervals (0-3 h) after irradiation (0-3.5 Gy) showed an increase in survival with increase in interval, consistent with repair of potentially lethal damage. The repair curves (surviving fraction vs time) were each described by a single exponential. G2 cells that were brought to mitosis without a period of arrest exhibited the same radiation response as cells irradiated in mitosis.  相似文献   

Mouse embryo (C3H 10T1/2) cells were exposed to anisotonic NaCl solutions or combined treatments of radiation and anisotonic solutions. Anisotonic treatment with 0.05 or 0.5 mol/l solutions did not cause transformation and only prolonged exposure at 1.5 mol/l caused significant increases in transformation. When cells were irradiated in the presence of 0.05 mol/l NaCl, increased transformation occurred than when cells were irradiated in medium. Thus, anisotonic treatment after irradiation resulted in fixation of potentially lethal and transformed radiation damage. Fixation of potentially transformed damage was greater for cells irradiated in the presence of 0.05 mol/l NaCl than for cells irradiated in medium. When the NaCl treatment after irradiation was delayed by incubation at 37 degrees C, recovery of potentially lethal and potentially transformed damage was observed.  相似文献   

DNA-repair endonuclease activity in response to UV-induced DNA damage was quantified in diploid human fibroblasts after synchronizing cell cultures to selected stages of the cell cycle. Incubation of irradiated cells with aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA polymerases alpha and delta, delayed the sealing of repair patches and allowed estimation of rates of strand incision by the repair endonuclease. The apparent Vmax for endonucleolytic incision and Km for substrate utilization were determined by Lineweaver-Burk and Eadie-Hofstee analyses. For cells passing through G1, S or G2, Vmax for reparative incision was, respectively, 7.6, 8.4 and 8.4 breaks/10(10) Da per min, suggesting that there was little variation in incision activity during these cell-cycle phases. The Km values of 2.4-3.1 J/m2 for these cells indicate that the nucleotidyl DNA excision-repair pathway operates with maximal effectiveness after low fluences of UV that are in the shoulder region of survival curves. Fibroblasts in mitosis demonstrated a severe attenuation of reparative incision. Rates of incision were 11% of those seen in G2 cells. Disruption of nuclear structure during mitosis may reduce the effective concentration of endonuclease in the vicinity of damaged chromatin. The extreme condensation of chromatin during mitosis also may restrict the accessibility of reparative endonuclease to sites of DNA damage. Confluence-arrested fibroblasts in G0 expressed endonuclease activity with Vmax of 5.5 breaks/10(10) Da per min and a Km of 5.5 J/m2. The greater condensation of chromatin in quiescent cells may restrict the accessibility of endonuclease to dimers and so explain the elevated Km. When fibroblasts were synchronized by serum-deprivation, little variation in reparative endonuclease activity was discerned as released cells transited from early G1 through late G1 and early S. Proliferating fibroblasts in G1 were shown to express comparatively high numbers of reparative incision events in the absence of aphidicolin which was normally used to inhibit DNA polymerases and hold repair patches open. It was calculated that in G0, S and G2 phase cells, single-strand breaks at sites of repair remained open for 30, 19 and 14 sec, respectively. In G1 phase cells, repair sites remained open for 126 sec. Addition of deoxyribonucleosides to G1 cells reduced this time to 42 sec suggesting that the slower rate of synthesis and ligation of repair patches in G1 was due to a relative deficiency of deoxyribonucleotidyl precursors for DNA polymerase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

After long postirradiation incubation periods, the residual frequency of prematurely condensed chromosome fragments following X-ray exposure of noncycling diploid human fibroblasts was found to be correlated with the frequency of chromosome aberrations observed under identical treatment conditions when the cells were subcultured and scored after they reached mitosis. Over a wide range of doses, the proportion of such cells without aberrations at their first metaphase was not significantly different from the proportion able to form macroscopic colonies. Further, the rate of rejoining of interphase chromosome breaks was the same as the rate of increase in survival due to the repair of potentially lethal damage (PLD). These results suggest that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the initial breakage and rejoining of G0 chromosomes and the induction and repair of PLD measured by delayed plating from plateau-phase cultures of these cells.  相似文献   

The dependence of the survival of V79 Chinese hamster cells which were treated with bleomycin on a post-treatment with anisotonic phosphate-buffered saline and/or conditioned medium was examined. In qualitative similarity to the effects of these post-treatments on survival following exposure to X rays, it was found that: anisotonic saline, both hypo- and hypertonic, significantly enhanced cell killing; the degree of enhancement increased with time and temperature; and incubation in conditioned medium resulted in the rescue of cells whether or not they were challenged with hypertonic saline after treatment with bleomycin. Based upon the qualitative similarity of these findings to those which we have observed following X irradiation, and observations of others on the site of action of bleomycin in cells and the ability that it has to break DNA, we propose that both bleomycin and radiation (X rays and fast neutrons) act on similar sensitive sites which are probably contained in or close to the envelope and/or the protein matrix of the nucleus.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(12):1458-1471
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are an important factor in the development of skin photodamage after ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation. A flavonoid antioxidant, baicalin, can selectively neutralize super-oxide anion (O2?) while having no significant effect on ?OH. Fibroblasts are a key component of skin dermis. In the present study, we investigated the protective effects of baicalin on human skin fibroblasts (HSFs) under UVA induced oxidative stress. Fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry were used to assay the intracellular O2?, NO, ROS concentrations and the mitochondrial membrane potential. Cell viability was determined using the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8). The concentrations of cellular MDA, SOD, GSH, T-AOC, and 8-oxo-dG were also measured. Cellular apoptosis was measured by flow cytometry and caspase-3 detection. The results revealed that UVA radiation could cause oxidative stress and apoptosis in HSFs. Interestingly, the use of baicalin after UVA radiation signi?cantly reduced the level of intracellular O2?, NO, and ROS, stabilized the mitochondrial membrane potential, and attenuated production of MDA and 8-oxo-dG. These ef?ciently enhanced the antioxidative defense system and protected the HSFs from subsequent oxidative stress damage and apoptosis. In other words, baicalin decreased the excessive generation of intracellular ROS and NO, and elevated the cellular antioxidative defense, which eventually mitigate the UVA-induced apoptosis. Based on our results, baicalin may have applications in the treatment of skin photodamage caused by UVA irradiation.  相似文献   

Isolation of ouabain-resistant human diploid fibroblasts   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
R Mankovitz  M Buchwald  R M Baker 《Cell》1974,3(3):221-226
Seventeen clones resistant to the cytotoxic action of ouabain were isolated in culture by direct selection from 5 independent strains of diploid human fibroblasts. Resistant clones were recovered at frequencies on the order of 10?7 per wild type cell selected from populations treated with the mutagen EMS, but no resistant cells were detected among 108 unmutagenized cells. Most selected clones remained ouabain-resistant following further propagation in the absence of drug. The growth of wild type cells was inhibited by 50% at ouabain concentrations of 2–5 × 10?8 M, while resistant clones required 15–180 fold higher drug concentrations to cause equivalent inhibition. Ouabain-resistant clones showed increased resistance of K+ transport function to ouabain inhibition that paralleled their increased resistance to growth inhibition. Initial experiments suggest that under selective conditions the resistant diploid fibroblasts differ significantly from wild type in binding of 3H-ouabain per unit surface area. The ouabain-resistant cells were similar to wild type in transport properties unrelated to ouabain inhibition. Resistant cells had normal karyotypes and senesced with a lifespan similar to control clones. The ouabain-resistant phenotypes of these diploid human fibroblast isolates apparently reflect point mutations that specifically affect the Na+/K+ transport ATPase with respect to ouabain-binding and/or response to bound ouabain.  相似文献   

The effects of confluent holding recovery on survival, chromosomal aberrations, and progression through the life cycle after subculture of human diploid fibroblasts X-irradiated during density inhibition of growth have been examined. The responses of three normal strains were determined and compared with those of four ataxia-telangiectasia (AT), an AT heterozygote, and two hereditary retinoblastoma strains. The capacity for potentially lethal damage repair (PLDR) was slightly reduced in retinoblastoma cells and almost absent in AT cells, but normal in an AT heterozygote. The decline in chromosomal aberrations seen in normal cells during confluent holding was absent in AT cells, consistent with the lack of PLDR. Following subculture, all irradiated AT fibroblasts progressed through the cell cycle to the first mitosis with no delay. AT heterozygotic and retinoblastoma cells showed both an enhanced delay in the initiation of DNA synthesis and a large fraction of cells irreversibly blocked in G1 as compared with normal cells. Both the delayed entry into S and the G1 block were reduced by confluent holding. These results indicate that AT homozygotic and heterozygotic cells respond quite differently to X irradiation.  相似文献   

The patterns of termination of DNA replication in human embryonic MRC-5 fibroblasts at four passage levels have been examined by autoradiography. Only chromosome 9 showed statistically significant differences in the time of replication among cultures of different ages. This chromosome terminated replication earlier at later passages than at earlier passages, primarily because of differences in the time of replication of the centromere region. Because very few differences were observed at different passage levels, we conclude that changes in the order of chromosome replication are unlikely to contribute to the phenomenon of in vitro senescence.  相似文献   

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