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Thyroglobulin from a human goiter, containing four atoms of iodine/molecule (660,000 daltons), was iodinated with Na 125I and KI in vitro to achieve a net addition of either 2 or 7.8 atoms of iodine/molecule. After fractionation by high performance liquid chromatography, iodinated tryptic peptides from S-cyanoethylated 125I-thyroglobulin were purified, sequenced, characterized by [125I]iodoamino acid distribution, and localized within thyroglobulins primary structure based upon the published cDNA sequence, (Malthiery, Y., and Lissitsky, S. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 165, 491-498). The addition of 2 atoms of iodine/molecule of thyroglobulin produced iodotyrosyls at five principal sites, with no 125I-hormone formation. The addition of 7.8 atoms iodinated the same sites more heavily, produced iodotyrosyls at 10 additional sites, and formed iodothyronines at 5 sites. After addition of 2 atoms of iodine, tyrosyl 24 and 11% of thyroglobulins 125I, while tyrosyl 2572 had 24%, but with 7.8 added atoms of iodine, tyrosyl 24 had more of the thyroglobulins [125I]iodothyronine (36 versus 26%). Since tyrosyls 149, 866, and 1466 were iodinated early but did not form the inner rings of iodothyronines, they are attractive candidates for donors of outer iodothyronyl rings. The sequences around the iodotyrosyls fall into three consensus groups, as follows: 1) Glu/Asp-Tyr, associated with synthesis of thyroxine (residues 24, 2572, and 1309), or iodotyrosine (residues 2586 and 991); 2) Ser/Thr-Tyr-Ser, associated with synthesis of iodothyronine (residue 2765) and iodotyrosine (1466 and 883); and 3) Glu-X-Tyr, 7 of the remaining 8 iodotyrosyls occur in this sequence, and we found iodine incorporation at each place this sequence appears in the thyroglobulin molecule. Iodine has been found at homologues of most of these sites in thyroglobulins of other species. We conclude that the primary structure of thyroglobulin, and particularly these consensus sequences, have a major role in the formation of thyroid hormones and their iodinated precursors.  相似文献   

Normally iodinated thyroglobulin (Tg) contains low molecular weight hormone-rich peptides associated to the bulk of the molecule by disulfide bridges. It is shown, with the assistance of in vitro iodination experiments using different iodine concentrations and various incubation times, that the proteolytic cleavage giving rise to the 26 K hormonopeptide in human Tg is part of a coupling reaction rather than iodination. This cleavage may be a preliminary event related to a facilitation in the release of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin was isolated from thyroid glands of normal guinea pigs and from animals treated with thiouracil. These preparations were fractionated by isopyknic centrifugation in RbCl into proteins of varying iodine content. When the disulfide bonds of these protein fractions were reduced and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in Na dodecyl-SO4, t hree species were observed with molecular weights of 295,000 (A), 210,000 (B), and 110,000 (C). Species A comprised 80% of the protein in thyroglobulin of 0.04% iodine and 13% in thyroglobulin of 0.68% iodine content. Species C showed the opposite relationship, comprising 10% of the low and 70% of the high iodine thyroglobulin. Species B was relatively independent of the iodine content and represented approximately 20% of the protein. Iodine analysis of these proteins showed species A to be lowest and species C highest. It appears that the subunit composition of thyroglobulin depends on the degree of iodination and that species A should be the only one present in the absence of iodination.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (Tg) is secreted by thyroid epithelial cells. It is essential for thyroid hormonogenesis and iodine storage. Although studied for many years, only indirect and partial surveys of its post-translational modifications were reported. Here, we present a direct proteomic approach, used to study the degree of iodination of mouse Tg without any preliminary purification. A comprehensive coverage of Tg was obtained using a combination of different proteases, MS/MS fragmentation procedures with inclusion lists and a hybrid mass high-resolution LTQ-Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer. Although only 16 iodinated sites are currently known for human Tg, we uncovered 37 iodinated tyrosine residues, most of them being mono- or diiodinated. We report the specific isotopic pattern of thyroxine modification, not recognized as a normal peptide pattern. Four hormonogenic sites were detected. Two donor sites were identified through the detection of a pyruvic acid residue in place of the initial tyrosine. Evidence for polypeptide cleavages sites due to the action of cathepsins and dipeptidyl proteases in the thyroid were also detected. This work shows that semi-quantitation of Tg iodination states is feasible for human biopsies and should be of significant medical interest for further characterization of human thyroid pathologies.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin of very low iodine content has been prepared from a single non-toxic human goitre. The initial iodine content of the protein (0.038%) has been increased to levels of 0.16% and 0.85% by in vitro treatment with thyroid peroxidase and the resulting proteins studied with respect to their intrinsic fluorescence, circular dichroism spectra and binding of the hydrophobic probe 1,8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS). While significant differences were observed between levels of iodination in both the ANS binding and intrinsic fluorescence of the thyroglobulin, no significant differences in the near and far UV circular dichroism spectra of the protein as a function of iodine content were observed. These data suggest that, the iodination of thyroglobulin effects specific areas of the protein without significant disruption of its overall secondary structure.  相似文献   

In most highly structured native proteins, as well as in thyroglobulin, the reactivity in vitro of the various tyrosyl residues toward iodine is widely different. The present work demonstrates that of nearly 70 tyrosyl residues present in rat thyroglobulin, there is one, residue number 5 from the NH2-terminal end, which has in vivo the highest affinity toward iodine, being the first one to be iodinated. In fact, when 6-(n-propyl)-2-thiouracil (PTU)-treated, iodine-deficient animals were injected with 125I and killed shortly after, we isolated from thyroid glands poorly iodinated thyroglobulin (about 1 iodine atom/thyroglobulin molecule), nearly 90% of the radioactivity of which was found as monoiodotyrosine. Although CNBr cleavage of this protein gave several fragments after gel electrophoresis only one of these, with apparent mass 27,000 Da, contained 125I. This fragment was isolated and fully characterized. Twelve cycles of automated Edman degradation were performed; the sequence found, i.e. N-I-F-E-X-Q-V-X-A-Q-X-L, indicated that the 27,000-Da fragment is the NH2 terminus of thyroglobulin. This portion of the polypeptide chain contains several tyrosyl residues which may well all be potentially involved in the early iodination of the protein. The observation that the removal of seven amino acids from the NH2 terminus is accompanied (at the fifth step) by the total disappearance of radioactivity in the resulting shortened peptide suggested that the fifth residue was the only one iodinated under these conditions. A second, more quantitative experiment was performed on thyroglobulin obtained from 6-(n-propyl)-2-thiouracil-treated animals whose death was postponed 24 h after the injection of 125I. In this case the radioactivity was found not only in a single CNBr fragment (27,000 Da) but also in other discrete species of lower molecular mass. The mixture of these peptides was subjected to seven steps of manual Edman degradation. Fragments before and after partial degradation were run in parallel on a polyacrylamide gel and the distribution of 125I compared. Besides some change in the background, the two profiles were identical except for the absence of the 27,000-Da species. This proves that all the 125I present in the 27,000-Da species was localized at the fifth residue, the same site at which the hormone molecule is preferentially synthesized under normal conditions. This result is not unexpected and is in accord with the known properties of thyroglobulin which has a polypeptide chain designed for efficient synthesis of the hormone even at low levels of iodination.  相似文献   

Increased iodine intake has been associated with the development of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT), but the biological basis for this association remains poorly understood. One hypothesis has been that enhanced incorporation of iodine in thyroglobulin (Tg) promotes the generation of pathogenic T cell determinants. In this study we sought to test this by using the pathogenic nondominant A(s)-binding Tg peptides p2495 and p2694 as model Ags. SJL mice challenged with highly iodinated Tg (I-Tg) developed EAT of higher severity than Tg-primed controls, and lymph node cells (LNC) from I-Tg-primed hosts showed a higher proliferation in response to I-Tg in vitro than Tg-primed LNC reacting to Tg. Interestingly, I-Tg-primed LNC proliferated strongly in vitro against p2495, but not p2694, indicating efficient and selective priming with p2495 following processing of I-Tg in vivo. Tg-primed LNC did not respond to either peptide. Similarly, the p2495-specific, IL-2-secreting T cell hybridoma clone 5E8 was activated when I-Tg-pulsed, but not Tg-pulsed, splenocytes were used as APC, whereas the p2694-specific T cell hybridoma clone 6E10 remained unresponsive to splenic APC pulsed with Tg or I-Tg. The selective in vitro generation of p2495 was observed in macrophages or dendritic cells, but not in B cells, suggesting differential processing of I-Tg among various APC. These data demonstrate that enhanced iodination of Tg facilitates the selective processing and presentation of a cryptic pathogenic peptide in vivo or in vitro and suggest a mechanism that can at least in part account for the association of high iodine intake and the development of EAT.  相似文献   

Reduced and S-alkylated thyroglobulin (Tgb) from different species were shown by SDS-PAGE to contain small peptides (from 45-9 kDa) rich in thyroxine. Several hypotheses were proposed to explain their origin. The polypeptide composition of iodine-poor (Tgb A) and normally iodinated (Tgb B) human Tgb prepared by two different procedures (one minimizing and the other favoring post-mortem proteolysis) was compared in the native state and after in vitro iodination. Results show that one of the hormonogenic sites of human Tgb is part of a domain of the molecule most susceptible to proteolysis, especially when it is very iodinated.  相似文献   

Salek M  Lehmann WD 《Proteomics》2005,5(2):351-353
Peptides containing a monoiodo- or diiodo-tyrosine residue (monoiodo-Y, diiodo-Y) were found to generate abundant immonium ions following collision-induced dissociation at m/z 261.97 and 387.87 Da, respectively. These residue-specific marker ions are between about 140 mDa (monoiodo-Y) and 300 mDa (diiodo-Y) mass deficient relative to any other peptide fragment ions of unmodified peptides, qualifying them as highly specific marker ions for tyrosine iodination when analyzed by high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Two new iodination sites (Y-364 and Y-2165) were pinpointed in bovine thyroglobulin by MS/MS using these iodotyrosine-specific marker ions and combined tryptic/chymotryptic digestion.  相似文献   

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