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The self-assembly of myosin monomer into thick filament occurs via a two-step mechanism. At first a pair of myosin monomers reacts to form a parallel dimer; the dimer in turn adds to the filament ends at a rate that is independent of filament length. The rate of the dissociation reaction on the other hand is length-dependent. The 'off' rate constant has been shown to increase exponentially by a factor of 500 as the filament grows from the bare-zone out to its full length. The length of the filament is thus kinetically controlled; myosin is added to the filament at a fixed rate, whereas the dissociation rate increases to a point where equilibrium is established and the filament ceases to grow. The structural implications implicit in the mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Rat liver tryptophan pyrrolase haem is maximally depleted at 30 min after administration of a 400 mg/kg dose of 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide. This depletion lasts for 24 h, by which time 5-aminoleevulinate synthase activity becomes maximally enhanced. 2. though the above maximum depletion of pyrrolase haem (at 0.5h) is also produced by a 100 mg/kg dose of the porphyrogen, this does not enhance synthase activity at 24 h. It and smaller doses, however, cause a smaller but earlier enhancement of synthase activity (maximum at 2 h) and produce a similarly short-lived deplation of pyrrolase haem. 3. The depletion of pyrrolase haem and the enhancement of synthase activity by the porphyrogen are inhibited by compound SKF 525-A and phenazine methosulphate, and are potentiated by nicotinamide but not by phenobarbitone. Phenazine methosulphate and nicotinamide also exert opposite effects on hexobarbital sleeping-time. 4. 2-Allyl-2-isopropylacetamde also the depletes pyrrolase haem in vitro. It does so in liver homogenates of control rats in the presence, and in those of phenobarbitone-treated rats in the absence of added NADPH. 5. A discussion of the present results in relation to previous work with other haemoproteins suggests that, whereas cytochrome P-450 (haem) is primarily involved in the production of the active (porphyrogenic) metabolite(s) of 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide, the haem pool used by tryptophan pyrrolase may play an important role in the effects of this compound on haem biosynthesis.  相似文献   

1. Administration of haematin to rats decreases 5-aminolaevulinate synthase activity in whole liver homogenates. 2. An inverse relationship between this decrease and the increase in saturation of apo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) with haem is observed during the initial phase of treatment with haematin. 3. Significant changes in both functions are caused by a 1 mg/kg dose of haematin, whereas the maximum effects are achieved by the 5 mg/kg dose. 4. Prevention by allopurinol of the conjugation of exogenously administered haematin with apo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) renders this haem available for further repression of 5 aminolaevulinate synthase. 5. The various aspects of the relationship between synthase activity and the haem saturation of tryptophan pyrrolase are discussed.  相似文献   

The redox properties of the nitrogenase Mo-Fe protein from Klebsiella pneumoniae have been monitored by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy between -460 and -160mV (relative to the normal hydrogen electrode). Two redox processes associated with the atoms of the protein were observed. One at -216mV (pH 8.7) was associated with the Fe-Mo cofactor centres in the protein and allowed identification of the Mössbauer parameters of the oxidized form of these centres. The other redox process at -340mV (pH 8.7) was associated with species M5 [Smith & Lang (1974) Biochem. J. 137, 169-180]. This latter redox process may be involved in enzyme turnover. The oxidized form of species M5 interacts magnetically with species M4. The structural implications of the data have been considered in relation to other published data. It is concluded that an unequivocal assignment of the M4 and M5 atoms to Fe-S cluster types is not yet possible.  相似文献   

1. Chronic ethanol administration enhances rat brain 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis by increasing the availability of circulating tryptophan to the brain. This increased availability is not insulin-mediated or lipolysis-dependent. 2. Under these conditions, tryptophan accumulates in the liver and apo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) activity is completely abolished, but could be restored by administration of regenerators of liver NAD+ and/or NADP+. 3. All four regenerators used (fructose, Methylene Blue, phenazine methosulphate and sodium pyruvate) prevented the ethanol-induced increase in liver tryptophan concentration and the increased availability of tryptophan to the brain. 4. It is suggested that the enhancement of brain tryptophan metabolism by chronic ethanol administration is caused by the decreased hepatic tryptophan pyrrolase activity. The results are briefly discussed in relation to previous work with ethanol. 5. Fructose enhances the conversion of tryptophan into 5-hydroxyindol-3-ylacetic acid in brains of ethanol-treated rats, whereas Methylene Blue inhibits this conversion in both control and ethanol-treated animals.  相似文献   

1. Drugs such as phenobarbitone and phenylbutazone, which increase the concentration of microsomal haem and cytochrome P-450, also increase the saturation of rat liver apo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) with its haem activator, as does the haem precursor 5-aminolaevulinate. 2. At 4h after the administration of the porphyrogens 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide, 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine and griseofulvin, the total pyrrolase activity is increased whereas the haem saturation of the apoenzyme is decreased. This decreased saturation is prevented by pretreatment of the animals with the inhibitor of drug-metabolizing enzymes, SKF 525-A. 3. Pretreatment of rats with the above porphyrogens inhibits the rise in holo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) activity produced by subsequent administration of cortisol, tryptophan and 5-aminolaevulinate with two single exceptions, the possible reasons for which are discussed. 4. At 24h after the administration, in starved rats, of a single daily injection of the above porphyrogens for 1 or 2 days, the holoenzyme activity is significantly increased. 5. It is suggested that the saturation of rat liver apo-(tryptophan pyrrolase) with its haem activator can be modified by treatment known to cause destruction, inhibition of synthesis, increased utilization and enhanced synthesis of liver haem. The possible involvement of the latter phenomenon in the aetiology of mental disorders in some patients with porphyria is discussed.  相似文献   

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