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Summary The localization of inhibin -subunit in the human testis was studied at the light- and electron-microscope level with immunostaining techniques. Antibodies against specific fragments of porcine and human inhibin -subunits were utilized. At light microscopy, inhibin -subunit immunoreactivity was detected in Sertoli cells, spermatocytes and in some Leydig cells. At electron microscopy, gold labeling was found in the cisternae of the Golgi apparatus and in the endoplasmic reticulum of Sertoli and Leydig cells. Gold labeling for inhibin was also found in coated vesicles in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells as well as in coated pits and coated vesicles in the cytoplasm of some spermatocytes. The results of the present study suggest that, in the human testis, inhibin is produced by Sertoli and Leydig cells and is taken up by spermatocytes, on which it might act in a paracrine manner.  相似文献   

The human amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a member of the degenerin/ENaC family of ion channels and regulates fluid and electrolyte absorption across a number of epithelia, including kidney, colon and lung. Native ENaC has been shown to be a multimer made up of at least three homologous subunits (α, β, γ) and mutations affecting the channel complex have been identified in various human diseases. “Gain of function” mutations in one of the three ENaC subunits have been found to cause pseudoaldosteronism (Liddle’s syndrome) and ENaC “reduction of function” mutations are found in patients affected with the recessive form of pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) type 1. In this report, we describe the genomic organisation of the humanαENaC gene. Human αENaC consists of 13 exons spanning 17 kb on chromosome 12p13 and contains at least eight Alu sequences. In addition to the intron/exon boundaries, we have deciphered almost all the intron sequences and 475 bp of the CCAAT-less and TATA-less 5′ flanking region. Received: 23 December 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   

Although chemotaxis has been proposed to guide sperm to egg throughout the animal kingdom, sperm attractants released from mammalian eggs have not been identified. Since the G protein subunit α-gustducin is accepted as a marker of chemosensitive cells, attempts were made to explore whether α-gustducin is also expressed in spermatozoa of mammals. Immunohistochemical approaches using an anti-α-gustducin-specific antibody revealed the most intense immunoreactivity in differentiating spermatids. Further evidence for the α-gustducin expression was obtained analyzing testicular and sperm-derived tissue preparations in western blot analyses. To elucidate whether α-gustducin is retained in mature spermatozoa, epididymal mouse and rat sperm were subjected to immunocytochemistry as well as immunogold electron microscopy. A specific staining was obtained within the circumference of the midpiece-localized mitochondria, on the axoneme and the outer dense fibers surrounding the microtubules of this region, whereas no labeling was detectable in the end piece regions. The analysis of ejaculated bovine and human sperm revealed a comparable segmental distribution pattern for α-gustducin. Although a possible function for α-gustducin has yet to be determined, the axonemal-associated localization within the midpiece and principal piece of different mammalian spermatozoa raises the possibility that this G protein α-subunit may process intracellular signals controlling sperm motility. Johanna Fehr and Dorke Meyer contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary Single point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene were found in two Japanese cases of the cardiac form of Fabry disease; 301ArgGln (902GA) in a case that has already been published and 279GlnGlu (835CG) in a new case. They both expressed markedly low, but significant, amounts of residual activity in COS-1 cells. In contrast, two unrelated cases with classic Fabry disease were found to have different point mutations, which showed a complete loss of enzyme activity in a transient expression assay; 328GlyArg (982GA) in the downstream region of exon 6 in one case and two combined mutations, 66GluGln (196GC)/112ArgCys (334CT), in exon 2 in the other. We conclude, on the basis of the results recorded in this study and those in previous reports, that the pathogenesis of atypical Fabry disease is closely associated with point mutations in the upstream region of exon 6 of the -galactosidase A gene.  相似文献   

Pro-FXIIIa (the -subunit of FXIII with activation peptide, which must be removed to produce the active form of FXIIIa), cloned from human placenta cDNA library, was overexpressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris GS115 (his4) and secreted into the culture medium to yield the recombinant pro-FXIIIa subunit with a predicted molecular mass of approximately 83 kDa. The gene was located immediately downstream of the strong yeast alcohol oxidase promoter (AOX1). In shake flask culture, recombinant pro-FXIIIa (rFXIIIa) was secreted into the culture medium at above 50 mg l–1. The fibrin-stabilizing activity of the recombinant pro-FXIIIa, after thrombin activation, was confirmed using fibrin cross-linking patterns, and analyzed by SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Macrpglobulin (A2M) is a major human plasma protease inhibitor capable of inhibiting most endopeptidases tested so far. In the case of the other major plasma protease inhibitor, 1-antitrypsin, genetically determined deficiency states are known to increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 20- to 30-fold in affected individuals. No defects of the A2M gene have been described as yet, but A2M may play a role in the regulation of protease activity in the lung, especially with respect to those proteases not inhibited by 1-antitrypsin. We report here the molecular genetic detection of an alteration of the A2M gene in a patient with serum A2M deficiency and chronic lung disease since childhood. The alteration involves restriction sites detected with 10 different enzymes and is most probably caused by a major deletion or rearrangement of the gene. Nine of the restriction enzymes used detected no polymorphisms in 40 healthy control subjects and 39 COPD patients. The polymorphism detected in this patient with the enzyme PvuII was different from another described previously, and was found in this patient only. The patient is heterozygous for an alteration in the A2M gene; this may be responsible for his serum A2M deficiency and may be relevant to the early onset of pulmonary disease in his case.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of -thalassemia syndromes in several German families revealed DNA deletion as well as nondeletion forms as the molecular basis for the defects. Thus, the -thalassemia haplotype was identified as the (–)3.7 rightward deletion form, and the region of the putative recombination process generating such a deletion was further characterized. In addition three different ° haplotypes, (--)MED, (--)>26, and ()T, could be detected using -and -globin gene-specific probes.  相似文献   

The alpha(1)-inhibitory glycine receptor is a ligand-gated chloride channel composed of three ligand-binding alpha1-subunits and two structural beta-subunits that are clustered on the postsynaptic membrane of inhibitory glycinergic neurons. Dominant and recessive mutations in GLRA1 subunits have been associated with a proportion of individuals and families with startle disease or hyperekplexia (MIM: 149400). Following SSCP and bi-directional di-deoxy fingerprinting mutational analysis of 22 unrelated individuals with hyperekplexia and hyperekplexia-related conditions, we report further novel missense mutations and the first nonsense point mutations in GLRA1, the majority of which localise outside the regions previously associated with dominant, disease-segregating mutations. Population studies reveal the unique association of each mutation with disease, and reveals that a proportion of sporadic hyperekplexia is accounted for by the homozygous inheritance of recessive GLRA1 mutations or as part of a compound heterozygote.  相似文献   

Wang W  Fu G  Luo BH 《Biochemistry》2010,49(47):10158-10165
Integrin conformational changes mediate integrin activation and signaling triggered by intracellular molecules or extracellular ligands. Even though it is known that αβ transmembrane domain separation is required for integrin signaling, it is still not clear how this signal is transmitted from the transmembrane domain through two long extracellular legs to the ligand-binding headpiece. This study addresses whether the separation of the membrane-proximal extracellular αβ legs is critical for integrin activation and outside-in signaling. Using a disulfide bond to restrict dissociation of the α-subunit Calf-2 domain and β-subunit I-EGF4 domain, we were able to abolish integrin inside-out activation and outside-in signaling. In contrast, disrupting the interface by introducing a glycosylation site into either subunit activated integrins for ligand binding through a global conformational change. Our results suggest that the interface of the Calf-2 domain and the I-EGF4 domain is critical for integrin bidirectional signaling.  相似文献   

Summary Segments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) carrying the gene for the -subunit of F1-ATPase (atpA) were detected by Southern hybridization with atpA from pea as probe. In the case of Nicotiana langsdorffii, we identified four fragments that are derived from combinations of two different 5 and two different 3 flanking regions of atpA. All four types share the coding region, suggesting that they result from homologous recombination in the coding region of atpA. By contrast, N. glauca generated only one analogous fragment, which indicated the existence of only a single type of atpA in N. glauca. In the case of somatic hybrids obtained by fusion between protoplasts from N. langsdorffii and N. glauca, analysis with EcoRI or HindIII detected three new fragments in addition to the parental fragments. These new fragments can be explained by homologous recombination within the coding region of atpA. Our results show that the coding region of atpA is involved not only in intragenomic homologous recombination but can also be involved in homologous recombination between two parental mitochondrial genomes of somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) are ligases (EC.6.1.1.-) that catalyze the acylation of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs in the process of translating genetic information from mRNA to protein. Their amino acid and tRNA specificity are crucial for correctly translating the genetic code. Glycine is the smallest amino acid and the glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) belongs to Class II AARSs. The enzyme is unusual because it can assume different quaternary structures. In eukaryotes, archaebacteria and some bacteria, it forms an ??2 homodimer. In some bacteria, GlyRS is an ??2??2 heterotetramer and shows a distant similarity to ??2 GlyRSs. The human pathogen eubacterium Campylobacter jejuni GlyRS (CjGlyRS) is an ??2??2 heterotetramer and is similar to Escherichia coli GlyRS; both are members of Class IIc AARSs. The two-step aminoacylation reaction of tetrameric GlyRSs requires the involvement of both ??- and ??-subunits. At present, the structure of the GlyRS ??2??2 class and the details of the enzymatic mechanism of this enzyme remain unknown. Here we report the crystal structures of the catalytic ??-subunit of CjGlyRS and its complexes with ATP, and ATP and glycine. These structures provide detailed information on substrate binding and show evidence for a proposed mechanism for amino acid activation and the formation of the glycyl-adenylate intermediate for Class II AARSs.  相似文献   

A comparative study of STAT3 and STAT5 activity (assessed by tyrosine phosphorylation level) and the expression of an α-subunit of the interleukin-2 receptor (examined by cytophotometric evaluation of CD25 cell number) during phytohemaglutinin (PHA)-induced proliferation of human blood lymphocytes (HBLs) has been carried out. It was found that the level of STAT3 phosphorylation was high both in resting and competent HBLs and remained unchanged in the presence of PHA or interleukin-2 (IL-2). In contrast to STAT3, phosphorylation of STAT5 was not seen either in resting or competent HBL. In the presence of PHA, STAT5 phosphorylation was observed no earlier than in 2–5 h; maximal phosphorylation was detected after 24 h. In competent HBLs, exogenous IL-2 induced high phosphorylation of STAT5 in 30 min that was retained for the next 24–48 h. Alterations in the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT5 correlated with CD25 expression. WHI-P131, a JAK3 kinase inhibitor, prevents STAT5 activation, CD25 surface expression, and lymphocyte proliferation. It is concluded that JAK3/STAT5 signaling via an IL-2 receptor is necessary to support the long-term expression of a high-affinity αβγc-receptor of IL-2 and HBL optimal proliferation.  相似文献   

Genomic organization of the complex α-gliadin gene loci in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To better understand the molecular evolution of the large -gliadin gene family, a half-million bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library clones from tetraploid durum wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (2n=4x=28, genome AB), were screened for large genomic segments carrying the -gliadin genes of the Gli-2 loci on the group 6 homoeologous chromosomes. The resulting 220 positive BAC clones—each containing between one and four copies of -gliadin sequences—were fingerprinted for contig assembly to produce contiguous chromosomal regions covering the Gli-2 loci. While contigs consisting of as many as 21 BAC clones and containing up to 17 -gliadin genes were formed, many BAC clones remained as singletons. The accuracy of the order of BAC clones in the contigs was verified by Southern hybridization analysis of the BAC fingerprints using an -gliadin probe. These results indicate that -gliadin genes are not evenly dispersed in the Gli-2 locus regions. Hybridization of these BACs with probes for long terminal repeat retrotransposons was used to determine the abundance and distribution of repetitive DNA in this region. Sequencing of BAC ends indicated that 70% of the sequences were significantly similar to different classes of retrotransposons, suggesting that these elements are abundant in this region. Several mechanisms underlying the dynamic evolution of the Gli-2 loci are discussed.  相似文献   

A set of 18 synthetic uniform overlapping peptides spanning the entire extracellular part (residues 1–210) of the α-subunit of human acetylcholine receptor were studied for their binding activity of125I-labeled α-bungarotoxin and cobratoxin. A major toxin-binding region was found to reside within peptide α122–138. In addition, low-binding activities were obtained with peptides α34–49 and α194–210. It is concluded that the region within residues α122–138 constitutes a universal major toxin-binding region for acetylcholine receptor of various species.  相似文献   

The nature of the hormone(s) secreted by the pars tuberalis (PT) is still unknown. This pituitary lobe is mainly formed by specific glandular cells that differ in their ultrastructural features from the other adenohypophysial cell types. Data from the literature indicate the presence of thyroid-stimulating hormone immunoreactivity in the PT-specific cells of the rat and the Djungarian hamster but not of other species, including the mouse and guinea-pig. The PT also encloses variable numbers of pars distalis cells, essentially gonadotrophs that are mainly dispersed in its caudal area. We studied the expression of the glycoprotein hormone -subunit in the PT of the rat, mouse and guinea-pig by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. In situ hybridization, using an oligonucleotide probe complementary to rat cDNA sequence 196–237 revealed the expression of the -subunit gene throughout the PT of the rat and the mouse; in the guinea-pig, the probe labelled no pituitary cells. Light-and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry demonstrated -subunit immunoreactivity in the secretory granules of the PT-specific cells in the three species examined. These cells did not react with a specific antibody against the -subunit of luteinizing hormone, an antibody that labelled scattered gonadotrops. The present data suggest that hormone(s) produced by the PT-specific glandular cells are, at least partly, related to glycoprotein hormones.  相似文献   

The development of an effective vaccine against the schistosome is thought to be the most desirable means to control schistosomiasis, even though there is an effective means of chemotherapy with praziquantel. A full-length cDNA encoding the Schistosoma japonicum proteasome subunit alpha type 5 protein (SjPSMA5) was first isolated from 18-day-schistosomulum cDNAs. The cDNA had an open reading frame (ORF) of 747 bp and encoded 248 amino acids. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that SjPSMA5 is up-regulated in 18-day and 32-day schistosomes, and the level of expression in male is around fourfold higher than that in female worms at 42 days. The SjPSMA5 was subcloned into pET28a(+) and expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells. Western blotting showed that the recombinant SjPSMA5 (rSjPSMA5) was immunogenic. After immunization of BALB/c mice with rSjPSMA5, reductions of 23.29% and 35.24% were obtained in the numbers of worms and eggs in the liver, respectively. The levels of specific IgG antibodies and cells were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the group vaccinated with rSjPSMA5 combined with Seppic 206 adjuvant than in the other groups, as detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry. The study suggested that rSjPSMA5 induced partial immunoprotection against S. japonicum in BALB/c mice, and it could be a potential vaccine candidate against schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

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